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lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016


10 Mother's Mercy 
David Nutter David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
14 de junio de 2015
En Desembarco del Rey, Cersei confiesa sus pecados y es liberada tras hacer una penitencia. En el Norte, cerca de Invernalia, Ramsey Bolton y su ejército masacran al diminuto ejército de Stannis. Mientras tanto, allí en Invernalia, Sansa trata de escapar junto con Theon. En el Muro, la Guardia de la Noche guarda una sorpresa a Jon Nieve. En Meereen, Jorah y Daario emprenden una búsqueda para localizar a Daenerys, quien se encuentra en un valle donde es encontrada por un campamento Dothraki. En Dorne, Ellaria Arena declara la guerra a los Lannisters. En Braavos, Arya lleva a cabo el juego de las caras para una misión personal, lo que tendrá consecuencias.


Melisandre looks at the icicles hanging outside her tent and sees that they are melting.


Melisandre walks to find Stannis, stepping in a pile of mud on the way.


Stannis straps his armor on.

MELISANDRE: The Lord of Light has made good on his promise, my king. His fires have melted the snows away. The way ahead is clear.

STANNIS: We ride for Winterfell.

MELISANDRE: And you will take it. The Lord has shown me Bolton banners burning. You will receive what is yours by right.

Melisandre wraps her arms around Stannis. He brushes her off then exits the tent. She follows after him.


Stannis walks by his men as they prepare for battle. One soldier approaches him.

SOLDIER: Your Grace.

STANNIS: Prepare to form up.

SOLDIER: Your Grace.

The soldier waits for a response from Stannis.

STANNIS: Tell me.

SOLDIER: The men. Many deserted before dawn.

STANNIS: How many?

SOLDIER: Nearly half. All the sell-swords, with all the horses.

Stannis is speechless. He looks to Melisandre who appears even more devastated than he. Another soldier comes up to Stannis.

SOLDIER 2: Your Grace?

STANNIS: Speak up. It can’t be worse than mutiny.

The man is silent.


Stannis is led by his men to a tree. Stannis looks up and sees Selyse hanging from it. Stannis takes a long look but tries not to reveal his emotions.

STANNIS: Cut her down.

The men cut the noose and bring her to the ground.

SOLDIER: Your Grace. The Lady Melisandre was just seen riding out of camp.

Stannis seethes but says nothing.

STANNIS: Get the men into marching formation. On to Winterfell.

Stannis walks from the woods back to camp.


JON: He raised his hands. And they all stood up at once. Tens of thousands of them, the biggest army in the world.

SAM: So what are you gonna do?

JON: I’m gonna hope they don’t learn how to climb the wall.

SAM: But… the Dragonglass?

JON (shakes his head): No one’s ever getting that back, now. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, unless we had a mountain of it.

SAM (confused): But… you killed a White Walker.

JON: With Longclaw. I saw them shatter steel axes like they were glass. But Longclaw…

SAM: He’s made of Valyrian steel. How many Valyrian steel swords are left in the Seven Kingdoms?

JON: Not enough. (pause) The first Lord Commander in history to sacrifice the lives of sworn Brothers to save the lives of Wildlings. How’s it feel to be friends with the most hated man in Castle Black? (smiles)

SAM: You were friends with me when I first got here. And I wasn’t winning any elections back then.

JON: Here’s to us then. Long may they sneer.

Jon and Sam clink glasses and drink. Sam looks to Jon.

JON: What?

SAM: I wanted to ask you something. To ask something of you. Send me, Gilly, and the baby to Oldtown so I can become a Maester. That’s what I’m meant to be, not this.

JON: I need you here, Sam. If you leave, who’s left to give me advice I trust?

SAM: Well, there’s Edd.

Jon gives Sam a look.

SAM: I’ll be more use to you as a Maester. More use to everyone now that Maester Aemon’s gone. The Citadel has the world’s greatest library. I’ll learn about history, strategy, healing. And other things. Things that will help when they come.

Jon stares at Sam, saying nothing.

SAM: If Gilly stays here then she’ll die. And the baby that she named after me will die. And I’ll end up dying, too, trying to protect them. Which means that the last thing that I’ll see in this world will be the look in her eyes when I fail them. (pause) I’d rather see a thousand White Walkers than see that.

Jon inhales, exhales, then nods somberly. Sam smiles.

SAM: Thank you.

JON: You know that The Citadel will make you swear off women, too.

SAM: They’ll bloody try.

Jon looks at Sam incredulously.

JON: Sam?

SAM: What?

JON: Sam…

Sam smiles.

JON: You’ve just been beaten half to death. How did you--

SAM (smiling): Very carefully.

Jon smiles and lets out a small laugh.

JON: I’m glad the end of the world’s working out for someone.

They sit in silence for a moment.

SAM: I’ll come back.

JON (raises a glass): To your return.

SAM: To my return.


Sam, Gilly, and little Sam mount the horses. Sam looks up to see Jon watching from the top of his steps.They exchange a wave, and then Sam begins riding out of Castle Black.


Stannis’s depleted army marches onto Winterfell. Stannis is at the front with flaming heart banners flying all around him.


The Bolton army is preparing for battle.


Sansa uses the device she previously picked up to unlock her door. She drops the device and then exits her tower with a hood on.


Sansa walks by the Bolton men as they are preparing for battle.


Podrick returns to he and Brienne’s camp with firewood and dead rabbits. He hears screaming then looks down to see Stannis’s army marching for Winterfell. He drops the wood and rabbits and sprints back to Brienne.

Brienne is staring at the Broken Tower.

PODRICK: My lady! Stannis. Stannis Baratheon is coming. His whole army.

BRIENNE: How do you know it’s Stannis?

PODRICK: He’s carrying his flaming heart banners. From the Blackwater. I’ll never forget it.

Brienne takes one last look at the Broken Tower. She sees there is still no candle in the window.


Sansa approaches the Tower with a candle in hand.


Brienne takes one last, hard look at the Tower, then turns around and heads for Stannis’s army. Podrick grabs his axe and follows her. Right as they turn away, a candle appears at the top of the Broken Tower.


STANNIS: Trench here. Another one 300 yards from the castle wall. Hurry them along. And send out a foraging party immediately. The siege begins at sunrise.

SOLDIER: There’s not going to be a siege, Your Grace.

Stannis looks to the distance and sees the Bolton army racing towards him as they come over the top of a hill.


Sansa looks down at the ensuing battle from the top of the Broken Tower with a candle in the window.


Stannis sees he the army approaching. He takes a deep breath then unsheathes his sword. Cut to an overhead shot revealing Stannis is badly outnumbered.


Sansa watches from the window as the fight begins. She walks away from the window.


Pan across the ground to reveal all but one of Stannis’s men are slaughtered alongside various banners and shields with his sigil. Stannis hobbles away from these men, using his sword as a crutch. Two Bolton men arrive on horse and kill the lone survivor of Stannis’s men. They charge at Stannis, one slices his leg, but he kills them both with a dagger and sword then falls to the ground.

Stannis leans onto a tree and groans. He looks down to his bleeding leg with a resigned look, then looks up to the sound of a horse riding.

STANNIS: Bolton has women fighting for him.

Cut up to Brienne of Tarth.

BRIENNE: I do not fight for the Boltons. I’m Brienne of Tarth. I was Kingsguard to Renly Baratheon. I was there when he was murdered by a shadow with your face. You murdered him? With blood magic?

Stannis is silent for a long moment.


Brienne approaches him and unsheathes her sword.

BRIENNE: In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of his Name, Rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?

STANNIS: Go on, do your duty.

Brienne unsheathes her sword, pulls it back, swings forward, and--


Ramsay plunges his sword into a survivor. Then he surveys the corpses on the battlefield.

RAMSAY: Looks like we’re done here.

Ramsay heads back towards his horse but sees one of Stannis’s men is survive, and is attempting to crawl away.

SURVIVOR: I surrender. I surrender!

RAMSAY: And I accept your surrender.

Ramsay plunges his sword into the man then pulls it out and wipes the blood off.

RAMSAY (to squire): Let’s head back. My wife must be lonely.

Pan out to reveal the bodies on the battlefield.


Sansa hurries through Winterfell with her hood on. She heads up the stairs, sees one of the Bolton men walking her way, and doubles back.


Sansa rushes through a door towards the exit. She finds Myranda and Theon waiting for her, with Myranda’s bow drawn.

MYRANDA: My lady. I have come to escort you back to your chamber.

THEON: Go with her. Please.

SANSA: I know what Ramsay is. I know what he’ll do to me. (looks to Theon) If I’m going to die, let it happen while there’s some of me left.

MYRANDA: Die? (lowers the bow) Who said anything about dying? You can’t die yet. Your father was Warden of the North, and Ramsay needs you. Though I suppose he doesn’t need all of you. Just the parts he’ll use to make his heir. Until you’ve given him a boy or two and he’s finished using them. (raises bow) He’s got incredible plans for those parts. So. Shall we wait for him to come back, or shall we begin now?

Sansa says nothing.

MYRANDA: You’re leaving it to me? Good. Let’s begin.

She draws her arrow back. Just as she goes to release it, Theon tackles her into a wall, causing the arrow to miss Sansa. They struggle for a moment.

MYRANDA: Stop! Stop!

Theon throws her over the edge, killing her on impact. As Sansa and Theon go to the edge to inspect the body, a horn begins to blare.

MAN: Open the gates!

Bolton men return from the battle and ride through the gates to Winterfell.

THEON: He’s coming back.

Theon grabs Sansa’s hand and leads her along the walls. They climb to the top of the wall and look down to see a pile of snow at the bottom. Theon offers his hand to Sansa, she takes it, and they leap off of the wall.


Meryn Trant looks to 3 young girls in front of him and tightens his grip on the stick in his hand. He walks behind the first one and whips her, she starts crying. He does the same to the second and she cries as well. He walks up to the third girl, whose face is hidden by her hair, and whips her in the back. She doesn’t react. He whips her harder in the side and doesn’t get a reaction. He whips her a third time across the face and the girl still doesn’t make a sound.

MERYN: I can see I have my work cut out for me.You two. Out.

The two other girls flee the room. The third removes her hair to show an unknown face. Meryn punches her in the stomach. She falls to the ground doubled over. Meryn smiles but loses the smile when he sees she is reaching for something. The girl pulls off her face, revealing she is Arya, and leaps towards Trant, stabbing him in the eye. She stabs his other eye then gags him with his shirt as he screams. He grabs at her but she stabs him in the chest until he rolls on his side.

ARYA: You were the first person on my list, you know. For killing Syrio Forel, remember him? Probably not. I’ve gotten a few of the others. The Many Faced God stole a few more for me. I’m glad he left me you. Do you know who I am?

Trant struggles to make a noise through the gag.

ARYA: I can’t hear you.

She stabs him in the stomach.

