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Jimmy must make a hard choice; Mike takes control of matters; Hamlin delivers shocking news.
NURSE: Father Brady's in the chapel.
Just push the call button if you want to see him.
When was the last time you ate?
Have you had any lately?
I'm fine. (SIGHS)
Come on, Chuck, let's go over to Novi's
and stretch our legs, get some air, couple of hoagies.
You want to get a sandwich? Now?
Just a thought.
(STUTTERS) Remember that time I accidentally invited
Kathy and Cheryl to Mom's surprise party.
It was, kind of, tricky out on the dance floor.
It was a fun night.
I just remember the whole family cleaning up after you.
And Mom leaving her own birthday party
to drive one of them home.
Seriously, Chuck, we got to eat.
Look, Mom will be okay for a few minutes.
It's been three days, it could be three more.
Let's go, buddy.
Jimmy. You want to eat? Go eat.
I'll bring you something.
Roast beef, no tomato, Italian on the side?
Okay. Be right back.
Mom? (GASPS)
No. Mom. It's me Chuck.
No, Mom. It's...
So this is it, then?
NURSE: I'm sorry.
She's has the DNR.
Is your brother in the building?
We can use the intercom.
Is there anyone you want us to call?
Chuck! Hey, Chuck!
Chuck, where's Mom? What happened?
She's gone.
What? When...
How did...
Did she wake up? Did she say anything?
Call 911.
Call 911!
Ernie, get out here!
MAN: Hey, what the hell are you doing? GIRL: Hey.
Come back tomorrow, it will be half-price.
MAN: Yeah, I need an ambulance.
ERNESTO: I got paper towels. JIMMY: Good.
MAN:...and now there's blood. Something for his head.
Give me a cushion for his head.
Yeah, hold on... Hold on one second.
JIMMY: Chuck. Come on, come on.
Chuck. Hey, hey. Hey.
Hey, Chuck, you with us buddy?
MAN: The copy center. Chuck.
MAN: 615 Gold.
Buddy, you okay?
MAN: No, he doesn't look blue.
We're gonna get you to the hospital, okay? MAN: Lance...
Everything will be all right. MAN: I work here.
MARTINEZ: Hang tight, Charles, we're almost there.
MAN: Watch yourself.
(GROANS) Coming through.
On three.
One, two, three.
WOMAN: Transferring.
PARKER: This is Charles McGill, late 50s.
He had a syncopal episode in a print shop,
witnessed by an employee.
Estimated loss of consciousness is one minute.
His vitals are stable.
He's got a laceration to his forehead that appears to need suturing.
TRICIA: Charles, how're you doing tonight?
Can you talk to me? DR. TOPOLSKI: Seizure activity?
PARKER: Not in the transfer and none reported.
No urinary incontinence. (GROANS)
TRICIA: Do we have any family members?
MARTINEZ: There's a brother in the waiting room.
DR. TOPOLSKI: How much fluid did you give him?
MARTINEZ: That's the first liter. Lights...
TRICIA: What's that, Charles?
You have to turn off the lights.
No. We can't do that right now, sweetie. Oh, God...
You fell and hit your head. We're gonna need to do some tests.
No. No. We need the lights on to help you.
DR. TOPOLSKI: Charles, can you squeeze my hand?
Really hard.
(SOBS AND GROANS) The lights... (BEEPS)
What is that?
TRICIA: Okay. We're just checking your oxygen there, Charles.
Do you have any allergies? No.
Are you on any medications?
Uh... No.
Okay, I'm going to move your arms and legs... (BEEPING)
...and you tell me if there's any pain.
Ow! That just hurt. DR. TOPOLSKI: Did we get an EKG?
The what?
DR. TOPOLSKI: Gentlemen, did we get an EKG?
PARKER: He's on a five-lead now.
We didn't get a twelve-lead. No.
DR. TOPOLSKI: Okay, Tricia, we're gonna need a twelve-lead.
TRICIA: Yes, Charles. We need to do an EKG.
No! You don't understand. I have a condition. MAN: CHARLES...
I have a hypersensitivity to electricity.
DR. TOPOLSKI: Charles, please push your feet against my hands.
Very good. TRICIA:...to make sure your heart's all right.
No, you can't touch this.
I have a condition. Tricia, can I get a light?
I did not give you my consent.
You have no right to do this. You can't touch this.
We need to monitor your heart. Get these out of here.
Just relax. Charles?
Turn the lights out, please!
Just stay calm, Charles.
(GROANS) Charles, you need to cooperate with us.
This is gonna be very easy, we're just gonna...
Draw a little bit of blood, suture up your wound,
and do a very simple CAT scan.
No! No CAT scan!
Calm! No CAT scan!
Tricia, can we please get some restraints?
Gentlemen, please come in here. You don't understand!
Can you hold him down? Restrain him.
Please turn off the lights. Charles.
You can't make me...
