Titulo del blogger

El teatro.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020


Aldo Ahumada Chu-Han

Jimmy rolls a squeaky mail cart, giving out mail to the workers of HHM.

JIMMY: Hey, Gene.

Jimmy hands mail to Gene

GENE: Thanks, Jimmy.

JIMMY: Trina.

Jimmy hands mail to Trina

TRINA: Hey, Jimmy.

JIMMY: Got a package, Dan.

Jimmy hands a package to Dan. While Dan is on the phone, he mouths a thank you to Jimmy.

JIMMY: How's it going? What's up?

He hands off one more item of mail, then heads towards Kim's office


Jimmy pushes the cart through HHM until he reaches Kim's office. Jimmy enters.


KIM: Hey, yourself. Jimmy, I'm really slammed. Just tell me what you need.

Jimmy shuts the door

KIM: What is it?

Jimmy puts has hand out towards Kim, in his hand is a letter.

JIMMY: I can't open it.

Kim takes the letter out of his hand. After letting out a sigh, she opens it.

JIMMY: So, what does it say?

Kim chuckles and kisses Jimmy.


Chuck, while sitting at his desk, reads something he wrote on a notepad.

CHUCK: I must call to your attention the newly passed Environmental Impact and Sustainability Assurance Act, a statute that, as you know, went into effect without any ex post facto provisions in place-

JIMMY: You got a second, Chuck?

CHUCK: Um, not really. I'm kind of-

JIMMY: It'll just take two seconds. I promise.

CHUCK: All right.

Chuck puts his notepad and pen on his desk and recieves the letter from Jimmy

CHUCK: What's this? Is this a joke?

JIMMY: No. No joke.

CHUCK: You you passed the bar?

JIMMY: Yeah. I did. I thought if Kim could do it, maybe I can, too, you know? So I got my last few credits for undergrad from a community college. I mean, they're not just for draft dodgers and yoga classes, all right? Then I found a law school that would accept me. You know, wasn't Georgetown or anything, but The University of American Samoa.

CHUCK: Oh. Correspondence school.

JIMMY: Well, I wasn't gonna quit work, right? - Mm-hmm. Day nights, weekends, you know? They call it "distance learning" nowadays. But they're accredited. Go, Land Crabs. So, you know, I did that. And, um, the bar exam's a mother. I mean, for me it was. I failed it the first two times, but I guess it's like losing your virginity third time's the charm.

CHUCK: This must have taken you years. And you kept it a secret all this time. Why? You didn't come to me for help?

JIMMY: Jesus, Chuck, you're the busiest guy I know. I mean, you're doing important shit.

Chuck laughs

CHUCK: Wow! I don't know what to say.

JIMMY: Well, are you proud of me?

CHUCK: Hmm? Oh Yes! Absolutely.

JIMMY: Thanks. Chuck, that means a lot. Oh, hey-

Jimmy sits at Chuck's desk

JIMMY: I was hoping, you know, if you think it's appropriate, um, once I get sworn in and everything.. Consider hiring me?

CHUCK: As what? Oh. A lawyer.

Chuck laughs

CHUCK: Obviously. Yeah. Well, that's a question I'm gonna have to take up with Howard and the other partners. Uh, you know, it's not my decision alone. But how could they say no? So much drive. Jimmy, look what you've done here.


Jimmy is having an office party to celebrate the news. The first piece of cake is cut and served.

BURT: Oh, yeah! Whoo! Oh, man.

KIM: I told those guys devil's food.

BURT: All right, all right!

JIMMY: Yeah. Well, I will sue the store for you.

KIM: Good.

BURT: Just remember us when you're all big-time, huh?

JIMMY: I don't remember you now, Burt.

BURT: You're representing mail room, so you show those upstairs jackholes how it gets

Hamlin walks up to the party and knocks to get their attention

HAMLIN: Hey. What are you folks up to? Having a party?

Jimmy chuckles

KIM: Just a little celebration on behalf of New Mexico's newest attorney.

HAMLIN: I heard. Jesus, Jimmy, you're a regular Charlie Hustle. Congratulations, my friend.

JIMMY: Oh, thank you. Thanks.

KIM: Uh, would you like some cake?

JIMMY: Oh, here.

Jimmy hands Hamlin the cake.

HAMLIN: Uh, don't mind if I do. Really, really impressive, Jimmy. We're all proud of you. Hey, I hate to interrupt. But could you guys give Jimmy and me a moment?

BURT: Sure.

KIM: Yeah, absolutely.

Everyone leaves the room except Jimmy and Hamlin

HAMLIN: Please, sit down.

The door shuts. The conversation between Hamlin and Jimmy continues, but the audience can only see it, and not hear. After their conversation is over, Hamlin opens the door and starts to walk out.

HAMLIN: Uh, let's reassess in six months. Thanks for understanding, Jimmy. Uh, you want the door open or closed?

JIMMY: Closed.

Hamlin shuts the door. The camera slowly pans out on Jimmy



Kim adjusts the position of her Law degree diploma on her wall as Hamlin knocks and enters her office.

HAMLIN: How's it going?

KIM: Uh, settling back in.

HAMLIN: Great. So, apparently, they are ready for us.

Kim continues to unpack while talking

KIM: Oh, thanks, but I want to get a couple things done before lunch, and I'm still trying to settle

HAMLIN: Come on, Kim. You deserve this. Come bask in the glow.

Hamlin exits her office


The camera pans out from Hamlin on TV talking about the Kettleman case

HOWARD: Thank you all for coming. I appreciate you making time in the middle of your busy days. I'm pleased to announce that working closely with the Bernalillo County district attorney's office, we have reached a plea agreement for former treasurer Craig Kettleman. We believe this is a just and fair outcome and brings to a close an incident Mr. Kettleman deeply regrets. He is committed to making amends for his mistakes


JIMMY: Yeah, I'm here to see Mrs. Landry.

