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miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

«Vientos de invierno»

10 The Winds of Winter 
«Vientos de invierno» 
Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff y D. B. Weiss
26 de junio de 2016

Mientras se llevaba a cabo el juicio de Loras Tyrell y Cersei en Desembarco del Rey, el Gran Septo de Baelor queda reducido a cenizas por el fuego valyrio, con Margaery, Loras, Mace Tyrell, el Gorrión Supremo, Lancel Lannister y Kevan Lannister dentro, mientras Cersei observaba todo desde la Fortaleza Roja. Tommen comete suicidio y Cersei es proclamada la nueva Reina de los Siete Reinos. Jon Nieve y Sansa Stark reúnen las fuerzas del norte y se preparan para el invierno. Arya Stark finalmente logra acabar con la vida de Walder Frey. Daenerys Targaryen emprende su camino hacia Desembarco del Rey en una inmensa flota de barcos, junto a su ejército, sus dragones y Tyrion Lannister como "Mano de la Reina". 

CERSEI is standing at the balcony looking out across King’s Landing at the Great Sept of Baelor.


TOMMEN is being dressed by an attendant.


MARGAERY is being dressed by a handmaiden.


The HIGH SPARROW dresses himself in a roughspun tunic, sliding his hands through the sleeves one by one.


The attendant places a large golden necklace around TOMMEN’s neck.


The handmaiden finishes tying MARGAERY’s dress and fixes her hair.


The attendant places TOMMEN’s crown on top of his head. TOMMEN looks out the window.


A pair of Faith Militant men open the main door to the Sept. A crowd of nobles filters inside.


LORAS sits in the back of his cell, muttering to himself. LANCEL and two other Faith Militant enter. LORAS cowers. The Faith Militant take hold of LORAS.


The HIGH SPARROW and six other septons enter. They walk down the steps. MARGAERY appears in the crowd beside her father, MACE. She and the HIGH SPARROW exchange a glance as he walks by. The HIGH SPARROW and the other septons occupy seven chairs seated in a circle around the central chamber of the sept. MARGAERY looks around.


TOMMEN is sitting in a chair in the center of the room, looking out the window. His attendant enters.

ATTENDANT: Your Grace. The trial will be getting underway soon.


A handmaiden connects a golden chain between two golden shoulder fastenings on CERSEI’s dress.


TOMMEN says nothing. The attendant leaves.


The handmaiden places a ring on CERSEI’s middle finger.


PYCELLE is standing in front of a bureau. He picks up a piece of paper and reads it, then picks up his chain, places it around his neck, and looks in the mirror. A mistress lying on his bed stares at him in the reflection of the mirror.

MISTRESS: You got my money?

PYCELLE: Later. Go away.

The mistress stands and leaves. PYCELLE straightens himself out, sighs, and exits the room. In the hallway, he walks down a set of steps. A young girl appears on the steps behind him.

GIRL: Grand Maester.

PYCELLE turns back to look at her and walks over to her. He bends down and she whispers into his ear.


LANCEL and a group of Faith Militant usher LORAS into the sept and down the steps. His hair has been shorn. MARGAERY stares at him. The Faith Militant lead him to the center of the room and move away. The HIGH SPARROW stands.

HIGH SPARROW: Ser Loras Tyrell. Are you prepared to stand trial and profess your guilt or innocence before the Seven?

LORAS: There’ll be no need for a trial. I confess before the Seven and freely admit to my crimes.

HIGH SPARROW: To which crimes will you be confessing?

LORAS: All of them. I lay with other men including the traitor Renly Baratheon.

The crowd murmurs.

LORAS: I perjured myself before the gods. I am guilty of depravity… dishonesty, profligacy, and arrogance. I see that now. I humble myself before the Seven and accept whatever punishment the gods deem just.

HIGH SPARROW: The gods’ judgment is fierce, but also fair. The Warrior punishes those who believe themselves beyond the reach of justice. But the Mother shows her mercy to those who kneel before her.

LORAS kneels.

LORAS: I take full responsibility for my many sins and unburden myself of my desires. My only remaining wish is to devote my life to the Seven. May I be a living example of their grace for others to witness.

HIGH SPARROW: You understand fully what this means?

LORAS: I do. I will abandon the Tyrell name and all that goes with it. I will renounce my lordship and my claims on Highgarden. I will never marry and I will never father children.

HIGH SPARROW: Brother Loras…

LORAS begins to cry.

HIGH SPARROW: ...I ask you to dedicate your life to the seven gods.

The HIGH SPARROW touches LORAS’ face. LORAS looks up at him.

HIGH SPARROW: Will you fight to defend your faith against heretics and apostates?

LORAS: I will.

The HIGH SPARROW smiles. The HIGH SPARROW nods. Two Faith Militant approach LORAS and take him by the arms. A third approaches him from behind, draws a knife, and begins carving the mark of the Seven into LORAS’ forehead. MACE stirs.

MACE: No, I can’t let them…

MARGAERY blocks her father with her arm.

MARGAERY: Faith is the way, Father.

LORAS whinces.


The handmaiden finishes dressing CERSEI and steps away from her.


Someone approaches TOMMEN.

TOMMEN: All right. I’m ready.

TOMMEN stands and turns around. GREGOR is standing in the doorway.

TOMMEN: I have to go, I’m-- I’m late for the trial.

TOMMEN walks towards GREGOR. GREGOR puts his hand on TOMMEN’s shoulder, blocking his path.


The handmaiden exits. CERSEI looks over her shoulder.


The Faith Militant has finished carving LORAS’s forehead. KEVAN watches from the crowd. MARGAERY has made her way to the floor in front of the HIGH SPARROW.

MARGAERY: You mutilated him. You gave me your word.

HIGH SPARROW: I’ve kept my word. Once the queen mother’s trial is concluded, Brother Loras is free to leave.

MARGAERY: And where is the queen mother?

LANCEL: Her litter never left the Red Keep.

HIGH SPARROW: It appears the queen mother doesn’t wish to attend her own trial.


CERSEI pours herself a glass of wine.


HIGH SPARROW (to LANCEL): Go to the Red Keep and show her the way.

LANCEL nods and exits with several Faith Militant.


CERSEI walks to the balcony with her glass of wine.


LANCEL emerges onto the steps with the Faith Militant. He sees a boy running down the steps. The boy looks over his shoulder at LANCEL.

LANCEL: Get the others.

The other Faith Militant disperse. LANCEL looks over the railing and sees the boy enter a door at the foot of the steps.


The young girl opens the door and leads PYCELLE inside. PYCELLE looks around.


LANCEL runs to the door the boy entered and then goes inside. It leads to a tunnel. LANCEL sees the boy running down the tunnel with a lit torch. He starts after the boy.


PYCELLE walks down the steps and into the lab, then turns around to see QYBURN sitting in a chair behind him.

PYCELLE: Where’s the king?

QYBURN stands.

QYBURN: Elsewhere, I’m afraid.

PYCELLE: What’s the meaning of this? I was told that-- I have more important things to do with my time than waste them in the presence--

QYBURN: Please, Grand Maester. I bear you no ill will. Please forgive me if you can.

PYCELLE turns around. A young boy emerges from the shadows with a knife.


LANCEL continues to follow the boy through the tunnels.


More children brandishing knives appear.


LANCEL runs down the tunnel after the boy.


QYBURN: This pains me, my lord. Whatever your faults, you do not deserve to die alone in such a cold, dark place. But sometimes before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest.

The girl who led PYCELLE into the room brandishes a knife.


LANCEL turns a corner and finds a smaller tunnel. He gets down on his hands and knees and crawls through it.


The children converge on PYCELLE. PYCELLE slaps one of them but is overwhelmed. The children stab him repeatedly with their knives, killing him. QYBURN watches.


LANCEL happens upon the boy’s torch and raises it up.

LANCEL: The longer you wait, the worse it’ll be for you.

LANCEL spies a side passageway lined with barrels. The boy sneaks up on him and stabs him in the side. LANCEL yells and falls to the ground. The boy runs away. LANCEL breathes heavily. The boy returns and looks at LANCEL.

LANCEL: What are you doing?

The boy runs away.


The crowd is murmuring. MARGAERY looks around at them, then looks at LORAS. LORAS is hanging his head, his eyes downcast.


LANCEL looks down the tunnel and sees a glimmer of light. He drags himself through the dirt towards it.


CERSEI is standing at the balcony, staring out at the Great Sept of Baelor.


MARGAERY looks around.


LANCEL crawls closer to the other end of the hall. There is a green glow all around him.


MARGAERY hurries over to the HIGH SPARROW.

MARGAERY: There’s something wrong.

HIGH SPARROW: You have nothing to fear, Your Grace. The trial will begin shortly.

MARGAERY: Cersei is not here. Tommen is not here. Why do you think they are not here?

HIGH SPARROW: If the accused is not here, she will be tried regardless. We cannot escape the justice of the gods--

MARGAERY: Forget about the bloody gods and listen to what I’m telling you. Cersei understands the consequences of her absence and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. The trial can wait. We all need to leave.

The HIGH SPARROW scoffs and shakes his head.


LANCEL has almost reached the end of the tunnel. He sees green pools of liquid on the ground in front of two barrels with candles in their centers. The candles have almost burned down to nothing. He looks around at the casks lining the walls of the tunnel and pulls himself onward towards the candles.


MARGAERY (to the crowd): We all need to leave now!

MARGAERY hurries over to LORAS. The crowd begins to stir. MARGAERY takes LORAS’ chin and lifts his face so his eyes meet hers.

MARGAERY: Loras. Stay with me.

MARGAERY ushers him towards the steps.


LANCEL groans as he pulls himself closer to the candles.


MARGAERY hurries towards the exit with LORAS. The crowd begins to panic and also heads towards the exit. Two Faith Militant block MARGAERY’s path to the exit.

MARGAERY: Let me through. Let me through. Get out of my way.

MARGAERY pushes against the guards. The HIGH SPARROW looks around at the crowd.

MARGAERY: Let us through!


LANCEL reaches the candles. He tries to blow out the flame with his breath, but it won’t go out.


MARGAERY looks over her shoulder at the HIGH SPARROW. They stare into each other’s eyes.


The flame from the candle touches the pool of green liquid and ignites it. The surrounding barrels are ignited and explode in a mass of green flame. LANCEL is incinerated. The explosion travels down the tunnel, igniting all of the barrels.


The sound of an explosion can be heard. The green flame erupts from the center of the sept, incinerating the HIGH SPARROW and then engulfing the entire sept, killing everyone inside. The sept crumbles from the force of the explosion. The bell from its tower is flung down into the city, smashing into a bystander. The flames rush out from the sept.


CERSEI watches the explosion. She cocks her head back, then smiles, sips her wine, and walks away.


GREGOR is standing in the hallway.TOMMEN is staring out the window at the explosion with his mouth hanging open. GREGOR exits.


SEPTA UNELLA is lying strapped to a table. CERSEI stands over her and pours wine in her face. SEPTA UNELLA sputters and struggles against her bindings.

CERSEI: Confess. Confess.

CERSEI raises a pitcher of wine over SEPTA UNELLA’s head.


CERSEI: Confess.

CERSEI pours the pitcher into SEPTA UNELLA’s face. SEPTA UNELLA sputters and struggles. When the pitcher is empty, SEPTA UNELLA gasps for air.

CERSEI: Confess. It felt good. Beating me, starving me, frightening me, humiliating me. You didn’t do it because you cared about my atonement. You did it because it felt good. I understand. I do things because they feel good. I drink because it feels good. I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him. I fuck my brother because it feels good to feel him inside me. I lie about fucking my brother… because it feels good to keep our son safe from hateful hypocrites. I killed your High Sparrow… and all his little sparrows… all his septons, all his septas, all his filthy soldiers, because it felt good to watch them burn. It felt good to imagine their shock and their pain. No thought has ever given me greater joy. Even confessing feels good under the right circumstances.

CERSEI touches SEPTA UNELLA’s face.

CERSEI: You’ve always been quiet.

CERSEI walks around the table.

CERSEI: I said my face would be the last thing you saw before you died. Do you remember?

SEPTA UNELLA: Good. I’m glad to see your face. I’m ready to meet the gods.

CERSEI: What? Now? Today? You’re not going to die today. You’re not going to die for quite a while. Ser Gregor.

GREGOR enters the room.

CERSEI: This is Ser Gregor Clegane. He’s quiet, too.

SEPTA UNELLA looks at GREGOR. GREGOR removes his helmet. His face is cloaked in shadow.

CERSEI: Your gods have forsaken you. This is your god now.

CERSEI walks towards the exit. GREGOR enters. His face is purple and mangled. He puts his helmet down on the table next to SEPTA UNELLA.


SEPTA UNELLA struggles against her bindings, then cries out in pain.

CERSEI: Shame.

CERSEI take hold of the door and closes it behind her.

CERSEI: Shame.


CERSEI: Shame.

CERSEI closes the latch on the door’s porthole and walks away. SEPTA UNELLA screams.


TOMMEN is staring out the window.

ATTENDANT: I’m very sorry, Your Grace. Very sorry.

The attendant exits. TOMMEN takes his crown off his head and walks to another part of the room. He returns to the window, stands up on the sill, and plummets off the edge.

A banquet is underway. WALDER FREY is making a toast. JAIME and BRONN sit at the tables with the Frey and Lannister men, listening.

WALDER: For House Lannister!

MEN: Hear me roar!

The men cheer.

WALDER: For House Frey!

MEN: We stand together!

The men cheer.

WALDER: May we stand together through the centuries, good friends to the last.

The men cheer.

WALDER: And when we drive our swords through our enemies’ hearts, may we speak the words of our alliance, “The Freys and the Lannisters send their regards.”