Calm down, Charles. (CRYING)
We're just gonna get everything figured out for you.
We got you. Just keep your head down.
WOMAN (OVER PA): Dr. Forest, dial 1821, please.
Dr. Forest, please dial...
How's he doing?
I'd love to be able to tell you,
but we can't know for sure until we do those tests.
You know what I'm going to say.
Well, can't you just go old-school?
You know, look at his pupils,
use a stethoscope, that kind of thing?
He doesn't want to be here.
What he wants and what he needs
are two very different things, Jimmy.
We don't know if he lost consciousness
because of a heart-related issue or if it was a mild stroke.
We don't know if his spine has been injured, if his brain is swelling.
He likely has a concussion at least.
Chuck is once again refusing these tests
because they involve "being bombarded by electricity."
His words.
Nothing is changed since the last time he was in here.
Look, I don't know how to explain this...
I'm not committing him.
What about a Temporary Emergency Guardianship?
I mean, he fits the parameters.
You're telling me he's in need of medical care so urgent
that we can't wait around on court procedures.
Most certainly.
(EXHALES) And Chuck is not able to understand
the consequences.
I mean, he can understand them, but he...
Absolutely. A judge will see it that way, too.
And then I take him home and it's over?
Pending results and proper treatment, yes.
I know a judge we can call right now.
Let me be the one to tell him.
Hey, buddy? How's it going?
Well, if it isn't Johnny-On-The-Spot.
(CHUCKLES) What? What does that mean?
Is Ernesto out there?
Yeah. Can I get you something?
Come in here, please.
Just take it easy.
Just put your stuff in there.
I got him.
ERNESTO: How are you feeling, Mr. McGill?
Ernesto, how long was I unconscious in that print shop?
I'm not sure.
(SIGHS) Thirty seconds? A minute? Two minutes?
ERNESTO: I'd say maybe about a minute?
You were, kind of, in and out.
And how long was I lying on the floor before the ambulance arrived?
About 10 minutes, I think. But I didn't look at the clock.
(INHALES SHARPLY) And yet you were there.
Chuck, can we, uh...
There's only one way you could have gotten there so quickly.
You never left.
I think you're getting all wound-up.
Can you just take a few deep breaths?
You bribed him!
That kid behind the counter. What?
Between the time Ernesto left and I arrived,
you paid that half-wit to swear...
...he'd never laid eyes on you. Mr. McGill?
Then you stuck around. To watch.
Just wanted to see me suffer? ERNESTO: Mr. McGill?
Just wanted to have a laugh at my expense?
I called him.
I called Jimmy earlier, before I picked you up.
He showed up when he did because I called him.
I was worried about you, and I just...
I called him. I'm sorry.
Get out.
Both of you.
Chuck, there's something that I have to do.
And I'm really sorry.
...really, truly sorry, but I got to do it.
And it's for you.
You're trying to have me committed.
No, it's a temporary...
Temporary Emergency Guardianship. Tomato, to-mahto.
You've finally got me where you want me.
JIMMY: Hey. You look beat.
Why don't you go home and get some sleep.
I'm fine to hang out. You know, whatever you need.
Nah, we're good here.
Hey, Ernie.
How come you said that about calling me?
I don't know, man.
Look, I didn't want to say anything,
but your brother, the way he's been talking about you lately,
it's like, he's really out to get you, Jimmy.
And... I don't know... You're my friend.
I'll call you tomorrow.
I miss the mail room.
Are you familiar with the Hippocratic Oath?
You should be.
One of the oldest binding documents in history.
Primum non nocere.
"First do no harm."
This is not the way to treat my condition.
It's as though I had an allergy to penicillin,
and yet you persist on treating my infection with it.
I appreciate the analogy, Charles,
but I don't think it quite fits.
We'll have you in and out of radiology before you know it, all right?
Then we can see about getting that neck collar off
and get you moving around.
WOMAN: Okay, Charles, the scan is starting now.
The table that you're on is going to move.
You're going to hear a sound that might seem loud to you,
but it's nothing to worry about.
(DISTORTED VOICE) You're doing good, Charles. Good job.
We're almost finished.
MAN (ON TV): Okay. Heather is a 27-year-old fitness freak who loved Preston
but openly admits to thinking of him as a walking wallet.
KIM: Still no word?
JIMMY: Jesus, how long is this gonna take?
She said the whole test would be, like, 10 minutes.
KIM: Maybe they had to start over.
JIMMY: What, 20 times?
He should be home.
Jimmy, you're doing the right thing.
WOMAN (ON TV): ...very accustomed to her wealthy way of life.
MAN: So, who did it?
Would you get your work out, please?
Because God knows how much longer we're gonna be here.
I'd feel better if you were doing something, you know,
I'm on it.
MAN: Mr. Bergman? Mr. Bergman? (SIGHS)
MAN 2: That was Preston's lawyer. He says he thinks he knows who killed him.