ARYA: You know who I am. I’m Arya Stark.

A look of surprise comes across Trant’s face, he grunts, and then Arya stabs him in the back. She removes the gag.

ARYA: Do you know who you are?

Trant whimpers.

ARYA: You’re no one. You’re nothing.

She slowly slits his throat and he keels over.


Arya walks into the room holding the face of the girl she wore to the brothel. She returns it to where she took it from.

JAQEN: A girl has taken a life. The wrong life.

WAIF: I was right about her.

JAQEN: You were.

WAIF: You’re not ready. Not at all.

The waif grabs Arya and holds her in front of Jaqen.

JAQEN: That man’s life wasn’t yours to take. A girl stole from the Many Faced God. Now a debt is owed.

Jaqen holds up the same vial he gave to Arya to give to the Thin Man. The waif holds Arya’s face up near the vial as she struggles.

JAQEN: Only death can pay for life.

Jaqen drinks the vial and then falls straight to the ground.

ARYA: No! No! No, you don’t die! Don’t die! (sobs)

WAIF: Why are you crying?

ARYA: He was my friend.

WAIF: No he wasn’t. Didn’t you listen to him?

JAQEN (O.S.): He was no one.

Arya turns to see a man looking identical to Jaqen standing behind her.

ARYA: But if you’re… (looks to the Jaqen who drank the potion and is seemingly dead) Who’s this?

JAQEN: No one at all. Just as a girl should have been before she took a face from the hall.

Arya reaches and pulls off the Jaqen face, revealing the face of an old man.

JAQEN: The faces are for no one.

Arya pulls off the old man face to reveal a younger man’s face.

JAQEN: You are still someone.

Arya pulls off the young man’s face to reveal a different old man.

JAQEN: And to someone…

Arya pulls off multiple faces, revealing the face of multiple different men.

JAQEN: ...the faces are as good as poison.

Arya pulls off the final face and sees her own face staring back at her.

ARYA: I can’t see!

Arya’s vision begins to blur until the screen goes black.

ARYA: What’s happening?! What’s happening?!


Myrcella kisses Prince Doran.

DORAN (to Jaime): I wish you a safe journey home.

JAIME: Thank you.

Doran looks to Ellaria and nods. She walks up to Myrcella.

ELLARIA: Forgive me child. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Ellaria kisses Myrcella on the lips, holding the kiss then rubbing her lips. She nods to Jaime and Jaime nods back. Jaime helps Myrcella into the boat.

BRONN: Maybe I’ll come visit you sometime.

TYENE: Maybe I’ll come visit you.

BRONN: Don’t wait too long. I’ve a noble woman to marry back home.

TYENE (leans in): You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy. (bites his ear)

JAIME (to Bronn): Whenever you’re ready, My Lord.

Bronn nods to Tyene and the Snakes, then heads to the boat.


Myrcella looks down at her lion necklace.

JAIME: Try not to lose it this time.

MYRCELLA: I’ll never take it off again.

JAIME: I know you didn’t want to leave Dorne. But I’m glad you’re coming home. Your mother’s desperate to see you. And I’m glad Trystane’s coming with us. He seems like a nice boy. You’re lucky. Arranged marriages are rarely so… so well arranged.

MYRCELLA: Do you think mother will like him.

JAIME: If she sees you’re happy, I’m sure she will.

MYRCELLA (laughing): And you really believe that?

JAIME (smiles): Have you ever known your mother to like anyone aside from her children?

MYRCELLA: She likes you.

JAIME: I’m not so sure about that. Listen. There’s something I’ve wanted to tell you. Something I should have told you long ago. So. Now that you’ve seen more of the world, you’ve learned how complicated things can be. People can be. The Lannisters and the Martells have hated each other for years, but you’ve fallen in love with Trystane. It was an accident, really, I mean what were the chances? You happen to fall in love with the man you were assigned to marry? (Myrcella laughs) My point is… we don’t choose whom we love. We just… It’s beyond our control. I sound like an idiot.

MYRCELLA: No you don’t.

JAIME: What I’m trying to say. What I’m trying and failing to say…

MYRCELLA: I know what you’re trying to say.

JAIME: No. I’m afraid you don’t.

Myrcella stands up and looks Jaime in the eyes.


She takes his good hand in hers.

MYRCELLA: I know. About you and mother. I think a part of me always knew. And I’m glad. I’m glad that you’re my father.

Jaime looks shocked but happy. They embrace. She releases the hug and smiles at Jaime, with blood beginning to trickle out her nose.

JAIME: Myrcella?

The bleeding gets worse.

JAIME: Myrcella?!

Myrcella collapses in Jaime’s arms, blood streaming down her face.

JAIME: Myrcella?! Myrcella?!


Ellaria stares at Jaime’s ship from the dock. Blood begins to trickle out of her nose and splatter the floor. Tyene hands her a rag for the blood and she wipes it away then thrrows the rag away. She opens the antidote and drinks it down. She and the Sand Snakes begin walking from the dock.


Tyrion, Daario, and Jorah sit on the steps in Dany’s throne room.

TYRION (to Jorah): You love her, don’t you? How could you not. Of course, it’s hopeless for the both of you. Sellsword from the fighting pits, a disgraced knight. Neither one of you is fit consort for a queen. But, we always want the wrong woman.

DAARIO: Does he always talk so much?

Jorah nods. Missandei brings Grey Worm into the room, with bandages around his torso.

GREY WORM: Jorah the Andal.

JORAH: Torgo Nudho.

GREY WORM: You should not be here.

DAARIO: No, but he is.

GREY WORM: Our queen ordered him exiled from city.

DAARIO: Our queen would be dead if not for him.

MISSANDEI (Valyrian): It’s true. And I would be dead if not for the… (look at Tyrion) little man.

TYRION (Valyrian): Dwarf. I believe that’s the word. Apologies. My Valyrian is a bit “nostril”.

MISSANDEI: (Valyrian) A bit “rusty”.

TYRION: (Valyrian) “Rusty” (Common Tongue) Thank you.

GREY WORM: I am sorry. Sorry I am not there to fight for my queen.

DAARIO: You missed a good scrap.

JORAH: None of that matters now. The longer we sit here bantering the longer Daenerys is out there in the wilderness.

TYRION: He’s right. The dragon headed north. If we’re going to find her, that’s where we’re to go.

JORAH: We? You’re a Lannister. The Queen intends to remove your family from power.

TYRION: And I intend to help her do it.

JORAH: You’ve been here for how many days now? I’ve fought for her for years. Since she was little more than a child.

TYRION: You betrayed her!

JORAH: Careful now.

TYRION: And she exiled you, twice, I believe?

JORAH: The second time thanks to you.

TYRION: Don’t blame me for your crimes, Mormont.

DAARIO: (gestures to Tyrion) He’s right. The Queen exiled Jorah. (gestures to Jorah) And he’s right, Jorah saved her life. Perhaps she feels differently about him now. Perhaps not. The only way we’ll know is if we ask her.

TYRION: Fine, fine, I suppose he can join us. Just as long as he promises not to kill me in my sleep.

JORAH: If I ever kill you your eyes will be wide open.

DAARIO (to Tyrion): Forgive me, but why would we bring you?

TYRION: Pardon me?

DAARIO: Have you ever tracked animals in the wilderness?

TYRION: Not precisely, but I have other skills that’d be very useful--

DAARIO: Can you fight?

TYRION: I have fought. I don’t claim to be a great warrior.

DAARIO: Are you good on a horse?

TYRION: Middling.

DAARIO: So mainly you talk?

TYRION: And drink. I’ve survived so far.

DAARIO: Which I respect. But you would not help us on this expedition. You would help us here in Meereen, though. (to Missandei, Grey Worm, and Jorah) None of us have any experience governing a city, except for him. You want to prove your value to the queen? Prove it right here in Meereen.

JORAH: He’s a foreign dwarf that barely speaks the language. Why would the Meereenese listen to him?

DAARIO: They wouldn’t. They will listen to Grey Worm.

GREY WORM: I’ll come with you. I’ll find our queen.

MISSANDEI: You are not strong enough to go anywhere.


DAARIO: He is, he’s the toughest man with no balls I’ve ever met. But you still can’t go. The people believe in you. They know you speak for the queen.

MISSANDEI: It’s true. Only the Unsullied can keep the peace in Meereen. If you leave, half the city will consume the other half.

DAARIO: And Missandei. Our queen trusts no one more than Missandei. Certainly not me. The queen’s closest confidant, the commander of the Unsullied, and the foreign dwarf with the scarred face. Good fortune, my friends, Meereen is ancient and glorious. (to Tyrion) Try not to ruin her. (to Jorah) Looks like it’s you and me, Jorah the Andal. Let’s find some good horses. We have so much to talk about.

Tyrion walks down the steps towards Missandei and Grey Worm. They exchange uncertain glances with each other.


Tyrion stands in the place where Dany had Mossador executed and watches Jorah and Daario ride out of the city.

VOICE (O.S.): Hello, old friend.

Tyrion turns to see Varys on the balcony next to him.

VARYS: I thought we were so happy together until you abandoned me.

TYRION: I suppose there’s no point in asking how you found me.

VARYS: The birds sing in the west, the birds sing in the east. If one knows how to listen. They tell me you’ve already found favor with the Mother of Dragons.

TYRION: Well, she didn’t execute me, so that’s a promising start. Now the heroes are off to find her, and I’m stuck here, trying to placate a city on the brink of civil war. Any advice for an old comrade?

VARYS: Information is the key. You need to learn your enemies’ strengths and strategies. You need to learn which of your friends are not your friends.

TYRION: If only I knew someone with a vast network of spies.

VARYS: If only. (beat) A grand old city, choking on violence, corruption, and deceit. Who could possibly have any experience managing such a massive, ungainly beast?

Tyrion looks up to Varys with a slight smile.

TYRION: I did miss you.

VARYS: Oh, I know.


Dany looks to Drogon who is lying down in a ring full of bones.

DAENERYS: We have to go home.

Drogon lies down and grunts.

DAENERYS: My poor, sweet thing. Does it hurt? (pause) We have to go home. Drogon? Can you take me back to Meereen?

Daenerys pets his nose but gets no response.

DAENERYS: How far did you carry me? (surveys the area)

Drogon begins turning away from her to lick at his wounds.

DAENERYS: Drogon, we need to return. My people need me.

She climbs back on his back, but he hisses and bucks her off, then goes to sleep.

DAENERYS: Well, there’s no food. At the very least you can hunt us some supper.

Dany begins walking across the plateau to explore. A horse gallops in the distance. Camera cuts to reveal the pony-tail of a Dothraki. Three more Dothraki men arrive on horseback. Daenerys drops her ring to the ground. Another group of Dothraki arrives, and then the rest of the khalasar. They begin circling around Daenerys, howling.


Cersei is huddled in the corner. She shudders as the door opens.

