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El norte quema a los muertos en las piras funerarias. Durante las celebraciones, Daenerys legitima a Gendry como un Baratheon y lo nombra Señor de Bastión de Tormentas. Jaime y Brienne tienen relaciones sexuales. Daenerys le pide a Jon que no revele su identidad. Tormund decide llevar a los salvajes de regreso al norte del muro. Bronn, preocupado de que Cersei no puede ganar, decide perdonar a Jaime y Tyrion a cambio del señorío de Altojardín. Durante un consejo de guerra, Daenerys insiste en dejar el Norte y atacar Desembarco del Rey pronto. Jon y Bran le cuentan el verdadero origen de Jon a Sansa y Arya. Sansa inmediatamente comparte el secreto con Tyrion y Varys. La flota Targaryen se traslada a Rocadragón mientras los soldados del norte viajan a pie. La flota sufre una emboscada y es destruida por Euron, quien mata a Rhaegal y captura a Missandei, lo que lleva a Daenerys a decidir hacerse con el poder de Desembarco del Rey a cualquier costo, incluso si debe sacrificar a los civiles que se refugian dentro. Varys y Tyrion discuten el estado de ánimo de Daenerys, preocupados de que ella podría no estar en forma para gobernar y sugiriendo reemplazarla por Jon en su lugar, aunque Tyrion rechaza la idea. Al enterarse del ataque de Euron y la muerte de Rhaegal, Jaime decide ir a Desembarco del Rey. Daenerys llega a las puertas de Desembarco del Rey y exige que Cersei se rinda, pero Cersei sigue siendo desafiante y ejecuta públicamente a Missandei.
1 (OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYS) Who would you say is the father? You.
I'm going to put a prince in your belly.
Our queen has a keen sense of poetic justice.
What would she do for the man who rids her of her treasonous brothers? JON SNOW: My name my real name is Aegon Targaryen.
It's true, Dany.
If it were true you'd have a claim to the Iron Throne.
ARYA STARK: She doesn't like your queen, does she? She's defending our family.
I'm her family, too.
ARYA: Don't forget that.
To our fathers and mothers.
To our friends.
Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together and die together so that others might live.
Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid.
It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath.
They were the shields that guarded the realms of men.
And we shall never see their like again.
Have you seen Arya? You can still smell the burning bodies, and that's where your head is at.
- I just want to thank her for-- - I'm sure you do.
Look, it's not about that.
Of course it's about that, you twat.
Why shouldn't it be? The dead are dead.
You're not.
[CHATTERING STOPS] That's right, isn't it? Yes, Your Grace.
You're Robert Baratheon's son.
You are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered? I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead.
Yes, he's dead.
His brothers are too.
So who's Lord of Storm's End now? I don't know, Your Grace.
Does anyone? I think you should be Lord of Storm's End.
I'm a bastard.
No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, the lawful son of Robert Baratheon.
Because that is what I have made you.
To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End.
[ALL CHATTERING] To Gendry! MAN 1: Lord Gendry! MAN 2: Gendry! - MAN 3: Gendry! - MAN 4: Gendry! MAN 5: Lord Gendry! MAN 6: Gendry! [PEOPLE CHEERING AND CHATTERING] MAN 7: That's easy, isn't it? - A fitting reward for a hero.
- SAMWELL: Uh, hold on.
TYRION: And a Lord of Storm's End who will be forever loyal to you.
- MAN 8: Come, my lord.
- See? You're not the only one who's clever.
WOMAN: I have to go down and get another barrel.
[MEN LAUGH] JAIME: We fought dead things and lived to talk about it.
If this isn't the time to drink, when is? The last time I saw her, I told her I'd kill her if I ever saw her again.
- I'm sure you had your reasons.
- I did.
- I do.
- So did you? Never got the chance.
She did it to herself.
Or her god did it to her.
Lord of Light.
We play his game for him, we fight his war and win, and then he fucks off.
No signs, no blessings.
Who knows what he wants? I don't imagine thinking about that subject will leave you any happier than before.
And what if I'm not trying to be happy? Then you're in luck.