You know what? I'm going to go ask for an update.
Okay. Yeah, good idea.
JIMMY (ON TV): You are the greatest generation.
Jimmy. Look. You didn't start World War II,
but you sure as heck finished it.
And if that weren't enough,
you sent a rocket, 300 feet tall, to the moon.
Now, in your golden years,
you need someone looking out for you,
someone you can trust,
a man who says what he does
and does what he says.
When you need someone to count on...
Give me Jimmy.
Because moxie is in such short supply these days.
JIMMY: Jimmy McGill, a lawyer you can trust.
It's really good, Jimmy.
You made a really good commercial.
(SOFTLY) Thanks.
MAN (ON TV): Now, the tool used by millions of gardeners is on sale.
During the National Gardening Week Sale Spectacular...
...is on sale! But hurry...
Oh, finally.
So how is he?
The good news is that physically, he's okay.
The radiologist said everything looks normal with Charles' head and spine.
So, we took his neck collar off.
His head wound will heal just fine.
We gave him a tetanus shot because his immunization records were not current.
I'm sure that's no surprise to you.
And his heart?
Strong. The EKG was normal.
As far as losing consciousness,
my best guess is Charles had what's called
a stress-related syncope.
It's basically a panic attack.
No signs of a stroke or cardiac event.
However, there was...
A complication.
JIMMY: Chuck? Hey, buddy, it's me.
They said everything looks good.
So let's get you out of here, what do you say?
What's wrong with him?
Whatever you gave him should've worn off already, right?
We watched him for several hours
and we even gave him what's called a reversal agent.
So, yes, the sedative wore off.
This is something else.
We think it's a state of self-induced catatonia.
"We". Always with the "we".
I think it's you. You're the only doctor in the room.
I think you fried his brain with that machine!
Sorry, this is bullshit.
What next?
When I first treated Charles, he was in a similar state.
Wouldn't you agree?
I have to believe that it's just a matter of time
before he comes out of it.
Matter of time.
Fine, then. I'll wait. Right here.
LAWSON: Shot left,
1.5 minutes.
How many rounds have gone through the tube?
For a 762? You can put 3,500 through it and never know.
It's about how tight she shoots.
And this one's tight as they come.
I'd say there's a breeze picking up downrange.
Your barrel gonna be cold?
Let's suppose so.
Well, then you'd better have paid attention to that shot.
I'd better have.
Adjusting right,
1.5 minutes.
Send it.
Center hit.
LAWSON: I suggest you don't change up your ammo,
stick with the 168 grain boat tail hollow point.
If it's an open shot, that is.
If you got to shoot through a heavy window,
I'll up you to a 180.
But as you know, you'll have to re-calculate the shot.
168 will do it.
How many boxes?
Just the one.
No, it's on the house.
Uh... One last thing...
No offense.
None taken.
Can I get some water?
Chuck! Hey, buddy, you're back with us.
How're you...
Can I get some water, please?
Yeah, yeah. Water.
(GASPS) Oh, shit. Sorry.
Want some more?
The last thing I remember was that machine they put me in.
How long was I out for?
It was 20 hours.
And next order of business, get you the hell out of here.
Where to next?
Some insane asylum in Las Cruces?
Someplace you can really tuck me away, but good?
Home, Chuck. You're going home.
Your heart's okay, and so is that crack on your head. So...
That's all I wanted to know.
What about the TEG?
The "T" stands for "temporary", right?
Want to go to bed?
No, no. It's...
It's cooler down here.
What can I get you?
I'll make you some tea.
Uh, the good stuff, not that brown water they have at the hospital.
I'm fine.
I'll make you some tea. Jimmy.
Just... (SIGHS)
You've done your duty. You can go now.
That came out a bit harsh. Hmm.
Look, I've been zapped and poked and prodded,
and now I just...
I want to be left alone.
If things start going south for you again, how am I even gonna know?
I am fine. I promise.
(SIGHS) See?
Feeling better already. (CHUCKLES)
I mean, I don't even have the keys. So...
Can I get Ernie back here?
Would you let me do that for you, at least?
You need someone looking in on you. You got to eat, right?
All right.
Feel better, Chuck.
JIMMY: All right. I will get right on that.
I should have it for you by early next week.
You have yourself a wonderful day, Mr. Collins.
Oh, there you go.
Yeah, get the sunglasses out. It's very bright.
Got to protect the old peepers.
You got to...
Yeah. Looking sharp.
Uh, bye-bye now.
Folks, I am sorry about the wait.
But the attention I give each client
means sometimes things get a little...
...backed up.
But I promise to get to each and every one of you, in turn.
Mrs. DeShazo, my dear, I believe you're next.
But first, may I get anybody some coffee?
(SOFTLY) Can I talk to you?
Excuse me one second.
We have got to get a receptionist.
Like, yesterday.
Howard just called.
He says he's been trying to reach you all morning.