SEPTA: Confess. Confess.

Cersei looks up to the Septa.


Cersei is knelt before the High Sparrow in the room where she was taken away.

CERSEI: I have sinned. I see that now. How could I have been so blind for so long. I want to be clean again. I want absolution. The Crone came to me with her lamp raised high, and with its holy light--

HIGH SPARROW: You wish to make a confession?

CERSEI: Once I’ve confessed, will I be free?

SPARROW: Your Grace will be dealt with according to her sins.

CERSEI: The Mother have mercy then. I lay with a man outside the bonds of marriage, I confess.

SPARROW: Name him.

CERSEI: Lancel Lannister.

SPARROW: Your cousin. And the King’s squire.

CERSEI: I was lonely and afraid.

SPARROW: You had a husband.

CERSEI: A husband of whoring every chance he got.

SPARROW: His sins do not pardon your own.

CERSEI: May the gods forgive me.

SPARROW: Other men?


SPARROW: No others?


SPARROW: Speaking falsehoods before the Gods is a great crime. You understand this?


SPARROW: There are those who say your children were not fathered by King Robert. That they are bastards born of incest and adultery.

CERSEI: A lie. A lie from the lips of Stannis Baratheon. He wants the Throne, but his brother’s children stand in his way, so he claims they are not his brothers’. The filth. There is not one shred of truth to it. I deny it.

SPARROW: Good. But these are terrible charges. And the realm must know the truth of them. If Your Grace has given honest testimony, your trial will prove your innocence.

CERSEI: Trial? I have confessed?

SPARROW: To a single sin. Others you have denied. Your trial will separate the truths from the falsehoods.

CERSEI: I bow to the wisdom of your High Holiness. But if I might beg for just one drop of the Mother’s mercy. I haven’t seen my son… I don’t know how long it’s been. I need to see him. Please.

SPARROW: You have taken the first step on a path back to righteousness. In light of this, I will permit you to return to the Red Keep.

CERSEI: Thank you. Thank you.

SPARROW: The Mother is merciful. It is her you should thank.

CERSEI: I will, I will. I swear it, day and night.


CERSEI: Am I free to go?

SPARROW: After your atonement.

CERSEI: My atonement?


Cersei is stripped naked and has the dirt washed off of her by the septas. After they scrub her clean, they sit her down and begin chopping her hair away with a knife. They leave her naked, with short hair and a bloody scalp, and then shut the door on her.


Cersei is carried to the top of the steps, in front of a massive crowd of King’s Landing citizens.

SPARROW: A sinner comes before you. Cersei of House Lannister, mother to his Grace King Tommen, widow to his Grace King Robert. She has committed the acts of falsehood and fornication. She has confessed her sins and begged for forgiveness. To demonstrate her repentance, she will cast aside all pride, all artifice, and present herself as the gods made her, to you. The good people of the city. She comes before you with a solemn heart. Shorn of secrets. Naked before the eyes of gods and men. To make her walk of atonement.

The septas remove her robe. She stands naked before the citizens of King’s Landing, who gasp. They force her to start walking down the stairs.

SEPTA: Shame. Shame. Shame. (rings bell)

The septa repeats “Shame. Shame. Shame.” and rings the bell through the duration of Cersei’s walk. Cersei is escorted by the Sparrows through the crowd of people. Silence at first, but once one man yells “Cunt!”, she begins to be heckled.

CROWD: Bitch! Whore! All hail her royal tits!

They begin pelting her with food. A prostitute runs in front of Cersei with her breasts out.

WOMAN: I’ve had half as many cocks as the queen!

The sparrows force her out of Cersei’s way. A man with his penis out runs in front of her later in the walk.

MAN: Suck me off! Suck me off, you bitch!

As Cersei approaches the end of her walk things get more violent. A man spits directly in her face, and a Sparrow has to beat a woman with a club as she charges Cersei. She is knocked to her knees at the end of her walk, but gets back to her feet when she sees the Red Keep in the distance. She finally reaches the end of the walk of atonement, and enters the Red Keep, sobbing.


Kevan Lannister, Grand Maester Pycelle, Qyburn, and the Lannister guards wait for her. Qyburn rushes to cover her naked body with a blanket as Cersei begins weeping.

QYBURN: Your Grace. It’s good to have you back. Come. We’ll take you inside. I need to have a look at those feet.

Cut to her bloody feet. We hear two giant footsteps off screen.

QYBURN: May I have the honor of presenting the newest member of the Kingsguard.

A hulking man, who is revealed to have a blue face through the eye holes in his helm, walks over to Qyburn and Cersei. He takes Cersei in his arms.

QYBURN: If it please Your Grace, he’s taken a holy vow of silence. He has sworn that he will not speak until all his Grace’s enemies are dead, and the evil has been driven from the realm.


Jon and Davos exit the elevator.

DAVOS: He came to your aid. Stannis. Now he needs you!

JON: We don’t have enough men to make any difference.

DAVOS: The wildlings will make a difference!

JON: The wildlings won’t ever fight for Stannis, I told you before--

DAVOS: You saved their bloody lives. If they’re going to live in the Seven Kingdoms, safe behind our wall, they ought to fight for the damn place.

JON: It’s not their fight!

The gates to Castle Black are opened and Melisandre arrives, alone and on horseback. Jon and Davos rush over to her.

JON: Stannis?

No response.

DAVOS: Shireen? The princess?

A long look but no response. Melisandre walks away from the two of them.


Jon goes through the various scrolls on his desk. Olly enters the room.

OLLY: Lord Commander. It’s one of the wildlings you brought back. Says he knows your Uncle Benjen. Says he’s still alive.

JON (stands up): Are you sure he’s talking about Benjen?

OLLY: Says he was first Ranger. Said he knows where to find him.

Jon rushes out of his room down to the ground. He is met by Alliser.

ALLISER: Man says he saw your uncle at Hardhome the last full moon.

JON: He could be lying.

ALLISER: Could be. There are ways to find out.

JON: Where is he?

ALLISER: Over there.

Jon walks past a group of Brothers holding torches. He sees a sign that reads “TRAITOR” when he passes them, and turns to see he is cornered. Alliser stabs him in the gut.

ALLISER: For the Watch.

Another Brother stabs him.

BROTHER: For the Watch.

A third Brother stabs him.

BROTHER: For the Watch.

A fourth brother stabs him.

BROTHER: For the Watch.

A fifth brother stabs him.

BROTHER: For the Watch.

Jon falls to his knees, struggling but still alive. Olly walks up to Jon.

JON: Olly…

Olly stabs him.

OLLY: For the Watch.

Jon stays on his knees, then falls backwards. The Brothers walk away from him. Jon lays on the ground, expressionless. A puddle of blood spreads to the top of the screen.



miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

«Danza de dragones»

9 The Dance of Dragons 
«Danza de dragones»
David Nutter David Benioff & D. B. Weiss
7 de junio de 2015
En el Muro, la entrada de los salvajes es permitida al Castillo Negro. En el norte, tras una emboscada que debilita su campamento, Stannis decide hacer un doloroso sacrificio para tener la ayuda del Dios Rojo. En Braavos, Arya se encuentra con una persona de su pasado motivo por el cual se desvía de su misión original. En Meereen, un vasto número de Hijos de la Arpía masacra al pueblo de Meereen durante la reapertura de las arenas de combate exponiendo a Daenerys a un gran peligro, ya que estos son acorralados, pero cuando todo se creía perdido aparece su gran salvador. En Dorne, Jaime negocia tratos con Doran para poder llevar a Myrcella de regreso a Desembarco del Rey.


A man walks by each of the tents.


Melisandre stares into the fire. She exits the tent.


Melisandre surveys the camp. In the distance, a tent catches on fire. Men start screaming and rushing out of their tents. A burning horse runs by Melisandre.


DAVOS: A band of 20 men, maybe less. They were in and out before anyone spotted them, burnt our food stores to the ground, all our siege weapons were destroyed, dozens of tents were--

STANNIS: Horses?

DAVOS: We’re still getting a count, but hundreds are dead.

STANNIS: 20 men rode into our camp without a single guard sounding the alarm?

DAVOS: The northerners know more about their land than we ever will.

STANNIS: Put last night’s guards in chains, either they fell asleep or they were conspiring with the enemy. Find out the truth and then hang them.

DAVOS: Unless there’s a thaw, we can’t press forward to Winterfell, and we don’t have enough food to get us back to Castle Black.

STANNIS: We’re not returning to Castle Black.

DAVOS: Forgive me, Your Grace, I never claimed to be an expert in military matters. But if we can’t march forward, and we won’t march back…

Stannis looks to Melisandre and Selyse. Davos follows his gaze then looks back.

STANNIS: Have the dead horses butchered for meat.

Stannis walks over to Melisandre.


The Hardhome survivors, led by Jon, Tormund, Tollett, and Wun-Wun, approach the wall. Alliser looks down at the group. Jon steps forward, Alliser stares for a moment, then--

ALLISER: Open the gates.

The lower gate is lifted.


The Hardhome Wildlings are being escorted through Castle Black.

JON: It was a failure.

SAM: It wasn’t.

JON: I went to save them, I failed.

SAM: You didn’t fail him, or him, or her. Every one of them is alive because of you, and no one else.

JON: I don’t think that fact’s lost on them.

Cut to many men of the Night’s Watch glaring at Jon, then Olly who exchanges a long look with Jon from the top of the stairs. Alliser walks down the steps to Jon.

ALLISER: You have a good heart, Jon Snow. It will get us all killed.


Stannis is studying his chessboard. There are 2 Baratheon pieces next to a sword and opposed to 2 Bolton pieces. Davos enters the tent.

DAVOS: You sent for me, Your Grace.

STANNIS: Find you some healthy horses and a few good men to guard you, I’m sending you back to Castle Black. Tell the Lord Commander to send food, supplies, fresh horses, in return when I take the throne I’ll make sure the Night’s Watch has all the men it requires. He can guard all 19 castles if he so wishes.

DAVOS: Your Grace, you’ve named me your Hand.


DAVOS: The King’s Hand should never abandon the King, especially in a time of war.

STANNIS: You’re not abandoning me, you’re obeying a command.

DAVOS: A boy with a scroll could deliver this message.

STANNIS: And if Jon Snow refuses a boy with a scroll, what does the boy say? I didn’t name you hand for your expertise in military matters, ride for Castle Black, don’t come back empty handed.

DAVOS: Your Grace, perhaps Queen and Princess Shireen could accompany me.

STANNIS: My family stays with me.

DAVOS: At least let me take Shireen. A siege is no place for a little girl.

STANNIS: My family stays with me.


The men are shivering, waiting in line for food. Davos walks by.


Shireen is reading one of her books. Davos enters.

DAVOS: What’s this one now?

SHIREEN: "The Dance of Dragons: A True Telling" by Grand Maester Munkun.

