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Jon, Daenerys y su ejército llegan a Invernalia, donde descubrieron que los Caminantes Blancos han atravesado el Muro. Así mismo, Bran le dice a Daenerys que El Rey de
Debido a la respuesta de Sam, Daenerys le dice que su padre
y hermano fueron ejecutados por ella. Ante
lo que Sam luce triste y enojado. Acto
seguido Sam le account a Jon sobre su verdadera identidad como hijo de Rhaegar
Targaryen y Lyanna, y como el verdadero heredero del Trono de Hierro. Tormund y Beric inspeccionan el
castillo de la casa Umber y se encuentran con Edd y miembros de la Guardia de la Noche ; Las personas que habitaban el castillo
han sido eliminadas por el Rey de la
Noche , quien dejó un mensaje para los vivos. Jaime llega a Invernalia y se
encuentra con Bran en el patio.
1 TYRION LANNISTER: We have suffered at each other's hands.
We have lost people we love at each other's hands.
(DRAGON SCREECHING) JAIME LANNISTER: This isn't about noble houses, this is about the living and the dead.
And I intend to stay amongst the living.
Bend the knee and join me, or refuse, and die.
(MEN YELLING) She is here to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms.
The North is one of those seven kingdoms.
JON SHOW: The Night King's army grows larger by the day.
(YELLING) We need allies.
Powerful allies.
Dragons, White Walkers, Dothraki screamers Let the monsters kill each other.
We will deal with whatever is left.
(MUSIC INTENSIFIES) DAENERYS: We are going to destroy the Night King and his army, and we'll do it together.
SANSA STARK: He pledged to fight for Daenerys Targaryen.
He's bent the knee.
BRANDON STARK: He needs to know the truth.
Jon isn't really my father's son.
He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, and my aunt, Lyanna Stark.
He's the heir to the Iron Throne.
We need to tell him.
JON SNOW: The same thing is coming for all of us And it is here.
At least your balls won't freeze off.
VARYS: You take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes.
Why is that? Because I have balls, and you don't.
I warned you.
Northerners don't much trust outsiders.
[SNIFFLES] You're a man.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] - JON: Where's Arya? - Lurking somewhere.
JON: Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen.
My sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell.
Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark.
The North is as beautiful as your brother claimed, as are you.
Winterfell is yours, Your Grace.
We don't have time for all this.
The Night King has your dragon.
He's one of them now.
The Wall has fallen, the dead march south.
[] SANSA: As soon as we heard about the Wall, I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell.
Lord Umber when can we expect your people to arrive? We need more horses and wagons, if it please my lady.
And my lord.
And my queen.
SANSA: You'll have as many as we can spare.
Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] We need to send ravens to the Night's Watch as well.
There's no sense in manning the castles anymore.
We make our stand here.
At once, Your Grace.
"Your Grace.
" But you're not.
Are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a I'm not sure what you are now.
- [PEOPLE MURMURING] - LYANNA: A lord? Nothing at all? - It's not important.
- LYANNA: Not important? We named you King in the North.
[PEOPLE EXCLAIMING] MAN: King of the North! You did, my lady.
It was the honor of my life.
I'll always be grateful for your faith.
But when I left Winterfell, I told you we need allies or we will die.
I have brought those allies home to fight alongside us.
I had a choice, keep my crown or protect the North.
I chose the North.
[PEOPLE MURMURING] If anyone survives the war to come, we'll have Jon Snow to thank.
He risked his life to show us the threat is real.
Thanks to his courage, we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen.
We have brought two full-grown dragons.
And soon, the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause.
[PEOPLE GRUMBLING INDISTINCTLY] I know, I know, our people haven't been friends in the past.
But we must fight together now or die.
May I ask, how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons.
What do dragons eat, anyway? Whatever they want.
We need every last bit of it.
MAN 1: Sorry 'bout that.
Are these the last of the wagons? MAN 2: Aye.
GENDRY: All right, let's get it all to the forges.
My lord.
My lady.
My lady.
The Lady of Winterfell.
Has a nice ring to it.
So does Hand of the Queen.
Depending on the queen, I suppose.
Last time we spoke was at Joffrey's wedding.
- Miserable affair.
- It had its moments.
Apologies for leaving like that.
Yes, it was a bit hard to explain why my wife fled moments after the king's murder.
We both survived.
Many underestimated you.
