Better Call Saul
Season 6, Episode 5
Black and Blue Transcript
While business booms for Jimmy, the vise tightens on the cat-and-mouse game between Gus and Lalo.
( Electricity humming )
( Humming stops )
In stiller Nacht
♪ ♪
Zur ersten Wacht
♪ ♪
Ein Stimm' begunnt zu klagen
♪ ♪
Der naecht'ge
♪ ♪
Wind hat suess und lind
♪ ♪
Zu mir den Klang getragen
♪ ♪
Von herben Leid und Traurigkeit
♪ ♪
Ist mir das Herz zerflossen
♪ ♪
Die Bluemelein
♪ ♪
Mit Traenen rein
♪ ♪
Hab' ich sie all' begossen
♪ ♪
Der schoene Mond will untergahn
♪ ♪
Fuer Leid nicht mehr mag scheinen
♪ ♪
Mit Traenen rein
♪ ♪
Hab' ich sie all' begossen
♪ ♪
Der schoene Mond will untergahn
♪ ♪
Fuer Leid nicht mehr mag scheinen
♪ ♪
Die Sterne lan ihr Glitzen stahn
♪ ♪
Mit mir sie wollen weinen
♪ ♪
Kein Vogel sang noch Freudenklang
♪ ♪
Man hoeret
♪ ♪
In den Lueften
♪ ♪
Die wilden Tier'
♪ ♪
Trauern auch mit mir
♪ ♪
In Steinen
♪ ♪
Und in Klueften
( Opening theme music playing )
( Insects chirping in distance )
( Sighs )
( Lighter taps lightly )
( Light clicks )
( Sighs )
Everything okay?
Can't sleep.
Figured I'd get a jump on work.
( Sighs )
I was hoping it was just me.
( Sighing lightly )
( Sniffles )
He never would've been here if I had...
( Sniffles )
If I had just... Jimmy.
The nuns back in Cicero would send me to hell for saying it, but...
thank God he's dead.
( Scoffs )
Jimmy: You want some coffee?
Kim: Sure.
( Water bubbling softly )
( Beeping in distance )
( Beeping stops )
( Indistinct conversations )
( Exhales )
( Intense music playing )
( Breathing heavily )
( Liquid frying in distance )
( Indistinct conversations in distance )
( Beeping )
( Indistinct conversations continue )
( Sizzling )
Man: To-go order?
( Whirring )
( Indistinct conversations continue )
Man: Got your six-piece bucket right here.
Woman: Thank you.
Enjoy. Welcome.
Can I take your order?
Gus: Ah.
Sir, I would be happy to help you here.
( Indistinct conversations )
Good afternoon.
May I take your order?
Yeah. I'd like a 12 piece bucket.
Extra spicy.
( Buttons clacking, beeping )
May I suggest our signature spice curls?
Sure. Gimme a large on that.
( High-pitched whine )
Also, two cokes and a side of coleslaw.
( Intense music playing )
( Clattering )
Sorry, Mr. Fring.
( Indistinct conversations )
( Suspenseful music plays )
We are currently in the middle of a process called "discovery."
What is "discovery," you might ask?
It's one of the most important parts of any case because it's when both parties are able to "discover," if you will, information that is relevant to the claims at issue.
Now this brings us to another key term...
If a document or a piece of evidence is "relevant," that means it has a tendency to prove... or disprove... an element in the case.
This whole thing is just takin' so darn long.
Unfortunately, high-stakes class actions like these often move on a protracted time line.
Well, okay, but some of us don't have a "protracted time line," if you know what I mean.
( Crowd murmuring )
My son thinks I should get my own lawyer.
You have every right to pursue independent legal representation.
Having said that...
Howard: Uh, absolutely.
It's great to see the next generation stepping up, isn't it?
Thank you, Ms. Brill.
Hi, everyone.
I'm so glad to be with you today.
For those of you who don't know me yet, I'm your lead attorney... Howard Hamlin.
Just call me Howard.
And this is my co-counsel, Cliff Main.
I know you all want to get to the finish line.
Boy, I-I sure do.