DAVOS: Well that sounds like a proper story.

SHIREEN: Ser Byron Swann wanted to kill the dragon Vhagar. He polished his shield for a week, til the steel was like a mirror. Then he crouched behind it, and crept forward, hoping the dragon would only see his own reflection.

DAVOS: But the dragon only saw a dumb man, holding a mirrored shield.

SHIREEN: And burnt him to a crisp.

Davos and Shireen share a laugh.

DAVOS: Thus ending the dragonslaying career of Ser Byron Swann. I made you something, Princess.

Davos hands her a stag carved out of wood.

DAVOS: Do you like it?

SHIREEN: He’s beautiful.

Shireen kisses him on the cheek.

SHIREEN: Thank you.

DAVOS: You’re very welcome.

SHIREEN: Will you make me a doe, too, so that he can have company?

DAVOS: Of course I will.

SHIREEN: But why am I getting a present?

DAVOS: Because you deserve it. My son was always on me trying to teach me to read. Gods, I was stubborn about it. Made it this far without reading, seemed to me I could make it to the grave. I wish I had listened to them. This is my own poor way of saying thank you for teaching me to be a grown up. (beat) I’ll be gone for a few days, Princess. I’ll want to hear all about the dance of dragons when I’m back.

SHIREEN: You’ll just have to read it yourself.

Davos kisses Shireen on her forehead then leaves. Shireen looks over the stag.


Jaime is escorted by Areo to Doran’s room.

JAIME: Prince Doran. (bows)

DORAN: Forgive us, we started without you. Please, sit.

JAIME: Princess Myrcella.


JAIME: What a lovely dress.

MYRCELLA: You don’t like it?

JAIME: You must be cold.

MYRCELLA: Not at all. The Dornish climate agrees with me.

JAIME: Prince Trystane. How’s your jaw?

TRYSTANE: A fleabite.

ELLARIA: What are you doing in Dorne?

JAIME: Looking out for the safety of my niece, the princess Myrcella.

DORAN: And rather than send a raven or speak to me directly you decided to enter my country in secret and abduct our guest by force.

JAIME: We received a threatening message. The princess’s necklace in the jaws of a viper.

Jaime looks at Ellaria.

MYRCELLA (surprised): That necklace was stolen from my room.

Doran looks at Ellaria. A servant sets down food and drink before Jaime.

JAIME: Ah. Excellent. The last meal before the beheading.

DORAN: We can’t behead you. Many in Dorne want war. But I’ve seen war. I’ve seen the bodies piled on the battlefields. I’ve seen the orphans starving in the cities. I don’t want to lead my people into that hell.

ELLARIA: No, you want to break bread with the Lannisters.

DORAN: And that is precisely what we are doing. (raises glass) Let us drink to Tommen, the first of his name, the King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

Everyone drinks. Ellaria dumps her cup out on the floor and looks at Doran.

DORAN: King Tommen insists on his sister’s return to the capital?

JAIME: I’m afraid he does.

DORAN: I cannot disobey my King’s command. (Ellaria glares at Doran) She will return with you to King’s Landing. And my son, Prince Trystane, will accompany you both. If the alliance between Dorne and the Iron Throne is to continue, their engagement must stand.

JAIME: I accept.

DORAN: One more thing. My brother was named to the small council before his death. Your father understood the importance of keeping Dorne in the loop. With Oberyn gone, Trystane will take his place on the small council.

JAIME: You have my word.

ELLARIA: The word of a Kingslayer.

Ellaria gets up and walks to Doran.

ELLARIA: No wonder you can’t stand. You have no spine.

Ellaria tries to leave the room. Doran grabs her wrist.

DORAN: You are mother to four of my nieces, girls I love very much. For their sake, I hope you live a long life. Talk to me that way again and you won’t.

Doran lets go. Ellaria leaves the room.

JAIME: May I inquire into the fate of my man?

DORAN: Tell me, Ser Jaime, in King’s Landing, how do they punish a commoner who strikes a prince?

JAIME: He said it was just a fleabite. The fault is mine. Bronn is merely a soldier following my orders. If anyone should be punished it’s me.

DORAN: Prince Trystane must learn judgement if he’s to rule one day. I’ll let him decide.

Jaime looks to Trystane. Trystane considers.

TRYSTANE: I have learned the value of mercy from my father. I will set your man free.

JAIME: You’re a good man.

TRYSTANE: On one condition.


Bronn is laying on the ground in his cell. Tyene and Nymeria are playing a game where one tries to slap the other’s hand before they pull their hands away. Nymeria slaps Tyene.

NYMERIA: Why do we play? I’m better than you, I’ll always be better than you. Have I ever missed once? I don’t think, I can’t recall. You must love humiliation or pain. Which do you love most? Humiliation or-- (slaps) -- pain? That one hurt didn’t it? You going to cry? Give up, little sister.

TYENE: You’re going to miss.

NYMERIA: I never miss.

TYENE: You will. You’re thinking too much. Now you’re nervous. “What if she’s right?”

Nymeria slaps at Tyene and Tyene gets out of the way in time.


TYENE: Now it’s my turn.

NYMERIA: You’re too slow. You’ve always been too slow.

Nymeria sticks her hands out and blows a kiss to Tyene. Tyene slaps her across the face then blows one back. They get in fighting stances as the guards arrive. They take Bronn out of his cell.

BRONN: Am I going to be happy at the end of this walk?

AREO: You’ll find out very soon.

Bronn starts leaving the prison.

TYENE: Say it one more time, handsome. Who am I?

BRONN: The most beautiful woman in the world.

TYENE: And that’s the truth!


Tyene laughs.


Areo escorts Bronn into Doran’s room.

JAIME: Prince Doran, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.

DORAN: : I didn’t realize there were knights of the Blackwater.

BRONN: Only the one.

JAIME: I believe you’ve already met Prince Trystane.

BRONN: Prince. Sorry about the other day.

JAIME: Prince Trystane here is a man of mercy. He’s agreed to grant you your freedom.

BRONN: I’m glad to hear it. The pie looks good.

JAIME: There was one condition.

Jaime nods to Areo. Areo elbows Bronn in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

DORAN: Perhaps some soup instead?


Arya pushes her oyster cart through the street.

ARYA: Oysters, clams, and cockels! Oysters, clams, and cockels! Oysters, clams, and cockels! Oysters, clams, and cock--

Two shady looking men approach her.

MAN: How much for your little clam?

They laugh and walk away. Arya looks down the street and sees the Thin Man, looking over another sailor’s application.

ARYA: Oysters, clams, and cockels! Oysters, clams, and cockels!

Arya stops her cart, inspects the vile Jaqen gave to her, and tucks it back in her pouch. She starts pushing the cart again and makes eye contact with the Thin Man.

THIN MAN (waving): Come on.

Arya stares off into the distance.

THIN MAN: Some oysters, girl! I’m talking to you! Girl?! Are you deaf? Girl?!

Arya looks to the dock, and sees Meryn Trant and Mace Tyrell being helped off the boat. A Iron Banker approaches him and Arya starts walking away from the Thin Man and towards them.

BANKER: Lord Tyrell! On behalf of the Iron Bank, may I be the first to welcome you to the free city of Braavos. I hope your journey was trouble free.

MACE: Bit of chop the last few days but nothing too awful. Good to see the old chap is still guarding the Harbor.

BANKER: And how goes the harvest in the Reach?

MACE: Vintnors say this might be the best year for red grapes in half a century. If we come to a satisfactory arrangement, I’ll be sure to send the Arbor’s finest your way.

BANKER: I’m afraid I don’t partake.

Arya studies the group, focuses in on Meryn, and begins following them with her cart.


MACE: Some consider usury distasteful, dishonorable. Pure nonsense, of course.

BANKER: I'm glad we see eye-to-eye on this matter.

MACE: Did you know that at one point Maegor the third tried to outlaw it in the Seven Kingdoms? Wanted to arrest anyone caught charging interest and cut off both their hands.

Meryn and Arya exchange quick looks at each other.

BANKER: Most unfortunate for the glovers.

MACE: If a man charges low interest on a loan then he has nothing to gain and everything to lose, so why charge him? Whereas a reward makes a man willing to gamble.

BANKER: We are not gamblers here at the Iron Bank, Lord Tyrell.

MACE: You are the world's best gamblers. And all those bets you won built this.

Mace gestures to the Iron Bank and the camera cuts to it.


Arya is waiting on the steps of the building opposite the bank, eating her oysters. The men start walking out of the Bank.

BANKER: I’m afraid I still have a good deal of work to do.

MACE: Oh, nonsense. Work's over. Do you sing?

BANKER: I don't have that gift.

MACE: It's not a gift, it’s a skill, anyone can learn it. “So give me a kiss by the Long Canall and give me two kisses in Salty Town, for we are going to die, tomorrow. The bareheaded beggar, the king with his crown…”


Meryn Trant and his men walk through the doorway.

MERYN: I thought that old shit would never stop singing.

MAN: It wasn’t bad, though.

MERYN: The Tyrells can all rot in hell, treasonous cunts. They were going to make that boy-fucker Renly king.

They arrive at a door.

MERYN: This is the place, lads. The sleekest little minks in Braavos.

MAN: You’re buying?

MERYN: Oh, I’m buying. But I never was good at sharing.

They enter the brothel. Arya pulls up to the doorway with her cart and sees the men entering.


Arya walks through the door with a tray of oysters. The brothel keeper stops her.

BROTHEL KEEPER: Sell your fish somewhere else.

PROSTITUTE: Oh let her in, Brusco, I’m hungry. Come here, sweetness.

The brothel keeper gestures nods for Arya to go on. She walks to the prostitute and the man she’s with.

PROSTITUTE: They say oyster’s get the juices flowing. We’ll take half a dozen.

ARYA: Three coppers.

Arya begins cutting an oyster open.

JOHN: Here’s a silver because the lady likes you.

The man places a silver on her tray in exchange for the oysters. Arya turns and sees Trant’s men being taken to a back room.


Arya enters the room and peers through a divider to see a prostitute posing for Meryn.

MERYN: Too old.


Brea poses for Meryn.

MERYN: Too old.

HEAD: I have just the one. Anara our most expensive girl, but well worth it, I assure you.

A younger, 20-something prostitute poses for Meryn.

MERYN: Too old.

The people in the room share uneasy glances as they realize what he’s asking for.

MERYN: Do you have what I want or not?

HEAD: Of course. Of course.

One of Trant’s men crosses to the other side of the divider and confronts Arya.

MAN: Fresh? Come on, the lads are hungry.

The man drags her into the room.

MAN: Nothing better for you cock stand than fresh oysters.

MAN 2: I’ll have one.

Meryn stares at Arya.

HEAD: Who let this girl in? Shoo shoo!

The head prostitute brings in a child.

MERYN: Good.

The head prostitute hands Meryn an hourglass. He hands it back.