The men cheer. A handmaiden looks at BRONN and then at JAIME.

BRONN: You don’t even have to do anything, do you?

JAIME looks at the handmaiden.

BRONN: You just sit there, a rich slab of beef, and all the birds come pecking.

JAIME: You’re welcome to her.

BRONN: She doesn’t want me. She wants your golden fingers up her twat.

JAIME nods at two women standing on the other side of the room.

JAIME: Those two have their eyes on you.

BRONN looks at the women.

BRONN: They have their eyes on you, cunt.

JAIME: Not my type.

BRONN: Not blonde enough?

JAIME: Ladies, have you met Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, hero of the Battle of Blackwater Bay.

JAIME looks at BRONN.

JAIME: There you go.

BRONN: Maybe I’m not in the mood.

The girls approach Bronn.

BRONN: Fuck it.

BRONN stands and approaches the girls.

BRONN: No need to call me ser just because I’m an anointed knight.

WALDER sits down next to JAIME.

WALDER: This came together rather well. Your father would be pleased.

JAIME: I’m sure he would be.

WALDER: Edmure is back in a cell. Can’t go killing my son by law. It wouldn’t be right. Give the family a bad name.

WALDER sips his wine.

WALDER: So the famous Blackfish killed by footsoldiers, eh? Legendary warrior, everyone said.

JAIME: Have you done much fighting yourself, Lord Frey?

WALDER: I’m a bit old for all that.

JAIME: No, but back in your day.

WALDER: The purpose of fighting is defeating your enemies, isn’t it?

JAIME nods.

WALDER: I’ve defeated mine. Riverrun belonged to House Tully for a thousand years. Now it’s mine. What do you call that? Victory.

JAIME: Yes, you’re a great conqueror.

WALDER: Go on, mock me, boy. You think I mind? The Tullys mocked me for years. The Starks mocked me. Where are they now? You talk about war as if you’re an expert but the one battle I remember you fighting, you were captured by Robb Stark, the Young Wolf. But it doesn’t matter. Here we are now, two kingslayers. We know what it’s like to have them grovel to our faces and snigger behind our backs. We don’t mind, do we? Fear is a marvelous thing.

JAIME: They don’t fear the Freys, though. They fear the Lannisters. We gave you the Riverlands to hold the Riverlands. If we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them, why do we need you?

JAIME stands and exits. WALDER watches him go.


CERSEI and QYBURN are standing over TOMMEN’s body. His body is covered in a veil.

CERSEI: Show me.

QYBURN: Your Grace, there’s no need--

CERSEI: Show me.

QYBURN uncovers TOMMEN’s body. CERSEI stares at it.

QYBURN: What are your thoughts concerning the king’s funeral? As the Sept of Baelor is no longer an option, perhaps a ceremony in the throne room?

CERSEI: He should be with his grandfather, his brother, his sister. Burn him and bury his ashes where the sept once stood.

A horse-drawn carriage moves down the road, then stops. SAM and GILLY emerge from behind it. GILLY is carrying LITTLE SAM. They walk to a nearby hill look out over a lake. Oldtown stands across the lake. SAM and GILLY marvel at it.


SAM and GILLY enter and walk to the front desk. A maester is sitting behind the desk, holding spectacles up to his eyes and reading.

SAM: Hello.

The maester keeps reading and then looks up at SAM, removing his spectacles.

SAM: From Lord Commander Snow at Castle Black.

SAM holds up a letter. The maester puts down his spectacles and opens his palm. SAM reaches across the table with the letter, offering it to the maester. The maester does not retrieve it. SAM presses himself against the desk, leans further in, and places the letter directly in the maester’s hand. The maester takes the letter, breaks the seal, and reads it.

SAM: I’m-- I’m to be the new maester.

The maester looks at SAM and then opens a large book. He flips a few pages.


The maester points his finger to a line of text on the open page.

MAESTER: According to our records, Jeor Mormont is Lord Commander.

SAM: He died.

MAESTER: We received no report from the maester at Castle Black.

SAM: Maester Aemon became quite ill shortly after the election. He’s since passed away. Which is why I’m here.

MAESTER: This is irregular.

SAM: Yes, well, I suppose that life is irregular.

The maester stares blankly at SAM, then picks up a quill and crosses off two lines of text in the open book.

MAESTER: The archmaester will discuss these irregularities with you. In the meantime, you are permitted to use the library. Follow me.

The maester stands and begins walking away. SAM and GILLY start to follow him. He turns back and looks at GILLY.

MAESTER: No women or children!

The maester turns and walks away. SAM makes several baffled gestures to GILLY and then follows the maester. They enter a small hallway full of books. The maester stops in front of a dark side passage and gestures towards it. SAM starts down the passage. The maester leaves. On his way through, SAM touches several of the books lining the shelves. SAM emerges onto the other side of the passage. The passage opens onto an enormous library with a chandelier dangling from the ceiling that reflects light. SAM gets teary and smiles.

A white raven flies over the Northern wilderness towards Winterfell.


JON SNOW is standing behind the high table, staring across the hall. MELISANDRE stands by his side.

JON SNOW: When we had feasts, our family would sit up here… and I’d sit down there.

JON SNOW points to the other end of the hall.

MELISANDRE: Could have been worse, Jon Snow. You had a family. You had feasts.

JON SNOW chuckles.

JON SNOW: Aye, you’re right. I was luckier than most.

DAVOS enters the hall and tosses the charred stag statuette at MELISANDRE. MELISANDRE catches it.

JON SNOW: What is that?

DAVOS: Tell him. Tell him who it belonged to.

MELISANDRE: The Princess Shireen.

DAVOS: Tell him what you did to her. Tell him!

MELISANDRE: We burned her at the stake.


MELISANDRE: The army was trapped. The horses were dying. It was the only way.

DAVOS: You burned a little girl alive!

MELISANDRE: I only do what my Lord commands!

DAVOS: If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil!

MELISANDRE: We are standing here because of him. Jon Snow is alive because the Lord willed it.

DAVOS: I loved that girl like she was my own. She was good. She was kind. And you killed her!

MELISANDRE: So did her father. So did her mother. Her own blood knew it was the only way.

DAVOS: The only way for what? They all died anyway! You told everyone Stannis was the one. You had him believing it, all of them fooled. And you lied.

MELISANDRE: I didn’t lie. I was wrong.

DAVOS: Aye, you were wrong. How many died because you were wrong?

DAVOS and MELISANDRE stare at each other in silence.

DAVOS (to JON SNOW): I ask your leave to execute this woman for murder. She admits to the crime.

JON SNOW (to MELISANDRE): Do you have anything to say for yourself?

MELISANDRE: I’ve been ready to die for many years. If the Lord was done with me, so be it, but he’s not. You’ve seen the Night King, Jon Snow. You know the great war is still to come. You know the army of the dead will be upon us soon. And you know I can help you win that war.


JON SNOW: Ride south today. If you return to the North, I’ll have you hanged as a murderer.

MELISANDRE puts the stag statuette down on the high table and begins to walk away. DAVOS moves in her way.

DAVOS: If you ever come back this way, I will execute you myself.

MELISANDRE moves past DAVOS and exits.


JON SNOW stands atop the outer wall watching MELISANDRE ride south on her horse. SANSA appears.

JON SNOW: I’m having the lord’s chamber prepared for you.

SANSA: Mother and Father’s room? You should take it.

JON SNOW: I’m not a Stark.

SANSA: You are to me.

JON SNOW: You’re the Lady of Winterfell. You deserve it. We’re standing here because of you. The battle was lost until the Knights of the Vale rode in. They came because of you. You told me Lord Baelish sold you to the Boltons.

SANSA: He did.

JON SNOW: And you trust him?

SANSA: Only a fool would trust Littlefinger. I should have told you about him, about the Knights of the Vale. I’m sorry.

JON SNOW approaches SANSA.

JON SNOW: We need to trust each other. We can’t fight a war amongst ourselves. We have so many enemies now.

JON SNOW touches SANSA’s face and kisses her on the forehead, then turns to walk away.


JON SNOW turns back to face SANSA.

SANSA: A raven came from the Citadel. A white raven. Winter is here.

JON SNOW smiles and looks up at the sky.

JON SNOW: Well, Father always promised, didn’t he?

JON SNOW exits. SANSA looks out at the wilderness.

ELLARIA SAND and OLENNA TYRELL are sitting across a table from each other. OBARA SAND, NYMERIA SAND, and TYENE SAND flank ELLARIA.

OLENNA: The last time a Tyrell came to Dorne, he was assassinated. 100 red scorpions, was it?

ELLARIA: You have nothing to fear from us, Lady Olenna.

OLENNA: You murder your own prince, but you expect me to trust you?

OBARA: We invited you to Dorne because we needed your help. You came to Dorne because you needed our help?

OLENNA: What is your name again? Barbaro?

OBARA: Obara.

OLENNA: Obara. You look like an angry little boy. Don’t presume to tell me what I need.

NYMERIA: Forgive my sister. What she lacks in diplomacy, she makes--

OLENNA: Do shut up, dear.

OLENNA looks at TYENE.

OLENNA: Anything from you?

TYENE opens her mouth to speak.

OLENNA: No? Good. Let the grown women speak.

ELLARIA: The Lannisters have declared war on House Tyrell. They have declared war on Dorne. We must be allies now if we wish to survive.

OLENNA: Cersei stole the future from me. She killed my son. She killed my grandson. She killed my granddaughter. Survival is not what I’m after now.

ELLARIA: You’re absolutely right. I chose the wrong words. It is not survival I offer. It is your heart’s desire.

ELLARIA rings a bell.

OLENNA: And what is my heart’s desire?

ELLARIA: Vengeance. Justice.

VARYS emerges from a hallway.

VARYS: Fire and blood.

DAENERYS is sitting on a couch, sipping a glass of wine. DAARIO enters.

DAARIO: Your ships are nearly ready. I saw them painting the sails.

DAARIO pours himself a glass of wine.

DAARIO: I’m curious to see how the Dothraki do on the poison water.

DAENERYS: You’re not coming with us.

DAARIO: New strategy? You want the Second Sons to attack from the west coast? If we take Casterly Rock, the Lannisters will have nowhere to run when you hit King’s Landing.

DAARIO approaches DAENERYS and stands in front of her.

DAENERYS: You’re not going to Westeros. You’re staying here with the Second Sons. There’s finally peace in Meereen. You will keep the peace while the people choose their own leaders.

DAARIO sets his glass of wine down on a table.

DAARIO: Fuck Meereen. Fuck the people. I’m here for you, not them.

DAENERYS: You promised me. “My sword is yours. My life is yours.” This is what I command. If I’m going to rule in Westeros, I’ll need to make alliances. The best way to make alliances is with marriage.

DAARIO sits down.

DAARIO: Who are you marrying this time?

DAENERYS: I don’t know. Maybe no one.

DAARIO: But you need to lure all the noble houses to the table? Are you a queen or fish bait?

DAENERYS: I can’t bring a lover to Westeros.

DAARIO: A king wouldn’t think twice about it.

DAENERYS: So that’s what you want? To be my mistress?

DAARIO: I’m not proud. I don’t care what perfumed aristocrat sits beside you in the throne room. I don’t want a crown. I want you.

DAARIO approaches DAENERYS and kneels in front of her.

DAARIO: I love you. And I make you happy. You know I do. Bring me with you. Let me fight for you.

DAENERYS touches DAARIO’s face.

DAENERYS: I can’t.

DAARIO stands.

DAARIO: The dwarf told you to do this.

DAENERYS: No one tells me to do anything.

DAARIO: Clever fellow. Can’t argue with his logic. I’m no use to you over there.

DAENERYS: Don’t get angry.

DAARIO: I’m not angry. I’m full of self-pity. Who comes after you? Who can ever follow Daenerys Stormborn, the Mother of Dragons?

DAENERYS: A great number of women, I imagine. Specific orders will be left for you regarding the welfare of Meereen and the Bay of Dragons.

DAENERYS stands.

DAARIO: Bay of Dragons?

DAENERYS: We can’t call it Slaver’s Bay anymore, can we?

DAARIO: You’ll get that throne you want so badly, I’m sure of it. I hope it brings you happiness.

DAARIO sips his wine.

DAARIO: I pity the lord of Westeros. They have no idea what’s coming for them.

DAENERYS: Farewell, Daario Naharis.

DAARIO nods and exits.


TYRION is sitting off to the side of the room on a bench. DAENERYS enters, walking down the steps from the throne.

TYRION: How did he take it?

DAENERYS: No tears.

TYRION: I know it was hard for you. You turned away a man who truly loves you because he would have been a liability in the Seven Kingdoms. That’s the kind of self-sacrifice that makes for a good ruler, if it’s any consolation.

DAENERYS reaches the bottom of the steps and approaches TYRION.

DAENERYS: It’s not.

TYRION: No, I suppose not. I’m terrible at consoling.

DAENERYS sits down on the bench next to TYRION.

DAENERYS: Yes, you really are.

TYRION: All right, how about the fact that this is actually happening? You have your armies, you have your ships, you have your dragons. Everything you’ve ever wanted since you were old enough to want anything. It’s all yours for the taking. Are you afraid?


TYRION: Good. You’re in the great game now. And the great game’s terrifying. The only people who aren’t afraid of failure are madmen like your father.

DAENERYS: Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing. Just impatient to get on with it.

TYRION: He wasn’t the first to love you and he won’t be the last.

DAENERYS: Well, you have completely failed to console me.

DAENERYS stands and turns to face TYRION.