But I'm gonna level with you.
Truth is, we still have a ways to go. Why?
Because we want the maximum from Sandpiper.
We're pushing to get an extra 30% on top of the penalty.
Uh, not because we're greedy, no.
Because it's what you deserve.
Now, to get your due, it may take a little extra time.
Is it worth it? I think it is.
Because this isn't just about money.
It's about people.
It's about you. Sally, right?
( Chuckles )
Right. Sally.
And you, sir. We're sending a message...
We're not gonna let big corporations pick the pockets of hard-working folks.
I-I want to live in a world where people can trust each other.
And I bet you do, too.

Main: Thanks again, both of you. Thank you for coming. Thank you.
Woman: Oh, I feel better. Thank you.
Mm-hmm. Bye.
Okay. Bye, now.
Thank you.
You take care.
Well, I think we just put out a major fire.
That was impressive.
Erin, I'll see you back at the office.
Okay. Bye, Howard. Howard...
Bye. ...I need a minute. What's up?
I threw a woman out of my car.
In the middle of the street.
And I... Zip, I just drive right past ya...
( Stammers )
That's what you're saying.
No, I-I don't even...
( Inhales sharply )
I don't know how to respond to that.
I'm not asking you to respond.
I just need you to know that I know. It wasn't me, Cliff.
Whoever you think you saw...
Yeah, I'm sorry, but that's the kinda thing my son used to say.
It was your Jaguar, your "Namaste" plate.
It was you!
Howard, there's no harm in asking for help.
You got a lot of people in your corner.
So, there's the...
the baggie at the country club.
Yes. After that, some clients...
Who you can't name because of privilege..
make insinuations.
Then, on Thursday, you have a business meeting, and you witness a Jaguar speeding past. Who were you meeting with?
I'm not sure why that's germane, but...
Kim Wexler. She came to me for career advice.
( Grunts )
All right. Okay.
Of course.
( Chuckles )
Of course. Cliff, I know this wasn't easy for you. You came to me as a friend.
I appreciate it.
You can start today, Howard. Oh, I will. Because you're right.
I do have a problem. Just not the problem you think.
I have a Jimmy McGill problem.
J-Jimmy McGill?
You'll have to excuse me. Howard! Julie.
( Car alarm beeps )
Cancel my week.
My whole week.
( Wilson Phillips' "Release Me" plays )
♪ '
Cause you're a waste of time for me
♪ ♪
I'm trying to make you see
( Engine shuts off )
( Intense music playing )
( Engine revs, tires squeal )
( Indistinct conversations )
( Intense music continues )
( Knocking on glass )
( Scoffs )
( Grunts )
Whoa! Hold up!
Justice will be served in four and a half minutes.
9:00 a.m. sharp.
I look forward to sitting down with each and every one of you.
( Lock clicks )
Morning rush.
So, that's your station.
Temporarily, of course.
But check it out.
Center stage. What?
That? That...
It's garbagio.
( Fingers snap )
On its way to the dumpster.
I know that this place needs a little TLC.
But this is just day one.
Two weeks from now, you won't recognize it.
Where's Ms. Wexler?
Uh, you mean my wife?
That's right... made an honest woman out of her.
She's blazing her own trail, and I couldn't be prouder.
So it's just...
Me. Just me.
For now.
But think of it this way...
Half the work.
( Exhales sharply )
What happened to the old folks?
Elder law?
( Horn honks in distance )
Uh, I expanded the mission, uh, to be more inclusive.
Here at Saul Goodman and Associates, we welcome all ages, all creeds, all stripes.
And who is this Saul Goodman?
( Chuckles )
You got it! What Colonel Sanders is to chicken, Saul Goodman is to the law
. Why me?
Because I trust you.
And what happened last time, I-I-I wanna make it up to ya.
( Pounding on glass )
I will explain at the end of the day.
Please. You...
( Sighs )
You're just desperate and need a warm body. Good luck.
Where're you going? Back to the MVD.
I took half a personal day for this.
What if I double your salary?
My salary at the MVD or what you were paying me before?