MERYN: I’ll tell you when we’re done.

He leads the girl towards a bedroom.

MERYN: You’ll have a fresh one for me tomorrow.

HEAD: Of course.

The head prostitute realizes Arya is still standing there.

HEAD: I’ll have you whipped, girl! Go on!

Arya leaves the room, but takes one last glance at where Meryn is taking the girl.


Jaqen kneels next to a man at the fountain of the center of the room and offers him a drink from the fountain.

MAN: Valaar morghulis.

The man takes a drink. Arya approaches Jaqen.


ARYA: The Thin Man wasn’t hungry today.

JAQEN: Perhaps that’s why the man is thin.

The man drops to the ground, creating a thud off-screen.

ARYA: Tomorrow.

JAQEN: Tomorrow.

JAQEN: A girl has work to do.

Arya walks towards the man who is now collapsed on the ground.


Doran is addressing Ellaria with Areo standing guard next to the three Sand Snakes.

DORAN: Your rebellion is over. You can swear your allegiance to me now, or you can die.

She kneels and kisses his ring, crying. Nymeria and Obara look disgusted, Tyene’s face reveals less.

DORAN: I believe in second chances. I don’t believe in third chances.


Jaime is writing a letter in his former cell that is now unlocked. Ellaria enters.

ELLARIA: You write like a 7 year old.

JAIME: Your maester kindly agreed to copy it over for me.

ELLARIA: He didn’t try to make you pay?

ELLARIA: Then maybe he’s changed. The Queen will be thrilled to know you’ll be bringing her daughter home

JAIME: She will.

ELLARIA: You love her very much, don’t you?

JAIME: Of course, she’s my niece.

ELLARIA: I wasn’t talking about her.

Jaime looks up from his writing at Ellaria.

ELLARIA: You think I disapprove. Why? Because people disapprove of that sort of thing where you are from? They disapproved of Oberyn and me where you are from. Here, no one blinked an eye. 100 years ago, no one would have blinked an eye at you if you had been named Targaryen. It’s always changing, who we’re supposed to love and who we’re not.The only thing that stays the same is that we want who we want.

Ellaria pauses, taking a walks around the room.

ELLARIA: I know your daughter had no part in the terrible thing that happened to the man I loved. Perhaps even you were innocent of that.

Ellaria exits the room.


Shireen plays with her stag figurine next to a fire and on top of her book. Stannis enters the tent.

SHIREEN: Father. Aren’t you cold?

STANNIS: No. What are you reading?

SHIREEN: The Dance of Dragons.

STANNIS: What’s it about?

SHIREEN: It’s the story of the fight between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon for control of the Seven Kingdoms. Both of them thought they belonged on the Iron Throne. When people started for declaring for one of them or the other, their fight divided the kingdom in two. Brothers fought brothers. Dragons fought dragons. By the time it was over, thousands were dead. And it was a disaster for the Targaryens as well. They never truly recovered.

STANNIS: “The dance of dragons”? Why is that a dance?

SHIREEN: That’s just what they call it.

STANNIS: Doesn’t make much sense.

SHIREEN: I think it’s poetic.

STANNIS: If you had to choose between Rhaenyra and Aegon, who would you have chosen?

SHIREEN: I wouldn’t have chosen either. It’s all the choosing sides that made things so horrible.

STANNIS: Sometimes a person has to choose. Sometimes the world forces his hand. If a man knows what he is and remains true to himself, the choice is not choice at all. He must fulfill his destiny and become who he is meant to be. However much he may hate it.

SHIREEN: It’s alright, father.

STANNIS: You don’t even know what I’m talking about.

SHIREEN: It doesn’t matter. I want to help you. Is there any way I can help?

STANNIS: Yes there is.

SHIREEN: Good, I want to. I’m the Princess Shireen of House Baratheon and I’m your daughter.

They hug.

STANNIS: Forgive me.


Shireen is flanked by guards as she walks towards a pyre, clutching the stag Davos gave her. When she arrives at the pyre Melisandre steps to the front.

SHIREEN: Where’s my father? I want to see my father.

MELISANDRE: It will all be over soon, Princess.

The men drag her to the pyre and tie her up.

SHIREEN: Where’s my father? No you can’t do this, father where are you?!

Stannis watches on from the crowd.

SHIREEN: Let me see my father! Where are you, please?!

SELYSE: It’s what the Lord wants. It’s a good thing. A great thing.

MELISANDRE: The year is now, my Lord. For you we offer up this girl, that you may cleanse her with your fire and that its light may lead our way.

SELYSE: If we don’t act then we’ll all starve here all of us, but if we make this sacrifice…

MELISANDRE: Accept this token of our faith, my lord and lead us from the darkness. Lord of Light show us the way!

SHIREEN: Mother, please mother! Mother, please mother!

SELYSE: I can’t.

STANNIS: There’s no other way. She has King’s blood.

MELISANDRE: Lord of Light protect us, for the night is dark and full of terrors!

SHIREEN: Mother, don’t do this please! Please help! Don’t do this! Please, father! Mother, help!

Melisandre lights the pyre. Selyse runs towards the pyre and is stopped by Stannis’ men. Shireen burns as Melisandre, Selyse, and Stannis look on, Melisandre pleased, Selyse horrified, and Stannis conflicted.



Daenerys sits next to Missandei at the top of the pit, with an open seat between her and Tyrion at the end, and Daario standing behind them. Hizdahr takes the open seat.

DAENERYS: Where have you been?

HIZDAHR: Just making sure everything’s in order.

Camera pans through the fighting pit to reveal it is covered with House Targaryen sigils. An announcer steps to the middle of the pit and waves his arm to silence the crowd.

ANNOUNCER (Valyrian): Free citizens of Meereen! By the blessings of the Graces and her majesty the Queen, welcome to the Great Games!

The Announcer raises his hands and the crowd begins to roar. Cut to Daenerys’ box - she and Missandei look disgusted, Daario looks impressed. Two gladiators enter the pit.

ANNOUNCER: My queen, our first contest. Who will triumph: the strong or the quick?

QUICK: I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious queen.

STRONG: I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious queen.

They stand waiting in front of her. The crowd is silent.

HIZDAHR: They’re waiting for you. Clap your hands.

Daenerys looks down at the two men. After a moment, and with a look of disgust on her face, she claps her hands. The crowd roars and they start fighting. After some parries, the Quick man slices at the Strong man’s neck.

DAARIO: That one, the smaller man, no question, that’s where you should put your money.

TYRION: The smaller man it is.

DAENERYS: I’m not putting my money anywhere.

HIZDAHR: Kings and queens never bet on the games. Perhaps you should go find someone who does.

DAARIO: People used to bet against me when I fought in the pits. (looks at Hizdahr) He would have bet against me. Common novice mistake.

HIZDAHR: I have spent much of my life in Meereen, and in my experience, larger men do triumph over smaller man, far more often than not.

DAENERYS: Has your experience ever involved any actual fighting? You, yourself, have you ever tried to kill a man that was trying to kill you?

Hizdahr is silent.

DAARIO: Whenever I got into the pit against a beast like that one, the crowd saw me, all skin and bone back then, then they saw a pile of angry muscles ready to murder me. They couldn’t get their money out fast enough. But the pile of angry muscles never had any muscles here (he puts a dagger to his neck) or here (he puts the dagger to Hizdahr’s neck). And the big men were always too slow to stop my dagger from going where their muscles weren’t. Yes, whenever I saw a beast like that one, standing across from me making his beast faces, I knew I could rest easy.

The Strong man decapitates the Quick man with one quick stroke. Hizdahr smiles and Daario looks turns away angrily. Tyrion says nothing.

HIZDAHR: You don’t approve?

TYRION: There’s always been more than enough death in the world for my taste. I can do without it in my leisure time.

HIZDAHR: Fair enough, yet -- it’s an unpleasant question -- but what great thing has ever been accomplished without killing or cruelty?

TYRION: It’s easy to confuse what is with what ought to be. Especially when what is has worked in your favor.

HIZDAHR: I’m not talking about myself. I’m talking about the necessary conditions of greatness.

Cut to pit workers carrying the decapitated head out of the pit, leaving a trail of blood behind.

DAENERYS: That is greatness?

HIZDAHR: That is a vital part of the great city of Meereen. Which has existed long before you arrived and will remain standing long after we have returned to the dirt.

TYRION: My father would have liked you.

ANNOUNCER: We ask again: who will triumph?

DAENERYS: One day your great city will return to the dirt as well.

HIZDAHR: At your command?

DAENERYS: If need be.

ANNOUNCER: A Meereenese champion?

The crowd applauds.

HIZDAHR: How many people will die to make this happen?

DAENERYS: If it comes to that they would have died for a good reason.

HIZDAHR (looks at pit): Those men think they’re dying for a good reason.

DAENERYS: Someone else’s reason.

HIZDAHR: So your reasons are true, and theirs are false. They don’t know their own minds, but you do.

TYRION: Well said, you’re an eloquent man. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong. In my experience, eloquent men are right every bit as often as imbeciles.

ANNOUNCER: ...or a Westerosi Knight?!

Crowd jeers.

JORAH (O.S.): I fight and die for your glory, oh glorious Queen.

Daenerys stares at Jorah. They both hold back emotion.

HIZDAHR: Your Grace--

DAARIO: Shut your mouth.

Daenerys claps. Jorah nods. They begin fighting, with Daenerys’ eyes following Jorah. He takes a blow to the mouth, is knocked down and starts bleeding. He gets up, has his sword knocked away, and pulls out a dagger. He wrestles with the man trying to choke him, throws him off, then stabs him in the chest. He pulls the dagger out, looking at Daenerys, throws it away, and picks up his longsword.

Jorah squares off against a flashy fighter that just brutally stabbed another fighter through the back. He slices Jorah in the cheek. The other two fighters square off, with a heavily armored fighter wielding a spear killing his opponent. The crowd cheers.

Jorah’s opponent slices Jorah’s arm then knocks him over, knocking his sword out of his hand. He holds his blade to Jorah’s throat. Both he and Jorah look to Daenerys.

TYRION: You can end this.

HIZDAHR: She cannot.

TYRION: You can!

The fighter holds his blade to Jorah’s throat. He is about to make a move when the other fighter comes over and stabs Jorah’s opponent in the back, killing him. Jorah gets up and faces the final opponent. Jorah matches the spearman, is knocked over, but catches the spear before it reaches his throat. He gets back up and the two face off again. Jorah spins, somersaults, and stabs him through the stomach, killing him. He looks up to Daenerys.

Jorah reaches for his opponent’s spear. He picks it up and hurls it towards Daenerys’ seat. Daario rushes to protect Daenerys and everyone else gets out of the way. It connects with a Son of the Harpy.

Cut to the crowd. Many audience members have put on Sons of the Harpy masks.

DAARIO: Protect your queen!

