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SGT.POLA NEGRI I most certainly do, fraulein. His name is Maximilian. Even the slightly psychotic Stiglitz, likes this German Sgt. STIGLITZ Wonderful name, Sgt. SGT.POLA NEGRI Thank you, Lieutenant. When he's old enough to ride a bicycle, I will buy him a blue one. And I will paint on the side "The Blue Max". He thrusts out his beer stein, for the officers to cheers. They do. Bridget finishes signing her autograph, with a big flourish. BRIDGET There you go. But wait, I'm not finished yet. She reaches into her clutch, and pulls out some lipstick. Applies some ruby red color to her lips, and then kisses the napkin, leaving a big red lip print. Then hands the treasured item to the young father. BRIDGET Nothing but the best for little Maximilian. SGT.POLA NEGRI Thank you fraulein, thank you. Max may not know who you are now. But he will. I will show him all of your movies. He will grow up with your films, and this napkin on his wall. Then, to the whole tavern... SGT.POLA NEGRI I purpose a toast to the greatest actress in Germany! There is no Dietrich, there is no Riefenstahl, only Von Hammersmark! The whole room toasts. This would be a good time for the German Sgt to go back to his table, and his men. And he almost does.... but... since he is drunk, and star struck, he out wears his welcome. SGT.POLA NEGRI So, Frau Von Hammersmark, what brings you to France? Feeling any good Nazi officer's patience would of been exhausted long ago, Lt.Hicox butts in. LT.HICOX None of your business,Sgt. You might not have worn out your welcome with the fraulein, with your drunken boorish behavior, but you have wore out your welcome with me. The Table of game playing Soldiers, hear this, and get quiet. LT.HICOX Might I remind you Sgt.,your a enlisted man. This is a officers table. I suggest you stop pestering the fraulein, and rejoin your table. The German Master Sgt., looks quizzically at the officer. SGT.POLA NEGRI Excuse me Cap't, but your accent is is very unusual. The whole room pauses-for different reasons... SGT.POLA NEGRI Where are you from? A silent moment passes between the two tables, then the two German born impostors spring into action. WICKI Sgt.! You must be ether drunk or mad, to speak to a superior officer with such impertinentness! Stiglitz, STANDS and YELLS to the other table; STIGLITZ I'm making YOU,... (Pointing at WINNETOU) .and YOU,.. (Pointing at Edgar Wallace) .responsible, for him. (Pointing at Sgt.Pola) I suggest you take hold of your friend, or he'll spend Max's first birthday in jail for public drunkenness! The Germans SPRING UP, and take hold of Sgt.Pola... WHEN... A GERMAN VOICE rings out; GERMAN VOICE (OS) Then might I inquire? The Five known Germans move aside, reveling the unknown German in the room, unseen till now, our old friend from before MAJOR DEITER HELLSTROM of the GESTAPO. The Major stands from the little table he was sitting at. MAJOR HELLSTROM Like the young newly christened father, I too have a acute ear for accents. And like him, I too find yours odd. From where do you hail, Cap't? Wicki jumps in; WICKI Major, this is highly inappr - MAJOR HELLSTROM T wasn't speaking to you Lt.Saltzberg, (Turning to STIGLITZ) or you ether, Lt.Berlin. (Looking at HICOX) I was speaking to Cap't I--don't-know-what. The Gestapo Major is now standing beside Sgt.Pola, before the impostors table. Lt.Hicox, calmly explains his origin. LT.HICOX I was born in the village that rests in the shadow of Piz Palu. MAJOR HELLSTROM The mountain? LT.HICOX Yes. In that village we all speak like this. Have you seen the Riefenstahl film? MAJOR HELLSTROM Yes. LT. HICOX Then you saw me. You remember the skiing torch scene? MAJOR HELLSTROM Yes I do. LT.HICOX In that scene was myself, my father, my sister, and my two brothers. My brother is so handsome, the director Pabst, gave him a Close Up. As Bridget Von Hammersmark places a cigarette in a ivory cigarette holder, which Hicox, as if on cue, lights for her, she says; BRIDGET Major, if my word means anything, I can vouch for everything the Young Cap't has just said. He does hail from the bottom of Piz Palu, he was in the film, and his brother is far more handsome then he. The impostors laugh. Then....so does the Gestapo Major. He turns to the Sgt. MAJOR HELLSTROM You should rejoin your friends. Which the young Sgt is more then happy to do. That table begins playing there game again. Major Hellstrom, the highest ranking officer in the room, bows graciously to the female German celebrity. MAJOR HELLSTROM May I join you? BRIDGET By all means, Major. The Gestapo Major sits at the table, opposite Lt.Hicox, and Wicki. The French Barmaid brings over the Majors beer stein. MAJOR HELLSTROM So that's the source of your bazaar accent? Extraordinary. So what are you doing here Cap't? LT.HICOX Aside from having a drink with the lovely fraulein? MAJOR HELLSTROM Well that pleasure requires no explanation. Chuckle...Chuckle MAJOR HELLSTROM I mean in country. Your obviously not stationed in France, or I'd know who you are. LT • I'! I COX You know every German in France? MAJOR BELLSTROM Worth knowing. LT.HICOX Well, there in lies the problem. We never claimed to be worth knowing. Chuckle... Chuckle. MAJOR HELLSTROM (Chuckling as he asks) All levity aside, what are you doing in France? LT.HICOX Attending Goebbels film premiere as the frauleins escort. MAJOR HELLSTROM Your the frauleins escort? LT.HICOX Somebody has to carry the lighter. Chuckle chuckle. BRIDGET The Captain is my date, but all three are my guests. We're old friends Major, who go back along time. Longer then a actress would care to admit. Chuckle chuckle. MAJOR HELLSTROM Well, in that case, let me raise a glass to the three luckiest men in the room. BRIDGET I'll drink to that. They cheers. BACK TO THE REAL GERMAN TABLE They continue to have alot of fun playing their game. BACK TO OFFICERS TABLE MAJOR HELLSTROM I must say, that game their playing looks like a good bit of fun. I didn't join them, because your quite right Cap't, officers and enlisted men shouldn't fraternize. But seeing as we're all officers here, (Bowing to BRIDGET) .and sophisticated lady friends of officers. What say we play the game? Lt.Hicox begins to refuse, when Bridget (feeling she knows better), interrupts him; BRIDGET okay, one game. MAJOR HELLSTROM WUNDERBAR The Major borrows five cards from the other table, and lays them out in front of Bridget and the officers. MAJOR HELLSTROM So the object of the game, is to write the name of a famous person on your card. Real or fictitious, doesn't matter. For instance, you could write Confucius or Fu Manchu. (He SNAPS his FINGERS) Eric' More pens. (Back to players) And they must be famous. No Aunt Inga's. When you finish writing, put the card face down on the table, and move it to the person to your left. The person to your right, will move their card in front of you. You pick up the card without looking at it, lick the back, and stick it on your forehead like so. He demonstrates. MAJOR HELLSTROM (CON'T) And in ten yes or no questions, you must guess who you are... As Major Hellstrom finishes explaining the finer points of the game, The CAMERA PANS OFF HIM, and BEGINS SLOWLY ZOOMING INTO STIGLITZ. The Majors dialogue begins to FADE AWAY. Untill we're in a SPAGHETTI WESTERN FLASHBACK. Which is RED FILTERED FOOTAGE of Hugo being savagely WHIPPED by somebody wearing a GESTAPO UNIFORM, SUPERIMPOSED over his CLOSE UP. The Flashback disappears. It's driving Stiglitz crazy, being this close to a Gestapo uniform, and not plunging a knife into it. The Majors Voice comes back on the soundtrack. MAJOR