Whatever's less.
( Scoffs )
No! Whatever's more.
"More" is the word I'm looking for.
Did I mention...
( Sighs ) ...the signing bonus?
I get a say in the decorating.
Open for business.
One at a time. Thank you.
I'll be right out.
( Engines rumbling )
( Frank Jr Zaruba's "Beginning Of The End" plays )
( Indistinct conversations )
Kim: Oh, Viola. Hey. O-Over here.
( Sighs )
Thanks for meeting me.

Viola: Of course.
I wanted to apologize.
( Sighs )
Leaving Schweikart...
I'm sure it looked sudden, but sorry I left you in the lurch.
You probably had to clean up Mesa Verde, everything that happened there.
Kevin. Kevin.
( Chuckles )
Anyway, I'm sure it's a lot.
Actually, Mesa Verde calmed down.
Rich moved me over to Sandpiper.
Mm. Right.
I think I heard that.
How's it going?
It's pretty interesting so far.
It's a deep dive into class action.
Uh, we have our first mediation session in a couple of weeks.
Oh. Already?
Who'd you get?
Hope it's not Roger Patch.
Oh, God. Patch?
With the vegan patties?
( Chuckles )
What is in those things?
It's gotta be 80% garlic. So healthy!
( Both laugh )
No. It-It's not...
It's a new guy. A retired judge, who lives up in Santa Fe...
He seems fine, smells fine.
( Laughs )
Well, then, you dodged a bullet.
I'm glad you called.
Um, I've been wanting to tell you.
Everyone was so shocked when you walked away.
I mean, you were a partner.
I'm sure it seemed very...
weird. It did at first.
But I get it now.
What you're doing to help the little guy.
It's incredible.
( Scoffs )
I'm just getting started. I really admire you, Kim.
Changing direction like that.
Sometimes, I question all of it, but...
you make me feel better about the law.
( Laughs )
( Insects chirping )
( Brakes squeak )
( Engine shuts off, dog barks in distance )

Jimmy: Hit and run, 15 minutes. Shoplifting?
I can, uh, knock that out in 10.
Yeah, 10.
This ain't fine dining, okay?
Our business model is turning tables.
So, Francesca, I'm here.
Remind me again why I'm making a house call.
Sounds like money.
Okay. Great.
Great work.
( Door creaks )
( Headset beeps )
( Knocks on door )
Mr. Ward! Hey.
( Dog barks in distance )
( Clears throat )
I'm an attorney.
I have an appointment with Mr. Ward.
So, are you Mr. Ward?
Well, good evening to you, whatever your name is.
( Chuckles )
Hello, Jimmy.
Mr. Ward, I presume.
As in, H.O. Ward.
That is really cute, Howard.
So, wait.
That means, uh...
You're the guy who "shanked some dude "in a rumble near Central Penn"?
( Scoffs )
That's very street of you.
I thought it sounded like a Saul Goodman kind of case.
All right, so, what're we doing here?
I'm tired, Jimmy.
You and me.
Us. I'm tired of this.
Aren't you?
It's exhausting.
Let's punch it out.
( Chuckles )
Are you kidding?
I'm dead serious.
Hoping you might get it out of your system.
Do I think it'll work?
I don't know.
Call it a Hail Mary.
I have the gear.
I rented the ring.
It's just you and me.
And Macky, to ref. I am sorry, but have you lost your mind?
Actually, I'm as clear-headed as I've ever been in my life.
You didn't even try to hide your tracks.
The baggie of drսg at the country club.
The clients you sent to discredit me.
Another prοst¡tսte.
Okay, once again, as usual, I have...
I could go on.
All roads lead back to you.
It's Psych 101.
You want to get caught.
So, what, is this...
It's like pistols at dawn?
I'm trying to give you what you want.
What I want? I don't...
( Train whistle blows in distance )
I think this is what you want...
You want to beat the sh¡t out of me, legally?
I think you can hold up your end.
You must have gotten into a few good scrapes in the old neighborhood.
Yeah, right.
I could a been a contender.
Indulge me.