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Oh. Sign in right here, please.

Jimmy grabs the pen and paper from the employee and signs in.


JIMMY: Lawyer. But I treat my clients like family.

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Oh. Uh, you know where to find her?

JIMMY: Yeah. Thanks.


Saul walks into the general living area for the elderly people who live in the assistant living home. The elderly are sitting in chairs watching a TV show. Jimmy walks up and engages conversation.

JIMMY: Hey. Good morning, folks. Hi. Jimmy McGill. I oh. Hey, pick a card, any card.

Jimmy hands a deck of cards to one of the men sitting in the chairs, and the man takes one card.

JIMMY: All right. How's it going there? Good.

Jimmy shakes the hand of the man he was talking to

JIMMY: Whoa! Not so tight. Oh.

Jimmy notices that one man is asleep

JIMMY: Shh. Little surprise from the card fairy.

Jimmy places a card in the man's pocket while he is sleeping


Saul briefly walks outside a water aerobics class in order to get to his client's residence.

WATER AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR: Give me back squeeze. Squeeze whatever you got that's below the water that I can't see. Oh, yeah.


The camera pans away from a painting on the wall to Jimmy and Mrs. Landry sitting down at a table.

JIMMY: All right, Mrs. Landry, just a few more signatures, and, uh thy will be done.

MRS. LANDRY: Would you like another Hydrox?

JIMMY: No, thank you. I'm all Hydrox'd out.

MRS. LANDRY: Well, please help yourself if you change your mind.

JIMMY: All right. That one.

Mrs. Laundry signatures her name on the document

JIMMY: Okay. And that one. And that is it.

MRS. LANDRY: What a relief. I should have done this years ago.

JIMMY: Well, people do tend to put it off.

Jimmy takes the paper and starts putting it away.

JIMMY: But everybody should have a will. Please tell your friends. And that comes to $140. And I'm happy to take, uh, cash or a check or, uh cash.

Mrs. Landry gets money out, and realizes it isn't enough.

MRS. LANDRY: One moment.

Mrs. Landry walks over to a shelf and opens a cylindrical container looking for more money.

JIMMY: Could you write me a check?

MRS. LANDRY: Well, it's been so long, I really don't know if I have enough in my account. I am so sorry.This this is awful, but. All I have is $43.

JIMMY: Okay.

MRS. LANDRY: Now, I could ask for an advance. I am so sorry.

JIMMY: It's fine.

MRS. LANDRY: I don't know what to say. This is awful. Uh, oh, you could keep the will until I get my allowance, and and that should only be until the end of next week.

JIMMY: Okay, that's not necessary. Here's my address. Just mail it to me when you've got it, all right? And why don't we, uh we'll just make it an even $120. All right?

MRS. LANDRY: Thank you. You have a nice day.


Saul starts walking away. After just a few steps he goes back and knock on Mrs. Landry's door. Mrs. Landry opens the door.

JIMMY: Excuse me. Allowance? Your family has you on an allowance?

MRS. LANDRY: Oh, no, no. It's it's my money. I just get it from Sandpiper Crossing. $500 a month.

JIMMY: I don't understand. You should have social security checks. Plus that pension we talked about. So how are you on an allowance?

MRS. LANDRY: Well, the checks go to Sandpiper, and then they take out my fees and and my expenses. Why don't you just come on in? I'm afraid I'm not explaining it very well.


MRS. LANDRY: I have statements here somewhere. Somewhere.

Mrs. Landry walks into another room to find the statements

JIMMY: So your pension and social security goes straight to the Sandpiper people?

Mrs. Landry walks back into the room with a box

MRS. LANDRY: They take out- they take out what they need, and then and then I get my allowance. Here.

Both Jimmy and Mrs. Landry sit down, and she hands him the statements.

MRS. LANDRY: And all the rest goes into my savings account. It's really all very above-board. A lot of places do it this way.

JIMMY: This is how they do it for everybody around here?

MRS. LANDRY: Well, yes, they they try to make everything easy for us.

JIMMY: Mrs. Landry, are any of your friends around who I could talk to?


The Sandpiper Crossing employee walks to her desk. The TV is on in the background. She then notices Jimmy talking to some residents in the other room. She walks up to the window and watches.

JIMMY: I see you spent now, I don't know if you noticed $187.50 on 4-10-12. Do you know what 4-10-12 is?


JIMMY: In order to find out, you have to look on the back. Okay? And see this key. I see you have reading glasses. Can I borrow your glasses?


The elderly woman hands Jimmy her glasses. Jimmy then puts on the glasses and tries to read the document

JIMMY: Thank you. Oh, these are gonna help me, but I don't know if they'll do the trick. So tiny. 4-10-12. I think it might be Q-tips.I can't tell. It's probably an accident, but we should look into it. Don't you think? They're not doing this intentionally. Okay? This could be a mistake. But if we correct the mistake, then you'll get some money back, and it'll be fair.

The Sandpiper Crossing employee turns and walks away.


Jimmy closes the door as he enters Chuck's house. Chuck is sitting on the couch reading as Jimmy comes in.

JIMMY: Hey, Chuck. My boxes, the ones I left. Oh.

Jimmy sees the boxes and goes towards it. Chuck puts down what he was reading and walks towards Saul. He finds Saul rummaging through papers

JIMMY: Sandpiper Crossing, Sandpiper Crossing. Did you do my wills?

CHUCK: Yes, I did.

JIMMY: Hey. Would you look at that? Thank you.

CHUCK: Don't thank me. This was a one-time thing, and don't think I don't see what you were doing here. You wanted to play Tom Sawyer, wanted me to paint the fence, and god help me, it worked. You need help? Hire a paralegal, stand on your own two feet.