HELLSTROM .So let's give it a try, shall we? Everybody write your names. The Five players write their names... Then move their cards to the right... Everybody sticks their cards on their forehead... MAJORBRIDGETWILHELMARCHIEHUGO HELLSTROMVON HAMMERSMARKWICKIHICOXSTIGLITZ is is is is is KING MARCOBULLDOGBRIGITTEG.W. KONG POLO DRUMMOND HELM PABST MAJ.KING KONG I'll start, give you the idea. Am I German? They laugh. BRIDGET No. MAJ.KING KONG Am I a American? They laugh - but then Wicki says; WICKI Wait a minute, he goes to BRIDGET Don't be ridiculous, obviously he wasn't born in America. MAJ.KING KONG So... . I visited America, aye? The Table says; "Yes". MAJ.KING KONG Was this vist...fortuitous? WICKI Not for you. MAJ.KING KONG .Bummm. My native land, is it what one would call, exotic? The Table confers, and decides, yes it is exotic. MAJ.KING KONG Hummmm. That could be ether a reference to the jungle, or the Orient. I'm going to let my first instinct take over, and ask, am I from the jungle? The Tablesays; "Yes you are". MAJ.KING KONG Now gentlemen, around this time you could ask, weather your real or fictitious. I however, think that's too easy, so I won't ask that, yet. Okay, my native land is the jungle? I visited America, but my visit was not fortuitous to me, but the implication is that it was to somebody else. When I went from the jungle to America,... .Did I go by boat? "Yes". MAJ.KING KONG Did I go against my will? "Yes". MAJ.KING KONG On this boat ride, ... . Was I in chains? "YESIS MAJ.KING KONG When I arrived in America,...Was I displayed in chains? "Yes". MAJ.KING KONG Am I the story of the Negro in America? The Table says, "No". MAJ.KING KONG Well then I must be King Kong. Be throws the card on the table. They applaud him. MAJOR HELLSTROM Nov since I answered correctly, you all need to finnish your drinks. The three counterfeit Nazi's knock back their whiskey. MAJOR HELLSTROM Now, who's next? LT.HICOX Major, I don't mean to be rude. But the four of us are very good friends. And the four of us haven't seen each other in quite a while. So... Major, I'm afraid, you are intruding. MAJOR HELLSTROM I beg to differ Cap't. It's only if the fraulein considers my presence a intrusion, that I become a intruder. How about it fraulein? Am I intruding? BRIDGET Of course not, Major. MAJOR HELLSTROM I didn't think so. It's simply the young Cap't is immune to my charms. The Table's not sure what to do, is this a confrontation? Then, the Major laughs. MAJOR HELLSTROM I'm just joking, of course I'm intruding. MAJOR HELLSTROM Allow me to refill your glasses gentlemen, and I will bid you and the fraulein adieu. (Leaning in) Eric has a bottle of thirty-three year old single malt scotch whisky from the Scottish highlands. What do you say gentlemen? LT.HICOX Your most gracious, sir. MAJOR HELLSTROM Eric, the thirty-three, and new glasses! You don't want to contaminate the thirty- three with the swill you were drinking. ERIC How many glasses? LT.HICOX Five glasses. MAJOR HELLSTROM Not me. I like scotch, scotch doesn't like me. BRIDGET Nor I. I'll stay with bubbly. Lt.Bicox, hold up three fingers(pinky to index), to Eric the owner. LT.HICOX Three glasses. Eric brings the three glasses, and the old bottle, pouring for the three soldiers. Major Helistrom lifts up his beer stein, and toasts; MAJOR HELLSTROM To a thousand year Reich! They all mutter, "a thousand year reich", and toast glasses. The Gestapo Major puts down his beer stein, and then WE HEAR a CLICK, under the table. MAJOR HELLSTROM Did you hear that? That's the sound of my Luger pointed right at your testicles. LT.HICOX Why do you have a Luger pointed at my testicles? MAJOR HELLSTROM Because you've just given yourself away, Cap't. Your no more German then that scotch. LT.HICOX Well, -Major - BRIDGET - Major - MAJOR HELLSTROM - Shut up slut. (To Hicox) You were saying? LT.HICOX I was saying that makes two of us. I've had a gun pointed at your balls since you sat down. SGT.STIGLITZ That makes three of us. UNDERTABLE We See all three guns pointed at appropriate crotches. As well as Bridget's legs, right besides the Nazi Major's. Her pretty gams are sure to be chewed up in the possible crossfire. SGT.STIGLITZ And at this range, I'm a real Fredrick Zoller. Hugo alsobrings out his dagger, and sitcks it in the table top. MAJOR HELLSTROM Hummmmm ... Looks like we have a bit of a sticky situation here. LT. H ICOX What's going to happen, Major, is your going to stand up, and walk out that door with us. MAJOR HELLSTROM No no no no no no, I don't think so. I'm afraid you and I both know, no matter what happens to anybody else in this room, the two of us aren't going anywhere. MAJOR HELLSTROM (pointing behind him at the table) Too bad about them though. They seem like a likeable (referring to Stiglitz and Wicki) You two will have to shoot them. BRIDGET Then Major, i implore you. For the sake of those German troops, will you please leave with us? MAJOR HELLSTROM Oh Bridget, your concern for German troops, gets me (Pointing at his heart) .right here. You mean for the sake your whore legs, don't you? You can't afford to get any bullet holes in them, your not finished spreading them for all the Hollywood Jews. Lt.Hicox picks up his thirty-three year old single malt scotch, and says; LT.HICOX (ENGLISH) 'Well, if this is it old boy, I hope you dont mind if I go out speaking the kings? MAJOR HELLSTROM (ENGLISH) By all means, Cap't. The English film critic, commando, picks up the thirty-three the Nazi Major bought him, and says; LT.HICOX There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch. And seeing as I might be rapping on the door momentarily... He downs the stuff. LT.HICOX (To the Nazi MAJOR) I must say, damn good stuff, sir. He puts the glass down. LT.HICOX Now about this, "Pickle", we find ourself's in. It would appear, there's only thing left for you to do. MAJOR HELLSTROM (ENGLISH) And what would that be? LT.HICOX Stiglitz. STIGLITZ Say, auf wiedersehen to your balls! STIGLITZ FIRES into HELLSTROM'S BALLS... As does HICOX, HITTING not only Hellstrom, but BRIDGET as well. HELLSTROM FIRES into HICOX'S BALLS and KNEE CAPS. STIGLITZ then JUMPS over the table, and begins STABBING HELLSTROM with the DAGGER. HICOX FALLS to the floor....DEAD. BRIDGET FALLS to the floor.,SHOT. WICKI brings his weapon out from underneath the table, and BEGINS FIRING across at The GERMANS at the table, who unaware, were still PLAYING THE GAME. WINNETOU is SHOT IN THE BACK, before he even knew what was happening. EDGAR WALLACE and The FRENCH BARMAID are both SHOT by WICKI. SGT.POLA NEGRI FALLS to the floor in the confusion. FEMALE SGT.BEETHOVEN and STIGLITZ bring their guns toward each other and FIRE. They BOTH TAKE and GIVE each other so many BULLETS, it's almost romantic when they collapse DEAD on the floor. WICKI and HATA HARI both ON THERE atMATA AARI is HIT THREE TIM atally)G SGT.POLA NEGRI comes the a CHINE GUNN, whole thehroom;,BWIPI NGERIC. The SHOOTING STOPS...the SMOKE caused by the gunfire ... starts to DISSIPATE... The only one in the room left alive, is the young German Sgt, with the machine gunn. WE HEAR the feet of the soldiers outside, reach the basement entrance. The door opens... , .The German Sgt, sends FIFTY BULLETS in the doors direction... No one goes through it. What we have here, is a rabbit hole like situation. No one inside is getting out, no one outside is getting in. The young German Sgt, YELLS in ENGLISH, to the outside; GERMAN SGT You outside! Who are you? British, American, what? Aldo's Voice YELLS down the hole; ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Were American's 1 What are you? GERMAN SGT I'm a German you idiot! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) You speak English pretty good for a German! GERMAN SGT I agree! So let's talk! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Okay, talk! GERMAN SGT I'm a father! My baby was born today in Frankfurt! Five hours ago! His name is Max! We were in here drinking and celebrating! They're the ones that came in shooting and killing! It's not my fault! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Okay, okay, it wasn't your fault! What's your name soldier? GERMAN SGT Wilhelm! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) That's the same name as one of the guys you just killed! WILHELM They attacked us! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Okay Wilhelm... .is anybody alive on our side? WILHELM No! We hear a VOICE OFF SCREEN, yell out; BRIDGET'S VOICE(OS) I'm alive! Wilhelm spins in the direction of the voice. STILL On the floor, with a bullet in her BLOODY LEG, lies the alive Bridget Von Hammersmark. The German Sgt points the muzzle of the machine gunn at the German celebrity; with hate in his eyes. ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Who's that? WILHELM (To BRIDGET, LOW) Make a sound whore, and I spit! Meaning the muzzle. ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Wilhelm, who is that? WILHELM is the girl on your side? Pause. ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Which girl? WILHELM 1 Who do you think, Von Hammersmark! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Yeah, she's oar's! WILHELM (To Bridget LOW in GERMAN) I thought so. So you run with the American's now, huh? Now times are bad? ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Is she okay? WILHELM (To Bridget LOW in GERMAN) You despicable traitor. (To Aldo) She's been shot, but she's alive. (To Bridget LOW in GERMAN) For now. We hear The Basterds Curse their luck Off Screen. ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Okay Wilhelm, what'd ya say we make a deal? WILHELM What's your name? ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Aldo. Wilhelm, can I call yap Willi? WILHELM Yes. ALDO'S VOICE(OS) So Willi, you know we could lob three or four or five or six grenades down there, and your little war story ends here. But good fer you, bad fer her, you die, she dies. So what say we make a swap? WILLI Keep talking? ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Okay, Willi here's my deal! You let me and one of my men come down to take the girl away! And we take the girl, and leave! That simple, Willi! You go your way, we go ours! And little Max, gets to grow up playing catch with his daddy! So what'ya say, Willi, we got a deal? Willi thinks... Bridget watches Willi think... WILLI Aldo? ALDO'S VOICE(OS) I'm here Willi! WILLI I want to trust you.... But howcanI? ALDO'S VOICE(OS) What choice ya got? WILLI I could kill the girl! ALDO'S VOICE(OS) Well now, Willi, that's true enough. But something you need to know, so you don't get the wrong idea. Ain't none of us give a fuck bout that girl. But, admittedly, if you kill her, it would fuck up our plans. But you'll be dead by then anyway, so what'd you care? And lets not forget that little gatzenjammer Max, growin up without a pop. So in the spirit of gettin you home to him, we got a deal, Willi? WILLI Okay Aldo, I'm going to trust you! Come down, no guns! Aldo and Hirschberg come down the stairs, showing open hands. Willi keeps his machine gunn trained on them. Aldo with his hands up, says; ALDO Hey Willi, what's with the machine gunny I thought we had a deal? WILLI We do have a deal, now git the girl and go. ALDO Not so fast, Willi, we only have a deal, we trust each other. A Mexican stand off ain't trust. WILLI You need guns on me for it to be a Mexican stand off. ALDO you got guns on us, you decide to shoot, we're dead. Up top, they got grenades, they drop 'em down here, your dead. That's a Mexican stand off, and that wasn't the deal. WILLI Just take that fucking traitor, and go! See? Now your down here Now you get tricky - t ALDO - No tricks!- Ain't nobody gittin tricky, Willi; I swear to god, I'm too damn dumb toget tricky. But (MEANING HIRSCHBERG) him and I lived upto the deal. We came down without guns. Now it's your turn. No trust,no deal. Willi pointing gunn at them.,,, -thinking... ALDO i know your scarred. I'm scarred, he's scarred, we're all scarred. So what's it gonnabe Willi? Ether we got a deal, or you might as well just shoot us now. Willi decides... He puts the machine gunn down on the bar. WILLI Fine. Take that fucking traitor and get her out of my sight. ALDO Danka, Willi, danka. okay, Hirschbeg, you grab her shoulder - WHEN... From behind Aldo and Hirschberg, Bridget lifts up Major Hellstroms Luger, and EMPTIES the remaining bullets into Sgt.Willi, who FALLS to the floor, DEAD. Aldo and Hirscberg spin around shocked. ALDO You fuckin bitch! I had a deal with that man! From the floor, the bloody, sweaty, and in excoriating pain (she'll probably lose that leg), German movie star, says to the two American soldier's she's just meeting for the first time; BRIDGET He was a enemy soldier, who knew who I was. He couldn't live. Hirscberg loses control, and RICKS the woman on the floor, hard in the side. HIRSCHBERG I ought'a beat your fuckin head in ALDO Stop it. Just pick her up, and get that bitch outta here. HIRSCHBERG Aldo, she just- ALDO - She's right. HIRSCHBERG What? ALDO I said, she's right. He was a Nazi soldier. If he lived, he would doomed the mission. ELI Is,. ALDO 61 (CON'T) Don't mean I like it, don't mean I like her, but she's right. Now as Willi said, "take this fuckin traitor, and get 'er outta my sight". EXT - LA LOUISIANE - NIGHT Hirschberg, carrying Fraulein Von Hammersmark, and Aldo emerge from the bowels of the basement. Bridget points at a fancy black sedan, telling them it's her's. Aldo, Hirschberg, Bridget, Donowitz, and Utivich pile in, and take off. INT - FRENCH HOUSE IN COUNTRY (BEDROOM)- NIGHT NOTE:In this entire scene, no French spoken will be SUBTITLED. A OLD MAN lies asleep under the covers of his blankets, in his bed, in his bedroom... WHEN... OFF SCREEN the sound of a DOOR BEING KICKED OPEN... r .The SOUND of what sounds like EIGHT DOGS BARKING .... and the sound of FEET RUNNING TOWARDS US... .his bedroom door, is THROWN OPEN, and Sgt.Donowitz RUSHES IN, grabbing the Old Man in his bed, and putting a 45Automatic to his head. SGT.DONOWITZ (ENGLISH) Doctor? Doctor? OLD MAN (FRENCH) What? What's happening? head, shocking, Donny SLAMS the 45. hard against the Old Man's scarring, and bringing the old gent to attention. SGT.DONOWITZ (ENGLISH) Doctor? Are you a fucking doctor? He nods his head, yes. SGT.DONOWITZ Andi amo... Donny YANKS/DRAGS the Old Man out of bed, in his almost comical nightshirt (which makes him cuter, thus the brutality against him hurts more) towards the door... INT - DOCTORS EXAMINING ROOM - NIGHT .Into a doctors examining room, built into a French country house, with a examining table, and medical instruments. However, it's obviously the medical examining room of a veterinarian. Along the walls are different cages with eight excited BARKING dogs in it. The Soldiers are putting the shot in the leg, bleeding, and in excruciating pain, Bridget on the examining table. Donny, still holding on to the Old Man, points in the girls direction... SGT.DONOWITZ (ENGLISH) She's been shot. Shot. Bang bang... (pointing at his leg) .in leg...understand? OLD MAN (FRENCH) No no no, I don't speak English. Donny jams the barrel of his 45. into the thigh of the Old Man. SGT.DONOWITZ (ENGLISH) BANG BANG - in the leg, understand! The Old Man nods his head yes. OLD MAN (FRENCH) But I'm a veterinarian ...animals... I take care of animals... Bridget screams from the table... BRIDGET (ENGLISH) He's a fucking veterinarian you imbecile! SGT.DONOWITZ I It's still a doctor. If he can get a bullet out of a cow, he can get a bullet outta you. LT.ALDO Right now, we just need morphine. Donny yells at the Old Man; SGT.DONOWITZ Morphine! We need morphine! The Old Man tries to explain in French, that he's not a human doctor... WHEN... ..Donny takes the 45. and SHOOTS one of the DOGS in the cages. Everybody jumps. Donny SCREAMS at the Old Man; SGT.DONOWITZ MORPHINE!!! 