The Sons of the Harpy start slitting the throats of former slaves and Unsullied in the crowd. Unsullied guards and Daario surround Daenerys and Missandei, fighting off the Harpys. Hizdahr starts running towards Daenerys.

HIZDAHR: Your Grace, Your Grace, come with me! I know a way out! I know a way--

Two Sons of the Harpy come up on Hizdahr from behind and stab him to death. They run at Daenerys. Daario takes one out, and Jorah comes up from the pit to take Hizdahr’s spot and take out the other. He offers his hand to Daenerys and she takes it. He leads her down to the pit with Daario and the Unsullied, leaving Tyrion and Missandei.

A Harpy comes towards Missandei. Tyrion comes from behind, pulls him to his knees, and slits his throat. He leads her down to the pit.

TYRION: Stay close!

Sons of the Harpy have began to rush the pit. Unsullied fight them off as Daenerys, Daario, and Jorah head towards a side exit.

JORAH: This way!

They run through the exit, but a door swings shut. A Son of the Harpy steps out and Jorah kills him.

DAARIO: The other side, follow me!

They rush towards the other side and join up with Tyrion and Missandei.

DAARIO: Protect your queen!

Jorah, Daario, and the Unsullied form a ring around Missandei, Daenerys, and Tyrion in the center of the pit. Sons of the Harpy begin to rush from the other exit they were heading towards. They surround the ring, testing out the outer ring before they begin rushing. A few make it past the outer ring but are killed by Daario. Missandei and Daenerys join hands and Daenerys closes her eyes.

A roar is heard in the distance. All of the Harpys look up. Drogon appears, breathing fire and circling the pit. The Sons run away from Daenerys to the edge of the pit. One charges at her and Drogon rips him apart. He breathes fire on 4-5 of them at a time before a spear hits his back. 2 more spears connect and he starts slowing down.


She takes a spear from his neck. He roars at her, but then closes his mouth. She slowly reaches to touch his nose. More spears are thrown at him by Sons of the Harpy and he turns to them and roars. Daario continues to fight off every Harpy that comes near her.

Daenerys climbs onto Drogon’s back slowly.

DAENERYS: Valahd..

Drogon runs towards the Harpys, starts flapping and then takes off from the Pit. He flies past the Pyramid and into the sky as Tyrion, Jorah, Daario, and Missandei stare up at him.

A dragon roars in the distance.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

«Casa Austera»

8 Hardhome 
«Casa Austera» 
Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D. B. Weiss 
31 de mayo de 2015
En Desembarco del Rey se le pide a Cersei que confiese sus crímenes, pero ella se niega, Qyburn le revela los cambios que se están haciendo en la realeza tras su encarcelamiento. En Invernalia, Theon le confiesa a Sansa que sus hermanos no fueron asesinados por él, mientras Lord Bolton se prepara para la batalla ante Stannis. En el Muro, Sam le revela a Olly que Jon traerá a los salvajes para luchar juntos contra los caminantes blancos. Al otro lado del Mar Angosto, Daenerys destierra a Jorah de Meereen y coloca a Tyrion como su consejero.
En Braavos, Arya adopta una nueva identidad y Jaqen le pide que aprenda todo lo que pueda de su primera víctima antes de envenenarla. En Casa Austera, Jon logra convecer a gran parte de los salvajes para unirse a la Guardia de la Noche a cambio de tierras, pero durante el traslado a los barcos son atacados por un grupo de caminantes blancos. Tras la batalla las personas que lograron escapar ven como las personas muertas se convierten en caminantes blancos.


JORAH: Your Grace, I want to say--

DAENERYS: You will not speak. How do I know you are who you say you are?

TYRION: If only I were otherwise.

DAENERYS: If you are Tyrion Lannister why shouldn’t I kill you? To pay your family back for what it did to mine

TYRION: You want revenge against the Lannisters? I killed my mother Joanna Lannister the day I was born. I killed my father Tywin Lannister with a bow to the heart. I am the greatest Lannister killer of our time.

DAENERYS: So I should welcome you into my service because you murdered members of your own family?

TYRION: Into your service? Your Grace we have only just met. It’s too soon to know if you deserve my service.

DAENERYS: If you’d rather return to the fighting pits just say the word.

TYRION: When I was a young man I heard a story about a baby born during the worst storm in living memory. She had no wealth, no lands, no army, only a name and a handful of supporters, most of whom probably thought they could use that name to benefit themselves. They kept her alive, moving her from place to place, often hours ahead of the men who had been sent to kill her. She was eventually sold off to some warlord on the edge of the world and that appeared to be that. And then a few years later the most well informed person I knew told me that this girl without wealth, lands, or armies had somehow acquired all 3 in a very short span of time, along with three dragons. He thought she was our best, last chance to build a better world. I thought you were worth meeting at the very least.

DAENERYS: And why are you worth meeting? Why should I spend my time listening to you?

TYRION: Because you can not build a better world on your own. You have no one at your side who understands that land you want to rule. The strengths and the weaknesses of the houses that will either support or oppose you.

DAENERYS: I have a very large army and very large dragons.

TYRION: Killing and politics aren’t always the same thing. When I served as Hand of the King I did quite well with the latter considering the king in question preferred torturing animals to leading his people. I could do an even better job advising a ruler worth the name.

DAENERYS: So you want to advise me. Very well. (looks to Jorah) What would you have me do with him? I swore I would kill him if he ever returned.

TYRION: I know.

DAENERYS: Why should the people trust a queen who can’t keep her promises?

TYRION: Whomever Ser Jorah was when he started informing on you, he is no longer that man. I can’t remember seeing the same man as devoted to anything as he is to serving you. He claims he would kill for you and die for you, and nothing I have witnessed gives me reason to doubt him. And yet he did betray you.

Tyrion approaches Daenerys and Missandei. Her guards raise their spears to her. Daenerys waves them off.

TYRION: Did he have an opportunity to confess his betrayals?

DAENERYS: Yes, many opportunities.

TYRION: And did he?

DAENERYS: No. Not until forced to do so.

TYRION: He worships you. He is in love with you, I think. But he did not trust you with the truth - an unpleasant truth, to be sure - but one of great significance to you. He did not trust that you would be wise enough to forgive him.

DAENERYS: So I should kill him?

TYRION: A ruler who kills those that are devoted to her is not a ruler that inspires devotion. And you’re going to need to inspire devotion, and lots of it, if you’re ever going to rule across the Narrow Sea. But you cannot have him by your side when you do.

DAENERYS: Remove Ser Jorah from the city.

Daenerys and Jorah hold back tears. Jorah is escorted out of the Pyramid. Jorah checks his Greyscale and walks away.


The Septa holds water out to Cersei.

SEPTA: Confess.

CERSEI: My son. Let me speak to--

She slaps Cersei with a spoon.

SEPTA: Confess. I meant it.

CERSEI: My face will be the last thing you see before--

She slaps her with a spoon again then leaves. Cersei starts screaming.


ARYA: My name is Lana. I’m an orphan. When I was 8 I begged enough money to buy my first bucket of oysters, and I sold that bucket and made enough money to buy 2 more.


Arya pushes an oyster cart through a crowded market.

ARYA (V.O.): Iit took a while but I finally saved enough to buy myself an oyster cart. Now every morning I make my way down to the canals. I pass the fish mongers and the bakers. I usually see Lhara, my first customer of the day on my way home. Then I turn left onto Moonsinger Lane--


Jaqen slaps her.

ARYA: Left onto Ragman Lane, where I do most of my trade.

JAQEN: Lana is very impressive. Very industrious. She will make a fine servant for the Many Faced God.

ARYA: How will she serve him?

JAQEN: She will no longer turn left onto Ragman Lane. She will turn right and go to Ragman Harbor.

ARYA: What will she do there?

JAQEN: She will see.

ARYA: See what?

JAQEN: How can a man tell a girl this. If he knew what she would see, there would be no reason to send her.

ARYA: Oysters, clams and cockles!

Arya takes a right with the cart.

ARYA: Oysters clams and cockles! Oysters clams and cockles!

THIN MAN: Your oysters fresh?

ARYA: Best in the city.

THIN MAN: You wouldn’t lie to an old man would you?

Arya cracks an oyster and hands him one he slurps it.

THIN MAN: Very nice. Give me 4. With vinegar.

A man throws a bag of money and a map on the Thin Man’s table.

MAN: It’s my 18th voyage. I’ve returned from all of them without a scratch on me.

THIN MAN: Can’t do it.

MAN: Please I have 3 children. Without me-- here take it you have to, I have 3 children, what will they do? Please you have to! Please! You don’t understand?

He is carried away as the Thin Man slurps the oyster


JAQEN: The man is a gambler. He wages that his sailor's ship will make it to its destination. It is a strange wager for the captain. He only wins if he loses his life.

ARYA: So why would a captain make the wager in the first place?

JAQEN: A girl tells a man that she has seen.

ARYA: If the captain dies, the thin man pays his family a lot of money.

JAQEN: But perhaps the gambler loses his bet and decides that he doesn’t have to pay after all. A destitute woman and her small child, what can they do to such a man if he keeps their money for himself? To whom can they turn for recourse?

Arya looks to see a man praying on the floor.

ARYA: The Many Faced God. You said you didn’t know what I would see at the docks.

JAQEN: A man had no idea what she would see and what she would not. A girl named Lana will return to the docks. She will watch the gambler. She will come to know as much about him as she knows about herself.

ARYA: And then what?

JAQEN: A gift for the Thin Man.

He holds up a clear vile. Arya takes the vile, smiling.

WAIF: She is not ready.

JAQEN: Perhaps she is, perhaps she’s not.

WAIF: And if she’s not?

JAQEN: It is all the same to the Many Faced God.


Qyburn enters the cell and bows.

QYBURN: The trial will take place. The High Sparrow will be presenting a substantial case against you.

CERSEI: The charges?

QYBURN: Fornication, treason, incest, the murder of King Robert.

CERSEI: All lies.

QYBURN: Of course, Your Grace. My concern is that The Faith does not adhere to the same standards of proof as the crown. And I hope you’ll excuse me for saying it, but belief is so often the death of reason.

CERSEI: I wish you’d said it sooner. Any word from Jaime?

QYBURN: I’m afraid not. Your Grace, Grand Maester Pycelle has summoned your Uncle Kevan back from Casterly Rock to serve as Hand of the King. He now presides over the small council.

CERSEI: Tell him I need to speak to him.

QYBURN: I implored him to visit you but he would not.

CERSEI: What about my son, the king? If you can visit me then surely the king--

QYBURN: Your arrest, and Queen Margaery’s arrest, the king has not taken well. He remains in his chambers, his servants often find his food in the hall. Left untouched.

CERSEI: You need to talk to him, you need to talk to my son to come and see me, come and see his mother.

QYBURN: I tried my grace, he wouldn’t see me. He wouldn’t see anyone.