TYRION: For what it’s worth, I’ve been a cynic for as long as I can remember. Everyone’s always asking me to believe in things-- family, gods, kings, myself. It was often tempting until I saw where belief got people. So I said no, thank you to belief. And yet here I am.

TYRION stands on the bench.

TYRION: I believe in you. It’s embarrassing, really. I’d swear you my sword, but I don’t actually own a sword.

DAENERYS: It’s your counsel I need.

TYRION: It’s yours. Now and always.

DAENERYS: Good. I, um… I had something made for you. I’m not sure if it’s right.

DAENERYS pins a Hand of the King’s brooch on TYRION’s chest.

DAENERYS: Tyrion Lannister, I name you Hand of the Queen.

TYRION holds back tears, then kneels.

WALDER FREY is sitting at the high table, eating and drinking. The rest of the dining hall is empty. A handmaiden approaches and sets down a platter of pie on the table in front of him.

WALDER: You’re not one of mine, are you?

HANDMAIDEN: No, my lord.

WALDER: Didn’t think so. Too pretty.

WALDER slaps the handmaiden on the buttocks and smiles.

WALDER: Where are my damn moron sons? Black Walder and Lothar promised to be here by midday.

HANDMAIDEN: They’re here, my lord.

WALDER: Well, what are they doing, trimming their cunt hairs? Tell them to come here now.

HANDMAIDEN: But they’re already here, my lord.

WALDER looks around the hall. The handmaiden points to the pie.

HANDMAIDEN: Here, my lord.

WALDER pulls back the top layer of the pie. A finger protrudes from the center of the slice.

HANDMAIDEN: They weren’t easy to carve. Especially Black Walder.

WALDER breathes heavily.


The handmaiden reaches up to her face and pulls it away, revealing her true identity is ARYA.

ARYA: My name is Arya Stark. I want you to know that. The last thing you’re ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die.

ARYA brandishes a knife. WALDER gets up to run, but ARYA grabs him and pulls him back down. She grabs him by the forehead and slits his throat. He convulses and groans as he dies. ARYA smiles and stares at him.

SANSA sits underneath the weirwood tree. PETYR approaches her.

PETYR: Forgive me, my lady… if you’re at prayer.

SANSA: I’m done with all that. I came here every day when I was a girl. I prayed to be somewhere else. Back then I only ever thought about what I wanted, never about what I had.

SANSA stands and walks towards PETYR.

SANSA: I was a stupid girl.

PETYR: You were a child.

SANSA: What do you want?

PETYR: I thought you knew what I wanted.

SANSA: I was wrong.

PETYR: No, you weren’t. Every time I’m faced with a decision, I close my eyes and see the same picture. Whenever I consider an action, I ask myself will this action help to make this picture a reality? Pull it out of my mind and into the world? And I only act if the answer is yes. A picture of me on the Iron Throne… and you by my side.

PETYR leans in to kiss SANSA, but SANSA puts her hand on his chest to stop him.

SANSA: It’s a pretty picture.

SANSA walks past PETYR.

PETYR: News of this battle will spread quickly through the Seven Kingdoms. I’ve declared for House Stark for all to hear.

SANSA: You’ve declared for other houses before, Lord Baelish. It’s never stopped you from serving yourself.

PETYR: The past is gone for good. You can sit here mourning its departure or you can prepare for the future. You, my love, are the future of House Stark. Who should the North rally behind? A trueborn daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark born here at Winterfell or a motherless bastard born in the south?

SANSA exits.

BENJEN stares up at The Wall. BRAN and MEERA wait nearby.

BENJEN: This is where I leave you.

MEERA: You’re not coming with us?

BENJEN: The Wall is not just ice and stone. Ancient spells were carved into its foundations. Strong magic to protect men from what lies beyond. And while it stands, the dead cannot pass. I cannot pass.

BENJEN approaches his horse and lifts BRAN off of it. He carries BRAN to the foot of a nearby weirwood, then walks back to his horse.

MEERA: Where will you go?

BENJEN: The great war is coming and I still fight for the living. I’ll do what I can… as long as I can.

BENJEN mounts his horse.

BRAN: Thank you, Uncle Benjen.

BENJEN: I wish you both good fortune.

BENJEN rides away. BRAN looks at the weirwood and then starts to crawl towards it. MEERA helps him. BRAN reaches out to the weirwood but MEERA grabs his wrist.

MEERA: Are you sure you’re ready for this?

BRAN:I’m the Three-Eyed Raven now. I have to be ready for this.

BRAN touches the weirwood tree.

NED stands at the base of the Tower of Joy. He heards LYANNA screaming in the Tower and rushes towards the stairs. BRAN stands on the ground behind him. NED turns back as though he hears a noise, but sees nothing. He hurries up the steps. BRAN follows. NED bursts through a door into a bedroom. LYANNA lies in bed. The sheets are soaked with blood. A handmaiden is standing in the corner.


NED: Lyanna.

NED rushes to LYANNA’s side.

LYANNA: Is that you? Is that really you?

LYANNA lifts her hand. NED takes it.

LYANNA: You’re not a dream.

NED: No, I’m not a dream. I’m here. Right here.

LYANNA: I’ve missed you, big brother.

NED begins to cry.

NED: I’ve missed you, too.

LYANNA: I want to be brave.

NED: Shh. You are.

LYANNA: I’m not.

NED lifts his hand from LYANNA’s stomach. His palm is covered in blood.

LYANNA: I don’t want to die.

NED: You’re not going to die.

NED looks at the handmaiden.

NED: Get her some water!

LYANNA: No, no water.

NED: Is there a maester?

LYANNA: Please. Listen to me, Ned.

LYANNA whispers in NED’s ear.

LYANNA: If Robert finds out, he’ll kill him, you know he will. You have to protect him. Promise me, Ned. Promise me.

The handmaiden hands NED the child.

LYANNA: Promise me, Ned. Promise me.

NED stares down at the baby. The baby opens its eyes. Zoom on the baby’s face.

Slow zoom out from JON SNOW’s face. JON SNOW is sitting at high table. SANSA sits beside him. Representatives from Northern houses, the Vale, and the wildlings are gathered in the dining hall. TORMUND and DAVOS sit among the wildlings. PETYR stands off to the side, watching.

VALE KNIGHT: You can’t expect Knights of the Vale to side with wildling invaders.

TORMUND: We didn’t invade. We were invited.

VALE KNIGHT: Not by me.

JON SNOW stands.

JON SNOW: The free folk, the northerners, and the Knights of the Vale fought bravely, fought together, and we won. My father uses to say we find our true friends on the battlefield.

One of the houses’ representatives stands.

MAN: The Boltons are defeated. The war is over. Winter has come. If the maesters are right, it’ll be the coldest one in a thousand years. We should ride home and wait out the coming storms.

JON SNOW: The war is not over. And I promise you, friend, the true enemy won’t wait out the storm. He brings the storm.

The men begin to murmur. LYANNA MORMONT stands.

LYANNA: Your son was butchered at the Red Wedding, Lord Manderly. But you refused the call. You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover, but in their hour of greatest need, you refused the call. And you, Lord Cerwyn, your father was skinned alive by Ramsay Bolton. Still you refuse the call. But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers. We know no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark. I don’t care if he’s a bastard. Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins. He’s my king from this day until his last day.

The men resume murmuring. LORD MANDERLY stands.

MANDERLY: Lady Mormont speaks harshly and truly. My son died for Robb Stark, the Young Wolf. I didn’t think we’d find another king in my lifetime. I didn’t commit my men to your cause ‘cause I didn’t want more Manderlys dying for nothing. But I was wrong. Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding. He is the White Wolf. The King in the North.

MANDERLY draws his blade, then rests it point-down on the ground and kneels. LORD GLOVER stands.

GLOVER: I did not fight beside you on the field and I will regret that until my dying day. A man can only admit when he was wrong and ask forgiveness.

JON SNOW: There’s nothing to forgive, my lord.

GLOVER: There will be more fights to come. House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousands years. And I will stand behind Jon Snow… the King in the North!

GLOVER draws his blade, then rests it point-down on the ground and kneels.

GLOVER: The King in the North!

Everyone in the hall stands and draws their blades.

ALL: The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North!

JON SNOW stands. SANSA and PETYR look at each other.

JAIME, BRONN, and several Lannister knights are riding on horseback on a high hill. They stop and look out at King’s Landing. JAIME sees smoke billowing out of the ruins of the Great Sept of Baelor.

JAIME: Come on.

JAIME rides on.


CERSEI enters, escorted by GREGOR and the Kingsguard. The room is full of nobles and city soldiers. QYBURN stands next to the Iron Throne, holding a crown. CERSEI and GREGOR approach the throne. CERSEI stands in front of the throne. JAIME enters through a side passage and watches.

QYBURN: I now proclaim Cersei of the House Lannister First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.

QYBURN places the crown on CERSEI’s head. CERSEI sits in the Iron Throne. She and JAIME look at each other.

QYBURN: Long may she reign.

ALL: Long may she reign.


THEON and YARA are standing on their ship. They look out at the sea. A vessel appears with a dragon as its ram. GREY WORM and the Unsullied are riding in it. Hundreds of other ships are sailing around them. Some of the ships carry the Dothraki and their horses. DROGON, VISERION, and RHAEGAL fly overhead. They fly over the boat leading the convoy DAENERYS, TYRION, VARYS, and MISSANDEI are riding in it. DAENERYS and TYRION look at each other, then DAENERYS looks out at the ocean ahead. The dragons screech.

martes, 21 de junio de 2016

«La batalla de los bastardos»

9 Battle of the Bastards 
«La batalla de los bastardos» 
Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff y D. B. Weiss 
19 de junio de 2016
Sansa y Jon aguardan en el Norte a que dé comienzo una de las batallas con mayor envergadura para los Stark y que será decisiva en su lucha contra los Bolton por recuperar Invernalia. Mientras tanto, Daenerys se dispone a trazar junto a Tyrion un plan que ponga fin al enfrentamiento con los esclavistas. Ésta y su acertado consejero intentarán por todos los medios hacerse con una potente flota de navíos.

The Masters’ men are launching flaming projectiles at the Great Pyramid and surrounding city from their ships. DAENERYS watches from atop a balcony of the Great Pyramid. She returns to the interior, to the conference room where TYRION awaits. DAENERYS approaches him. An explosion occurs outside.

TYRION: Despite appearances, I think you’ll find the city’s on the rise.

An explosion occurs outside.

TYRION: Perhaps we should take shelter.

An explosion occurs outside.

DAENERYS: The city is on the rise?

TYRION: Meereen is strong. Commerce has returned to the markets. The people are behind you.

An explosion occurs outside.

TYRION: Well, not all the people, of course. No ruler that ever lived had the support of all the people. But the rebirth of Meereen is the cause of this violence. The Masters cannot let Meereen succeed. Because if Meereen succeeds, a city without slavery, a city without Masters…

An explosion occurs outside.

TYRION: ...it proves that no one needs a Master.

DAENERYS: Good. Shall we begin?

TYRION: Do we have a plan?

DAENERYS: I will crucify the Masters. I will set their fleets afire, kill every last one of their soldiers, and return their cities to the dirt. That is my plan.

TYRION tightens his jaw and looks away.

DAENERYS: You don’t approve?

TYRION: You once told me you knew what your father was. Did you know his plans for King’s Landing when the Lannister armies were at his gates?

An explosion occurs outside.

TYRION: Probably not. Well, he told my brother and Jaime told me. He had caches of wildfire hidden under the Red Keep, the Guildhalls, the Sept of Baelor, all the major thoroughfares. He would have burned every one of his citizens. The loyal ones and the trators. Every man, woman, and child. That’s why Jaime killed him.

DAENERYS: This is entirely different.

TYRION: You’re talking about destroying cities. It’s not entirely different. I’d like to suggest an alternate approach.

A blast causes the window across the room to explode inward, sending shards of wood flying everywhere. DAENERYS and TYRION duck, then turn to look at the window.


DAENERYS, TYRION, GREY WORM, MISSANDEI, and an assembly of Unsullied stand across from the three Masters, YEZZAN ZO QAGGAZ, RAZDAL MO ERAZ, and BELICHO PAENYMION, and a group of their soldiers.

RAZDAL (to DAENERYS): Once before, I offered you peace. If you had not been so arrogant, you could have returned to your homeland with a fleet of ships. Instead, you will flee Slaver’s Bay on foot like the beggar queen you are.

TYRION: We are here to discuss terms of surrender, not to trade insults.

YEZZAN: The terms are simple. You and your foreign friends will abandon the Great Pyramid and the city of Meereen. The Unsullied you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The translator you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The dragons beneath the Great Pyramid will be slaughtered.

DAENERYS: We obviously didn’t communicate clearly. We’re here to discuss your surrender, not mine.

RAZDAL: I imagine it’s difficult adjust to the new reality. Your reign is over.

DAENERYS: My reign has just begun.

A dragon screeches in the distance. YEZZAN turns to look in the direction of the screech. DROGON flies up over the plateau and lands on an overlooking structure. He roars and drops down beside DAENERYS. DAENERYS climbs on his back and they fly off over Meereen. When they pass over the entrance to the catacombs, RHAEGAL and VISERION bust down the door with flame and take flight to join them. The ensemble flies over the beach entrance to Meereen.


A group of the Sons of the Harpy are slaughtering citizens of Meereen. Galloping footsteps can be heard in the distance. One of the Sons of the Harpy turns to look in the direction of the sound. The Dothraki horde led by DAARIO rounds the bend of a nearby cliff, yelling war cries and charging full force towards the Sons of the Harpy on horseback. DAARIO beheads a Son of the Harpy.