So, tell him to stop bothering you and leave me a message.
It's about Chuck.
It's important, that's all he'll say.
Unfortunately, uh, my associate tells me
I'm needed for some brief but pressing legal business.
I just need to make one quick phone call.
Uh, in the meantime who was it who wanted coffee?
Yeah, okay, uh, this young lady will get you coffee.
And also donuts, um, if there are any left.
(WHISPERS) Please.
I want coffee. But I do not want cream.
Hey, Julie, it's me. Returning Howard's call.
Hey, what's up?
Jimmy, I have just one question.
Are you behind this?
Am I behind what?
Jimmy, I'm, kind of, in the middle of something right now. Come back later.
No, no, no. Come on. Open the door.
I know why you're here. We can discuss it later.
Right now I'm busy. Goodbye.
You happy now?
It's not right, me not having a key to this place!
So, Chuck...
...what's up?
You got a little, uh...
You got a little, uh,
a project...going on?
Uh, something you, maybe, want to tell me about?
What do you say, Chuck? Uh, clue me in?
(SIGHS) These walls are plaster and lath,
completely invisible to the radio spectrum.
No protection at all. I might as well be standing in the middle of a pasture.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Should've done this from the start.
What? You should've done this, with the, uh...
I think these walls are pretty solid.
What I really need is a proper Faraday cage.
That's what I need.
I think we need to sit down.
Take a break, buddy. Please?
Don't patronize me, Jimmy. I'm not crazy. Right?
Right! I never said you were crazy, that...
You're probably exhausted, and justifiably.
Hey, come on. Hey.
Five minutes, and then right back at it.
I'm fine.
Come on, Chuck.
Just a break.
JIMMY: Careful. (GRUNTS)
Howard tells me you quit HHM.
I didn't quit.
I retired.
That's not what it sounded like.
Regardless, it's, kind of, out of the blue. Don't you think?
He's worried about you.
He should be relieved.
(CHUCKLES) Relieved? Why would he be relieved?
You're his Number One Guy. Without you, that whole place goes down the drain.
(EXHALES) So, you...
So, you retired? Not just from HHM, but the law?
That's not good, Chuck.
Uh... The law needs you.
(SCOFFS) Just stop it.
And you need it.
What brought this on exactly, Chuck, huh?
'Cause I don't know what you are if you're not a lawyer.
Hey! Hey. How're you gonna retire before you get me disbarred?
Before you run me out of town on a rail, huh?
I'll be the only McGill carrying the family name.
We can't have that.
Is this 'cause you lost Mesa Verde?
So what? Who cares?
And, hey,
if you truly do think I rat-fucked you on that thing,
which I did not, but whatever...
Well, you know what? You get mad. Take action!
Don't just hide out in your...
Faraday-whatever, your cage thing here.
No. No retirement for you.
When you're 99, you can drop dead
giving closing arguments to JudgeBot 3,000,
which will run on electricity, by the way.
That's your future, okay?
So... I...
I can't do the job anymore.
What do you mean? Of course you can do the job.
I made a mistake.
What mistake?
A simple, nothing little bank address.
1216 instead of 1261.
I screwed it up.
I hurt the client.
I blew it! Completely and utterly.
And then I blamed...
And then I blamed you.
(SHAKILY) It's this goddamned electricity!
It's wearing me down. It's wearing down my faculties.
My brain.
My mind.
(SOBBING) It used to be...
You know, it used to work.
And now it doesn't anymore.
People got hurt because of me.
It's time to end it.
JIMMY: What if I told you, you didn't make a mistake?
For Christ's sake, Jimmy. Stop humoring me.
Stop trying to talk everything right.
I rat-fucked you.
It was me.
I would've made Nixon proud.
I changed 1261 to 1216.
It was me.
It all went down exactly like you said.
I mean, exactly.
I doctored the copies,
I paid the kid at the shop to lie for me.
It is insane how you got every detail exactly right.
So you can relax, okay?
'Cause that brain of yours is chugging along at 1,000% efficiency.
Are you telling the truth?
Or are you just trying to make me feel better?
I am saying it to make you feel better.
I sure as shit wouldn't be telling you otherwise.
But, yes.
It's the truth.
You'd go to such lengths to humiliate me?
I did it for Kim!
What? She worked her butt off to get Mesa Verde,
while you and Howard sat around sipping Scotch and chortling.
Hamlin Hamlin McGill?
More like Scrooge and Marley!
Kim deserves Mesa Verde, not you.
Not HHM.
She earned it. And she needs it.
I did it to help her.
I... I honestly didn't think it would hurt you so bad.
I thought you'd just say,
"Oh, crap. I made a mistake." And go on with your life.
Like a normal person! But, oh, no!
Wishful thinking!
So, can I, uh, tell Howard you're not quitting
or retiring or whatever?
Can we take all this shit down off the walls?
I'm gonna go call Howard.
You do realize you just confessed to a felony.