Let's see what we see.
( Chuckles ) Thanks for the laughs.
( Laughs )
Mr. Ward.
( Laughs )
( Train whistle blows in distance )
♪ ♪
Macky: Come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
I need you to keep your mitts up, protect your face.
Tap gloves.
Come on. G'head.
Come on, Howard. Come on.
( Breathing sharply )
Yeah! I'm the champ!
Look at me!
Come on.
Here we go, here we go.
Hit me.
Take a shot.
Come on.
Take a shot. Oh!
( Grunts )
All right, all right, all right.
( Grunting )
( Grunting )
( Chuckles )
( Groaning )
Here we go.
Grunts )
( Panting )
Okay, okay.
( Grunts )
( Grunts )
( Chuckles )
( Both grunting )
( Both panting )
( Grunting )
( Music stops )
( Breathing heavily )
You've mistaken my kindness for weakness.
I'd like to think that tonight made a difference.
I'd like to think that this ends it.
Probably not.
( Groans softly )
( Electricity humming )
( Groaning softly )
( Footsteps approach )
How'd it go?
( Sighs )
Pretty much as expected.
So... we're on?
Anything in particular you want me to look for?
I need to know everything he does and everyone he talks to.
You got it.
Okay, then.
See you Friday.
( Dog barking in distance )
( Engine starts )
( Dog barking in distance )
( Engine starts )
( Insects chirping )
( Engines rumbling in distance )
( Vehicle approaches )
( Brakes squeak )
( Engine shuts off )
( Cigarette extinguishes )
Ow, ow, ow.
( Groans ) What are you doing?
Put the ice back on it.
Well, I gotta see if this will work.
( Sighs )
I got court first thing in the morning.
I can't show up looking like Leon Spinks.
Why not?
I'd say you'd be missing a bet.
"I'm Saul Goodman...
Pow! I fight for you."
( Laughs )
How'd it go with Viola?
I got a name. Rand Casimiro.
Retired judge. Wow.
You wormed it out of her.
Nice work.
I don't know him, but I found a picture in the Bar Journal.
( Sighs )
Ah, love the 'stache.
That's a lot less face to worry about.
Unless he shaves.
Are you kidding?
Those handlebars?
No, that's years of grooming.
"I'll fight for you," huh?
( Chuckles softly )
( Sighs )
I should've left Howard standing there like a yutz.
I let him suck me into his game.
Why'd I do that?
You had your reasons.
I did? Like what?
You know. I know?
( Sighs )
You know what's coming next.
( Toto's "Georgy Porgy" plays )
It's not your situation
♪ ♪
I just need contemplation
♪ ♪
Over you
( Dog barking in distance )
I'm not so systematic
♪ ♪
It's just that I'm an addict for your love
♪ ♪
I'm not the only one that holds you
♪ ♪
I never ever should have told you
♪ ♪
You're my only girl
♪ ♪
I'm not the only one that holds you
♪ ♪
I never ever should have told you
♪ ♪
You're my only world
( Engine shuts off )
( Garage door closes )
( Groans )
Hey, Mike.
( Door closes )
You good?
All quiet.
You guys get dinner?
Yeah, we ate.
Mm. Mm. Bike at 5:40?
Just a kid dropping off menus.
It was legit. Mm-hmm.
He asleep?
( Clipboard taps lightly )
All right.
( Sighs )
( Scratching in distance )
( Scratching continues )
( Scratching stops )
You know, part of the reason we set it up this way is so you can get some rest.
No news yet, I take it.
It's a waiting game.
Wherever he is now, sooner or later, he's gonna end up right here.
( Breathing deeply )
He can't strike.
Not yet.
( Faucet running )
( Faucet stops )
( Machinery whirring )
( Electricity humming )
( Whirring stops )
( Footsteps approach )
( Power thumps on )
( Electricity humming )
Mike: The other end of the tunnel is plugged with 420 cubic yards of dirt, topped with a cement pad.
No one's coming in that way.
I can put more guys on the place, if that's what you're thinking.
( Flashlight clicks )
I'll be upstairs.