7 BANG He SHOOTS another dog... SGT.DONOWITZ MOREPHINE!!! The Old Man begs him to stop, and goes to get the morphine. CUT TO The BODY of Gestapo Major DEITER HELLSTROM dead on the floor. INT - LA LOUISTANE- NIGHT Were back in the basement tavern. Colonel Hans Landa stands over the corpse. He moves over to the next corpse, a smile breaks out on his face. He says in GERMAN SUBTITLED into ENGLISH; COL.LANDA Ahhh Hugo, you've moved up in the world I see. Lieutenant. And with your record of insubordination. Truly remarkable. A Nazi soldier named HERRMAN, joins the S.S. Officer. COL.LANDA And that ones... (Pointing at WICKI) .name is Weiheim Wicki. Bets Austrian born jew, who immigrated to the United States when things began turning sour for the Israelites. They are the two German born members of The Basterds. They've been known to don german uniforms, to ambush squads. FLASH ON Three Nazi Soldiers walking towards a company of other German Soldiers. The Three Soldiers backs are to us. Dried bloody bullet holes cover the backs of the three uniforms. The SGT of the German company, yells to the trio; SGT.GERMAN COMPANY What brings you all the way out here? The TRIO MOW DOWN the GERMAN COMPANY with their machine gunns. BACK TO LANDA COL LANDA But that doesnt look like this. This is odd. Looking down he see's something... .bending down, he examines fraulein von Hammersmarks two pretty dress shoes lying on the floor. One shoe is covered in blood. The other, while blood speckled, is fairly clean. Picking up the clean shoe, and holding it in his hand. COL.LANDA It would appear somebodies missing. Somebody fashionable. A OFF SCREEN SOLDIER'S VOICE cries out; SOLDIERS VOICE(OS) Col, this ones still alive! We follow Hans to the spot on the floor where Sgt.Willi lies. He's shot in the chest, but it looks like Max's daddy is still alive. INT - EXAMINING ROOM -° NIGHT Bridget on the examining table, post morphine shot. The other Basterds in the room watch Aldo interrogate the German lady. LT.ALDO Now 'fore we yank that slug outta ya, you need to answer a few questions BRIDGET Few questions about what? LT.ALDO About I got three men dead back there, and why don't you try tellin us what the fuck happened? BRIDGET The British officer blew his German act, and a Gestapo Major saw it. LT.ALDO 'fore we get into who shot John, why did you invite my men to a rendez-vous in a basement with a bunch of Nazis? BRIDGET I can see, since you didn't see what happened inside, the Nazi's being there must look odd. LT.ALDO Yeah, we gotta word for that kinda odd in English, it's called, suspicious. BRI DGET Don't let your imagination get the better of you, Lieutenant. You met the sergeant, Willi. He had a baby tonight. His commanding officer gave him and his friends the night off to celebrate. The Germans being there was just a tragic coincidence. Aldo thinks for a moment... LT. ALDO Okay, I'll buy that. He was ether there with his men waiting for us, or he was there celebrating his sons birthday, he wasn't doin both. LT.ALDO How did the shootin start? BRIDGET The English man, gave himself away. LT. ALDO How did he do that? BRIDGET He ordered three glasses. She holds up three fingers, index to pinky. BRIDGET We order, three glasses. She holds up three fingers, thumb to index. BRIDGET That's the German three. The other is odd. Germans would, and did notice it. LT. ALDO Okay, let's pretend there were no Germans, and everything went exactly the way it was suppose to. What would of been the next step? BRIDGET Tuxedos. To get them into the premiere, wearing military uniforms, with all the military there, would of been suicide. But going as members of the German film industry, they wear tuxedos, and blend in with everybody else. I arranged a tailor to fit three tuxedos tonight. LT.ALDO How did you intend to get them into the premiere? BRIDGET Hand me my purse. They do. And she opens it, and takes out three tickets to the film premiere. BRIDGET Lt.Hicox was going as my escort. The other two were going as a German cameraman and his assistant. LT. ALDO Can you still get us in that premiere? BRIDGET Can you speak German better then your friends, no. Have I been shot, yes. I don't see me tripping the light fantastique up the red carpet any time soon. Least of all by tomorrow night. (PAUSE) However, there's something you don't know. There's been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from The Ritz, to a much smaller venue. LT.ALDO Enormous changes at the last minute? That's not very Germatic. Why the hell is Goebbels doin stuff so damn peculiar? BRIDGET It probably has something to do with the second development. LT. ALDO Which is? FLASH ON IN A PRIVATE DINNING ROOM IN GERMANY, The FUHRER, aka Adolph Hitler, aka Adolph Shicklegroover, aka The Bohemian Corporal, having dinner with Goebbels, only a few short days ago. The FUHRER (GERMAN) I've been rethinking my position in regards to your Paris premiere of "Nations Pride". As the weeks have gone on, and the Americans are on the beach, I do find myself thinking more and more about this Private Zoller. This boy has done something tremendous for us. And I'm beginning to think my participation in this event could be meaningful. BACK TO BRIDGET BRIDGET The Fuhrer's attending the premiere. Donny breaks the teams silence; SGT.DONOWITZ What? LT.ALDO When the hell did this happen? BRIDGET The venue change, two weeks ago. The Fuhrer's attendance, four days ago. LT. ALDO And how come London don't know nothing about that? BRIDGET We need to get something straight, once and for all. Everything London knows, it learned from me. If I don't know, London doesn't know. So now, this is me, informing you, Hitler's coming to Paris. SGT.DONOWITZ FUCK A DUCK? Aldo stands up from the chair, pacing as he takes in this new information. BRIDGET What are you thinking? LT.ALDO I'm thinking getting a wack at plantin ole Uncle Adolph makes this a horse of a different color. BRIDGET What's that suppose to mean? LT.ALDO It means, your gettin us in that premiere. BRIDGET I'm going to probably end up losing this leg, bye bye acting career, fun while it lasted. How do you expect me to walk up a red carpet? LT.ALDO The doggie docs gonna dig that slug outta your gam. Then he's gonna wrap it up in a cast, and you gotta good how I broke my leg mountain climbing story. That's German, ain't it? Y'all like climbin mountains, don'tch? BRIDGET I don't. I like smoking, drinking, and ordering in restaurants, but I see your point. LT. ALDO We fill ya up with morphine, till it's comin out ya ears. Then just limp your little ass up that rouge car-pet. BRIDGET Splendid. When the Nazi's put me up against a wall, it won't hurt so much. (Changing tone) I know this is a silly question before I ask it, but can you American's speak any other language then English? HIRSCHBERG Other then Yiddish? BRIDGET Preferably. Donny referring to Aldo and himself. SGT.DONOWITZ We both speak alittle Italian. BRIDGET With a atrocious accent, no