I guess.
But you feel better, right?
Besides, it's your word against mine.
Just push the call button if you want to see him.
When was the last time you ate?
Have you had any lately?
I'm fine. (SIGHS)
Come on, Chuck, let's go over to Novi's
and stretch our legs, get some air, couple of hoagies.
You want to get a sandwich? Now?
Just a thought.
(STUTTERS) Remember that time I accidentally invited
Kathy and Cheryl to Mom's surprise party.
It was, kind of, tricky out on the dance floor.
It was a fun night.
I just remember the whole family cleaning up after you.
And Mom leaving her own birthday party
to drive one of them home.
Seriously, Chuck, we got to eat.
Look, Mom will be okay for a few minutes.
It's been three days, it could be three more.
Let's go, buddy.
Jimmy. You want to eat? Go eat.
I'll bring you something.
Roast beef, no tomato, Italian on the side?
Okay. Be right back.
Mom? (GASPS)
No. Mom. It's me Chuck.
No, Mom. It's...
So this is it, then?
NURSE: I'm sorry.
She's has the DNR.
Is your brother in the building?
We can use the intercom.
Is there anyone you want us to call?
Chuck! Hey, Chuck!
Chuck, where's Mom? What happened?
She's gone.
What? When...
How did...
Did she wake up? Did she say anything?
Call 911.
Call 911!
Ernie, get out here!
MAN: Hey, what the hell are you doing? GIRL: Hey.
Come back tomorrow, it will be half-price.
MAN: Yeah, I need an ambulance.
ERNESTO: I got paper towels. JIMMY: Good.
MAN:...and now there's blood. Something for his head.
Give me a cushion for his head.
Yeah, hold on... Hold on one second.
JIMMY: Chuck. Come on, come on.
Chuck. Hey, hey. Hey.
Hey, Chuck, you with us buddy?
MAN: The copy center. Chuck.
MAN: 615 Gold.
Buddy, you okay?
MAN: No, he doesn't look blue.
We're gonna get you to the hospital, okay? MAN: Lance...
Everything will be all right. MAN: I work here.
MARTINEZ: Hang tight, Charles, we're almost there.
MAN: Watch yourself.
(GROANS) Coming through.
On three.
One, two, three.
WOMAN: Transferring.
PARKER: This is Charles McGill, late 50s.
He had a syncopal episode in a print shop,
witnessed by an employee.
Estimated loss of consciousness is one minute.
His vitals are stable.
He's got a laceration to his forehead that appears to need suturing.
TRICIA: Charles, how're you doing tonight?
Can you talk to me? DR. TOPOLSKI: Seizure activity?
PARKER: Not in the transfer and none reported.
No urinary incontinence. (GROANS)
TRICIA: Do we have any family members?
MARTINEZ: There's a brother in the waiting room.
DR. TOPOLSKI: How much fluid did you give him?
MARTINEZ: That's the first liter. Lights...
TRICIA: What's that, Charles?
You have to turn off the lights.
No. We can't do that right now, sweetie. Oh, God...
You fell and hit your head. We're gonna need to do some tests.
No. No. We need the lights on to help you.
DR. TOPOLSKI: Charles, can you squeeze my hand?
Really hard.
(SOBS AND GROANS) The lights... (BEEPS)
What is that?
TRICIA: Okay. We're just checking your oxygen there, Charles.
Do you have any allergies? No.
Are you on any medications?
Uh... No.
Okay, I'm going to move your arms and legs... (BEEPING)
...and you tell me if there's any pain.
Ow! That just hurt. DR. TOPOLSKI: Did we get an EKG?
The what?
DR. TOPOLSKI: Gentlemen, did we get an EKG?
PARKER: He's on a five-lead now.
We didn't get a twelve-lead. No.
DR. TOPOLSKI: Okay, Tricia, we're gonna need a twelve-lead.
TRICIA: Yes, Charles. We need to do an EKG.
No! You don't understand. I have a condition. MAN: CHARLES...
I have a hypersensitivity to electricity.
DR. TOPOLSKI: Charles, please push your feet against my hands.
Very good. TRICIA:...to make sure your heart's all right.
No, you can't touch this.
I have a condition. Tricia, can I get a light?
I did not give you my consent.
You have no right to do this. You can't touch this.
We need to monitor your heart. Get these out of here.
Just relax. Charles?
Turn the lights out, please!
Just stay calm, Charles.
(GROANS) Charles, you need to cooperate with us.
This is gonna be very easy, we're just gonna...
Draw a little bit of blood, suture up your wound,
and do a very simple CAT scan.
No! No CAT scan!
Calm! No CAT scan!
Tricia, can we please get some restraints?
Gentlemen, please come in here. You don't understand!
Can you hold him down? Restrain him.
Please turn off the lights. Charles.
You can't make me...
Calm down, Charles. (CRYING)
We're just gonna get everything figured out for you.