JIMMY: Yeah, Sure. I'll do that.

CHUCK: You're not even listening to me.

JIMMY: No, I-I hear you, Chuck, okay? Self-reliance. It's great stuff. Would you look at this?

CHUCK: What did I just say?

JIMMY: Take a look, okay? Just right here. Do you see what I see? All I'm asking is for you to take a look. Please?

Jimmy hands the paper so Chuck can read it.

CHUCK: "Sandpiper Crossing"

JIMMY: It's a retirement home, assisted living. It's this is one of their monthly invoices they send their residents.

CHUCK: What exactly am I looking for?

JIMMY: It's nothing earth-shaking. Just little things, little things like like this right here.

CHUCK: $14 for code 118-62. What's 118-62?

JIMMY: I wonder.

Jimmy flips the paper and hands it back to Jimmy

CHUCK: How could you even read this? It's like microfilm.

Chuck walks over to his desk as Jimmy follows him. Chuck groans and picks up a magnifying glass, then uses it to read the document.

CHUCK: 118-62 is facial tissue. 14 bucks for a box of Kleenexes.

JIMMY: Yeah, I found others. There's $3.50 for a single roll of toilet paper, It's a clear pattern of overcharging. Nothing huge, but it adds up to real money. I mean, here, look. This woman she got soaked for like 400 bucks last month.

Saul hands Chuck another document

JIMMY: And there's a pretty solid attempt at concealment of that fact, which to my way of thinking, makes it-

CHUCK: Fraud. This was in work I did?

JIMMY: Yeah, you must have missed it. Um, look, Chuck, I got lucky, right? Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. And this is no mom-and-pop outfit, okay? I dug around a little. They're owned by some kind of real-estate investment trust. I'm working at getting more info, but this could be big. I mean, this could be a big case, right?

CHUCK: Well if it's more than a few errant billings and if it's systematic and you establish a pattern, it could be class-action.

JIMMY: What do I do now? I mean, what next?

CHUCK: Well, you're gonna need more information. You don't want to go off half-cocked.

JIMMY: Full cock. Okay. No, I I'm gonna head back there. Thank you. You're the best.

Jimmy exits Chuck's house


Jimmy pulls into an empty parking place


JIMMY: Back to see Mrs. Landry.

The Sandpiper Crossing employee hastily takes away the sign-in clipboard

JIMMY: Okay. What gives?

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Sorry, sir. New policy. We're concerned about solicitation on premises.

JIMMY: I'm not a gigolo, if that's what you're implying.

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Legal solicitation. We are obligated to protect our residents from being harassed, and we have the right to refuse entry.

Jimmy notices a woman in the other room shredding papers.

JIMMY: I have clients in there. Now, they have the legal right to meet with me.

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Well, you'll just have to arrange to meet them elsewhere.

Regardless of what the employee said, Jimmy tries to enter anyway. He's stopped by two large men.

JIMMY: Oh, come on, guys. Seriously? What, are you making soylent green back there? It's all right, okay. I'm backing away.

Jimmy starts to exit the building, but then comes right back in.

JIMMY: Yeah? You know what? Hey, this has gotten me a little bit stirred up down there. Can I use your restroom? Please, it's I've got I.B.S.


Jimmy walks into the bathroom.


Jimmy sits on a toilet and takes out a notepad. He quickly looks through all the pages. After seeing that they all have writing on them, he tears them on out and starts writing on the back of the notepad.

JIMMY: "To Sandpiper Crossing clients of James M. McGill - This is to inform you to stay-"

The Sandpiper Crossing Employee knocks on the door.

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Sir? Are you all right in there?

JIMMY: "We believe that breach of contract"

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Come on, now, sir. I've been very patient.

JIMMY: "clear pattern of malfeasance. This is a negligent infliction of emotional distress."

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Sir, I really need you to finish up and come out now.

JIMMY: "Contact by the end of the week or I will be forced to move forward."

SANDPIPER CROSSING EMPLOYEE: Sir, I need you to finish up

Jimmy walks out of the bathroom and confronts the employee

JIMMY: This is a demand letter informing Sandpiper Crossing of pending litigation for defrauding my clients through systematic overcharging. You're shredding in there! I'm not deaf! I can hear you! Stop right now! This here this makes it official, right? If you don't stop shredding right now, that's destruction of evidence spoliation! That's what it's called, and it's a felony! So call your lawyers right now and tell them I said that me James McGill esquire!


The two large men forcefully take Jimmy outside and throw him to the ground.

JIMMY: I'm telling you guys, big mistake! Aah!


Mike sits in his booth doing a crossword puzzle. After letting a car into the lot, his cellphone rings. Mike answers the phone

MIKE: Hey.

STACEY: Hey. Am I calling at a bad time?

MIKE: No, not at all. How you doing?

STACEY: Uh, pretty good. Getting by. How about you?

MIKE: Getting by. It's good to hear from you.

STACEY: Yeah. I've been- there's been a lot going on. You know how it is.

MIKE: Yeah, I know.

STACEY: Uh, listen. I was was hoping maybe you could do me a favor. Do you think you could watch Kaylee? It'd be during my shift the day after tomorrow. Look, I hate to ask, but my regular sitter's down-

MIKE: Anything you need, I'll be there.

STACEY: You can get off work? I don't want to impose or anything.

A car pulls up, which Mike lets go by without a sticker

MIKE: No. Anytime. It's not an imposition.

STACEY: Thanks. Appreciate it.

MIKE: Yeah, no problem.

STACEY: At a quarter to 2:00?

MIKE: I'll see you then.


Stacey hangs up the phone


Jimmy views the Sandpiper Crossing employee taking out the trash from in his car. After the employee goes back inside, he then gets out of his car, goes to the dumpster, and looks inside of it.

JIMMY: Oh, Jesus!