Most of them are dead now.
I'm sure you weren't thrilled to hear the Lannister army's marching north.
You have every right to be fearful of my sister.
No one fears her more than I do.
- But I promise, you'll be safe - Cersei told you her army was coming north to fight for you? She did.
And you believed her? She has something to live for now.
I believe she wants to survive.
I used to think you were the cleverest man alive.
[] ARYA: You used to be taller.
JON: How did you sneak up on me? How did you survive a knife through the heart? I didn't.
[CHUCKLES] - [SIGHS] - [SCOFFS] You still have it.
Have you ever used it? Once or twice.
[CHUCKLES] Valyrian steel.
Jealous? [SCOFFS] Too heavy for me.
Where were you before? I could've used your help with Sansa.
She doesn't like your queen, does she? Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone.
She's the smartest person I've ever met.
Now you're defending her? [CHUCKLES] You? I'm defending our family.
So is she.
[SOFTLY] Yeah.
[NORMALLY] I'm her family too.
[] Don't forget that.
Your Grace, I'm afraid I bring terrible news.
The dead have broken through the Wall.
[] Why don't you just get it over with and kill me? [SIGHS] But we're family.
The last Greyjoys left in the world.
[GRUNTS SOFTLY] The last ones with balls anyway.
[CHUCKLES] If I kill you who can I talk to? Hmm? [SIGHS] I've got a crew full of mutes.
[SIGHS] It gets lonely at sea.
Are we in King's Landing? Mm.
You picked the losing side.
Then I'll sail the Iron Fleet somewhere else.
But first I'm gonna fuck the queen.
[FOOTSTEPS LEAVING] [PANTING] [DOOR OPENS, THEN CLOSES] CERSEI: Twenty-thousand men, is it? Yes, Your Grace.
A few died in transit.
They cheated at dice.
Or maybe I cheated.
Someone cheated.
They weren't good fighters.
You won't miss them.
- Horses? - Two thousand.
And elephants? HARRY: Uh, no elephants, Your Grace.
That's disappointing.
I was told the Golden Company had elephants.
HARRY: They are excellent beasts, Your Grace, but not well-suited to long sea voyages.
In any event, you are most welcome here in King's Landing, Captain Strickland.
We look forward to fighting on your behalf, Your Grace.
EURON: Am I most welcome here? You are a true friend of the crown and an honored guest.
EURON: Good.
As a true friend and an honored guest [GRUNTS] [WHISPERS] I was hoping we could talk in private.
After the war.
That was our agreement.
Wars sometimes last years.
You want a whore, buy one.
You want a queen earn her.
How? I've given her justice, an army and the Iron Fleet, yet she gives me no sign of affection.
My heart is nearly broken.
You're insolent.
- I've executed men for less.
- They were lesser men.
[] [CHUCKLES] [DOOR OPENS] DIRAH: I hear the dragon burnt up a thousand Lannister men.
CRAYA: Burnt up some of my favorite boys.
- DIRAH: Archie, was it? - And William.
- Tall handsome William? - Yeah, tall handsome William.
They said what's left of him could fit in a wine glass.
I am the only man you ever met who shot a dragon.
- Did you? - BRONN: Nearly killed it.
That's brave.
[MOANING SOFTLY] [BRONN SIGHS] - CRAYA: That boy Eddie - DIRAH: The ginger? That's him.
Came back with his face burnt right off.
He's got no eyelids now.
How does he sleep with no eyelids? All right, can we stop talking about the fucking dragons now? QYBURN: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.
You're kidding me.
Apologies for the interruption, but the queen did urge me to hurry.
Sorry, ladies.
Another time perhaps.
You ever get lonely, I am partial to older gentlemen.
Poor girl.
The pox will take her within the year.
[COUGHS] - Which girl? - QYBURN: The queen's brothers made promises to you and broke them.
Her Grace wants to rectify their mistake.
She once gave me a castle and a wife, then rectified me right out of them.
That was Ser Jaime's doing, not hers.
When Queen Cersei wants something, she pays in advance and in gold.
Several chests of it, in fact.
Waiting for you in a wagon just outside.
So she wants to murder someone, but she can't send her soldiers.
If it's the Dragon Queen she's after She has other plans for the Targaryen girl.
Yeah, well, good luck with that.
Our queen's brothers are unlikely to survive their Northern adventures.