( Suspenseful music plays )
( Clang ) ( Electricity humming )
( Metal clinking )
( Sighs softly )
( Clicking, power thumps off )
( Speaking German )
( Beeping )
( Affirmative beeping )
( Beeping )
Sally Ride... B.
( Negative beeping )
( Laughs )
( Speaking German )
Bartender: Vodka or gin?
Man: ( Chuckles )
Gimme whatever you'd like.
You American?
I guess you can spot us a mile away.
Yeah, I'm here on business.
Bartender: From California?
No, New Mexico.
It's, uh, another state.
I mean, it's like California, just less traffic, ya know?
( Indistinct conversations )
Thank you.
Little town called Jemez. Jemez?
I almost visited there once.
This close.
Well, I'm sorry you didn't make it.
It's a beautiful place, the hot springs.
Yes, that's what I was wanting.
You know, the, um, hmm...
Oh, how do you say?
The "minerals"?
Well, it's similar.
So relaxing for the muscles.
Well. Maybe you'll get to go there another time.
No, I don't think so, but it's a nice idea.
Maybe a trip to Karlovy Vary.
The baths there are wonderful.
To... Kar-lovy V-Vary?
( Chuckles ) Mm.
Not far from Prague.
Oh. Prague.
Yes, there.
I've always wanted to go visit there.
I'm Ben. Ben.
I'm Margaret he.
Well, it's very nice to meet you, Margaret he.
Margarethe: I knew his work was dangerous, but...
I never imagined such a thing.
Well... I suppose I tried not to.
That is terrible.
What kind of accident was it?
A cave-in. A cave-in?
He was able to save his men.
He got them out.
But then the structure collapsed.
So your husband was a hero.
( Chuckles )
He would never accept that.
My Werner was too humble.
What were they building there?
My husband didn't talk much about his work.
It was very secretive.
I'm sure they must have told you something.
The lawyers came to my house.
I asked questions.
They wouldn't say much. Lawyers.
They went through Werner's things, took anything that they called, uh...
Oh, how do you say it...
I'm sorry. My English is...
Ah, it's excellent.
( Chuckles ) I didn't care about it...
All the boxes of folders, his papers.
Why do I need all that stuff?
And what about your husband's men?
I mean, they must've said something to you.
Werner loved "seine Jungs,"
his boys.
But I never even met them. What do you mean...
not even at the funeral?
You'd think they'd want to pay respect to the man who saved their lives.
They sent flowers, keepsakes, and so on.
But not one of them showed his face. Wow...
That is...
( Sighs )
It's just not right.
Mm. Let's speak of something else.
Tell me about New Mexico.
( Chuckles )
You would love it.
Lalo: So, how do you say it?
Margarethe: ( Laughs )
( Both laugh )
Not bad.
All right?
That's... Not bad. Yeah?
People don't live in them anymore, but for centuries, they, uh...
( Sighs )
Here we are.
My little cave.
It's nice.
( Chuckles )
So quiet.
( Laughs )
Oh, yes, all quiet...
( Dog barking )
...except for Baerchen.
( Chuckling )
( Laughs )
It means "Little Bear."
I'd like to invite you in...
( Dog barking )
...but I have work in the morning.
Of course.
That's not...
( Barking continues )
When do you fly home?
Well, in another life.
( Chuckles )
In another life, yes.
Good night. Good night.
( Barking continues )
( Mid-tempo music plays )
( Engines rumbling )
( Bell rings ) ( Door opens )
( Bell rings )
( Bell rings )
( Dog barking )
( Lock disengages )
( Barking continues )
( Growling )
( Speaking Spanish )
Si. Shh, shh, shh.
( Dog barking )
( Lock disengages )
( Barking continues )
( Barking continues )
( Speaking German )
( Dog whines )
( Sighs )
( Closing theme music playing )
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Frases memorables.
" Has confundido mi amabilidad con debilidad " .
―Howard a Jimmy
Featured Music
"In stiller Nacht" originally composed by Johannes Brahms, performed by Pink Martini & The Von Trapps (teaser)
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