doubt. But that doesn't exactly kill us in the crib. Germans don't have a good ear for Italian. So you mumble Italian, and brazen through it, is that the plan? LT. ALDO That's about it. BRIDGET That sounds good. LT. ALDO it sounds like shit, but what else we gonna do, go home? BRIDGET No, it's good. If you don't blow it, with that, I can get you in the building. (Change tone) So, who does what? LT.ALDO Well I speak the most Italian, so I'll be your escort. Donowitz speaks the second most, so he'll be your Italian cameraman. And Hirschberg third most, so he'll be Donnys assistant. HIRSCHBERG I don't speak Italian. LT. ALDO Like I said, third best. Just keep your fuckin mouth shut. In fact why don't you start practising, right now. BRIDGET (Meaning Utivich) What about the little one? UTIVICH Do you mean me? BRIDGET I didn't mean any offence. UTIVICH None taken you German cunt. LT.ALDO Utivich is the chauffeur. UTIVICH I can't drive. Bridget SCREAMS in frustration; BRIDGET You Americans are fucking useless! UTIVICH IVGimmie a break, I'm from Manhattan. LT.ALDO No worries, son. We got over fourteen hours before the movie tomorrow. More then enough time for you to learn to drive. UTIVICH NO no no no, Lieutenant, it's not! LT.ALDO Oh yes yes yes yes, Private, it is. And yes yes yes yes, you will. (Changes tone) Look Utivich, you and I both know, if we went to grade school together, you damn sure ain't copyin off of my test. Well I lern't to drive in four hours on a Tennessee mountain road. And I'm a shit for brains coal miner bootlegger. Hirschberg, you know how to drive, right? HIRSCHBERG Yes. LT.ALDO Teach 'em. BRIDGET But there is a problem. I'm a movie star. This is a movie premiere. I can't show up looking like I was just in a Nazi gun fight. Now I have a dress for the premiere at my hotel. But sometime tomorrow, I have to get my hair done. All The Basterds, except Donny, burst out laughing. LT. ALDO Sister, you must got wunderbar luck. Guess who went to beauty school? The CAMERA WHIP PANS to SGT.DONOWITZ. Bridget rolls her eyes. BLACK FRAME CHAPTER TITLE APPEARS: CHAPTER FIVE "REVENGE OF THE GIANT FACE" FADE OFF INT - SHOSANNAS AND MARCELS LIVING QUARTERS - NIGHT We're in Shosannas and Marcels living quarters, above the cinema. We've never been in here before. A SUBTITLE APPEARS ON SCREEN: NIGHT OF "NATION'S PRIDE" PREMIERE She's standing before a full length mirror, in a real attractive Forties style dress for the premiere. She's stunning. This is the first time in her life she's had the opportunity, or the occasion to wear something like this. Since she knows this is the last night of her life, no time like the present. SOUNDS of the hub-bub of the premiere, not to mention the German brass band that's blaring Third Reich Marches, can be heard coming from below. Shosanna walks to her apartment window, and looks down at the Germatic miasma below. SHOSANNAS POV: WE SEE all the pageantry below. Tons of SPECTATORS. Tons of guests dressed in Nazi uniforms, tuxedos, and female finery, walking up the long red carpet(with a big Swastika in the middle, naturally) leading into Shosannas cinema. The German brass band omm-pa-pa-ing away. German Radio and Film crews covering the event for the fatherland back home. And of course, MANY GERMAN SOLDIERS providing security for this joyous Germatic occasion. Shosanna COUGHS up a lugi, and HOCKS it. A GERMAN S.S. GENERAL, being interviewed by a RADIO COMMENTATOR, the lugi HITS him right on his bald head. Shosanna goes back to the full length mirror, places a very fashionable Forties style hat on her head, then lowers the period style black fish net veil over her face. She takes out a small GUN, and puts it in the pocket of her dress., and it's on. She exits the apartment door, to join the premiere. From this point on, there's no turning back, it's all the way baby, all the fucking way! INT - CINEMA STAIRWELL - NIGHT The stairwell in the building that connects the living quarters, with the cinema. She walks down the stairs, goes through a door that puts her next to the projection booth door. She takes out a key and opens it. INT - PROJECTION BOOTH - NIGHT Marcels prepping the film reels for tonight. The five silver metal film cans that carry one 35mm reel of film each are laid out. The cans for reels one and two are empty. Cans for reel three, our specially marked can for reel four, and can for reel five(which should never see the light of a projector) lie in wait. Shosanna, looking like a Forties movie star, enters the projection booth. The scene in FRENCH SUBTITLED in ENGLISH; MARCEL Ooh lala, Danielle Darrieux, this is so exciting. Pleased to meet you. SHOSANNA Shut up fool. Marcel lifts up the veil covering her face, and their lips meet. SHOSANNA Cheeky black bugger. I have to go down and socialize with these Hun pigs. Let's go over it again? MARCEL Reel one is on the first projector. Reel two is on the second. Three and four are ready to go. SHOSANNA Okay, the big sniper battle in the film begins around the middle of the third reel. Our film, comes on in the forth reel, so Somewhere towards the end of the third reel, go down and lock the doors of the auditorium. Then take your place behind the screen, and wait for my CUE, when I give it to you, BURN IT DOWN! INT - CINEMA LOBBY - NIGHT The pageantry of the evening is in full swing, as all the German beautiful people, enter the cinema. They mingle in the swastika covered, greek nude statue peppered lobby. Nazi Military Commanders, High Ranking Party Officials, and German Celebrities(Emil tannings, Veit Harlin), hob knob and drink Champagne from passing WAITERS who carry glasses on silver trays. We see Shosanna enter from the area at the top of the big staircase in the lobby that overlooks the lobby parlor entrance. She descends the staircase, and busies herself with theatre stuff. At the top of the staircase, looking down at the master race in all there finery, is Colonel Hans Landa, dressed in his finest SS Uniform, smoking on his Calabash. CAMERA FRAME directly behind him. On the right side, we see the figure of Col.Landa, from behind, watching the guests entering the cinema. On the left side of frame, is the cinema entrance, from a looking down perspective of the guests entering the building. THEN... .A THINK BUBBLE, like in a comic book, appears on the left side of frame, obscuring the cinema entrance. Inside of Landas think bubble, a little scene plays out. THINK BUBBLE Inside a hospital room filled with DOCTORS, NURSES, and a PATIENT in a hospital bed. Then Col.Landa enters the room, and screams at everybody; COL.LANDA I want everybody out of this room! They start to leave. COL.LANDA That means now, goddamnit! They RUSH OUT. He walks over to the Patient in the hospital bed, Its none other then SGT.WILLI, and yes, he's still alive. Landa pulls up a chair next to the bed, sits down. COL.LANDA Can you speak, Sgt? SGT.WILLI (WEAKLY) Yes Colonel. COL.LANDA Tell me everything that happened in there? The THINK BUBBLE DISSOLVES away, reveling the entrance again, and as if on perfect cue, in walks Bridget Von Hammersmark, dressed lovely, leg in a big white cast. The three basterds in their tuxedos, flank her. CU COL.LANDA smiles. He descends the stairs, towards the four saboteurs... They speak in GERMAN, SUBTITLED in ENGLISH; COL.LANDA Fraulein Von Hammersmark, what has befallen Germany's most elegant swan? BRIDGET Colonel Landa, it's been years. Dashing as ever I see. COL.LANDA Flattery will get you everywhere, fraulein. They chuckle, and air kiss. COL.LANDA So what's happened to your lovely leg, a by product of kicking ass in the German cinema, no