The horrible stench makes Jimmy cough. He proceeds to climb into the dumpster.


He wedges a box under the top of the dumpster's plastic cover, giving him more air and light.

JIMMY: Come on. Where is it?

Jimmy picks up a dirty diaper

JIMMY: God damn it!

The two men that threw Jimmy out of Sandpiper Crossing start walking up to the dumpster. While having a conversation, they dump trash into the dumpster without noticing Jimmy.

HAROLD: And it didn't even make it fit. And I'm like, "it's not like we're close to being done. I mean, can't you get somebody else to do it?"

MAN 2: Right. They don't pay any of us enough for this shit.

HAROLD: You know what? And it's going on and on and on. And so I'm like, "why are you making your problems my problems?"

MAN 2: Right. Like you don't have enough problems of your own.

HAROLD: Exactly! That's exactly what I'm saying. Thank you. But he just-

The two men walk away. Jimmy's cellphone starts to ring. He speaks into the phone with a whisper.

JIMMY: James McGill.

SCHWEIKART: Mr. McGill, Rich Schweikart of Schweikart and Cokely. We're the law firm representing Sandpiper Crossing assisted living. How are you this evening?

JIMMY: Quite well, thank you. How are you?

SCHWEIKART: Doing fine. Doing fine. I'm sorry to call so late. Did I catch you at a bad time?

JIMMY: No, no. No, it's fine.

SCHWEIKART: It's just that you're whispering.

JIMMY: I'm at the opera.

SCHWEIKART: Oh. What opera?

JIMMY: "Magic Flute."

SCHWEIKART: Mozart! Lovely. Well, I'll try not to keep you. We received something from you today, and we're not quite sure what.

JIMMY: It's a demand letter.

SCHWEIKART: Ah. Well, it was a little confusing 'cause it was written on, uh.

JIMMY: Well, I had to write it quickly because your clients were in the process of destroying evidence.

SCHWEIKART: Mr. McGill, if you're talking about shredding documents, that's neither irregular nor illegal. Every business in America does it.

JIMMY: You say potato, I say spoliation.

SCHWEIKART: Mm-hmm. Maybe you should walk me through what you're alleging here.

JIMMY: I believe it's all in the letter.

SCHWEIKART: I'm not saying it's not, but it's a bit hard to read. Next time, I'd use double-ply.

JIMMY: Let's not fixate on the medium, okay? Let's look at the message. Now, your clients are facing multiple counts of elder abuse and fraud and deceptive and unfair trade practices, and that's just the start, okay? I'm not a betting man, but I bet the farm I'll find more.

SCHWEIKART: Mr. McGill, are you related to Charles McGill?

JIMMY: He's my brother.

SCHWEIKART: Yeah? How's he doing these days?

JIMMY: I fail to see the relevance of this.

SCHWEIKART: Frankly, the only reason that I made this phone call was out of respect for Charles on the off chance that you might be related to him. My partner suggested that the best response would be to send a rule 11 letter and have you sanctioned, but I didn't want to jump to that immediate length.

JIMMY: Hey, how about you stop trying to rattle my cage and just, you know, respond to the merits?

SCHWEIKART: This is my response, Mr. McGill you have no good-faith basis to threaten any litigation. This is a shakedown, and we both know it. Now, if you push this any further, my hands will be tied. Sorry for interrupting your evening. Enjoy "The Magic Flute.

Schweikart hangs up the phone.

JIMMY: Blow my magic flute.

Jimmy climbs out of the dumpster. On the way out, the cover hits his head.

JIMMY: Aah! Son of a bitch!

Jimmy kicks the dumpster, then falls to the ground. He then opens a nearby trash bin.


Jimmy lights a lantern. He then dumps a trash bag full of shredded pieces of paper onto the floor. He sifts through the paper to try and find matching strips of paper. He tapes the matching strips of paper onto a manila folder. It becomes morning and Chuck wakes up.

CHUCK: Jimmy, what are you doing here?

JIMMY: Oh, uh, Chuck, um sorry to show up like this. I just needed space to work.

CHUCK: What is all this? What have you done to my dining room?

JIMMY: They were spoliating, the Sandpiper people. They wouldn't let me in, and I could see that they were shredding. I wrote them a demand letter, and I gave it to them.

CHUCK: You broke in to a nursing home?

JIMMY: Assisted living.

CHUCK: And you stole their garbage. My god.

JIMMY: No, it was in public. There was no lock, no nothing. I just lifted the lid, and there it was. There's no reasonable expectation of privacy in that situation, is there? You can't say it's private if a hobo can use it as a wigwam. That's that's the standard, right? If animals or vagrants can get in?

CHUCK: More or less, yes.

Jimmy starts sifting through the paper

JIMMY: Okay, so this is all legal. I mean, it's completely above-the-belt legal. I just need to figure out what they're trying to cover up. You know, you don't shred like this unless you got something to hide, am I right?

CHUCK: Not necessarily.

JIMMY: Oh, come on, Chuck. A lawyer shows up, starts figuring out their little scheme, and suddenly this? No, it's not a coincidence. It's in here.

CHUCK: Well, at least it's not crosscut.

JIMMY: Look, you won't even know I'm here, okay? I just need some space and some quiet, and I'll be out of your hair as soon as I c-

CHUCK: Stop, stop. It's okay. You can work here.

JIMMY: Thanks.

CHUCK: I don't mind the company. You look like you could use a cup of coffee.

JIMMY: Good god, yes.

CHUCK: I'll put it on.

The next scene starts with Chuck pouring two cups of coffee. Chuck goes to deliver the coffee to Jimmy, and finds him asleep on the floor. Chuck puts a pillow under Jimmy's head.

CHUCK: God's sweet sake.

Chuck observes the work the Jimmy has done, and starts working on the project himself. Cut to Jimmy waking up.