DAENERYS and the dragons fly over the Masters’ ships. The soldiers on the ships stop what they’re doing and stare up at the dragons. DAENERYS and DROGON come to a halt and hover in front of one of the ships.

DAENERYS: Dracarys.

The dragons shoot stream of fire down at the the ship. The ship becomes engulfed in flame and the soldiers scream as they die. The ship incinerates and capsizes.


GREY WORM steps forward and addresses the Masters’ soldiers.

GREY WORM (speaking Valyrian): You men have a choice:

The Unsullied ready their spears. The Masters’ soldiers ready their swords.

GREY WORM: ...fight and die for the masters who would never fight and die for you, or go home to your families.

A dragon screeches in the distance. The Masters’ soldiers lay down their arms and run away.

TYRION: Thank you for the armada. Our queen does love ships. Now, last time we spoke, we made a pact. You violated that pact. You declared war upon us. Though our queen does have a forgiving nature, this cannot be forgiven.

MISSANDEI: Our queen insists that one of you must die as punishment for your crimes.

TYRION: It always seems a bit abstract, doesn’t it, other people dying?


RAZDAL: Him. He should die.

BELICHO: Yes, him.


RAZDAL: He’s not one of us. He’s an outsider, a lowborn. He does not speak for us.

GREY WORM approaches the YEZZAN and stares in his eyes.

YEZZAN: Please.

YEZZAN falls to his knees. GREY WORM unsheathes his dagger and slices RAZDAL and BELICHO’s throats. He sheathes his dagger and steps back. TYRION approaches YEZZAN and puts his hand on his shoulder.

TYRION: Tell your people what happened here. Tell them you live by the grace of Her Majesty. When they come forward with notions of retribution or ideas about returning the slave cities to their former glory, remind the what happened when Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons came to Meereen.

TYRION pats YEZZAN on the shoulder. He, GREY WORM, and MISSANDEI walk away.

JON SNOW, SANSA, DAVOS, TORMUND, LYANNA MORMONT, and some Stark bannermen sit on horseback, waiting. RAMSAY, HARALD KARSTARK, SMALLJON UMBER, and a group of Bolton soldiers approach on horseback. They come to a halt in front of JON SNOW and compnay.

JON SNOW: You don’t have to be here.

SANSA: Yes, I do.

RAMSAY: My beloved wife. I’ve missed you terribly.


RAMSAY: Thank you for returning Lady Bolton safely. Now, dismount and kneel before me, surrender your army and proclaim me the true Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. I will pardon you for deserting the Night’s Watch. I will pardon these treasonous lords for betraying my house. Come, bastard, you don’t have the men, you don’t have the horses, and you don’t have Winterfell. Why lead those pour souls into slaughter? There’s no need for a battle. Get off your hose and kneel. I’m a man of mercy.

JON SNOW: You’re right. There’s no need for a battle. Thousands of men don’t need to die. Only one of us. Let’s end this the old way. You against me.

RAMSAY chuckles.

RAMSAY: I keep hearing stories about you, bastard. The way people in the North talk about you, you’re the greatest swordsman who ever walked. Maybe you are that good. Maybe not. I don’t know if I’d beat you. But I know that my army will beat yours. I have 6,000 men. You have, what, half that? Not even?

JON SNOW: Aye, you have the numbers. Will your men want to fight for you when they hear you wouldn’t fight for them?

RAMSAY points at JON SNOW.

RAMSAY: He’s good. Very good. Tell me, will you let your little brother die because you’re too proud to surrender?

SANSA: How do we know you have him?

RAMSAY nods to SMALLJON. SMALLJON pulls SHAGGYDOG’s head out from a satchel and throws it on the ground.

RAMSAY: Now, if you want to save —

SANSA: You’re going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well.

SANSA turns her horse and rides away.

RAMSAY (to JON SNOW): She’s a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to having her back in my bed. And you’re all fine-looking men. My dogs are desperate to meet you. I haven’t fed them for seven days. They’re ravenous. I wonder which parts they’ll try first. Your eyes? Your balls? We’ll find out soon enough. In the morning, then, bastard.

RAMSAY and company ride back towards Winterfell. JON SNOW looks down.


JON SNOW, DAVOS, TORMUND, and SANSA are standing around a planning table.

JON SNOW: If he was smart, he’d stay inside the walls of Winterfell and wait us out.

DAVOS: That’s not his way. He knows the North is watching. If the other houses sense weakness on his part, they’ll stop fearing him. He can’t have that. Fear is his power.

JON SNOW: It’s his weakness, too. His mean don’t want to fight for him. They’re forced to fight for him. If they feel the tide turning...

TORMUND: It’s not his men that worry me. It’s his horses. I know what mounted knights can do to us.


TORMUND: You and Stannis cut through us like piss through snow.

JON SNOW: We’re digging trenches all along our flanks. They won’t be able to hit us the way that Stannis hit you, in a double envelopment.

TORMUND stares blankly at JON SNOW.

JON SNOW: A pincer move.

TORMUND stares blankly at JON SNOW. JON SNOW and DAVOS look at each other briefly.

JON SNOW: They won’t be able to hit us from the sides.


DAVOS: It’s crucial that we let them charge at us. They’ve got the numbers, we need the patience. If we let him buckle our center, he’ll pursue. Then we’ll have him surrounded on three sides.

TORMUND (to JON SNOW): Did you really think that cunt would fight you man to man?

JON SNOW: No. But I wanted to make him angry. I want him coming at us full tilt.

DAVOS: We should all get some sleep.

TORMUND: Rest, Jon Snow. We need you sharp tomorrow.

DAVOS, TORMUND, and any remaining attendants exit. JON SNOW sits down at the head of the table.

SANSA: So you’ve met the enemy, drawn up your battle plans.

JON SNOW: Aye, for what they’re worth.

SANSA: You’ve known him for the space of a single conversation, you and your trusted advisors, and you sit around and make your plans on how to defeat a man you don’t know. I lived with him. I know the way his mind works. I know how he likes to hurt people. Did it ever once occur to you that I might have some insight?

JON SNOW: You’re right.

SANSA: You think he’s going to fall into your trap. He won’t He’s the one who lays traps.

JON SNOW: He’s overconfident.

SANSA: He plays with people. He’s far better at it than you. He’s been doing it all his life.

JON SNOW stands.

JON SNOW: Aye, and what have I been doing all my life? Playing with broomsticks? I fought beyond the Wall against worse than Ramsay Bolton. I’ve defended the Wall from worse than Ramsay Bolton.

SANSA: You don’t know him.

JON SNOW: All right, tell me. What should we do? How do we get Rickon back?

SANSA: We’ll never get him back. Rickon is Ned Starks trueborn son, which makes him a greater threat to Ramsay than you, a bastard, or me, a girl. As long as he lives, Ramsay’s claim to Winterfell will be contested, which means he won’t live long.

JON SNOW: We can’t give up on our brother.

SANSA: Listen to me, please. He wants you to make a mistake.

JON SNOW: Of course he does. What should I do differently?

SANSA: I don’t know! I don’t know anything about battles! Just don’t do what he wants you to do.

JON SNOW: Aye, that’s good advice.

SANSA: You think that’s obvious?

JON SNOW: Well, it is a bit obvious.

SANSA: If you had asked for my advice earlier, I would have told you not to attack Winterfell until we have a larger force, or is that obvious, too?

JON SNOW: When will we have a larger force?! We’ve pleaded with every house that’ll have us! The Blackfish can’t help us! We’re lucky to have this many men!

SANSA: It’s not enough!

JON SNOW: Now, it’s not enough! It’s what we have! Battles have been won against greater odds.

SANSA: If Ramsay wins, I’m not going back there alive. Do you understand me?

JON SNOW I won’t ever let him touch you again. I’ll protect you, I promise.

SANSA: No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone.

SANSA exits. JON SNOW turns, looks at the table, and sighs.


DAVOS and TORMUND are walking together through the encampment.

DAVOS: You think there’s hope?

TORMUND: I’ve never seen these Bolton fuckers fight. And they’ve never seen the free folk fight, so, yes, there’s hope. You want to avenge your king, don’t you?

DAVOS: It wasn’t the Boltons defeated Stannis. It was Stannis himself. I loved the man. He lifted me up and made me something. But he had demons in his skull whispering foul things.

TORMUND: You saw these demons?

DAVOS: What?

They stop walking. DAVOS looks at TORMUND.

DAVOS: No, it’s a manner of speaking. Not actual demons.

TORMUND: Oh. Well, you loved that cunt Stannis and I loved the man he burned. Mance didn’t have demons in his skull. He didn’t torch people or listen to some red witch. I believed in him. I thought he was the man to lead us through the Long Night. But I was wrong just like you.

DAVOS: Maybe that was our mistake, believing in kings.

TORMUND: Jon Snow’s not a king.

DAVOS: No, he’s not.

TORMUND and DAVOS smile at each other.

TORMUND: I need a good drink to help me sleep the night before a fight. You want some? I have a jug of sour goat’s milk stronger than any of that grape water you southern twats like sucking on.

DAVOS: No, thanks. It does sound delicious, but I better keep a clear head. I can never sleep the night before a battle.

TORMUND: So what do you do all night?

DAVOS: I walk. Think and walk. Think and walk until I’m far enough away from camp that no one can hear me shitting my guts out.

TORMUND laughs.

TORMUND: Happy shitting.

TORMUND walks away.


MELISANDRE is sitting at a desk with a mirror and candles on it, staring into a fire pit. JON SNOW enters and approaches her.

JON SNOW: My lady. You weren’t at the war council.

MELISANDRE: I’m not a soldier.

JON SNOW: Any advice?

MELISANDRE: Don’t lose.

JON SNOW: If I do, if I fall, don’t bring me back.

MELISANDRE: I’ll have to try.

JON SNOW: I’m ordering you not to bring me back.

MELISANDRE: I am not your servant, Jon Snow.

JON SNOW: You’re in my camp. I’m the commander.

MELISANDRE: I serve the Lord of Light. I do what he commands.

JON SNOW: How do you know what he commands?

MELISANDRE: I interpret his signs as well as I can. If the Lord didn’t want me to bring you back, how did I bring you back? I have no power. Only what he gives me and he gave me you.


MELISANDRE: I don’t know. Maybe you’re only needed for this small part of his plan and nothing else. Maybe he brought you here to die again.

JON SNOW: What kind of god would do something like that?

MELISANDRE: The one we’ve got.

JON SNOW stares into the fire pit and then exits.


DAVOS is walking alone through the snow. He happens upon a pile of wooden rubble and stops to inspect it. He sees a charred statuette of a stag in the wood and stops to pick it up. He looks back at the pile of wood. A horn blows in the distance. DAVOS looks in the direction of the horn, then hands his head.

DAENERYS is sitting on the throne. TYRION stands beside her. They are attending to THEON and YARA, who are standing on the steps in front of them.

TYRION (to THEON): Last time we saw each other was at Winterfell, yes? You were making jokes about my height, I seem to recall. Everyone who makes a joke about a dwarf’s height thinks he’s the only person ever to make a joke about a dwarf’s height. “The height of nobility,” “a man of your stature,” “someone to look up to.” You’re all making the same five or six jokes.

THEON: It was a long time ago.

TYRION: It was. And how have things been going for you since then? Not so well, I gather. Can’t imagine you would have murdered the Stark boys if things had been going well.

THEON: I didn’t murder the Stark boys. But I did things that were just as bad or worse.

YARA: And he paid for them.

TYRION: Doesn’t seem like it. He’s still alive. It was complicated for you, I’m sure, growing up at Winterfell. Never quite knowing who you were. But then, we all live complicated lives, don’t we?

DAENERYS: You’ve brought us 100 ships from the Iron Fleet with men to sail them. In return, I expect you want me to support your claim to the throne of the Iron Islands?

THEON: Not my claim. Hers.

DAENERYS: And what’s wrong with you?

THEON: I’m not fit to rule.

TYRION: We can agree upon that at least.

DAENERYS: Has the Iron Islands ever had a queen before?

YARA: No more than Westeros.

DAENERYS smiles.

THEON: Our Uncle Euron returned home after a long absence. He murdered our father and took the Salt Throne from yara. He would have murdered us if we had stayed.

DAENERYS: Lord Tyrion tells me your father was a terrible king.

YARA: You and I have that in common.

DAENERYS: We do. And both murdered by a usurper as well.


DAENERYS: Will their ships be enough?

TYRION: With the former Masters’ fleet, possibly. Barely. There are more than 100 ships in the Iron Fleet.

THEON: There are and Euron is building more. He’s going to offer them to you.

DAENERYS: So why shouldn’t I wait for him?

THEON: The Iron Fleet isn’t all he’s bringing. He also wants to give you --

YARA: His big cock, I think he said. Euron’s offer is also an offer of marriage, you see. You won’t get one without the other.

DAENERYS: And I imagine your offer is free of any marriage demands?

YARA: I never demand, but I’m up for anything, really.

THEON: He murdered our father and would have murdered us. He’ll murder you as soon as you have what he wants.

TYRION: The Seven Kingdoms.

THEON: All of them.

DAENERYS: And you don’t want the Seven Kingdoms?

THEON: Your ancestors defeated ours and took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back.

DAENERYS: And that’s all?

YARA: We’d like you to help us murder an uncle or two who don’t think a woman’s fit to rule.

DAENERYS: Reasonable.

TYRION: What if everyone starts demanding their independence?

DAENERYS: She’s not demanding, she’s asking. The others are free to ask as well. Our father were evil men, all of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We’re not going to do that. We’re going to leave the world better than we found it.

DAENERYS stands and approaches YARA.

DAENERYS: You will support my claim as queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms. No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping.

YARA: That’s our way of life.