We got you. Just keep your head down.
WOMAN (OVER PA): Dr. Forest, dial 1821, please.
Dr. Forest, please dial...
How's he doing?
I'd love to be able to tell you,
but we can't know for sure until we do those tests.
You know what I'm going to say.
Well, can't you just go old-school?
You know, look at his pupils,
use a stethoscope, that kind of thing?
He doesn't want to be here.
What he wants and what he needs
are two very different things, Jimmy.
We don't know if he lost consciousness
because of a heart-related issue or if it was a mild stroke.
We don't know if his spine has been injured, if his brain is swelling.
He likely has a concussion at least.
Chuck is once again refusing these tests
because they involve "being bombarded by electricity."
His words.
Nothing is changed since the last time he was in here.
Look, I don't know how to explain this...
I'm not committing him.
What about a Temporary Emergency Guardianship?
I mean, he fits the parameters.
You're telling me he's in need of medical care so urgent
that we can't wait around on court procedures.
Most certainly.
(EXHALES) And Chuck is not able to understand
the consequences.
I mean, he can understand them, but he...
Absolutely. A judge will see it that way, too.
And then I take him home and it's over?
Pending results and proper treatment, yes.
I know a judge we can call right now.
Let me be the one to tell him.
Hey, buddy? How's it going?
Well, if it isn't Johnny-On-The-Spot.
(CHUCKLES) What? What does that mean?
Is Ernesto out there?
Yeah. Can I get you something?
Come in here, please.
Just take it easy.
Just put your stuff in there.
I got him.
ERNESTO: How are you feeling, Mr. McGill?
Ernesto, how long was I unconscious in that print shop?
I'm not sure.
(SIGHS) Thirty seconds? A minute? Two minutes?
ERNESTO: I'd say maybe about a minute?
You were, kind of, in and out.
And how long was I lying on the floor before the ambulance arrived?
About 10 minutes, I think. But I didn't look at the clock.
(INHALES SHARPLY) And yet you were there.
Chuck, can we, uh...
There's only one way you could have gotten there so quickly.
You never left.
I think you're getting all wound-up.
Can you just take a few deep breaths?
You bribed him!
That kid behind the counter. What?
Between the time Ernesto left and I arrived,
you paid that half-wit to swear...
...he'd never laid eyes on you. Mr. McGill?
Then you stuck around. To watch.
Just wanted to see me suffer? ERNESTO: Mr. McGill?
Just wanted to have a laugh at my expense?
I called him.
I called Jimmy earlier, before I picked you up.
He showed up when he did because I called him.
I was worried about you, and I just...
I called him. I'm sorry.
Get out.
Both of you.
Chuck, there's something that I have to do.
And I'm really sorry.
...really, truly sorry, but I got to do it.
And it's for you.
You're trying to have me committed.
No, it's a temporary...
Temporary Emergency Guardianship. Tomato, to-mahto.
You've finally got me where you want me.
JIMMY: Hey. You look beat.
Why don't you go home and get some sleep.
I'm fine to hang out. You know, whatever you need.
Nah, we're good here.
Hey, Ernie.
How come you said that about calling me?
I don't know, man.
Look, I didn't want to say anything,
but your brother, the way he's been talking about you lately,
it's like, he's really out to get you, Jimmy.
And... I don't know... You're my friend.
I'll call you tomorrow.
I miss the mail room.
Are you familiar with the Hippocratic Oath?
You should be.
One of the oldest binding documents in history.
Primum non nocere.
"First do no harm."
This is not the way to treat my condition.
It's as though I had an allergy to penicillin,
and yet you persist on treating my infection with it.
I appreciate the analogy, Charles,
but I don't think it quite fits.
We'll have you in and out of radiology before you know it, all right?
Then we can see about getting that neck collar off
and get you moving around.
WOMAN: Okay, Charles, the scan is starting now.
The table that you're on is going to move.
You're going to hear a sound that might seem loud to you,
but it's nothing to worry about.
(DISTORTED VOICE) You're doing good, Charles. Good job.
We're almost finished.
MAN (ON TV): Okay. Heather is a 27-year-old fitness freak who loved Preston
but openly admits to thinking of him as a walking wallet.
KIM: Still no word?
JIMMY: Jesus, how long is this gonna take?
She said the whole test would be, like, 10 minutes.
KIM: Maybe they had to start over.
JIMMY: What, 20 times?
He should be home.
Jimmy, you're doing the right thing.
WOMAN (ON TV): ...very accustomed to her wealthy way of life.
MAN: So, who did it?
Would you get your work out, please?
Because God knows how much longer we're gonna be here.
I'd feel better if you were doing something, you know,
I'm on it.
MAN: Mr. Bergman? Mr. Bergman? (SIGHS)
MAN 2: That was Preston's lawyer. He says he thinks he knows who killed him.
You know what? I'm going to go ask for an update.
Okay. Yeah, good idea.