CHUCK: Oh, good. You're up.

JIMMIE: Well, Jesus, Chuck, how long have I been asleep?

Jimmy walks over to the table and sees all the work Chuck has done.

JIMMIE: Chuck, how did you? I can't believe this. Uh, thank you. This is a huge help. I felt like I was shoveling snow in a blizzard.

CHUCK: Well, it gets better.

Chuck points to a document, which Jimmie then picks up.

JIMMIE: What's this?

CHUCK: It's your smoking gun.

JIMMIE: It's a invoice for syringes.

CHUCK: Yes. From?

JIMMIE: Morrissey Medical Supply Lincoln, Nebraska. So?

CHUCK: Trust me. Meanwhile, we need to start pulling case law any precedent dealing with 18 U.S.C. 1961 to '68. Probably not a bad idea to pull 30.47.1 from NMSA Uh, 1978. I don't think that's gonna play, really, but it's a good opening salvo for us.

Chuck walks into the other room to his desk, Jimmy follows.

JIMMIE: Wait, "us"? We're working together on this?

CHUCK: Mm. That's up to you, Jimmy.

JIMMIE: 'Cause

Chuck reaches his hand out for a handshake, Jimmy hugs Chuck instead.

CHUCK: Well, all right. All right. All right. Let's get to work.

The camera cuts to a shot of Jimmie and Chuck through a window


The telephone rings and Kim answers.

KIM: Kim Wexler.

JIMMY: Hey, gorgeous.

KIM: Oh, man. Sweet-talking right out of the gate? You want something. Make it fast. I want to go home.

JIMMY: Okay, okay. Will you look something up for me on Westlaw? Please?

KIM: You're lucky I'm a pushover. All right. Hit me.

JIMMY: Thank you. Uh, anything on Sedima v. Imrex, Slesinger v. Disney, Holmes v. S.I.P.C

KIM: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, slow down. V.Disney. Holmes v.S.I D.C.

JIMMY: yeah. And, uh, anything on 57121224NMSA1978

KIM: Uh, okay. It would help if I knew what you were looking for here.

JIMMY: Anything, everything.

KIM: What? You want me to just read you the head notes or something?

JIMMY: No, no, print it full cases, and any cases that cite to those cases. Shepardize like the wolf's at the door.

KIM: Jesus, Jimmy, that's gonna be thousands of pages.

JIMMY: Pretty please with sugar on top? Come on. You owe me one.

KIM: Yes, I do, but this is gonna take hours. And who do I bill it to?

JIMMY: Bill it to Howard. I still remember his code, 1933, the same year Hitler came to power.

KIM: You're not funny. I'm not billing it to my boss.

JIMMY: How about yours? I'll pay you back.

KIM: Jimmy, this is 300, 400 bucks worth of printing. The accountants will find it and I'll get fired, which sounds fun and all, but no.

JIMMY: Okay. Hold on a sec.

Jimmy puts his phone in the mailbox and runs into Chuck's house


JIMMY: Hey. Uh, Kim can't print without a code. Should I go over there, take notes, and come back?

CHUCK: No, no, no. It would take too long. Use mine 1868.

JIMMY: Yeah.


Jimmy runs back outside to the mailbox to retrieve the phone and continue his conversation with Kim.

JIMMY: 1868. Use that. It's Chuck's.

KIM: You're using Chuck's number? Does Chuck know you're using Chuck's number?

JIMMY: We're working on something together. And bring it over to his place after. You're a lifesaver.

KIM: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! You're working a case together?

JIMMY: Yeah. Keep this under your hat, but it's gonna be huge maybe a class-action, even. We think it'll settle for $1 million, maybe $2 million.

KIM: How does that work? Chuck's a partner at HHM.

JIMMY: So what? Look, I know Chuck's partnership agreement chapter and verse. He can work with outside parties.

KIM: That clause is intended for small-time stuff, pro bono cases.

JIMMY: So? I'm bono. I'm very bono. Chuck's a rock star, okay? They'll work it out.

KIM: And Chuck can handle this? Last time I saw him, he was-

JIMMY: Last time you saw him, he wasn't himself, okay? This is good for him.

KIM: Okay.

JIMMY: What?

KIM: I don't know. I'm just Whatever. I'll see you in a couple hours.

JIMMY: Okay. We're ordering a pizza, okay? I'll save you a slice.

Jimmy hangs up the phone and puts it back into the mailbox. He goes back inside Chuck's house.


Kaylee is playing with Play-Doh while Mike watches.

MIKE: Now, you know, if you don't separate those, you're gonna end up with brown.

The door opens and Stacey walks in

STACEY: Hello?

Stacey shuts the door.

MIKE: Hey. We're in here. We're playing sculptor. She's Michelangelina. How's work?

STACEY: Eh, you know work. How did it go?

MIKE: Kid's a dream. She's easy. And you better stay that way.

Stacey chuckles and walks over to Stacey

STACEY: How you doing, sweetie? Huh? Hmm?

Stacey kisses Kaylee on the cheek

MIKE: Well, I better be going.

STACEY: Oh, wait. Hang on a sec, would you? I want to talk to you about something.

MIKE: What's up?

Stacey shows Mike an envelope of money

STACEY: I want to know what I should do with this. I've been carrying it around for weeks, like holding on to it. Every place I put it feels wrong. I thought about putting it in the collection plate, but It seemed I don't know. Look, with Matty gone, I have expenses, and the death benefit helped, but what I want to ask you is, can I spend this?

MIKE: Stacie, if this money helps you and Kaylee, if it does a single good thing in this world, then you spend every penny.

Stacey sighs

STACEY: That's a relief. It'll help a lot. Of course, it's only a drop in the bucket.