But in the event that they do [] She has a keen sense of poetic justice.
That fucking family.
QYBURN: When the Citadel expelled me, I thought I would die poor and alone, but in exchange for my service, Queen Cersei made me her Hand.
What would she do for the man who rids her of her treasonous brothers? [] [DOOR OPENS, THEN CLOSES] [SIGHS] I wanted those elephants.
[EURON SIGHS] So how do I compare to the fat king? You're insulting my late husband? Are you offended? Robert had a different whore every night, but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body.
And the Kingslayer? You enjoy risking your neck, don't you? [CHUCKLES] Life is boring.
You're not boring, I'll give you that.
[SIGHS] Do I please the queen? You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met.
[WHISPERS] I like that.
[CHUCKLES] [NORMALLY] But now I want to be alone.
[SIGHS SOFTLY] [SOFTLY] I'm going to put a prince in your belly.
[DOOR OPENS] [DOOR CLOSES] [BOW STRING CREAKS] [MEN GRUNTING] - [FLESH SQUELCHES] - [GASPS] [PANTING] [GRUNTS] [BOTH GRUNT] [] YARA: Euron can't defend the Iron Islands, not if he's in King's Landing with all his men and his ships.
We can take our home back.
Daenerys went north.
Daenerys will need somewhere to retreat if they can't hold the North.
Somewhere the dead can't go.
I go where you command.
You want to go to Winterfell.
To fight for the Starks.
What is dead may never die.
What is dead may never die.
But kill the bastards anyway.
If you'd follow me VARYS: The Karstarks.
TYRION: One of the better sigils.
Beats an onion, anyway.
Can't argue with that.
Not so long ago, the Starks and the Karstarks were slaughtering each other on the battlefield.
Jon Snow brought peace to the houses.
TYRION: And our queen is grateful.
Her gratitude is lovely, but that's not my point.
The Northmen are loyal to Jon Snow, not to her.
They don't know her.
The Free Folk don't know her.
I've been up here a while, and I'm telling you, they're stubborn as goats.
You want their loyalty, you have to earn it.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] I sense that you're leading to a proposal.
A proposal is what I'm proposing.
On the off chance that we survive the Night King, what if the Seven Kingdoms, for once in their whole shit history, were ruled by a just woman and an honorable man? TYRION: They do make a handsome couple.
VARYS: You overestimate our influence.
Jon and Daenerys don't want to listen to lonely old men.
I'm not that old.
Not as old as him.
[CHUCKLES] Our queen respects the wisdom of age.
Of course she does.
Respect is how the young keep us at a distance, so we don't remind them of an unpleasant truth.
We have lost people we love at each other's hands.
(DRAGON SCREECHING) JAIME LANNISTER: This isn't about noble houses, this is about the living and the dead.
And I intend to stay amongst the living.
Bend the knee and join me, or refuse, and die.
(MEN YELLING) She is here to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms.
The North is one of those seven kingdoms.
JON SHOW: The Night King's army grows larger by the day.
(YELLING) We need allies.
Powerful allies.
Dragons, White Walkers, Dothraki screamers Let the monsters kill each other.
We will deal with whatever is left.
(MUSIC INTENSIFIES) DAENERYS: We are going to destroy the Night King and his army, and we'll do it together.
SANSA STARK: He pledged to fight for Daenerys Targaryen.
He's bent the knee.
BRANDON STARK: He needs to know the truth.
Jon isn't really my father's son.
He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen, and my aunt, Lyanna Stark.
He's the heir to the Iron Throne.
We need to tell him.
JON SNOW: The same thing is coming for all of us And it is here.
At least your balls won't freeze off.
VARYS: You take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes.
Why is that? Because I have balls, and you don't.
I warned you.
Northerners don't much trust outsiders.
[SNIFFLES] You're a man.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] - JON: Where's Arya? - Lurking somewhere.
JON: Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen.
My sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell.
Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark.
The North is as beautiful as your brother claimed, as are you.
Winterfell is yours, Your Grace.
We don't have time for all this.
The Night King has your dragon.
He's one of them now.
The Wall has fallen, the dead march south.
[] SANSA: As soon as we heard about the Wall, I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell.
Lord Umber when can we expect your people to arrive? We need more horses and wagons, if it please my lady.
And my lord.
And my queen.
SANSA: You'll have as many as we can spare.
Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] We need to send ravens to the Night's Watch as well.
There's no sense in manning the castles anymore.
We make our stand here.
At once, Your Grace.
"Your Grace.
" But you're not.
Are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a I'm not sure what you are now.
- [PEOPLE MURMURING] - LYANNA: A lord? Nothing at all? - It's not important.
- LYANNA: Not important? We named you King in the North.
[PEOPLE EXCLAIMING] MAN: King of the North! You did, my lady.
It was the honor of my life.
I'll always be grateful for your faith.
But when I left Winterfell, I told you we need allies or we will die.
I have brought those allies home to fight alongside us.
I had a choice, keep my crown or protect the North.
I chose the North.
[PEOPLE MURMURING] If anyone survives the war to come, we'll have Jon Snow to thank.
He risked his life to show us the threat is real.
Thanks to his courage, we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen.
We have brought two full-grown dragons.
And soon, the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause.
[PEOPLE GRUMBLING INDISTINCTLY] I know, I know, our people haven't been friends in the past.
But we must fight together now or die.
May I ask, how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full-grown dragons.
What do dragons eat, anyway? Whatever they want.
We need every last bit of it.
MAN 1: Sorry 'bout that.
Are these the last of the wagons? MAN 2: Aye.
GENDRY: All right, let's get it all to the forges.
My lord.
My lady.
My lady.
The Lady of Winterfell.
Has a nice ring to it.
So does Hand of the Queen.
Depending on the queen, I suppose.
Last time we spoke was at Joffrey's wedding.
- Miserable affair.
- It had its moments.
Apologies for leaving like that.
Yes, it was a bit hard to explain why my wife fled moments after the king's murder.
We both survived.
Many underestimated you.
Most of them are dead now.
I'm sure you weren't thrilled to hear the Lannister army's marching north.
You have every right to be fearful of my sister.
No one fears her more than I do.
- But I promise, you'll be safe - Cersei told you her army was coming north to fight for you? She did.
And you believed her? She has something to live for now.
I believe she wants to survive.
I used to think you were the cleverest man alive.
[] ARYA: You used to be taller.
JON: How did you sneak up on me? How did you survive a knife through the heart? I didn't.
[CHUCKLES] - [SIGHS] - [SCOFFS] You still have it.
Have you ever used it? Once or twice.
[CHUCKLES] Valyrian steel.
Jealous? [SCOFFS] Too heavy for me.
Where were you before? I could've used your help with Sansa.
She doesn't like your queen, does she? Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone.
She's the smartest person I've ever met.
Now you're defending her? [CHUCKLES] You? I'm defending our family.
So is she.
[SOFTLY] Yeah.
[NORMALLY] I'm her family too.
[] Don't forget that.
Your Grace, I'm afraid I bring terrible news.
The dead have broken through the Wall.
[] Why don't you just get it over with and kill me? [SIGHS] But we're family.
The last Greyjoys left in the world.
[GRUNTS SOFTLY] The last ones with balls anyway.
[CHUCKLES] If I kill you who can I talk to? Hmm? [SIGHS] I've got a crew full of mutes.
[SIGHS] It gets lonely at sea.
Are we in King's Landing? Mm.
You picked the losing side.
Then I'll sail the Iron Fleet somewhere else.
But first I'm gonna fuck the queen.
[FOOTSTEPS LEAVING] [PANTING] [DOOR OPENS, THEN CLOSES] CERSEI: Twenty-thousand men, is it? Yes, Your Grace.
A few died in transit.
They cheated at dice.
Or maybe I cheated.
Someone cheated.
They weren't good fighters.
You won't miss them.
- Horses? - Two thousand.
And elephants? HARRY: Uh, no elephants, Your Grace.
That's disappointing.
I was told the Golden Company had elephants.
HARRY: They are excellent beasts, Your Grace, but not well-suited to long sea voyages.
In any event, you are most welcome here in King's Landing, Captain Strickland.
We look forward to fighting on your behalf, Your Grace.
EURON: Am I most welcome here? You are a true friend of the crown and an honored guest.
EURON: Good.
As a true friend and an honored guest [GRUNTS] [WHISPERS] I was hoping we could talk in private.
After the war.
That was our agreement.
Wars sometimes last years.
You want a whore, buy one.
You want a queen earn her.
How? I've given her justice, an army and the Iron Fleet, yet she gives me no sign of affection.