doubt. BRIDGET Save your flattery, you old dog. I know too many of your former conquests, to fall into that honey pot. Chuckle-chuckle... COL.LANDA Seriously, what happened? BRIDGET Well, I tried my hand, foolishly I might add, at mountain climbing. And this was the result. COL.LANDA Mountain climbing? That's how you injured your leg, mountain climbing? BRIDGET Believe it or not, yes it is. A brief moment passes between the two... THEN... The Colonel BURSTS OUT with UPROARIOUS LAUGHTER. So uproarious in fact, that it's quite disconcerting to the four saboteurs. The Colonel begins to regain his composure... COL.LANDA Forgive me, fraulein. I don't mean laugh at your misfortune. It's just .mountain climbing? I'm curious fraulein, what could of ever compelled you to undertake such a foolhardy endeavor? The Double meaning is not lost on the German actress. BRIDGET Well, I chant be doing it again, I can tell you that. COL.LANDA That cast looks as fresh as my old Uncle Gustave, when were you climbing this mountain, last night? BRIDGET Very good eye, Colonel. It happened yesterday morning. COL.LANDA Hummm. And where exactly in Paris is this mountain? This stops her for a seconded. Then Landa laughs it off, taking them off the hook. COL.LANDA I'm just teasing you, fraulein. You know me, I tease rough. So who are your three handsome escorts? BRIDGET I'm afraid neither three speak a word of German. Their friends of mine from Italy. This is a wonderful Italian stuntman, Antonio Margheriti. (Meaning Aldo) A very talented cameraman, Enzo Gorlomi. (Meaning Donny) And Enzo's camera assistant, Dominick Decocco. The German fraulein turns to the three tuxedo wearing Basterds. BRIDGET (ITALIAN) Gentlemen, this is a old friend, Col. Sans Landa of the S.S. The Basterds know only too well who Landa the Jew Hunter is, but they can't show it. LT.ALDO COL.LANDA Margheriti...? (ITALIAN) Am I saying it correctly...? .Margheriti? LT. ALDO (ITALIAN) Yes. Correct. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) Margheriti.... Say it for me once please...? LT. ALDO Margheriti. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) I'm sorry, again...? LT.ALDO I4argheriti. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) Once more... .? LT.ALDO Margheriti. COL.LANDA Nargheriti. (FRENCH) It means daisies, I believe. Turning his gaze to Donny. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) What's your name again? SGT.DONOWITZ Enzo Gorlomi. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) Again... .? SGT.DONOWITZ Gorlomi. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) One more time, but let me really hear the music in it. SGT.DONOWITZ (HAMMY ITALIAN) Gorlomi. Now to Hirschberg... COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) And you? Then Hischberg breaks out the best Italian accent of the GROUP; HIRSCHBERG Dominick Decocco. COL.LANDA Dominick Decocco? HIRSCHBERG Dominick Decocco. COL.LANDA Bravo... . Bravo. BRIDGET (GERMAN) Well, my two cameraman friends need to find there seats. Col.Landa stops a WAITER with a tray of champagne glasses. COL.LANDA (GERMAN) Not so fast, lets enjoy some champagne. Everyone gets a glass. COL.LANDA (FRENCH) - Oh, Mademoiselle Mimieux, please join us, I have some friends I'd like you to meet. Shosanna joins the circle, and is handed a champagne glass. This is the first moment The Basterds are aware of Shosanna. COL.LANDA (FRENCH) May I say Mademoiselle, you look divine. SHOSANNA (FRENCH) Merci'. COL.LANDA (GERMAN) This lovely young lady, is Mademoiselle Emmanuelle Mimieux, this is her cinema, and she is our hostess for the evening. (FRENCH) And Mademoiselle, this battered, broken, and none worse for the wear German goddess, is Bridget Von Hammersmark. BRIDGET Bonjour. SHOSANNA Bon jour. BRIDGET (FRENCH) I'm afraid my companions don't speak any French, there Italian. This is Antonino, Enzo, and Dominick. All three smile goofy spaghetti bender smiles. COL.LANDA (FRENCH) Actually fraulein Von Hammersmarks Italian associates, need help finding there seats. Perhaps Mademoiselle Mimieux would be so kind to escort them? SHOSANNA (FRENCH) It would be my pleasure. Let me see your tickets? Donny hands her two tickets. She indicates for them to follow her. Donny and Hirschberg both exchange one last look with Aldo, then follow the young french girl into the auditorium. INT - AUDITORIUM - NIGHT The cinema auditorium is filling up quickly with grey and black uniforms. Shosanna finds the two counterfeit Italians their seats. After she points out their seats, she turns to leave... Hirschberg... .reaches out and grabs her wrist. He looks her in the face, and filled with tremendous guilt, because if he's successful tonight he's going to blow this cute French girl to smithereens, he says; HIRSCHBERG Grazie. The cute French Girl looks back at the goofy looking Italian boy with slicked back hair, that makes him look kind of Jewish, with tremendous guilt, knowing if she is successful tonight, she's going to burn him alive, and says; SHOSANNA Prego. BACK TO LOBBY They begin flicking the lights on and off. A GERMAN SOLDIER YELLS in GERMAN in the lobby; GERMAN SOLDIER Take your seats! The show is about to begin! Everybody take your seatsl Col.Landa, Lt.Aldo, and Bridget are still together. COL.LANDA (GERMAN) I must call The Fuhrer. He doesn't want to make his entrance untill everybody seated. Come with me Frau Von Hammersmark. The Fuhrer has heard your here, and he wishes to commend you personally. BRIDGET (GERMAN) Me? Why? COL.LANDA (GERMAN) Don't be modest. Everybody is quite taken with your resolve. A accident, like you've just experienced, and yet you still show up to to a important Party event. The Fuhrer was quite adamant in his gratitude. We'll use Mademoiselle Mimieux's office. (To Aldo in Italian) I'm afraid I must rob you of your companion, but only for a moment. BRIDGET (ITALIAN) Yes, apparently The Fuhrer wishes to commend me. COL.LANDA (ITALIAN) Wait here a moment. I promise I won't detain her long. What are ether of them suppose to do, argue? Col.Landa goes over to one of the Nazi GAURD/USHER, and whispers in his ear, gesturing toward Aldo. Like he's saying, leave the boy alone, till we come back... .Or is he? Col.Landa limps Bridget away towards Shosannas office. As Aldo stands in the lobby, more and more people enter the auditorium, till it's only Aldo and the six Nazi Gaurd/Ushers in the now vacant lobby. INT - SHOSANNA'S OFFICE - NIGHT Shosanna's cinema manager office. It's small, cluttered, and dominated by a desk. They both enter. Col.Landa closes the door behind him, and LOCKS IT. Bridget notices, but says nothing. Now the two Germans are alone. COL.LANDA Have a seat fraulein. Pointing at one lone chair in front of the desk. She lowers herself in the chair. Instead of moving around to the other side of the desk, opposite her. The SS Colonel pulls another little chair over, and places it in front of the fraulein. He sits. Their knees almost touching. The colonel points to the foot not in the cast. COL.LANDA (GERMAN) Let me see your foot. BRIDGET (GERMAN) I beg your pardon? Patting his lap. COL.LANDA Put your foot in my lap. BRIDGET Colonel, you embarrass me. COL.LANDA I assure you fraulein, my intention is not to flirt. Patting his lap more with more aggression. The nervous fraulein, lifts up her strapy dress shoe enclosed foot, and places it in the Colonel's lap. The Colonel, very delicately, unfastens the thin straps that hold the frauleins shoe on her foot... .He removes the shoe... .Leaving only the frauleins bare foot... THEN... He removes from his heavy SS coat pocket, the pretty dress shoe the fraulein