Schweikart sits at his desk having a phone conversation

SCHWEIKART: I swear, everyone I know has had problems with them. I had one. The computer in the engine it locked in the middle of the Rockies. Yeah, it decided I was overheating, and that was it. Yeah.

Schweikart sees a fax coming in, so he goes to the fax machine to retrieve it.

SCHWEIKART: I couldn't get it fixed for a hundred miles. I had to have it towed to Telluride. It was unbelievable. Huh. No, it's the chip. It's the little- Yeah, it's like 800 bucks, not counting Labor.

Schweikart looks at the fax

SCHWEIKART: Hey, Mel, can I call you back?

Schweikart hangs up the phone


Jimmy looks through the blinds and sees a car drive up to Chuck's house.

JIMMY: Chuck, the Sandpiper has landed.


Jimmy walks outside and engages Schweikart, Reese, and Jergens in conversation

JIMMY: Gentlemen, I'm Jimmy McGill. Welcome.

SCHWEIKART: Rich Schweikart. This is Alvin Reese. Phil Jergens.

Jimmy shakes their hands

JIMMY: Thanks for coming. Oh, whoa. I have to ask you. Uh, please leave electronics in the car laptops, blackberries, palm pilots, watches. If you lick it and it goes bzzt, leave it here.


JIMMY: My brother Chuck has a certain sensitivity. It's a medical condition. This is the price of admission.

SCHWEIKART: Yeah, I heard about this. Go ahead. It's fine.

Schweikart, Reese, and Jergens put their electronics in the car


Jimmy shows the three to a room with a long table

JIMMY:Here you go. Make yourselves comfortable, gentlemen. I'll be right back.

Jimmy walks to where Chuck is sitting

JIMMY: Chuck. Come on, buddy.

CHUCK: I don't I don't know if I can do this.

Jimmy gets down and ties Chuck's shoes

JIMMY: You oh, you can do this, all right? These guys Those guys they're nothing. Okay? They're the Pistons, and you're the Bulls. All right? All you got to do is sit there and look intimidating. They're scared of you already, and they should be. You're Charles McGill. Let's go. Let's go get 'em.

Chuck and Jimmy walk into the room where the other three are

SCHWEIKART: Ah. Hey. Do you remember me, Charles? We were on a co-defense Church's Donuts v. Amendola?


SCHWEIKART: It was Jesus 9, 10 years ago. Yeah.

Everyone sits down at the table

SCHWEIKART: Oh, our guys were suing the other guys, and they were suing us right back, and the city had some grievance with everyone, so we had to bundle like four actions together, and I was sure that we were sunk.

Scheikart points at chuck

SCHWEIKART: But you you quoted what was it? Huh? Addyston Pipe & Steel. You turned it all antitrust, and the whole thing went away in summary judgment. It was amazing. It was amazing. I figured you'd be arguing in front of the Supreme Court someday.

CHUCK: Well, it's, uh, good to see you.

SCHWEIKART: Yeah. All right, well, let's get started. Um, we've read your revised demand. It's, uh, quite a laundry list. Very creative.

JIMMY: Yeah, creative, like the way your clients have been billing my clients. 'Cause that's like Salvador Dalí creative.

SCHWEIKART: That's cute. You know, you're not gonna make this stick. Setting aside evidentiary concerns

JIMMY: Whoa, whoa. Your guys couldn't afford 10 bucks for a padlock? That's on them. Public property.

SCHWEIKART: Maybe a judge sees that your way, maybe he doesn't. But the damages for elder abuse? The statute requires proof that there was some undue influence someone threatening the residents of Sandpiper Crossing.

REESE: As far as I understand it, no one has claimed there's a guy with a knife telling them to hand over their lunch money.

SCHWEIKART: There are a lot of assisted-living facilities out there that may be disreputable, but that's not the case with our client, not even close. All their facilities all 12 of them every single one, five-star rated. You go to any one of them right now, and you know what you'll see? You'll see happy, healthy residents. Sandpiper takes care of these people. They don't bilk them. But we looked into it, and some of your clients have, in fact, been overbilled. It's it's an accounting error. It doesn't rise to the level of fraud, not even close. We've calculated the damages. All told, it's $46,320. Mm-hmm, so here's what we're prepared to do. We're gonna make your clients whole a check for the $46,000 and change right now. And on top of that, we'll give you another $46k to cover your expenses. So what's that? $92,000? Let's call it $100,000 even. We admit to no wrongdoing, and your clients release all claims.

JIMMY: I think you're gonna need to do better than that.

Jimmy pulls a paper out and hands it to Schweikart

SCHWEIKART: Ah, this was in your demand letter. They're syringes. So? I I don't know if you know this, but that's a pretty standard item in an assisted-living facility.

JIMMY: Correct. But it's not what it is that matters. It's where it's from.

SCHWEIKART: Lincoln, Nebraska.

JIMMY: Go, cornhuskers. Well, since you're not picking up what I'm putting down, I'll explain it to you. Um, Nebraska, although they both begin with the letter "N," actually turns out to be a different state than New Mexico. So your client accepted shipments across state lines for its enterprise. in the U.S. mail, no less.

SCHWEIKART: Are you trying to make this a RICO case?

JERGENS: Like our client is John Gotti or something?

JIMMY: Well, you know as well as I do RICO's used mostly for business beefs. Sedima establishes a pretty low threshold for RICO provisions to kick in. Interstate commerce is a bitch, huh? As soon as we establish a pattern to what was your word? Uh, "overbillings"? I prefer the classic term of "fraud". You're looking at treble damages. So your 100 grand I think you know where you can stick it.

SCHWEIKART: Will you give us a moment?

Schwikart, Reese, and Jergens whisper to each other.

SCHWEIKART: Well What number exactly did you have in mind?

CHUCK: $20 million.

SCHWEIKART: Excuse me?

CHUCK: You heard me.