JIMMY (ON TV): You are the greatest generation.
Jimmy. Look. You didn't start World War II,
but you sure as heck finished it.
And if that weren't enough,
you sent a rocket, 300 feet tall, to the moon.
Now, in your golden years,
you need someone looking out for you,
someone you can trust,
a man who says what he does
and does what he says.
When you need someone to count on...
Give me Jimmy.
Because moxie is in such short supply these days.
JIMMY: Jimmy McGill, a lawyer you can trust.
It's really good, Jimmy.
You made a really good commercial.
(SOFTLY) Thanks.
MAN (ON TV): Now, the tool used by millions of gardeners is on sale.
During the National Gardening Week Sale Spectacular...
...is on sale! But hurry...
Oh, finally.
So how is he?
The good news is that physically, he's okay.
The radiologist said everything looks normal with Charles' head and spine.
So, we took his neck collar off.
His head wound will heal just fine.
We gave him a tetanus shot because his immunization records were not current.
I'm sure that's no surprise to you.
And his heart?
Strong. The EKG was normal.
As far as losing consciousness,
my best guess is Charles had what's called
a stress-related syncope.
It's basically a panic attack.
No signs of a stroke or cardiac event.
However, there was...
A complication.
JIMMY: Chuck? Hey, buddy, it's me.
They said everything looks good.
So let's get you out of here, what do you say?
What's wrong with him?
Whatever you gave him should've worn off already, right?
We watched him for several hours
and we even gave him what's called a reversal agent.
So, yes, the sedative wore off.
This is something else.
We think it's a state of self-induced catatonia.
"We". Always with the "we".
I think it's you. You're the only doctor in the room.
I think you fried his brain with that machine!
Sorry, this is bullshit.
What next?
When I first treated Charles, he was in a similar state.
Wouldn't you agree?
I have to believe that it's just a matter of time
before he comes out of it.
Matter of time.
Fine, then. I'll wait. Right here.
LAWSON: Shot left,
1.5 minutes.
How many rounds have gone through the tube?
For a 762? You can put 3,500 through it and never know.
It's about how tight she shoots.
And this one's tight as they come.
I'd say there's a breeze picking up downrange.
Your barrel gonna be cold?
Let's suppose so.
Well, then you'd better have paid attention to that shot.
I'd better have.
Adjusting right,
1.5 minutes.
Send it.
Center hit.
LAWSON: I suggest you don't change up your ammo,
stick with the 168 grain boat tail hollow point.
If it's an open shot, that is.
If you got to shoot through a heavy window,
I'll up you to a 180.
But as you know, you'll have to re-calculate the shot.
168 will do it.
How many boxes?
Just the one.
No, it's on the house.
Uh... One last thing...
No offense.
None taken.
Can I get some water?
Chuck! Hey, buddy, you're back with us.
How're you...
Can I get some water, please?
Yeah, yeah. Water.
(GASPS) Oh, shit. Sorry.
Want some more?
The last thing I remember was that machine they put me in.
How long was I out for?
It was 20 hours.
And next order of business, get you the hell out of here.
Where to next?
Some insane asylum in Las Cruces?
Someplace you can really tuck me away, but good?
Home, Chuck. You're going home.
Your heart's okay, and so is that crack on your head. So...
That's all I wanted to know.
What about the TEG?
The "T" stands for "temporary", right?
Want to go to bed?
No, no. It's...
It's cooler down here.
What can I get you?
I'll make you some tea.
Uh, the good stuff, not that brown water they have at the hospital.
I'm fine.
I'll make you some tea. Jimmy.
Just... (SIGHS)
You've done your duty. You can go now.
That came out a bit harsh. Hmm.
Look, I've been zapped and poked and prodded,
and now I just...
I want to be left alone.
If things start going south for you again, how am I even gonna know?
I am fine. I promise.
(SIGHS) See?
Feeling better already. (CHUCKLES)
I mean, I don't even have the keys. So...
Can I get Ernie back here?
Would you let me do that for you, at least?
You need someone looking in on you. You got to eat, right?
All right.
Feel better, Chuck.
JIMMY: All right. I will get right on that.
I should have it for you by early next week.
You have yourself a wonderful day, Mr. Collins.
Oh, there you go.
Yeah, get the sunglasses out. It's very bright.
Got to protect the old peepers.
You got to...
Yeah. Looking sharp.
Uh, bye-bye now.
Folks, I am sorry about the wait.
But the attention I give each client
means sometimes things get a little...
...backed up.
But I promise to get to each and every one of you, in turn.
Mrs. DeShazo, my dear, I believe you're next.
But first, may I get anybody some coffee?
(SOFTLY) Can I talk to you?
Excuse me one second.
We have got to get a receptionist.
Like, yesterday.
Howard just called.
He says he's been trying to reach you all morning.
So, tell him to stop bothering you and leave me a message.
It's about Chuck.
It's important, that's all he'll say.