My heart is nearly broken.
You're insolent.
- I've executed men for less.
- They were lesser men.
[] [CHUCKLES] [DOOR OPENS] DIRAH: I hear the dragon burnt up a thousand Lannister men.
CRAYA: Burnt up some of my favorite boys.
- DIRAH: Archie, was it? - And William.
- Tall handsome William? - Yeah, tall handsome William.
They said what's left of him could fit in a wine glass.
I am the only man you ever met who shot a dragon.
- Did you? - BRONN: Nearly killed it.
That's brave.
[MOANING SOFTLY] [BRONN SIGHS] - CRAYA: That boy Eddie - DIRAH: The ginger? That's him.
Came back with his face burnt right off.
He's got no eyelids now.
How does he sleep with no eyelids? All right, can we stop talking about the fucking dragons now? QYBURN: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.
You're kidding me.
Apologies for the interruption, but the queen did urge me to hurry.
Sorry, ladies.
Another time perhaps.
You ever get lonely, I am partial to older gentlemen.
Poor girl.
The pox will take her within the year.
[COUGHS] - Which girl? - QYBURN: The queen's brothers made promises to you and broke them.
Her Grace wants to rectify their mistake.
She once gave me a castle and a wife, then rectified me right out of them.
That was Ser Jaime's doing, not hers.
When Queen Cersei wants something, she pays in advance and in gold.
Several chests of it, in fact.
Waiting for you in a wagon just outside.
So she wants to murder someone, but she can't send her soldiers.
If it's the Dragon Queen she's after She has other plans for the Targaryen girl.
Yeah, well, good luck with that.
Our queen's brothers are unlikely to survive their Northern adventures.
But in the event that they do [] She has a keen sense of poetic justice.
That fucking family.
QYBURN: When the Citadel expelled me, I thought I would die poor and alone, but in exchange for my service, Queen Cersei made me her Hand.
What would she do for the man who rids her of her treasonous brothers? [] [DOOR OPENS, THEN CLOSES] [SIGHS] I wanted those elephants.
[EURON SIGHS] So how do I compare to the fat king? You're insulting my late husband? Are you offended? Robert had a different whore every night, but he still didn't know his way around a woman's body.
And the Kingslayer? You enjoy risking your neck, don't you? [CHUCKLES] Life is boring.
You're not boring, I'll give you that.
[SIGHS] Do I please the queen? You might be the most arrogant man I've ever met.
[WHISPERS] I like that.
[CHUCKLES] [NORMALLY] But now I want to be alone.
[SIGHS SOFTLY] [SOFTLY] I'm going to put a prince in your belly.
[DOOR OPENS] [DOOR CLOSES] [BOW STRING CREAKS] [MEN GRUNTING] - [FLESH SQUELCHES] - [GASPS] [PANTING] [GRUNTS] [BOTH GRUNT] [] YARA: Euron can't defend the Iron Islands, not if he's in King's Landing with all his men and his ships.
We can take our home back.
Daenerys went north.
Daenerys will need somewhere to retreat if they can't hold the North.
Somewhere the dead can't go.
I go where you command.
You want to go to Winterfell.
To fight for the Starks.
What is dead may never die.
What is dead may never die.
But kill the bastards anyway.
If you'd follow me VARYS: The Karstarks.
TYRION: One of the better sigils.
Beats an onion, anyway.
Can't argue with that.
Not so long ago, the Starks and the Karstarks were slaughtering each other on the battlefield.
Jon Snow brought peace to the houses.
TYRION: And our queen is grateful.
Her gratitude is lovely, but that's not my point.
The Northmen are loyal to Jon Snow, not to her.
They don't know her.
The Free Folk don't know her.
I've been up here a while, and I'm telling you, they're stubborn as goats.
You want their loyalty, you have to earn it.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] I sense that you're leading to a proposal.
A proposal is what I'm proposing.
On the off chance that we survive the Night King, what if the Seven Kingdoms, for once in their whole shit history, were ruled by a just woman and an honorable man? TYRION: They do make a handsome couple.
VARYS: You overestimate our influence.
Jon and Daenerys don't want to listen to lonely old men.
I'm not that old.
Not as old as him.
[CHUCKLES] Our queen respects the wisdom of age.
Of course she does.
Respect is how the young keep us at a distance, so we don't remind them of an unpleasant truth.
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