DAENERYS: No more.

YARA and THEON look at each other. THEON nods. YARA turns back to DAENERYS.

YARA: No more.

YARA extends her hand to DAENERYS. DAENERYS looks back at TYRION. TYRION makes a shaking motion with his hand. DAENERYS and YARA grab each other’s arms.

The Stark and Bolton armies sit across the battlefield from one another. DAVOS sits on horseback among the ranks of the Stark army. JON SNOW rides his own horse through the ranks, looking at the men. He rides up next to TORMUND and WUN WUN, at the front of the line. Across the battlefield, X-shaped pyres resembling the sigil of House Bolton are burning. Attached to each of them is the body of a flayed man, strapped upside down. RAMSAY rides through the ranks of the Bolton army on horseback with a rope in his hand. RAMSAY reaches the front of the line and dismounts. The rope is revealed to be tied around RICKON’s hands. RAMSAY ushers RICKON a little further out past the front line and stares at JON SNOW across the field. He unsheathes a dagger and raises it in the air. JON SNOW dismounts and walks a few paces out into the field. RAMSAY lowers the dagger and cuts RICKON’s bindings.

RAMSAY: Do you like games, little man? Let’s play a game. Run to your brother. The sooner you make it to him, the sooner you get to see him. That’s it. That’s the game. Easy. Ready? Go.

RICKON starts walking out into the field, then looks back at RAMSAY.

RAMSAY: No, you have to run, remember? Those are the rules.

A soldier approaches and hands RAMSAY his bow. RICKON starts running across the field. RAMSAY draws an arrow from his quiver. JON SNOW jumps on his horse and begins galloping across the field towards RICKON. RAMSAY notches an arrow and fires. The arrow lands in the ground next to RICKON. RAMSAY fires another arrow. It lands on the ground next to RICKON. JON SNOW and RICKON are getting closer. JON SNOW extends his hand out to RICKON. RAMSAY shoots another arrow. It misses. JON SNOW and RICKON are feet away from each other. An arrow pierces through RICKON’s chest from behind. RICKON falls to the ground. JON comes to a halt beside him and looks down at him. RICKON gasps and then dies. JON SNOW looks up at RAMSAY.

TORMUND (to himself): Don’t.

RAMSAY smiles and gives his bow back to the soldier.

DAVOS: Prepare to charge! Prepare to charge!

The Bolton archers draw and loose a volley of arrows. JON SNOW ushers his horse into a gallop straight towards the Bolton army.

DAVOS: Go! Go! Follow your commander!

TORMUND: Run and fight!

WUN WUN roars. The bulk of the Stark forces charge across the field towards the Boltons. JON SNOW continues to rush the Bolton forces alone. The Bolton arches released a volley of arrows, some of which land in the body of JON SNOW’s horse, causing him and his horse to tumble to the ground.


KARSTARK: Cavalry, charge!

JON SNOW stands to face the Bolton cavalry, charging at him. He takes off his sword belt and draws his sword. The cavalry approaches. Just before it’s upon him, the Stark forces rush past JON SNOW and collide with the Bolton charge. Men on both sides die in the frenzy. Bodies and weaponry fly everywhere. Archers on both sides of the battlefield nock arrows and draw their bows.

DAVOS: We’ll just kill our own men. Stand down.

The Stark arches do not fire.

RAMSAY: Loose!

The Bolton archers fire. Their arrows rain down on Stark and Bolton men alike. In the fray, JON SNOW dodges several horses which gallop past him. One Bolton cavalryman charges with his horse, but JON SNOW cuts him down. JON SNOW rushes forward and kills a man on the ground, then slices the belly of a second man. A volley of arrows rains down around JON SNOW. He ducks. None of the arrows hit him. He returns to his feet and cuts down another man, dodges the strike of a passing Bolton cavalryman, and runs through another Bolton footsoldier. A Stark footsoldier helps him finish the Bolton man, and JON SNOW grabs him by the shirt.

JON SNOW: Get word --

The Stark footsoldier is taken in the head by an arrow. JON SNOW stares down at the man and then flies into a rage, killing two more Bolton soldiers. A third man runs at him but is knocked down by a galloping horse. JON SNOW runs over to where he landed and stabs him several times. A horseman gallops at JON SNOW with his ax ready, but a passing Stark cavalryman spears him. Another Bolton footsoldier approaches JON SNOW, but JON SNOW cuts him down. The bodies are beginning to pile up on the battlefield. RAMSAY’s archers loose several more volleys. JON SNOW goes into a frenzy, killing many Bolton men. The bodies have piled up high enough to create small mountains of bodies. Men continue to fight atop and around them.

DAVOS: We may as well be taking shits back here.

DAVOS dismounts his horse.

DAVOS: Follow!

DAVOS unsheathes his sword and charges across the field. The remainder of the Stark forces charge after him. On the other side of the battlefield, RAMSAY smiles and acknowledges SMALLJON.

RAMSAY: It’s time, go.

SMALLJON brandishes his sword and walks back and forth in front of his men.

SMALLJON: Who owns the North?

ALL: We do!

SMALLJON: Who owns the North?

ALL: We do!

SMALLJON: Show me!

SMALLJON and his men cheer and charge across the battlefield. JON SNOW continues fighting, but is knocked to the ground by a Bolton footsoldier. TORMUND appears and stabs the footsoldier through the back, then helps JON SNOW to his feet.


WUN WUN and the Wildlings charge up behind TORMUND and JON SNOW. SMALLJON and his men are charging from the other side. WUN WUN points at them and grunts. A force of Bolton men appear bearing tall shields and spears. They create a half-circle around JON SNOW, TORMUND, DAVOS, WUN WUN, and the entire Stark forces. The other half of the circle is blocked by the piles of bodies on the battlefield. The shield soldiers set their shields firmly in the dirt, then point their spears inward towards the Stark forces.

MAN: Infantry, advance!

The shield soldiers grunt in unison, lift their shields, and move in towards the Stark forces. With each wave of movement, they stab more and more Stark soldiers with their spears. One Stark soldier tries to climb up over the piles of bodies but gets cut down by SMALLJON. SMALLJON and his men charge down over the bodies, taking the Stark forces from the rear.

DAVOS: With me, lads! Break their line!

WUN WUN rushes the shield wall and swipes at the spears. TORMUND jumps to the side of some spears and attacks a man behind the shield wall. Several other Stark men rush towards the shield wall. JON SNOW and other Stark soldiers defend against SMALLJON’s men. Many soldiers die on both sides, and the bodies begin to pile up again. WUN WUN rips a man in half. TORMUND pulls a shieldbearer down and kills him, but gets sliced across the arm and is fored to fall back among the Stark ranks.

MAN: Tormund!

MAN #2: Get him back!

The shieldbearers advance, pushing the Stark forces further in on themselves. More Stark men die.

TORMUND: Fuck this, come on!

TORMUND leads the Wildlings back towards the piles of bodies. JON SNOW and SMALLJON spot each other, but before they can engage, the Wildling charge overtakes them. In the fray, JON SNOW is pushes to the bottom of several bodies and starts getting crushed. He struggles to get out, but can’t get a hold. TORMUND faces off against SMALLJON. TORMUND punches SMALLJON in the face, and SMALLJON responds with an overhead swing of his sword. TORMUND blocks it. More and more bodies are piling on top of JON SNOW. He can see glimpses of clashes and flailing limbs above, but nothing else. He gasps for air. SMALLJON knocks TORMUND to the ground and punches him in the face multiple times. Men are dying all around JON SNOW as he is being trampled. JON SNOW grabs onto the clothes of a standing men and hoists himself up. He emerges in the center of a tightly packed group of his men and fills his lungs with air. He spots WUN WUN fighting off some shieldbearers. WUN WUN is stabbed in the side, grunts, and pulls the spear out. SMALLJON repeatedly headbutts TORMUND in the face. DAVOS and JON SNOW look at each other. A horn begins to sound in the distance. SMALLJON stops headbutting TORMUND. TORMUND seizes the opportunity and tears into the skin of SMALLJON’s neck with his teeth, then draws a small knife and stabs SMALLJON repeatedly. RAMSAY looks in the direction of the sounding horn. A force of cavalry appears across the battlefield carrying flags bearing the white falcon sigil of House Arryn. SANSA and PETYR BAELISH sit on horseback beside the charging Arryn cavalry. TORMUND kills SMALLJON and screams. The Arryn cavalry takes the Bolton shieldbearers from the rear, then circles around and knocks them all down. SANSA smiles. JON SNOW climbs up to the top of the piles of bodies and spots RAMSAY on his horse. WUN WUN and TORMUND climb up beside JON SNOW. RAMSAY sees JON SNOW, turns his horse around, and rides back towards Winterfell. JON SNOW, TORMUND, and WUN WUN chase after him. SANSA watches them go.


RAMSAY and several Bolton soldiers enter the courtyard through Winterfell’s main gate. Some men close and bar the gate behind them and they dismount.

RAMSAY: Their army’s gone.

MAN: Our army’s gone.

RAMSAY: We have Winterfell. They don’t have the men for a siege. All we have to do is wait.

Something thuds against the gate. RAMSAY turns to look at it. Several Bolton archers nock arrows. Several more thuds occur against the other side of the gate. WUN WUN busts a hole in the gate. BOLTON archers shoot arrows at his hand and down at his body over the side of the castle wall. WUN WUN roars and punches another hole in the gate. RAMSAY moves farther away from the gate’s interior. WUN WUN reaches in and grabs the wooden bar holding the gate, but a Bolton soldier throws a spear through the back of his hand. WUN WUN rips his hand away and then bursts through the gate, opening it. He sprints into the courtyard, then falls to his knees. The Bolton archers continue shooting arrows into him. He roars. Stark soldiers flood the courtyard and beginning killing the Bolton soldiers, quickly overtaking them. JON SNOW enters the courtyard and runs up beside WUN WUN. They look at each other. TORMUND runs up beside WUN WUN, on his other side. JON SNOW reaches out to WUN WUN, but RAMSAY shoots WUN WUN in the eye with an arrow, killing him.

RAMSAY (to JON SNOW): You suggested one on one combat, didn’t you?

Stark archers aim their bows at RAMSAY.

RAMSAY: I’ve reconsidered. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.

RAMSAY notches an arrow. JON SNOW drops his sword and picks up a shield. RAMSAY aims at JON SNOW and fires. JON SNOW raises his shield and blocks the arrow. JON SNOW advances. RAMSAY nocks another arrow and fires. JON SNOW raises his shield and blocks the arrow. JON SNOW advances. RAMSAY nocks a third arrow and fires. JON SNOW raises his shield and blocks the arrow. JON SNOW advances. Before RAMSAY can nock a fourth arrow, JON SNOW overtakes him. JON SNOW bashes RAMSAY with his shield twice, knocking him over. JON SNOW drops his shield and jumps on top of RAMSAY, then punches him in the raise over and over. RAMSAY’s faces becomes mangled and bleeds. SANSA enters the courtyard. JON SNOW sees her and stops punching RAMSAY. He stands and walks away. The Bolton flags fall away from the walls of Winterfell and are replaced by Stark flags. MELISANDRE watches from a balcony. DAVOS, holding the charred stag statuette, stares up at her. Some Stark men carry RICKON’s body into the courtyard on a stretcher and stop in front of JON SNOW, TORMUND, and SANSA.

JON SNOW: We’re going to bury my brother in the crypt next to my father.

The stretcher men continue on. JON SNOW turns to walk away.


JON SNOW turns back to face SANSA.

SANSA: Where is he?


RAMSAY is tied to a chair inside the kennel gates. He is mangled and bleeding. He groans and coughs, then raises his head to see SANSA standing outside the gate.

RAMSAY: Ah. Sansa. Hello, Sansa. Is this where I’ll be staying now? No. Our time together is about to come to an end. That’s all right. You can’t kill me. I’m part of you now.

SANSA: Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear.

The dogs growl in their cells and begin filtering out into the kennel.

RAMSAY: My hounds will never harm me.

SANSA: You haven’t fed them in seven days. You said it yourself.

RAMSAY: They’re loyal beasts.

SANSA: They were. Now they’re starving.

The dogs growl. One approaches RAMSAY from the front and puts its front paws up on his legs. It sniffs RAMSAY’s face.

RAMSAY: Sit. Down! Down! Down! Down! Down!

The dog bites RAMSAY’s face. RAMSAY screams. The dogs converge on RAMSAY and begin tearing him apart. SANSA turns as though she might leave, but lingers for a moment to watch. SANSA turns and walks away, then smiles.

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016


8 No One 
Mark Mylod David Benioff y D. B. Weiss
12 de junio de 2016
Jaime Lannister continúa en Aguasdulces donde un tenaz Pez Negro se resiste a entregar su castillo, aunque la visita inesperada de alguien cercano al Matarreyes intentará disuadirlo de su cabezonería. En Desembarco del Rey, una impertérrita Cersei se niega a hablar con el Gorrión Supremo. En Meereen, Tyrion tiene que poner en marcha sus planes tan deseados ante un contratiempo que asola la ciudad más extensa de Bahía de los Esclavos. Mientras tanto, Arya se recupera de sus heridas en Braavos, aunque la suerte no está de su lado y tendrá que hacer frente a los obstáculos que se interponen en su camino.

LADY CRANE and CLARENZO are performing JOFFREY’s death scene in The Bloody Hand. Portraying CERSEI, LADY CRANE is kneeling, cradling CLARENZO’s head. The audience watches silently.