Unfortunately, uh, my associate tells me
I'm needed for some brief but pressing legal business.
I just need to make one quick phone call.
Uh, in the meantime who was it who wanted coffee?
Yeah, okay, uh, this young lady will get you coffee.
And also donuts, um, if there are any left.
(WHISPERS) Please.
I want coffee. But I do not want cream.
Hey, Julie, it's me. Returning Howard's call.
Hey, what's up?
Jimmy, I have just one question.
Are you behind this?
Am I behind what?
Jimmy, I'm, kind of, in the middle of something right now. Come back later.
No, no, no. Come on. Open the door.
I know why you're here. We can discuss it later.
Right now I'm busy. Goodbye.
You happy now?
It's not right, me not having a key to this place!
So, Chuck...
...what's up?
You got a little, uh...
You got a little, uh,
a project...going on?
Uh, something you, maybe, want to tell me about?
What do you say, Chuck? Uh, clue me in?
(SIGHS) These walls are plaster and lath,
completely invisible to the radio spectrum.
No protection at all. I might as well be standing in the middle of a pasture.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Should've done this from the start.
What? You should've done this, with the, uh...
I think these walls are pretty solid.
What I really need is a proper Faraday cage.
That's what I need.
I think we need to sit down.
Take a break, buddy. Please?
Don't patronize me, Jimmy. I'm not crazy. Right?
Right! I never said you were crazy, that...
You're probably exhausted, and justifiably.
Hey, come on. Hey.
Five minutes, and then right back at it.
I'm fine.
Come on, Chuck.
Just a break.
JIMMY: Careful. (GRUNTS)
Howard tells me you quit HHM.
I didn't quit.
I retired.
That's not what it sounded like.
Regardless, it's, kind of, out of the blue. Don't you think?
He's worried about you.
He should be relieved.
(CHUCKLES) Relieved? Why would he be relieved?
You're his Number One Guy. Without you, that whole place goes down the drain.
(EXHALES) So, you...
So, you retired? Not just from HHM, but the law?
That's not good, Chuck.
Uh... The law needs you.
(SCOFFS) Just stop it.
And you need it.
What brought this on exactly, Chuck, huh?
'Cause I don't know what you are if you're not a lawyer.
Hey! Hey. How're you gonna retire before you get me disbarred?
Before you run me out of town on a rail, huh?
I'll be the only McGill carrying the family name.
We can't have that.
Is this 'cause you lost Mesa Verde?
So what? Who cares?
And, hey,
if you truly do think I rat-fucked you on that thing,
which I did not, but whatever...
Well, you know what? You get mad. Take action!
Don't just hide out in your...
Faraday-whatever, your cage thing here.
No. No retirement for you.
When you're 99, you can drop dead
giving closing arguments to JudgeBot 3,000,
which will run on electricity, by the way.
That's your future, okay?
So... I...
I can't do the job anymore.
What do you mean? Of course you can do the job.
I made a mistake.
What mistake?
A simple, nothing little bank address.
1216 instead of 1261.
I screwed it up.
I hurt the client.
I blew it! Completely and utterly.
And then I blamed...
And then I blamed you.
(SHAKILY) It's this goddamned electricity!
It's wearing me down. It's wearing down my faculties.
My brain.
My mind.
(SOBBING) It used to be...
You know, it used to work.
And now it doesn't anymore.
People got hurt because of me.
It's time to end it.
JIMMY: What if I told you, you didn't make a mistake?
For Christ's sake, Jimmy. Stop humoring me.
Stop trying to talk everything right.
I rat-fucked you.
It was me.
I would've made Nixon proud.
I changed 1261 to 1216.
It was me.
It all went down exactly like you said.
I mean, exactly.
I doctored the copies,
I paid the kid at the shop to lie for me.
It is insane how you got every detail exactly right.
So you can relax, okay?
'Cause that brain of yours is chugging along at 1,000% efficiency.
Are you telling the truth?
Or are you just trying to make me feel better?
I am saying it to make you feel better.
I sure as shit wouldn't be telling you otherwise.
But, yes.
It's the truth.
You'd go to such lengths to humiliate me?
I did it for Kim!
What? She worked her butt off to get Mesa Verde,
while you and Howard sat around sipping Scotch and chortling.
Hamlin Hamlin McGill?
More like Scrooge and Marley!
Kim deserves Mesa Verde, not you.
Not HHM.
She earned it. And she needs it.
I did it to help her.
I... I honestly didn't think it would hurt you so bad.
I thought you'd just say,
"Oh, crap. I made a mistake." And go on with your life.
Like a normal person! But, oh, no!
Wishful thinking!
So, can I, uh, tell Howard you're not quitting
or retiring or whatever?
Can we take all this shit down off the walls?
I'm gonna go call Howard.
You do realize you just confessed to a felony.
I guess.
But you feel better, right?
Besides, it's your word against mine.
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