CERSEI: I can’t stay here.

QYBURN: There is a way, Your Grace. A way out.

CERSEI: Confess? To the High Sparrow? I won’t. I made him. I rose him up from nothing, I will not kneel before some barefooted commoner and beg his forgiveness.

The septa enters the room.

QYBURN: Goodbye my queen. The work continues.

Qyburn leaves the cell.


Theon enters Sansa’s room and sets food down.

SANSA: Why. Why Theon.

THEON: Not Theon. There is no Theon. Reek.

SANSA: Reek. Why did you tell him, Reek?

THEON: I was helping you. You were trying to escape, there is no escape. Not ever. Theon Greyjoy tried to escape. The master knew. He knows everything. He hunted him, he caught him, he strapped him to a cross, and cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left.

SANSA: Good. If it weren’t for you I’d still have a family. If I could do to you what Ramsay did to you right here, right now, I would.

THEON: I deserved everything. I deserve to be Reek. I did terrible things. Turned on Robb. Captured Winterfell. Killed those boys.

THEON: They weren’t “those boys”, they were Bran and Rickon. They were your brothers, you’d know them since they were born.

THEON: They weren’t. They were only--

SANSA: Only what?

THEON: I can’t..

SANSA: Tell me!

THEON: I can’t, not unless the master says...

SANSA: Tell me, they weren’t what?!

THEON: They weren’t...

SANSA Tell me why Bran and Rickon should be dead while you still breathe the air. Tell me to my face Theon, tell me that they weren’t your brothers!

THEON: They weren’t Bran and Rickon! I couldn’t find them. It was two farm boys. I killed them and burned them so no one would know.

SANSA: You didn’t…?

Theon shakes his head no.

SANSA: Do you know where they went, Bran and Rickon?

THEON: I can’t talk to you anymore.

SANSA: Theon, you have to tell me, do you have any idea where Bran and Rickon--

THEON: Not Theon, Reek!

Theon runs out the door.


BOLTON BANNERMAN: Our scouts tells us he’s got no more than 6000 men. More than half of them are mounted, however.

ROOSE: And how high can Stannis’ horses jump? Our walls have been full repaired our walls have been reinforced. We have enough food for six months. We are more prepared for a siege than they could have ever been. All we have to do is wait for them to freeze, starve, and mutiny.

Ramsay gives a disagreeing look.

ROOSE: You disagree?

RAMSAY: Stannis isn’t from the North. You are, father. I think you’re missing an opportunity to show the people of the North how House Bolton treats southern invaders.

ROOSE: And what do you recommend?

RAMSAY: That we not sit and wait to let Stannis to decide what type of fight this is going to be. That we hit first, and hit hard, and leave a feast for the crows.

ROOSE: A smart commander does not surrender a defensive advantage. As long as we stay behind these walls they can’t touch us. Not to mention that the snow is so deep that we couldn’t get an army through if we wanted to.

RAMSAY: I don’t need an army. I need 20 good men.


DAENERYS: So have you decided yet? Whether I’m worthy of your service?

TYRION: Have you decided yet whether you’re going to have me killed?

DAENERYS: It’s probably my safest option.

TYRION: I can see why you would think so. It’s what your father would have done.

DAENERYS: And what would your father do?

TYRION: My father? Who publicly sentenced me to death? I’d say his thoughts on having me killed were abundantly clear.

DAENERYS: Is that why you killed him?

TYRION: Some day if you decide not to execute me, I’ll tell you all about why I killed my father. And on that day, should it ever come, we’ll need more wine than this.

DAENERYS: I know what my father was. What he did. I know the Mad King earned his name.

TYRION: So here we sit, two terrible children of two terrible fathers.

DAENERYS: I’m terrible?

TYRION: I’ve heard stories.

DANERYS: Why did you travel to the other side of the world to meet someone terrible?

TYRION: To see if you were the right kind of terrible.

DAENERYS: Which kind is that?

TYRION: The kind that prevents your people from being even more so.

DAENERYS: I did reopen the fighting pits. Under my rule murder will once again become entertainment.

TYRION: Yes, that was wise. And you agreed to marry someone you loathed for the greater good. Very impressive. My own sister married someone she loathed as well, though not by choice and certainly not for the greater good, Gods forbid. She ended up having him killed.

DAENERYS: Perhaps it won’t come to that.

TYRION: It’s not impossible that Varys was right about you after all.

DAENERYS: Varys? King Robert’s spy master?

TYRION: Yes. He was the one who convinced me to come find you. He was my travelling companion before Ser Jorah seized that role for himself.

DAENERYS: Jorah sent my secrets to Varys. For 20 years the spider oversaw the campaign to find and kill me.

TYRION: He did what he had to do to survive. He did a lot of other things that he didn’t have to do. I suspect he’s the main reason you weren’t slaughtered in your crib.

DAENERYS: But you trust him?

TYRION: Yes, oddly. He might be the only person in the world that I trust. Besides my brother.

DAENERYS: The brother who killed my father.

TYRION: That’s the one.

DAENERYS: Perhaps I will have you killed after all.

TYRION: Your queenly prerogative. I had given up on life until Varys convinced me you might be worth living for. You chop off my head? Well, my final days were interesting.

DAENERYS: I’m not going to kill you.

TYRION: No? Banish me?


TYRION: So if I’m not going to be murdered, and I’m not going to be banished...

DAENERYS: You’re going to advise me. (takes his wine cup) While you can still speak in complete sentences.

TYRION: Advise you on what?

DAENERYS: How to get what I want.

TYRION: The Iron Throne. Perhaps you should try wanting something else.

DAENERYS: If I want jokes I’ll get myself a proper fool.

TYRION: I’m not entirely joking. There’s more to the world than Westeros after all. How many hundreds of thousands of lives have you changed for the better here? Perhaps this is where you belong. Where you can do the most good.

DAENERYS: I fought so that no child born into Slaver’s Bay would ever know what it was like to be bought or sold. I will continue that fight here and beyond. But this is not my home.

TYRION: And when you get back to your home, who supports you?

DAENERYS: The common people.

TYRION: Let’s be generous and assume that’s going to happen. Here in Slaver’s Bay you had the support of the common people and only the common people. What was that like, ruling without the rich? House Targaryen is gone, not a single person who shares your blood is alive to support you. The Starks are gone as well, our two terrible fathers saw to that. The remaining Lannisters won’t back you, not ever. Stannis Baratheon won’t back you either, his entire claim to the Throne depends on the illegitimacy of yours. That leaves the Tyrells. Not impossible, but not enough.

DAENERYS: Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell. They’re all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that ones on top and on and on it spins, crushing the people on the ground.

TYRION: It’s a beautiful dream. Stopping the wheel. You’re not the first person to have dreamt it.

DAENERYS: I’m not going to stop the wheel. I’m going to break the wheel.


Two gladiators spar. Jorah walks to the pit. The master whistles for them to stop fighting. Jorah flips him a coin.

JORAH: You said whoever wins would fight at the Great Pit in front of the queen. I won.

MASTER: You struck me.

JORAH: I’ve been flogged if it makes you happy. I’m the best you’ve got. If I win at the Great Pit how much can you sell me for?

MASTER: You’re a free man, you could have gone anywhere, why did you come back?

JORAH: Let me fight for her and I belong to you.


SEPTA: Thirsty? Confess.

CERSEI: I’ll get out of here, you realize. Before long.

SEPTA: Confess.

CERSEI: I can make you a wealthy woman. A lady of the court.

SEPTA: Confess.

CERSEI: I can make sure you die in the most hideous way imaginable, and all I do is sit here imagining ways for you to die.

She dumps her water out on the floor. Cersei licks it from the floor when she leaves.


GILLY: Does it hurt?

SAM: No.

GILLY: Good.

SAM: How are you?

GILLY: I’m not the one who got punched and kicked in the face.

SAM: You know what I mean.

GILLY: I’m good.

SAM: Are you scared?

GILLY: A little.

SAM: Me too.

There is a knock on the door. Sam grabs his knife.

SAM: Who’s there?

OLLY: Olly.

Sam puts the knife down.

SAM: Come in.

OLLY: I heard what happened.

SAM: Not to worry. Men brawl from time to time. It’s only natural.

Olly sets a tray of food on Sam’s bed.

OLLY: Figured you were hungry.

SAM: You’re a good lad.

OLLY: Wanted to ask you something. (Olly looks at Gilly) If you’ve got the time.

GILLY: I need to check on baby Sam.

She exits the room.

SAM: Now then. How can I help?

OLLY: It’s about the Lord Commander.

SAM: Yes?

OLLY: He’s going up to Hardhome to save all them wildlings. Wildlings killed my mom and dad. They killed everyone in my village.

SAM: We’ve been fighting them for years.

OLLY: This wasn’t a fight. We were farmers and they slaughtered us. So why’s he saving them?

SAM: Wildlings are people, just like us. There are good ones and bad ones.

OLLY: The one he’s travelling with, the one with the red beard, he led the raid on my village.

SAM: Olly...

OLLY: How can he trust him?

SAM: I’ve seen the army of the dead. I’ve seen the white walkers, and they’re coming for us, for all the living. And when it’s time we’ll need every last man we can find.

OLLY: But what if we let the wildings through the gates and they cut our throats while we sleep?

SAM: Jon’s taking a risk, but he has to. We don’t stand a chance otherwise. Sometimes a man has to make hard choices, choices that might look wrong to others but you know are right in the long run.

OLLY: You believe that?

SAM: With all my heart.

Olly looks conflicted. He walks towards the door.

SAM: Try not to worry Olly. I’ve been worrying about Jon for years. He always comes back.


The ships full of Crows and wildlings dock at Hardhome. Jon and Tormund get out together. The camera fixates on the swords on their hips.

TORMUND: You trust me Jon Snow?

JON: Does that make me a fool?

TORMUND: We are fools together now.

They walk to meet the men and women of Hardhome, lead by the Lord of Bones.

TORMUND: Lord of Bones. Been a long time.

LORD OF BONES: Last time I saw you the little crow was your prisoner. The other way around now. What happened?


LORD OF BONES: You call that a war? The greatest army the North has ever seen cut to pieces by a southern king.

TORMUND: We should gather the elders find somewhere quiet to talk.

LORD OF BONES: You don’t give the orders here.

TORMUND: I’m not giving an order.

LORD OF BONES: Why aren’t you in chains?

JON: He’s not my prisoner.

LORD OF BONES: What is he?

JON: We’re allies.

The Hardhome wildlings complain loudly.

LORD OF BONES: You fucking traitor! You fight for the crows now.

TORMUND: I don’t fight for the crows.

JON: We’re not here to fight. We’re here to talk.

LORD OF BONES: Is that right? You and the pretty crow do a lot of talking, Tormund. And when you’re done talking, do you get down on your knees and suck his cock--

Tormund grabs the Lord of Bones’ staff from him and beats him to death with it.