left behind at La Louisiane... He slips it on her foot... .it fits like a glove. Bridget knows she's BUSTED. Col.Landa smiles and says in ENGLISH; COL.LANDA What's that American expression... "if the shoe fits...you must wear it". He removes her foot from his lap. BRIDGET (GERMAN) What now Colonel? COL LANDA (GERMAN) Do you admit you treachery? She stares defiant daggers into him. BRIDGET (GERMAN) The only thing I will admit to, is resisting you... (ENGLISH) Sons-a-bitches.. (GERMAN) .to my last breath. COL.LANDA (GERMAN) "Resist to your last breath"? SUDDENLY... Hans LUNGES forward, putting his strong mitts around Bridget Von Hammersmarks lily white delicate neck, and with all the violence of a Lion in mid-pounce, SQUEEZES with all his MIGHT. Bridgets face turns tomato RED, as the VEINS in her face BULGE, and her esophagus is CRUSHED in his GRIP. With a violent YANK, he JERKS her TO THE FLOOR. She TUMBLES out of the chair, Landa never releasing his GRIP around her throat. Nov fully on top of her, he BEARS DOWN, SQUEEZING THE VERY LIFE OUT OF HER. Every thing he has, he brings to bear on the elegant ladies neck. Then, to finally finish her off, he begins BANGING THE BACK OF HER HEAD, HARD AGAINST THE FLOOR... BANG! BANG! BANG? She's dead. He releases the grip around her throat. His hands are TREMBLING... He rises. Strangling the very life out of somebody with your bear hands, is the most violent act a human being can commit. Also, only humans strangle, the opposable thumbs being quite important part of the endeavor. As Hans Landa stands, the sheer violence he had to call on to accomplish this task, still surges through him. He tries to gain control of the trembling, that is rippling through his body. He takes out a silver SS FLASK(filled with peach schnapps), and knocks back a couple of swigs. He holds his hand out in front of him. The TREMBLING is beginning to subside. He picks up the telephone. Into the phone in German he says; COL.LANDA Inform The Fuhrer the audience has taken there seats, and we're ready to begin. Step one, in Hans master plan, done. He then dials another number... INT - LOBBY - NIGHT Aldo in the lobby... WHEN... .he's JUMPED by the SIX NAZI USHERS... He's THROWN ROUGHLY to the ground face first. Like the modern day Secret Service, within seconds, his wrists are handcuffed behind his back, he's searched, they find the BOMB attached to his ankle, it's removed, a BLACK CLOTH BAG is pulled over his head, then he's hoisted up, and RUSHED out of the building. This happens in mere seconds, and quietly too, no one in the auditorium is none the wiser... INT - AUDITORIUM - NIGHT ,including Donowitz and Hirschberg, sitting amongst the master race, waiting for showtime. EXT - CINEMA - NIGHT The Six Nazi Soldiers, hustle the hooded Aldo, down the red carpet, then into the alley besides the cinema. Aldo's put up against a wall. Inside the black hood, he's SCREAMING every insulting thing about Germany, Germans, German food, German shepherd... anything. COL.LANDA'S VOICE(OS) Shut up! The faceless black hood does. Col.Landa, now standing directly in front of his hooded prisoner, says in ENGLISH; COL.LANDA As Stanley said to Livingston; Lt.Aldo Raine, I presume? I 'to. LT. ALDO Hans Landa? COL.LANDA You've had a nice long run, Aldo. Alas, your now in the hands of the SS. My hands to be exact. And they've been waiting along time, to touch you. He reaches out with his finger, and lightly touches Aldo's face right in the middle of the hood. Aldo's head VIOLENTLY FLINCHES. COL.LANDA Caught ya flinching. In German, he orders the men put Aldo in the back of a truck. Aldo, bound, and bagged, is put in the truck. Also in the truck is Utivich, wearing a makeshift chauffeurs uniform, bound, and bagged like the Lieutenant. The Truck drives off. Col.Landa turns around, and SEES FROM A DISTANCE, Hitlers motorcade pull up to the cinema.. Then the Fuhrer, Goebbels, Francesca, and the rest of the entourage, make there way down the red carpet into the cinema. Landa smiles. EXT TRUCK (MOVING) - NIGHT We see the truck leaving the city of Paris, under the veil of night. We also seem to be leaving the drama of Operation Kino. INT - TRUCK(MOVING) - NIGHT The two hooded prisoners, bounce along in the back of the truck. Utivich, is crying inside his hood. LT.ALDO Utivich? UTIVICH Is that you Lieutenant? LT. ALDO Yep. lyl. UTIVIC}I Do you know what happened to Donny? Hirchberg? The woman? LT.ALDO No I do not. UTIVICH Lieutenant, sorry I'm crying. LT. ALDO Nothin to be sorry about, son. This bag, get to anyone. UTIVICH Not exactly John Wayne, am I? LT.ALDO John Waynes a pampered movie star. He burst into tears, if his cook, busts his yoke at breakfast. Just try puttin a bag over his head, and hear what kinda sounds he makes. Utivich, giggles through the tears. LT.ALDO I just want you to know, son, I was real proud of you tonight. Learnin how to drive overnight. Driving in that Limo line. You was in the hot seat, son, and you stood up real good. Utivich Cries LOUDER. Aldo takes his foot, finds Utivichs foot, and places his foot on top. The TOUCH has a slight calming effect on Utivich. In the darkness, Utivich has reclaimed his dignity. EXT- COUNTRY TAVERN - NIGHT The truck pulls up to a small tavern outside of Paris(not La Louisaiane), The two hooded prisoners, are walked inside the establishment. INT - COUNTRY TAVERN - NIGHT The hooded men are lead into the closed for business, but open for something else, rustic tavern. 0The Nazi Guards, unlock the handcuff, then sit them down inchairs. Then, simultaneously, the hoods are YANKED OFF. The two prisoners, are seated at a table, in what they can now see, is a rustic tavern. On the table is one telephone, one bottle of Chianti, and three glasses. And on the opposite end of the table, sits Colonel Hans Landa. A NAZI SOLDIER sits posted at a impressive looking two way radio set up in the tavern. Colonel Lands starts in right away at the two baffled, discombobulated American soldiers. They will only speak ENGLISH in the scene. COL.LANDA Italian? Really? (BEAT) What could you have possibly been thinking? LT. ALDO Well, I speak alittle Italian - COL.LANDA I speak a little Tagalog, but I wouldn't begin to presume I could pass for Filipino. Don't get me wrong, I understand you were in a pickle, what with you losing your Germans. And I have nothing but admiration for improvisation. Still.... Chico Marx is more convincing. if the three of you had shown up to the premiere dressed in womans attire, it would have been more convincing. Landas eyes go to the Two Nazi Guards behind the prisoners. COL.LANDA (GERMAN) You may leave us. But stay alert outside. They exit, leaving the Colonel, the Lieutenant, the Private and a German Radio Man in the corner. COL.LANDA So your Aldo the Apache? LT. ALDO So your The Jew Hunter? COL.LANDA Jew Hunter, (pfuit), I'm a detective. A damn good detective. Finding people is my specialty. So naturally, I worked for the Nazi's finding people. And yes, some of them were Jews. But Jew Hunter? Just the name that stuck. UTIVICH Well you do hafts admit, it is catchy. COL.LANDA Do you control the nicknames, your enemies bestow on you? Aldo the Apache and The Little Man? UTIVICH What do you mean, The Little Man? COL.LANDA The Germans nickname for you. UTIVICH The Germans nickname for me is, The Little Man? COL.LANDA Or "The Little One, ether one means you. And as if to make my point, I'm a little surprised how tall you were in real life. I mean, your a little fellow. But not circus midget little, as your reputation would suggest. LT.ALDO Where is my men? Where is Bridget Von Hammersmark? COL.LANDA