LADY CRANE: My son. My firstborn son. My child king, hush. Listen to the gods, for you they sing. Fight no more, sweet child. Your wars are won. The wolves are buried and the false stag done. Shut your blue eyes, my love. Let the crown fall. The Father above beckons you into his hall. In Seventh Heaven I’ll see you once more. But now I seek vengeance on Sansa the whore and my brother the Imp who killed his own king. Born amongst lions, our curse from within. I will slay him, I swear. With noose or with knife, though it take me a fortnight, a moon, or my life.

The crowd cheers. LADY CRANE and CLARENZO stand and bow. LADY CRANE makes her way backstage. She takes off her wig and sits down at her table in the actors’ break room, wiping her eyes. She takes her bottle of rum and begins to pour herself a glass but stops when she hears a rustling from behind a clothing rack. She stands and walks over to the clothing rack, then parts the clothes. ARYA is lying on the ground behind the rack, bleeding from her stomach.


ARYA is lying in bed. LADY CRANE sits beside her, treating her wounds.

ARYA: You’re good at that. Where did you learn?

LADY CRANE: I’m a jealous woman. I’ve always liked bad men and they’ve always liked me. They’d come home wherever home was that night stinking of some whore’s perfume.

LADY CRANE stands and carries her tray of medical supplies into the abutting room.

LADY CRANE: So we’d fight and I’d put a hole in them. And then I’d feel terrible, so I’d patch them up. I got good at patching them up.

ARYA: And good at putting holes in them.

LADY CRANE chuckles. ARYA smiles.

LADY CRANE: And that.

ARYA: What happened to the actress? The one who wanted you dead.


LADY CRANE spoons soup into a bowl and carries it back to ARYA.

LADY CRANE: She’ll have a hard time finding work as an actress after what I did to her face.

LADY CRANE hands ARYA the bowl. ARYA takes it and slurps, then scrunches up her face.

ARYA: Mmm.

LADY CRANE: I never did learn to cook. But eat. Eat. You need it. The company is moving on to Pentos soon. You should come with us.

ARYA: I can’t.

LADY CRANE: Why not? Got a feeling you’d be good at this sort of work. And besides, we need a new actress.

ARYA: I don’t think I could remember all of the lines.

LADY CRANE: Come with us. What’s left for you here?

ARYA: You wouldn’t be safe. Not while she’s looking for me.


ARYA: She doesn’t have a name.

LADY CRANE: Where will you go?

ARYA: Essos is east and Westeros is west. But what’s west of Westeros?

LADY CRANE: I don’t know.

ARYA: Nobody does. That’s where all the maps stop.

LADY CRANE: The edge of the world, maybe.

ARYA: I’d like to see that.

ARYA is afflicted with pain from her wound. LADY CRANE stands and pours a milky white liquid into a glass.

ARYA: What’s that?

LADY CRANE: Milk of the poppy.

ARYA: I don’t want any.

LADY CRANE hands ARYA the glass.

LADY CRANE: Sleep is the only way you’ll heal. Trust me, if my soup didn’t kill you, nothing will.

ARYA takes the glass, stares into it, and then drinks it down. She lays back and LADY CRANE tucks her in. ARYA falls asleep. LADY CRANE touches her hand and dims the candlelight.

Four men are sitting around a small campfire, two young and two middle-aged. One of the middle-aged men is named GATINS.

MAN: Thing about Gatins, right, is he used to be pretty.

GATINS: I was a famous kisser. You lads know how to kiss proper?

The young men look at each other.

YOUNG MAN: Course we do.

GATINS: This is for masters, this technique. You’re not ready.

YOUNG MAN #2: I’m ready.

MAN: He says he’s ready.

GATINS: All right.

GATINS stands and walks over to YOUNG MAN #2. YOUNG MAN #2 stands.

GATINS: Now, pay attention. You put your left hand on the back of the lady’s head.

GATINS puts his left hand on the back of YOUNG MAN #2’s head.

GATINS: Your right hand holds the small of the lady’s back like so.

GATINS puts his right hand on the small of YOUNG MAN #2’s back.

GATINS: Very romantic. Take your middle finger, yeah, and you jam it right up her bunghole.

GATINS shoves his hand down the back of YOUNG MAN #2’s pants. YOUNG MAN #2 flails and pulls away. The other middle-aged man bursts out laughing. GATINS smells his finger.

MAN: So fucking close!

GATINS: Ah, it smells like pussy to me.

MAN: Look at him. You get hard, boy?

YOUNG MAN #2: Fuck you! Disgusting old twats.

GATINS sits back down next to the fire. YOUNG MAN #2 remains standing, fixing his pants. SANDOR appears, carrying an ax. He is walking towards YOUNG MAN #2. YOUNG MAN #2 has his back turned to him.

YOUNG MAN #2: Got off on that, did you, you old fuck?

The other three men spot SANDOR coming. They stand. YOUNG MAN #2 turns around to see what’s coming. SANDOR growls and decapitates him. SANDOR approaches the second young man and drives his ax into his chest. The middle-aged man approaches SANDOR from behind with a sword. SANDOR spins around and slices his throat open. SANDOR lunges at GATINS and drives his axe into his groin, then rips it away. Blood spills out and GATINS falls to his knees, whimpering. SANDOR puts his hand on GATINS’ head, forcing him to look up.

SANDOR: Where’s the other one? The one with the yellow cloak.

GATINS: Fuck you!

SANDOR: Those are your last words, fuck you? Come on, you can do better.


SANDOR: You’re shit at dying, you know that?

SANDOR raises the ax above his head, growls, and buries it into GATINS.

The courtyard is filled with people of all types. People are buying, selling, and renovating. In one area, a red priestess is preaching to a crowd.

RED PRIESTESS (speaking Valyrian): From the fire she was reborn to remake the world. Daenerys is a gift from the Lord of Light to her children. If we are steadfast in our love for the Queen and her faithful advisors, no man will ever lock us in chains again.

TYRION and VARYS enter, walking together through the courtyard. TYRION smiles.

TYRION: I’d call that a successful gambit.

VARYS: Would you?

TYRION: Look around. The city has come back to life.

VARYS: You made a pact with fanatics.

TYRION: I did and it worked.

VARYS: If you shaved your beard with a straight razor, you’d say the razor worked. That doesn’t mean it won’t cut your throat.

TYRION: Spoken like a man who has never had to shave.

TYRION and VARYS stop walking and stare out through an archway at the harbor.

TYRION: I’m going to miss you.

VARYS: I know.

TYRION: I hope you’re right about this expedition of yours.

VARYS: If I don’t return, you’ll know I was wrong.

TYRION broods. VARYS looks at him.

VARYS:We need friends in Westeros. And we need ships.

TYRION: Most of all, we need our queen.

VARYS: She’ll come back. She has to. My heart’s been broken too many times already.

VARYS pats TYRION on the shoulder.

VARYS: I’ll walk the rest of the way myself. I can’t go off on a secret mission in the company of the most famous dwarf in the city.

TYRION smiles. VARYS walks on.

TYRION: Varys.

VARYS turns back and looks at TYRION.

TYRION: The most famous dwarf in the world.

VARYS smiles and nods, then walks out into the harbor. TYRION walks back through the courtyard.

CERSEI is sitting at a table, drinking. There is a knock on the door. QYBURN enters. GREGOR is standing out in the hall.

QYBURN: Your Grace, several members of the Faith Militant have been permitted entry to the Red Keep.

CERSEI: Have been permitted? That’s rather a tortured way of putting it.

QYBURN: They demand to see you, Your Grace.

CERSEI: Who permitted them inside the Red Keep?

QYBURN says nothing.

CERSEI: The king is aware of their presence?

QYBURN: He is, Your Grace. He’s currently in his chambers at prayer.

CERSEI stands and walks past QYBURN out into the hall. QYBURN bows to her as she passes, then follows her out with GREGOR in tow. At the bottom of the steps, LANCEL and a group of Faith Militant are waiting. CERSEI, QYBURN, and GREGOR approach them. One of the Faith Militant stares up at GREGOR.

LANCEL: Your Grace, His Holiness the High Septon wishes to speak with you at the Great Sept of Baelor.

CERSEI: His Holiness the High Septon is welcome to see me here in the Red Keep.

LANCEL: Your Grace, this is not a request.

CERSEI: It is a request, Cousin Lancel. You are asking me for something, I’m refusing.

LANCEL: The High Septon commands you. Are you sure you want to refuse him?

CERSEI: He promised me I could stay in the Red Keep until my trial.

LANCEL: He made no such promises. If you refuse to come of your own free will- -

CERSEI: Get out.

LANCEL nods at the Faith Militant. Two of them advance with spikes clubs. GREGOR steps in front of CERSEI.

LANCEL (to GREGOR): Move aside, ser.

GREGOR silently stares out from behind his helmet.

LANCEL (to CERSEI): Order your man to step aside or there will be violence.

CERSEI: I choose violence.

One of the Faith Militant swings his club into GREGOR’s chestplate. GREGOR is unaffected. The club is stuck in the metal of the armor and the Faith Militant man struggles to wrench it free. He pulls it loose and reels back for another swing, but GREGOR takes him by the throat with one hand and lifts him up off the ground. LANCEL and the other Faith Militant regroup in the courtyard. The man in GREGOR’s grasp gasps and drops his club. GREGOR tosses him out into the courtyard, then follows him out. GREGOR kneels over the man, grabs him by the jaw, and rips his head off. LANCEL looks around at the other Faith Militant. CERSEI smiles.

CERSEI: Please tell His High Holiness he’s always welcome to visit.

CERSEI, QYBURN, and GREGOR turn to walk back up the steps.

BRIENNE and PODRICK arrive on horseback. They stare out at the Lannister/Frey encampment from an overlooking hill.

PODRICK: Looks like a siege, my lady.

BRIENNE: You have a keen military mind, Pod.

BRIENNE spots JAIME riding a white horse among his men.

PODRICK: My lady. My lady.

Several Lannister soldiers ride towards BRIENNE and PODRICK, and then encircle them.

MAN: Who goes there? State your business!

BRIENNE: My name is Brienne of Tarth. Please inform Ser Jaime Lannister I’ve come to speak with him. Tell him I have his sword.


PODRICK watches Lannister soldiers riding through the encampment. His is choked from behind by an unknown man who reveals himself to be BRONN.

BRONN: Getting a bit old to be a squire, aren’t we?

BRONN releases PODRICK. PODRICK coughs. BRONN laughs and slaps PODRICK on the shoulder.

BRONN: Podrick fucking Payne. I thought you’d be dead by now.

PODRICK: Not yet.

BRONN laughs and motions to a nearby tent.

BRONN: Are they in there?

PODRICK: Mm-hmm.

BRONN: You think they’re fucking?

PODRICK: What? No.

BRONN: Why not? I’d fuck her. You’d fuck her, wouldn’t you?

PODRICK: I’m her squire.

BRONN: Oh. Well, he’d fuck her, that’s for sure. And she’s fuck him, don’t you think? The way she looks at him. The way all women look at him is frankly irritating. I preferred working with the little brother on that account. Come on, you’re the one with the magic cock.

BRONN grabs PODRICK’s crotch.

BRONN: You must have shown it to her by now.

PODRICK: She’s training me to fight.

BRONN: Is she? Oh.

PODRICK: An hour in the morning, and hour at night. Every day.

BRONN: Then how come an old cunt like me can still sneak up and murder you?

PODRICK: Well, that’s a different sort of fighting.

BRONN: Now, that’s the truth, isn’t it? You want to learn that sort of fighting?

PODRICK smiles and nods.

BRONN: All right, let’s start with your footwork.

BRONN stands across from PODRICK.

BRONN: Show me your stance.

PODRICK postures up.

BRONN: Now, listen to me, Pod. See how your feet are about a yard apart?

PODRICK looks down at his feet. BRONN slaps him across the face.

BRONN: Lesson number one, assume everyone wants to hit you. ‘Cause they do, Pod. Everyone wants to hit a fucking squire. Do it again. Come on, don’t sulk.


BRIENNE and JAIME stand across from each other.

JAIME: I never thought you’d find her. I just assumed Sansa was dead.

BRIENNE: Why would you assume that?

JAIME: In my experience, girls like her don’t live very long.

BRIENNE: I don’t think you know many girls like her.

JAIME: Well, I’m proud of you. I am. You fulfilled your oath to Catelyn Stark against all odds.

JAIME walks around the room and comes to a stop on BRIENNE’s other side. BRIENNE turns to face him.

JAIME: Of course my sister wants Sansa dead. The girl is still a suspect in Joffrey’s murder, so there is that complication. What the hell are you doing here?

BRIENNE: I’ve come for the Blackfish.

JAIME: You’re welcome to have him.

BRIENNE: Lady Sansa desires to take her ancestral seat back from the Boltons and assume her rightful position as Lady of Winterfell.

JAIME: With what army does she plan on taking Winterfell?

BRIENNE: The Tully army.

JAIME: They’re a bit occupied at the moment. I was sent here to reclaim Riverrun currently defended by the Tully rebels, so you can see the conundrum.

BRIENNE: The Tullys are rebels because they’re fighting for their home?

JAIME: Riverrun was granted to the Freys by royal decree.

BRIENNE: As a reward for betraying Robb Stark and slaughtering his family.

JAIME: Exactly.

JAIME and BRIENNE stare at each other.

JAIME: We shouldn’t argue about politics.

BRIENNE: You’re a knight, Ser Jaime. I know there is honor in you. I’ve seen it myself.

JAIME: I’m a Lannister. Don’t ask me to betray my own house.

BRIENNE: I do no such thing. Take Riverrun without bloodshed. Ride south with your mission complete and your army intact.

JAIME: What do you propose?

BRIENNE: Allow me to enter Riverrun under a flag of truce. Let me try to persuade the Blackfish to give up the castle.