We may have defeated them, but we still have us to contend with.
Thank you.
I feel much better.
[LAUGHING BOISTEROUSLY] MAN: More ale! This is clever.
Even better than the saddle I designed for you.
It's the same as the one Daeron Targaryen built for his crippled nephew 120 years ago.
I liked that one.
You know our history better than anyone.
That will be useful as Lord of Winterfell.
I'm not Lord of Winterfell.
You're the only surviving trueborn son of Ned Stark.
You don't want it.
I don't really want anymore.
I envy you.
You shouldn't envy me.
Mostly I live in the past.
- TORMUND: All of it.
- Go on.
- No, not in one go.
- Go on.
I believe in you.
TORMUND: We have to celebrate our victory.
Vomiting is not celebrating.
- Yes, it is.
- [CHUCKLES] Ah! To the Dragon Queen! [ALL CHEER] To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell! [ALL CHEERING] - Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! - WOMAN: Drink! [CROWD BARKING IN RESPONSE] [ROARS] [GRUNTS] TORMUND: I'm fine! [TORMUND CACKLES] [TORMUND EXCLAIMS] [TORMUND EXCLAIMS] Your turn.
Um You are an only child.
- I told you I was.
- You didn't.
- I did.
- I surmised it.
Go again.
Why does he get to go again? Because it's my game.
You have danced with Renly Baratheon.
TYRION: Drink.
MAN: The other way around! I saw him riding that thing.
- We all did.
- No.
I saw him riding that thing.
- That's right, you did.
- I did.
That's why we all agreed to follow him.
That's the kind of man he is.
He's little [CHUCKLES] but he's strong.
Strong enough to befriend an enemy and get murdered for it! Most people get bloody murdered, they stay that way.
- [GRUNTS] - TORMUND: Not this one.
[MEN LAUGHING] Yeah, I didn't have much say in that.
Ah! He comes back and keeps fighting.
Here, north of the Wall, and then back here again.
He keeps fighting.
He keeps fighting.
He climbed on a fucking dragon and fought.
What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? A madman or a king! [CROWD CHEERING] [] - TYRION: Drink.
- Drink.
[LAUGHING] [MEN SINGING INDISTINCTLY] Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! Drink! [BOTH LAUGHING] Mm! You were married.
Before Sansa.
- Drink.
- [GROWLS] You're drinking wine, but you prefer ale! No! [LAUGHS] You're a virgin.
That's a statement about the present.
At no point in the past, up until this very moment, have you slept with a man.
Or a woman.
I have to piss.
We did it! We faced those icy fucks.
Looked right into their blue eyes, and here we are.
[SIGHS] Now, which one of you cowards shit in my pants? [GUFFAWS] Please pardon me for a moment.
[PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] MAN: Drink it! And after all that, this fucker comes north and takes her from me.
Just takes her, like that.
I mean it, Clegane.
My heart is broken.
Don't touch me.
WILLA: You can touch me.
I'm not afraid of wildlings.
Maybe you should be.
[TORMUND CHUCKLING] Well, Clegane it's time to drown our sorrows.
I'm not done with my drink.
- [SIGHS] - MAN 2: You saved the day.
MAN 1: You owe me one.
- Don't forget that.
- MAN 2: For the rest of my days.
Are you ready now? This is my drink.
[GROWLING] All right! SANSA: She could have made you happy, for a little while.
There's only one thing that'll make me happy.
And what's that? That's my fucking business.
Used to be you couldn't look at me.
That was a long time ago.
I've seen much worse than you since then.
HOUND: Yes, I've heard.
Heard you were broken in.
Heard you were broken in rough.
And he got what he deserved.
I gave it to him.
How? Hounds.
[CHUCKLES] You've changed, Little Bird.
None of it would have happened if you'd left King's Landing with me.
No Littlefinger, no Ramsay none of it.
Without Littlefinger, and Ramsay and the rest, I would have stayed a Little Bird all my life.
[CHUCKLES] [ALL LAUGHING] - MAN 1: Hey! - MAN 2: Pour another one.
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