SCHWEIKART: Oh, you can't expect $20 million.

CHUCK: Or we'll see you in court.

Time-lapses to Jimmy looking out the window as the three leave.

JIMMY: $20 million?

CHUCK: Didn't you hear them? This is a big company. They can't possibly all be in New Mexico. This is potentially a multi-state federal class-action lawsuit with a RICO kicker at the penalty phase. $20 million? That's conservative. Now, class cert that's where we start. I'll draft our complaint, try to get us a conditional one. They'll try to pierce it, but it should hold long enough to start discovery. And we need to get you back on the grounds, quash this prohibition against you. Uh, some injunctive relief. Maybe a T.R.O. Jimmy? Do you want to get started on the T.R.O.?

JIMMY: Yeah. Yes.


The camera pans around to show all the people waiting with their pet for the veterinarian. Finally, the camera pans around to Mike with a dog in his lap. The scene then switches to Mike and the veterinarian during the dog's check-up.

VETERINARIAN: It looks good. No heartworm, no mange. Where did you get her?

MIKE: Shelter.

VETERINARIAN:Good. There's too many puppy mills out there. I had a dachsie in the other day. Some douche bred her so much, poor thing, she just had one giant hernia for a belly. Couldn't even walk. Those people can go straight to hell, as far as I'm concerned. Anything else I can do for you?

MIKE: You still in touch with your people?

VETERINARIAN: Depends on the type of work you're looking for your dos, your don'ts, your wills, your won'ts.

MIKE: Well, if you tell me what you've got, I'll tell you what I'll do.


Jimmy drives up to Chuck's house. He exits his car and puts all his electronics in the mailbox.


The shot cuts to both Jimmy and Chuck inside

JIMMY: I signed up three more clients at the mall today. Jesus, those mall walkers Those geezers are faster than you think. I could sleep for a decade.

Saul takes off his coat and tie, then sits on the couch

CHUCK: Did you get what I asked? - The, uh, code provisions?

JIMMY: Ohh. Shit. Uh, it's in the car. Just give me a minute. I'll, uh I'll go.

CHUCK: Where's the-

Chuck gets up from his desk and walks outside.

JIMMY: Chuck? Hey.


Cuts to Chuck outside, taking Jimmy's keys out of the mailbox. He opens the trunk and takes out a box. Jimmy then walks outside after following Chuck.

JIMMY: Chuck?

CHUCK: Yeah.

Chuck becomes reminded of the electricity around him. He drops the box on the ground.


En un flashback, un Jimmy jubiloso empuja un carrito de correo en HHM . Su sonrisa se desvanece cuando llega a la oficina de Kim y sostiene un sobre. Él le dice que no puede abrirlo, ya que está demasiado nervioso por su contenido. Kim toma el sobre y lee la carta, luego besa a Jimmy. En la oficina de Chuck , Jimmy revela que aprobó el examen estatal de abogados, tomó cursos en línea y se postuló para la Universidad de Samoa Americana. Jimmy pregunta si puede venir a trabajar en HHM una vez que haya prestado juramento. Chuck le dice que tiene que consultar con los otros socios, pero muestra optimismo. Más tarde ese día, Jimmy celebra con Kim y sus compañeros de trabajo en la sala de correo. Howardpasa por la fiesta y, después de que los demás se han ido, le informa a Jimmy que HHM no lo contratará.
Acto 1
En el presente, Kim desempaca en su antigua oficina. Después de salvar el caso Kettleman , está de vuelta en la buena voluntad de HHM y se le ha permitido regresar del exilio en el temido "Cornfield". Howard la convence de asistir a la conferencia de prensa de la firma sobre el arreglo del caso Kettleman. Ella está de acuerdo y se queda recatada en el fondo mientras Howard hace el anuncio.

Jimmy mira los procedimientos en la televisión con desdén, pensando que Howard se está atribuyendo el mérito del trabajo de Kim. Encogiéndose de hombros, regresa a su tarea en el mostrador de recepción de Sandpiper Crossing , un centro de vida asistida donde ha venido a visitar a un cliente. Jimmy concluye una reunión con una residente, Irene Landry , sobre su testamento. Irene se da cuenta de que no le queda suficiente dinero de su "asignación mensual" para cubrir la factura de Jimmy, lo que despierta su interés. Investigando, Jimmy compara las facturas de varios residentes de Sandpiper y descubre múltiples casos de cobro excesivo, la base de una demanda. Convoca a un grupo de personas mayores para señalar los errores en sus estados de cuenta mensuales, lo cual es notado por el gerente de las instalaciones de Sandpiper .

Jimmy se dirige a la casa de Chuck para consultar los archivos de algunos de sus otros clientes de Sandpiper. Comparte su descubrimiento con Chuck , quien no ha podido resistirse a procesar el papeleo que Jimmy le pidió que guardara. Chuck está sorprendido de haber pasado por alto errores tan atroces, pero acepta a regañadientes que se podría presentar una demanda colectiva contra Sandpiper si Jimmy puede establecer un patrón de sobrefacturación. Jimmy regresa a Sandpiper, pero se le prohíbe la entrada a las instalaciones ya que han promulgado una nueva política para proteger a sus residentes de "solicitudes legales" no deseadas.

Mientras Jimmy discute con el gerente de la instalación, escucha el inconfundible sonido de trituración en una oficina adyacente. Jimmy logra hablar para que se le permita usar el baño, donde garabatea furiosamente una "carta de demanda" en papel higiénico, informando a Sandpiper de un litigio pendiente en su contra. Él empuja el "documento" al gerente de la instalación antes de que lo echen.
Acto II
En el trabajo, Mike recibe una llamada de Stacey , quien acepta la situación y lo perdona por su participación en la muerte de Matt . Ella le pregunta si podría cuidar a Kaylee más tarde mientras ella está en el trabajo, a lo que Mike accede de inmediato. No habrá imposiciones para ella; todo lo que ella necesite, Mike se lo proporcionará.