JAIME: Why would he abandon his ancestral home?

BRIENNE: Because you’ll allow him to lead the Tully forces safely north.

JAIME: Have you ever met the Blackfish?


JAIME: He’s even more stubborn than you are.

BRIENNE looks down. JAIME walks back around the table to BRIENNE’s other side.

JAIME: All right. Try to talk some sense into the old goat. He won’t listen, but his men might. Not everybody wants to die for someone else’s home.

BRIENNE: I need your word. If I persuade him to abandon the castle, you’ll grant us safe passage north.

JAIME: You have my word. You have until nightfall.

BRIENNE nods and undoes her sword belt. She hands Oathkeeper to JAIME. JAIME sighs.

BRIENNE: You gave it to me for a purpose. I’ve achieved that purpose.

JAIME: It’s yours. It will always be yours.

BRIENNE stares into JAIME’s eyes, then ties Oathkeeper back on her waist and begins to walk out. JAIME follows her to the entrance of the tent. BRIENNE turns back.

BRIENNE: one last thing, Ser Jaime.

JAIME: Yes, Lady Brienne?

BRIENNE: Should I fail to persuade the Blackfish to surrender, and if you attack the castle, honor compels me to fight for Sansa’s kin.

JAIME: Of course it does.

BRIENNE: To fight you.

JAIME: Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

BRIENNE and JAIME stare into each other’s eyes. BRIENNE exits. JAIME watches her go.


BRIENNE and PODRICK follow BRYNDEN holding a piece of parchment as he walks along the walls of Riverrun.

BRYNDEN: I’ve said no three times already.

BRIENNE: I have a signed letter from your niece Sansa Stark.

BRYNDEN: I haven’t seen her since she was a child. I don’t know her signature. I don’t know you. And I will not surrender.

BRYNDEN turns to one of his soldiers.

BRYNDEN: Double the guards tonight.

BRYNDEN looks out at the Lannister/Frey encampment.

BRYNDEL The Kingslayer wants to try us. I can feel it.

BRYNDEN turns on his heel and walks inside. BRIENNE and PODRICK follow him.

BRIENNE: As I have said, my name is- -

BRYNDEN: Yes, Brienne of Tarth. I know your father. A good man.

BRIENNE: He always spoke highly of you.

BRYNDEN: And if he were here now, I’d tell him the same I’m telling you.

BRYNDEN makes his way down a set of steps.

BRYNDEN: If you think I’m abandoning my family’s seat on the Kingslayer’s word of honor, you’re a bloody fool.

BRIENNE: Riverrun cannot stand against the Lannisters and the Freys.

BRYNDEN: We can stand longer than your one-handed friend thinks we can.

BRYNDEN, BRIENNE, and PODRICK emerge into Riverrun’s main courtyard.

BRIENNE: He’s not my friend.


BRYNDEN stops and turns back to face BRIENNE.

BRYNDEN: Who gave you permission to cross the siege line and enter the castle? Who gave you that sword with the gold lion on the pommel?

BRIENNE: Ser Jaime kept his word to your niece Catelyn Stark. He sent me to find Sansa, to help her as Catelyn wanted. He gave me this sword to protect her. That is what I have done and I will continue to do until the day I die.

BRIENNE holds out the piece of parchment to BRYNDEN. BRYNDEN takes it, unfolds it, and reads its contents. He smiles and chuckles under his breath.

BRYNDEN: She’s exactly like her mother.

BRIENNE smiles. BRYNDEN turns back to face her.

BRYNDEN: I don’t have enough men to help her take Winterfell.

BRIENNE: You have more than she does.

BRYNDEN: She wants her home back. I understand that. But this is my home. And if Jaime Lannister wants it, he can bloody well take it the way everyone else does.

BRYNDEN hands the letter back to BRIENNE. She takes it. BRYNDEN walks away.

BRIENNE (to PODRICK): Find the maester. We need to get a raven north to Sansa.

PODRICK: What should I write?

BRIENNE: Tell her I failed.

A crowd of nobles fills the throne room. CERSEI enters, followed by QYBURN and GREGOR. The crowd stares at them and parts to let them pass. They approach the throne. TOMMEN, KEVAN, and MAESTER PYCELLE stand atop the steps to the throne. KEVAN walks down the steps and confronts CERSEI.

CERSEI: There’s to be a royal announcement?

KEVAN: There is.

CERSEI: Why wasn’t I informed?

KEVAN: There is to be a royal announcement in the throne room at this very moment.

CERSEi starts up the steps but KEVAN blocks her with his arm.

KEVAN: Where are you going?

CERSEI: To stand by my son.

KEVAN: Your place is in the gallery with the other ladies of the court.

CERSEI stares at TOMMEN. TOMMEN looks away. MAESTER PYCELLE whispers to him. CERSEI, QYBURN, and GREGOR move to one of the nearby balconies. TOMMEN sits on the Iron Throne and addresses the crowd.

TOMMEN: Lords and ladies, the Faith and the Crown are the two pillars that hold up this world. One collapses, so does the other. The Father judges us all. If you break his laws...you will be punished. After conferring with His Holiness the High Septon, we have determined that Loras Tyrell and Cersei lannister’s trial will be held in the Great Sept of Baelor on the first day of the Festival of the Mother.

Members of the crowd murmur to one another.

TOMMEN: Furthermore, after much prayer and reflection, the Crown has decided that from this day forward, trial by combat will be forbidden throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The tradition is a brutish one, a scheme devised by corrupt rulers in order to avoid true judgment from the gods. Cersei Lannister and Loras Tyrell will stand trial before seven septons as it was in the earliest days of the Faith. Seven blessings to all.

CROWD: Seven blessings.

TOMMEN stands and makes his way out of the hall, accompanied by the goldcloaks. CERSEI watches him leave. QYBURN walks up beside CERSEi and whispers to her.

QYBURN: Your Grace...that old rumor you told me about. My little birds investigated.

CERSEI: And? Was it just a rumor or something more?

QYBURN: More. Much more.

TYRION pours himself a glass of wine. GREY WORM and MISSANDEI sit across from him.

MISSANDEI: You seem happy.

TYRION: I am happy. You should both be as well. Not so long ago, this city was ready to devour itself.

TYRION puts down his glass of wine on a table and pours another glass of wine.

TYRION: Now it’s like a man reborn.

MISSANDEI: I will be happy when our queen returns.

TYRION: Why don’t you drink? Why don’t either of you ever drink?

TYRION pours a third glass of wine.

GREY WORM: Unsullied never drink.

TYRION: Why not?


TYRION: And who made these rules? Your former masters?

GREY WORM and MISSANDEI look at each other.

TYRION: Those miserable old shits didn’t want you to be human. Have a drink with me.

TYRION hands GREY WORM one of the glasses of wine. GREY WORM takes it.

TYRION (to MISSANDEI): And you? What’s your excuse?

GREY WORM sniffs his glass of wine and scrunches up his face. TYRION hands MISSANDEI the second glass of wine. She takes it.

MISSANDEI: I have tried wine before. It made me feel funny.

TYRION: That’s how you know it’s working.

TYRION returns to his glass of wine and raises it up.

TYRION: Here’s to our queen. Anyone not drinking is disrespecting our queen.

GREY WORM and MISSANDEI raise their glasses.

TYRION: To Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, long may she reign.

GREY WORM & MISSANDEI: Long may she reign.

GREY WORM and MISSANDEI sip from their glasses. TYRION drinks all of his.

TYRION: Do you like it?

GREY WORM: Tastes like it has turned.

TYRION walks to another decanter on the opposite side of the room and pours himself another glass of wine.

TYRION: Yes, yes. Fermentation. One day, after our queen has taken the Seven Kingdoms...I’d like to have my own vineyard. Make my own wine. The Imp’s Delight. Only my close friends could drink it.

TYRION sips his wine.

TYRION: Tell me a joke, Missandei of Naath.

TYRION walks back in front of GREY WORM and MISSANDEI.

MISSANDEI: I do not know any jokes.

TYRION: Grey worm?

GREY WORM stares and says nothing.

TYRION: Right. Three lords walk into a tavern- - a Stark, a Martell, and a Lannister. They order ale...

MISSANDEI sips her wine.

TYRION: ...but when the barkeep brings them over, each of them finds a fly in his cup. The Lannister, outraged, shoves the cup aside and demands another. The Martell plucks the fly out and swallows it whole. The Stark reaches into his cup, pulls out the fly and shouts, “Spit it out, you see shit. Spit it out.”

GREY WORM and MISSANDEI do not laugh.

TYRION: It’s funnier in Westeros.

GREY WORM: The Starks and the lannisters, i thought these were enemies.


MISSANDEI: A joke is like a story, Torgo Nudho. Not a true story, necessarily.

TYRION: A story that’s supposed to make you laugh, ideally. Not at the moment, perhaps.

MISSANDEI sips her wine again.

TYRION: Missandei, do you like the wine?


TYRION: Tell a joke.

MISSANDEI: Two translators are on a sinking ship.

TYRION smiles.

MISSANDEI: The first says, “Do you know how to swim?” The second says, “No, but I can shout for help in 19 languages.”

There is a pause.


TYRION begins to laugh. MISSANDEI smiles and sips her wine.

GREY WORM: That is the worst joke I ever heard.

MISSANDEI: You don’t even know what a joke is.

GREY WORM: I am soldier all my life. You think I never hear joke?

TYRION: You lied to us.

GREY WORM: I make joke.


MISSANDEI: More jokes.

TYRION: I once walked into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass. The madam says- -

Bells begin to ring. GREY WORM stands and runs out of the room, shouting in Valyrian.


A fleet of white-sailed ships approaches Meereen. TYRION and MISSANDEI stare at at the ships.

MISSANDEI: The Masters have come for their property.

JAIME rides horseback through the encampment, approaches a tent, dismounts, and enters.

JAIME: Lord Edmure.

EDMURE’s hands are behind his back, his wrists bound around a vertical pole in the center of the tent. He is kneeling.

JAIME: I apologize for the way the Freys treated you. A man of your birth deserved better. You have my word you’ll be properly fed and clothes from now on.

EDMURE stands.

EDMURE: I have your word?

EDMURE scoffs.

EDMURE: Oh, good. Good, that’s- - that’s a fine thing. My uncle will never surrender the castle, ser. Whatever game you’re playing.

JAIME: The Blackfish is an old man. A good death is all he can hope for. But you, you have a child now, I’ve heard. A son you sired on your wedding night. You’re a potent man.

EDMURE: A son I’ve never met born of a wife that I haven’t seen since our first night together.

JAIME: You should be with them both. I can arrange that, you realize? Comfortable rooms for you at Casterly Rock. A tutor for your boy, knights to train him to fight and to ride. And when he comes of age, he’ll have a keep of his own.

EDMURE: Do you imagine yourself a decent person? Is that it? After you’ve massacred my family. Kept me in a cell for years. Stolen our lands.

JAIME: I’ll remind you that our houses are at war. I’m sorry if this conflict has inconvenienced you, but rebelling against the Crown does have consequences.

EDMURE: Says the man who shoved his sword through his king’s back.

JAIME: Did I give you the impression that this was a negotiation? It’s not.

JAIME sits on a barrel in the corner of the room.

EDMURE: You understand. On some level you understand that you’re an evil man.

JAIME: I’ll leave the judgments to the gods.

EDMURE: Well, that is convenient for you. You’re a fine-looking fellow, aren’t you?

EDMURE chuckles.

EDMURE: Your square jaw, your golden armor. Tell me, I want to know. I truly do. How do you live with yourself? All of us have to believe that we’re decent, don’t we? You have to sleep at night. How do you tell yourself that you’re decent after everything that you’ve done?

JAIME: I was your sister’s prisoner once. She hit me on the head with a rock if I remember correctly.

EDMURE laughs.

EDMURE: Yeah. She should have killed you.

JAIME: Perhaps, but she didn’t. Catelyn Stark hated me just like you hate me. But I didn’t hate her. I admired her. Far more than her husband or her son.

EDMURE: Do you think I care whom you admire and whom you don’t?

JAIME: No, I don’t, but I’m telling you anyway because you’re my prisoner. You don’t have a choice. The love she had for her children, I was a little awed by it. Reminded me of my sister.

EDMURE: Oh. Oh, I see. You’re a madman.

JAIME: I’m not here to trade insults. Your sister was a strong- -

EDMURE: Don’t talk about Cat!

JAIME: I’ll talk about whomever I want.

EDMURE grunts and struggles against his bindings.

JAIME: She loved her children. I suppose all mothers do, but Catelyn and Cersei, there’s a fierceness you don’t often see.

JAIME stands and walks closer to EDMURE.

JAIME: They’d do anything to protect their babies.

JAIME gets in EDMURE’s face.

JAIME: Start a war. Burn cities to ash. Free their worst enemies. The things we do for love.

EDMURE: You didn’t come here to talk about our sisters.

JAIME: That’s exactly why I came here. I love Cersei. You can laugh at that if you want. You can sneer. It doesn’t matter. She needs me. And to get back to her, I have to take Riverrun. I’ll send for your baby boy.

EDMURE struggles against his bindings, pushing himself towards JAIME.

JAIME: And I’ll launch him into Riverrun with a catapult. Because you don’t matter to me, Lord Edmure. Your son doesn’t matter to me. The people in the castle don’t matter to me. Only Cersei. And if I have to slaughter every Tully who ever lived to get back to her, that’s what I’ll do.


EDMURE crosses the bridge over Riverrun’s moat, carrying a torch. Several guards point crossbows down at him. He stops at the end of the bridge.

GUARD CAPTAIN: Who goes there?