TORMUND: Gather the elders and let’s talk.


Jon is surrounded by Karsi, a Wildling chieftess, Loboda, a Thenn, a Wildling elder, and various other Wildlings.

JON: My name’s Jon Snow. I’m Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. We’re not friends. We’ve never been friends. We won’t become friends today. This isn’t about friendship. This is about survival. This is about putting a 700 foot wall between you and what’s out there.

KARSI: You built that wall to keep us out.

LOBODA: Since when do the crows give 2 shits if we live?

JON: In normal times we wouldn’t. But these aren’t normal times. The white walkers don’t care if a man’s Free Folk or Crow. We’re all the same to them. Meat to their army. But together we can beat them.

KARSI: Beat the white walkers? Good luck with that. Run from them, maybe.

Jon holds the bag full of Dragonstone to Karsi. She looks at it hesitantly.

JON: It’s not a trick. It’s a gift for those who join us.

Karsi examine the glass in shock.

JON: Dragonglass. A man of the Night’s Watch used one of these daggers to kill a walker.

LOBODA: You saw this?

JON: No. But I trust the man.

KARSI: There are old stories about Dragonglass.

LOBODA: There are old stories about ice spiders big as hounds.

KARSI: And with the things we’ve seen you don’t believe them?

JON: Come with me and I'll share these weapons.

KARSI: Come with you where?

JON: There are good lands south of the wall. The Night's Watch will allow you through the tunnel and allow your people to farm those lands.

There is hesitation.

JON: I knew Mance Rayder. He never wanted a war with the Night’s Watch, he wanted a new life for his people. For you. We’re prepared to give you that new life.


JON: If you swear you join us when the real war begins.

LOBODA: Where is Mance?

JON: He died.


JON (after a long pause): I put an arrow through his heart.

The wildlings in the cabin start to riot.

LOBODA: I say we send the Lord Commander back to Castle Black with no eyes.

Loboda brandishes his axe. Tormund steps forward.

TORMUND: None of you saw Mance die! I did. The Southern King who broke our army, Stannis, wanted to burn him alive to send him a message. Jon Snow defied that cunt’s orders. His arrow was mercy. What it did took courage, and that’s what we need today: the courage to make peace with men we’ve been fighting for generations.

KARSI: I lost my father, my uncle, and 2 brothers fighting the damn crows.

JON: I’m not asking you to forget your dead. I’ll never forget mine. I lost 50 brothers the night that Mance attacked the wall. But I’m asking you to think about your children now. They’ll never have children of their own if we don’t band together. The Long Night is coming and the dead come with it. No clan can stop them. The free folk can’t stop them. The Night’s Watch can’t stop them. And all the southern kings can’t stop them. Only together, all of us, and even then it might not be enough, but at least then we’ll give the fuckers a fight.

There are small nods of approval throughout the room.

KARSI: You vouch for this man, Tormund?

TORMUND: He’s prettier than both my daughters, but he knows how to fight. He’s young, but he knows how to lead. He didn’t have to come to Hardhome. He came because he needs us. And we need him.

LOBODA: My ancestors would spit on me if I broke bread with a crow.

KARSI: So would mine, but fuck 'em, they’re dead.

Karsi walks in front of Jon.

I’ll never trust a man in black.

Karsi walks over to Tormund.

But I trust you, Tormund. If you say this is the way, we’re with you.

TORMUND: This is the way.

WILDLING ELDER: I’m with Tormund. We stay here we’re dead men. At least with King Crow there’s a chance.

GIANT: Tormund.

LOBODA: Keep that new life you want to give us. Keep your glass, King Crow. Soon as you get on his ships they’re gonna slit your throats and dump your bodies to the bottom of the Shivering Sea. That’s our enemy. That has always been our enemy.

Wildlings start leaving the cabin and head towards the boats.

KARSI (to Tormund): I fucking hate Thenns.

Tormund nods.


Jon, Tormund, and Karsi lead the Wildlings to the boats.

JON: How many are with us? 5000?

TORMUND: I’m not good at counting.

JON: We’re leaving too many behind.

TORMUND: The free folk are stubborn. You know how long it took Mance to band them together. 20 fucking years.

JON: And he knew them better than I ever will.

TORMUND: They’re running out of food and there’s nothing to hunt. They’ll come around.

Cut to Karsi loading two children onto a boat.

KARSI: Johnna is gonna look after you. She’s in charge, you listen to her.

DAUGHTER: I wanna go with you.

KARSI: I need to get the old folks on the boats. I’m right behind you, I promise. (she kisses them on the forehead) Go on.


The Giant picks up a piece of Dragonglass and strokes it intently. Edd begins picking up the pieces of glass and looks at the giant with his piece of glass. Wun Wun turns to Edd and stares at him annoyed.

WUN WUN: Lokh kif rukh?

Edd leaves. Dogs are barking outside.


Jon loads girls onto a boat then turns to hear the dogs barking. The wind starts whipping from a neighboring cliff and the dogs start whimpering. Every wildling and Crow slowly turns to the source of the noise.


LOBODA: Shut the gate.

Men hurry towards the gate to board it up. More howling from the distance. The Wildlings on the other side of the gate begin charging the gate.

LOBODA: Shut the gate!!

Men rush to put a board in place to hold the gate shut.

SHOUTING: Wait! Open the gate! Let us in! Help us! Please open it!

Loboda walks to the gate with his axe and peers through a small hole in the wall. There is a faint scream in the distance, then a wight charges at the hole in the wall.

LOBODA: Ready your arrows!

The wights claw at the gate. Arrows are nocked and fired. A wight sticks his hand through the gate and Loboda chops it off.


There is a mad rush towards the boats with many people jumping in the water to catch one.

JON: Get in line! Get in line!


A wight tries to climb the gate.


Wights crawl to the top of the cabin and jumps through the hole in the roof. The men prepare their weapons and the giant growls.


One wight tries to climb under the gate. A barrage of arrows flies at the wights trying to get through the wall. Most of them land. The wight crawls even further under the gate. The wights start making holes in the gate. A sword sticks through the gate coming close to Loboda on the gate. Loboda dodges the sword, looks down to see the wight crawling under the gate, and stomps its head in.


The people continue to rush onto the boats with Jon, Tormund, and Karsi leading them.

JON: Hold the line! Hold the line!


JON: Get them to the ship and come back for me!

BROTHER: But you’ll never make it--

JON: Now!

Karsi approaches Jon.

JON: You should be on one of those boats.

KARSI: So should you ! My little girl has gone on. They're gonna let them pass the wall even if you’re not there ?

JON: You have my word. I’ve given orders.

KARSI: Don’t think you’re gonna be there to enforce those orders !

Karsi heads back to helping people onto the boats.

TORMUND: If they get through, everyone dies !

JON: Night’s Watch with me! Move! Move! Move!

Jon, Tormund, Karsi, and the Night’s Watch brothers charge from the shore to the gate.


The wights have knocked a hole into the gate big enough to crawl out of. One breaks through, tears someone apart, and then is taken down. A group of wights storm through the same hole. Cut to an overhead that shows just how many wights are behind the gate.

Jon arrives at the gate. He pins a wight to the gate with Longclaw as Tormund and Karsi kill the wights that have already gotten through. The archers take out the wight Jon pinned to the gate, and then the men cover the hole the wights had been escaping from with a sled.

Fighting continues. A group of wights tear into a Crow. Loboda and Karsi continue to kill the wights.

Jon looks up through the mist and sees 4 White Walkers on horseback on the top of the cliff.

JON: The Dragonglass!

LOBODA: You’re with me, lad! Now!

Jon and Loboda charge towards the cabin. Jon cuts a wight in half then kills another. The giant breaks through a wall in the cabin as the cabin starts to go down in flames. He shakes the wights off of his back, snapping some in half and stomping others into pieces. Jon and Loboda storm the cabin.


The entire cabin is on fire. A White Walker wielding a staff walks towards them through the fire.

LOBODA: Get the glass.

Loboda walks towards the White Walker as Jon scrambles towards the Dragonglass. Loboda misses with his axe twice, getting it caught in the wall. He pulls it out to parry in time, but the Walker’s spear shatters his axe. The Walker plunges his spear through Loboda's stomach.

Jon reaches the glass but is thrown across the room by the Walker before he can pick it up, causing Longclaw to fly out of the cabin. Jon ducks from the Walker’s swings with his spear, and runs out to grab another sword. The Walker swings and shatters the sword. He knocks Jon down again. Jon struggles, then gets up again, running to pick up Longclaw. He stumbles and drops the sword. The White Walker staggers towards him. Jon picks up Longclaw just in time to match the White Walker, and to both of their surprises, Longclaw stops the Walker’s spear. The Walker deflects one blow from Jon, but then he swings and shatters the Walker into pieces.

Jon falls to the ground after the struggle. The Night’s King watches him alone from the top of the cliff.


Tormund and Karsi continue to tear through wights. Karsi looks up, and sees a group of blue-eyed wight children staring at her. They do nothing for a moment, then charge at her, chewing and clawing her to death.

Cut to Jon crawling across the snow, coughing up blood. A man grabs him and Jon puts Longclaw to his neck. The man turns out to be Edd and they lower their weapons.

JON: The Dragonglass!

EDD: Fuck the glass! We’re gonna die here.

A screech comes from the top of the cliff. Hundreds of wights dive from the top of the cliff. They appear to have died for a brief moment after landing, but then wake up and charge at Jon and Edd.

Cut to Tormund continuing to hold the gate. The gate starts creaking then comes down. Tormund runs to the boat.

The giant starts roaring as the other gate comes down, swinging a fiery log. Jon, Tormund, and Edd sprint towards the boat with the giant clearing a path for them with the log. The Night’s King continues to watch them from the top of the cliff.


Jon, Tormund, and the Crow jump off the dock onto the boat.

JON: Go! Go! Go!

TORMUND: Wun Wun, to the sea.

The giant stays back, continuing to take out loads of wights by swinging his flaming log. He begins to walk towards the boat, ripping the wights hanging onto him off of his back and throwing them into the water to die.

JON: Let’s go now! Now!

Jon looks back to shore to see the Wights, along with a White Walker, killing the last surviving wildlings.

Slowly, a figure walks to the end of the dock. The camera pans up to reveal the Night’s King. He stares at Jon and Jon stares back. The Night’s King turns his head to the carnage at the edge of the shore and then looks back to Jon. He slowly starts raising his arms.The dead wildlings twitch, then open their eyes to reveal blue. Karsii comes back to life, blue-eyed . They all start standing up, joining the army of the dead, and staring at Jon. Jon can do nothing but stare back at the Night’s King back as the boat drifts away.

La serie de televisión Breaking Bad.-a

Introducción  Breaking Bad es una serie de televisión dramática estadounidense creada y producida por Vince Gilligan. Breaking Bad...