Jimmy regresa a Sandpiper por la noche para buscar en su contenedor de basura los documentos triturados. Mientras busca en la basura, recibe una llamada de Rick Schweikart , el abogado de Sandpiper. Schweikart también es un viejo conocido de Chuck y afirma que llama a Jimmy por cortesía profesional hacia él. Le advierte a Jimmy que no emprenda acciones legales contra Sandpiper. Pero cuando Jimmy sale del contenedor de basura, descubre los documentos triturados depositados cuidadosamente en un contenedor de reciclaje cercano.

Acto III
En la casa de Chuck, Jimmy pasa toda la noche juntando los documentos triturados. A la mañana siguiente, Chuck encuentra a Jimmy exhausto, todavía despierto por la noche anterior. Chuck se aleja para hacer café y regresa para encontrar a Jimmy dormido. Impresionado por su compromiso, Chuck decide continuar donde lo dejó Jimmy, y cuando se despierta, Chuck ha reunido la "pistola humeante": una factura por jeringas de una compañía de suministros médicos en Nebraska. Energizado por el trabajo, Chuck le da a Jimmy una larga lista de jurisprudencia para investigar. Jimmy, exultante de trabajar con su hermano, lo abraza. Afuera, Jimmy llama a Kim y le pide que imprima la jurisprudencia que solicitó Chuck y que la facture a su cuenta. Aunque le preocupa que la participación de Chuck en el caso de Jimmy pueda violar su contrato con HHM y, lo que es más importante,

Mientras tanto, Stacey llega a casa del trabajo. Mike, que había estado cuidando a Kaylee, se levanta para irse cuando Stacey lo lleva a un lado para pedirle un consejo. Ella le muestra a Mike el sobre con dinero en efectivo de la maleta de Matt y comparte su incertidumbre sobre qué hacer con él, señalando que los gastos se han estado acumulando. Mike la anima a gastar el dinero. Aliviada, ella le agradece, pero menciona que este dinero es realmente "solo una gota en el océano".
Acto IV
Schweikart recibe un fax que incluye una nueva carta de demanda adecuada de Jimmy y Chuck, junto con copias de los estados de cuenta de Sandpiper reensamblados. Schweikart y su equipo llegan a la casa de Chuck para negociar con los hermanos McGill. Jimmy se encuentra con ellos en la acera, les pide secamente que dejen sus dispositivos electrónicos en el auto, los acompaña al interior y los sienta en la mesa del comedor de Chuck. Luego se mete en la cocina para buscar a Chuck, a quien encuentra desaliñado y en un estado de ansiedad. Jimmy tranquiliza a Chuck, ayudándolo a ponerse la chaqueta mientras le devuelve la confianza y lo lleva al comedor donde
Schweikart admite que a algunos residentes de Sandpiper se les facturó en exceso debido a un inocente error de contabilidad. Ofrece $ 100,000 para reembolsar a los residentes y cubrir los honorarios legales, con la advertencia de que Sandpiper no admite haber actuado mal. Jimmy responde haciendo referencia a la factura de la jeringa, declarando deliberadamente que la inclusión del comercio interestatal significa que las disposiciones RICO entran en acción, elevando el caso a fraude y dando derecho a sus clientes a daños mucho mayores. Después de un momento de intensa discusión privada con su equipo, Schweikart le pregunta a Jimmy qué número tiene en mente. Chuck, hasta ahora en silencio, exige "$ 20 millones, o te veremos en la corte". Después de que Schweikart y su equipo se van, Jimmy entra en pánico por la demanda de Chuck. Chuck tranquilamente le asegura a Jimmy que es En realidad, es una estimación conservadora para una demanda colectiva federal multiestatal con consideraciones RICO en la fase de sanción. Jimmy se queda en silencio, vislumbrando la magnitud de este caso. Chuck enumera enfáticamente sus próximos pasos; Jimmy está listo para sumergirse.

Mike adopta un perro de refugio y visita Caldera . Mientras se examina al perro, Mike le pregunta al veterinario si todavía tiene el "trabajo" disponible al que aludió anteriormente. Más tarde, Jimmy pasa por la casa de Chuck con cajas de papeleo nuevo y documentos legales. Deja una caja en el auto, pero está demasiado cansado para ir a buscarla él mismo. Absorto en un archivo e impaciente por obtener los documentos de provisión de código que necesita, Chuck sale por la puerta principal, toma las llaves del auto de Jimmy del buzón y recupera la caja de archivos de su baúl. Está fuera de la casa y no tiene dolor. Jimmy observa desde la puerta, asombrado. Jimmy llama en voz baja a su hermano. Chuck de repente se da cuenta de dónde está, y la caja cae de las manos atónitas de Chuck al suelo.

El título del episodio hace referencia a la Ley de Organizaciones Corruptas e Influenciadas por los Estafadores .
El acto RICO se menciona previamente dos veces en Breaking Bad :
Primero, Saul advierte a Walt que los federales confiscarán su casa bajo el pretexto de RICO.
Jimmy obtiene su título de abogado en la Universidad de Samoa Americana, que se mencionó en Breaking Bad . En realidad, no existe tal universidad, aunque existe un colegio comunitario.
Jimmy dice estar viendo La flauta mágica de Mozart .

Notas legales
Jimmy acusa a la residencia de ancianos de despojo de pruebas .
Jimmy afirma que sacar documentos de la basura es legal si está en un lugar público, ya que no hay expectativas de privacidad (según California v. Greenwood ).

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La serie de televisión Breaking Bad.-a

Introducción  Breaking Bad es una serie de televisión dramática estadounidense creada y producida por Vince Gilligan. Breaking Bad...