EDMURE: Edmure Tully, son of Hoster Tully, and the rightful Lord of Riverrun. I demand entry.

BRYNDEN appears on the wall with the guards.

BRYNDEN: Don’t let him in.

GUARD CAPTAIN: He’s the Lord of Riverrun. I have to obey his commands.

BRYNDEN: He’s been their captive ever since they murdered his king at the Red Wedding. Why do you think the people who murdered his king at the Red Wedding would decide to let him come home? Because it’s a trap, you idiot. Don’t let him in.

BRYNDEN turns to walk away.

GUARD CAPTAIN: He’s my lord, my lord. I’ve sworn to serve the Lord of Riverrun and obey his commands.

BRYNDEN turns back.

BRYNDEN: You’re not obeying Edmure’s commands. You’re obeying the fucking Kinglsayer’s commands.

EDMURE (O.S.): I demand entry.

GUARD CAPTAIN: My lord has given an order.

BRYNDEN: WIth a knife to his throat. That is not a valid order.

The guard captain turns to his fellow guards.

GUARD CAPTAIN: Lower the drawbridge and open the gate for Lord Ed- -

BRYNDEN unsheathes his sword halfway. The guard captain and the other guards show their steel.

BRYNDEN: I’ll have your head before I surrender Riverrun.

GUARD CAPTAIN: You are not lord of this castle, my lord.

BRYNDEN looks around at the other guards, sheathes his sword, and walks away.

GUARD CAPTAIN: Lower the drawbridge!

GUARD: Aye, ser!

The drawbridge begins to open. EDMURE stares back across the Lannister/Frey encampment. JAIME waits on his horse. BLACK WALDER rides up beside JAIME. The drawbridge fully extends. EDMURE walks inside.

BLACK WALDER (to JAIME): If you’re wrong, we’re just surrendered our most valuable prisoner.

The drawbridge closes behind EDMURE. Riverrun soldiers are gathered to meet him. BRYNDEN appears in the rear of their ranks. EDMURE spots BRYNDEN, hands his torch to one of the soldiers, and walks up the stairs to the top of the outer wall.

GUARD CAPTAIN: Welcome home, my lord.

EDMURE: Command all the forces within the castle to lay down their arms. Open the gates.


EDMURE: Your lord has given a command.

The drawbridge opens. JAIME glances at BLACK WALDER and rides towards Riverrun. The Lannister and Frey forces follow him into Riverrun.

EDMURE: Find the Blackfish. Put him in irons and hand him over to the Freys.

GUARD CAPTAIN (to a guard): Find him.

The Riverrun soldiers lay down their arms in a pile as the Lannister forces enter the castle.


BRYNDEN, PODRICK, and BRIENNE emerge from a doorway. BRYNDEN places the torch in a sconce and stands in the doorway. PODRICK gets onto a small rowboat floating on the surface of the river. BRIENNE kneels to steady the rowboat for PODRICK, then turns back to look at BRYNDEN.


BRYNDEN stands and faces him.

BRIENNE: Come with us.

BRYNDEN: I’ve run before from the Red Wedding. I’m not running again. This is my family home.

BRIENNE: Your family is in the North. Come with us. Don’t die for pride when you can fight for your blood.

BRYNDEN: You’ll serve Sansa far better than I ever could.

Some guards begin shouting in the background.

BRYNDEN: Go on, now.

BRYNDEN unsheathes his sword.

BRYNDEN: I haven’t had a proper sword fight in years. I expect I’ll make a damn fool of myself.

BRYNDEN heads through the doorway and back up the steps. BRIENNE watches him leave and then gets on the rowboat.


Lannister and Frey banners are being draped all over the courtyard. Lannister soldiers walk over the fallen Tully banners.


JAIME stands atop the outer wall. A Lannister guard enters and approaches him.

GUARD: We found the Blackfish, my lord.

JAIME: Good. Bring him to me.

GUARD: He died fighting, my lord.

JAIME nods to the guard. The guard exits. JAIME stares out at the river and sees BRIENNE and PODRICK rowing away from Riverrun. He looks around to see if anyone else is watching. BRIENNE looks over her shoulder and sees JAIME standing atop the wall. JAIME waves to her. BRIENNE waves back.

The Masters’ fleet is launching flaming projectiles at Meereen and the Great Pyramid, setting them ablaze.


TYRION and MISSANDEI enter. GREY WORM is waiting for them. Many Unsullied stand guard around the room.

TYRION: I was wrong. I admit it.

MISSANDEI: That changes nothing.

TYRION: The Unsullied could mount a defense off the beachhead. If the slavers’ forces- -

GREY WORM: No more talking from you. Your talking gave us this.

TYRION: And I have acknowledged that. I’m trying- -

GREY WORM: You’re trying to tell me what the army should do. You do not know what the army should do.

TYRION: All right, what should the army do?

GREY WORM: We’ll not go to the beach. If we go to the beach, the Masters will take the pyramid. The pyramid is the only place in the city we can defend. We stay here.

TYRION: And then?

GREY WORM: We wait for them to come to us. Then we fight them.

Something thuds and rattles the roof of the pyramid. Footsteps can be heard. Everyone looks up. MISSANDEI grabs a knife from a table and stands beside TYRION. GREY WORM and the Unsullied form up in front of the door to the balcony. One Unsullied opens the door. Another inches out through it, shield and spear in hand. The Unsullied man looks side to side and sees nothing, but then sees something and kneels. The rest of the Unsullied follow suit. DAENERYS enters. A dragon screeches and flies away in the background.

SANDOR walks along the center of a path through the woods, carrying an ax and a satchel. He hears horses whinnying and the voices of men. He follows the sounds and happens upon BERIC DONDARRION, THOROS OF MYR, and other members of the Brotherhood Without Banners. They are preparing to hang LEM and two of his accomplices, who stand on blocks ith nooses tied around their necks. BERIC turns to see SANDOR. Some of the Brotherhood members brandish weapons.

BERIC: Clegane.

THOROS: What the fuck you doing here?

SANDOR: Chasing them. You?

THOROS: Hanging them.

SANDOR: Any particular reason?

BERIC: They’re our men. Or they were. They attacked a nearby sept and murdered the villagers. Why do you want them?

SANDOR: Same reason. I was helping build it. They killed a friend of mine.

THOROS: You’ve got friends?

SANDOR: Not anymore. They’re mine.

SANDOR advances. BERIC and another member of the Brotherhood block his path.

BERIC: It’s the Brotherhood’s good name they’ve dragged through the dirt.

SANDOR: Fuck your name. They’re mine. I killed you once before, Dondarrion. Happy to do it again.

One of the Brotherhood members notches an arrow and points his bow at SANDOR.

SANDOR: Drop that arrow, you bloody girl.

SANDOR points his ax at the man but keeps his eyes locked on BERIC.

SANDOR: Tougher girls than you have tried to kill me.

SANDOR walks towards the bowman.

BERIC: You can have one of them.

SANDOR turns back to face BERIC, glances at the men about to be hanged, then looks back at BERIC.


BERIC looks at THOROS. THOROS nods. BERIC nods to SANDOR. SANDOR approaches one of the men and raises his ax above his head to swing. THOROS catches the ax’s handle from behind.

THOROS: No, no, no.

SANDOR turns to face THOROS and tries to wrench his ax free.

THOROS: We’re not butchers. We hang them.

THOROS releases SANDOR’s ax.

SANDOR: hanging? All over in an instant. Where’s the punishment in that?

THOROS: They die.

SANDOR: We all bloody die.

SANDOR gestures to BERIC.

SANDOR: Except this one here. I’ll only gut one of them.


SANDOR: I’ll chop off one hand.

BERIC: We gave you two of the three out of respect for your loss. That’s generous.

SANDOR: Bunch of nancies.

SANDOR throws down his ax.

SANDOR: There was a time I would have killed all seven of you just to gut these three.

THOROS: You’re getting old, Clegane.

SANDOR: He’s not.

SANDOR kicks the box out from underneath one of the men, hanging him. He moves in front of LEM.

LEM: Please don’t. I’ll give you anything.

SANDOR kicks the box out from underneath LEM, hanging him. LEM gasps for air. BERIC hangs the third man. SANDOR pulls the boot off of LEM’s foot. BERIC and THOROS begin to walk away, but turn back to look at SANDOR. SANDOR takes off his own boot and sizes up LEM’s boot to his own foot. He shoves his foot into LEM’s boot and looks up at BERIC and THOROS.

SANDOR: Got anything to eat?


Several members of the Brotherhood are sitting around small campfires. SANDOR, BERIC, and some other Brothers are sitting at one such campfire. SANDOR is eating a piece of meat. THOROS approaches and sits beside them.

THOROS (to SANDOR): Enjoying yourself?

SANDOR: I prefer chicken.

THOROS hands SANDOR a water skin. SANDOR drinks from it.

BERIC: You ought to join us. We could use you.

SANDOR: I tried joining. Didn’t work out for me.

THOROS: Clegane, we’re here for a reason. The Lord of Light is keeping Beric alive for a reason. He gave a failed, drunk priest the power to bring him back for a reason. We are part of something larger than ourselves.

SANDOR: Lots of horrible shit in this world gets done for something larger than ourselves.

SANDOR returns the water skin to THOROS, stands, walks to the river, and urinates into it.

BERIC: Cold winds are rising in the North.

SANDOR: And you’re going to go stop them?

BERIC: We need good men to help us.

SANDOR: Last time you saw me, you wanted to execute me.

BERIC: True enough. But the Lord of Light gave you the power to defeat me. Why?

SANDOR laughs.

SANDOR: I beat you because I’m better than you, Beric. I was better than you before you started yammering on about the Lord and I’m better than you now.

SANDOR returns to his spot by the campfire and sits.

BERIC: Aye, you’re probably right. You’re a fighter. You were born a fighter. You walked away from the fight. How did that go? Good and bad, young and old, the things we’re fighting will destroy them all alike. You can still help a lot more than you’ve harmed Clegane, it’s not too late for you.

ARYA is sleeping. LADY CRANE enters the bedroom, sits down beside ARYA, and strokes her face. ARYA stirs and groans. LADY CRANE stands and walks back into the abutting room. She retrieves a stool and stands atop it, reaching for a bottle on top of a bureau. She turns around and sees a young man with blonde hair. Cut to ARYA’s perspective. There is a thud. ARYA awakens with a gasp and looks around. She sees a shadow moving in the abutting room.

ARYA: Lady Crane?

ARYA gets out of bed and winces. She walks towards the abutting room.

ARYA: Lady Crane?

ARYA enters the abutting room and sees LADY CRANE lying crumpled on top of the stool, dead. Blood is pooled on the ground beneath her.

WAIF: If you’d have done your job, she would have died painlessly.

ARYA turns to see the WAIF standing in the doorway with a knife. The WAIF approaches ARYA slowly and ARYA backs away, matching her pace.

WAIF: Instead…

The WAIF holds out her arms.

WAIF: The Many-Faced God was promised a name. He must always receive what is his. You can’t change that. I can’t change that. No one can. And now he’s been promised another name.

ARYA turns around, runs out onto the balcony, and jumps off. She grunts as her hands and feet connect with the ground. The sprints off through the streets, pushing people out of the way. The WAIF emerges from the door to LADY CRANE’s apartment, spies ARYA, and chases after her. ARYA runs through an alleyway. A man pushes a cart in her way. She slides underneath it and continues running. The WAIF jumps clean over the cart. ARYA turns a corner and runs down a set of stairs. A woman dumps a barrel of water on the ground outside the door to a room at the bottom of the steps. ARYA sees her and darts into the room. The WAIF turns the corner to the steps but stops when she does not see ARYA. The room ARYA has entered is a sauna. She moves through it. A number of men in towels are relaxing in the heat. ARYA emerges from the door on the opposite side of the sauna and looks around. She enters the crowd, walking through it. The WAIF appears on a high wall behind her, then jumps down into the crowd. ARYA turns back to see her and runs away. The WAIF pursues her. ARYA reaches the end of the marketplace and jumps off a high wall. She lands on a large set of steps where many fruit merchants have laid their baskets. She tumbles down the steps, knocking over the baskets as she goes and grunting with pain. The crowd clamors. ARYA comes to a stop at the bottom of the steps. She puts her hand to her stomach. Her hand comes away bloody. The WAIF appears at the top of the steps. ARYA sees her, stands, and throws herself over a small wall into an alleyway. The WAIF follows her. ARYA whimpers as she moves through the alleyway. She leaves blood stains on everything she touches. She enters a small, dark room, lit by a single candle. The WAIF follows her inside, knife in hand. ARYA kneels in the small living space she has made for herself. The WAIF enters and shuts the door behind her.

WAIF: It will all be over soon. On your knees or on your feet?

ARYA retrieves Needle from beneath a blanket and stands.

WAIF: Haven’t we been through this already? That won’t help you.

The WAIF advances. ARYA holds Needle up in front of her face, closes her eyes, and cuts the candle in half. The room goes dark.


JAQEN enters the main hall. He notices a blood trail on the floor leading to the Hall of Faces. He follows the trail and enters the Hall. The trail leads to one of the columns bearing the faces. The WAIF’s bloody face rests in one of the sconces.

ARYA: You told her to kill me.

ARYA appears behind JAQEN, pointing Needle at him. JAQEN turns to face her.

JAQEN: Yes. But here you are. And there she is.

JAQEN pushes his chest against Needle’s point.

JAQEN: Finally a girl is no one.

ARYA: A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I’m going home.

JAQEN smiles. ARYA turns and exits.


La serie de televisión Breaking Bad.-a

Introducción  Breaking Bad es una serie de televisión dramática estadounidense creada y producida por Vince Gilligan. Breaking Bad...