Bridget Von Hammersmark. Oh I'm sure she's in whatever, big bubbling cesspool in hell, the devil reserves for traitors of her ilk. COL. LANDA (COR'T) Well, lets just say, she got what she deserved. And when you purchase friends like Bridget Von Hammersmark, you get what you pay for. Now as far as your Pisanos, Sgt.Donowitz, and Pt.Hirschberg- LT. ALDO How do you know our names? COL.LANDA Lt.Aldo, if you don't think I wouldn't interrogate every single one of your swastika marked survivors... .? We simply aren't operating on the level of mutual respect I assumed. Now, back to the whereabouts of your two Italian saboteurs. At this moment, both Hirschberg, and Donowitz, should be sitting in the very seats we left them in. Seats, 0023 and 0024, if my memory serves. Explosives, still around there ankle, still ready to explode. And your mission, some would call a terrorist plot, as of this moment, is still a go. The two Basterds don't believe this. It can't be true. LT. ALDO That's a pretty exciting story. What's next, Eliza on the ice? COL.LANDA However, all I have to do, is pick pick up that phone right there. Inform the cinema, and your plans kupet. LT. ALDO IF, their still there, and IF their still alive, and that's one big IF, there ain't no way, you gonna take them boys without settin off them bombs. I R.T. COL.LANDA M I have no doubt, and yes, some Germans will die., and yes, it will ruin the evening, and yes, Goebbels will be very very very mad at you for what you've done to his big night. But you won't get Hitler, you won't get Goebbels, you won't get Gering, and you won't get Boorman. And you need all four to end the war. (PAUSE) But if I don't pick up that phone, right there, you may very well get all four. And if you get all four, you end the war...tonight. The Nazi Colonel lifts up the bottle of Chianti, and fills three glasses. As he pours, he says; COL.LANDA So gentlemen, lets discuss the prospect of ending the war-tonight. All three have their Chianti filled glasses. COL.LANDA So the way I see it, since Hitlers death, or possible rescue, rests solely on my reaction...If I do nothing ...it's as if I'm causing his death, even more then yourselves. Would you agree? LT. ALDO I guess so. COL.LANDA How about you Uitivich? UITIVICH I guess so too. COL.LANDA Good, we more or less, all agree. Gentlemen, I have no intention, of Killing Hitler, and killing Goebbels, and Killing Gerring, and killing Boorman, not to mention winning the war single handedly for the allies, only later, to find myself standing before a Jewish tribunal. Now they get it. COL.LANDA If you want to win the war, tonight, We have to make a deal. LT.ALDO What kinda deal? COL.LANDA The kind you wouldn't have the authority to make. However, I'm sure this mission of yours, has a commanding officer? A General, I'm betting. For .. (THINKING) .O.S.S. would be my guess. Aldo's eyebrows reveal that was a good guess. COL.LANDA Oooh, that's a bingo. Is that the way you say it, That's a bingo? LT.ALDO You just say, bingo. COL.LANDA Bingo! How fun. But I digress, where were we? Oh yes, make a deal. Over there is a very capable two way radio. And sitting behind it, is a more then capable radio operator, named Herrman. Get me somebody on the other end of that radio with the power of the pen, to authorize my - Let's call it, the terms of my conditional surrender, if that taste better going down. BACK TO THE PREMIERE Shosanna in the booth, she brings down the lights. In the packed, excited auditorium, the house lights go down. CU CURTAIN SWITCH, she flips it. In the auditorium, the RED VELVET CURTAINS part. Shosanna, throws the lever on the first projector. . The PROJECTOR BULB goes HOT WHITE, PROJECTING A BEAM... FILM REELS rotate... 35mm FILM moves through the projectors film gate... The opening seal of a film by The THIRD REICH flickers on the SCREEN... Goebbels and Francesca watch... Hitler watches... Fredrick watches... Donowitz and Hirschberg watch... Shosanna, in the booth, watches through the little window... The CAMERA PANS OFF of Shosanna, to the clearly marked film can, REEL FOUR. The SURPRISE REEL. BACK TO LANDA AND THE HASTERDS Landa, with radio headphones over his ears, and a microphone in his hand, talks to the UNSEEN/UNHEARD American Brass on the other end. COL.LANDA .So, when the military history of this night is written, it will be recorded, that I was part of "Operation Rino" from the very beginning, as a double agent. Anything I've done in my guise as a SS Colonel, was sanctioned by The O.S.S., as a necessary evil to establish my cover with The Germans. And it was my placement, of Lt.Raines dynamite in Hitler and Goebbels opera box that assured there demise. By the way, that last part is actually true. FLASH ON Landa placing bomb in Goebbels and Francesca's opera box. BACK TO LANDA COL.LANDA I want my full military pension and benefits under my proper rank. I want to receive the congregational medal of honor, for my invaluable assistance in the toppling of the Third Reich. He looks over and sees Aldo and Uitvich watching the one sided conversation. COL.LANDA In fact, I want all the members of "Operation Kino" to receive the congregational medal of honor. Full citizenship for myself - but that goes without saying. And I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantuckett island, as a reward for all the countless lives I've saved by bringing the tyranny of the National Socialist party to a swifter then imanged end. Do you have all that, sir? (PAUSE) I look forward to seeing you face to face as well, sir. (PAUSE) He's right here. The Colonel hands the headphones and microphone to Aldo. LT.ALDO Yes, sir? We HEAR the VOICE on the other end of the radio, give Aldo his ORDERS; RADIO VOICE(OS) Colonel Landa will put you and Private Uitivich in a truck as prisoners. Then he and his radio operator, will get in the truck, drive to our lines. Upon crossing our lines, Colonel Landa and his man will surrender to you. You will then take over driving of the truck, a bring them straight to me for debriefing. Is that clear, Lieutenant? LT.ALDO Yes, sir. The Conversation is over, he puts the radio down. The three men look at one another. Landa picks up his wine. Ito . COL.LANDA So I suppose the only thing left to do is lift a glass, and toast to Donowitz and Hirschbergs success. You too Herrman, come over here. The four men, Col.Hans Landa, Lt.Aldo Raine, Pvt.Smithson Uitivich, and Herrman, lift up four glasses of wine. COL.LANDA Gentlemen, To history, and it's Witnesses. CHEERS. BACK TO THE PREMIERE WE CUT TO THE B/W FILM ON SCREEN. Fredrick Zoller, playing himself, is in a ornamental tower in a Russian village, picking off RUSSIAN SOLDIER's below. A RUSSIAN GENERAL KCHOVLANSKEY peering at the German Private through binoculars. He lowers the long range glasses, and confers with one of his OFFICERS. GENERAL KCHOVLANSKEY (RUSSIAN) What's the death toll? OFFICER (RUSSIAN) 47, so far. WE HEAR A SHOT. OFFICER (RUSSIAN) 48. General, I implore you, we must destroy that tower! GENERAL KCHOVLANSKEY (RUSSIAN) That tower is one of the oldest, and most beautiful structures in Russia. I won't be responsible for turning a thousand years of history into dust! A BRAVE RUSSIAN SOLDIER, tries to run between two buildings. Zoller, gets him. Then proceeds to pick him apart, one single bullet at a time. IL ISO. SHOSANNA IN PROJECTION BOOTH She removes "REEL 4" (The Special Shosanna Reel), and prepares it on the 2nd Projector. Reel3, on the first Projector, playing now, is halfway through. In a few short minutes, it's going to be show time. Marcel says to Shosanna in FRENCH, SUBTITLED in ENGLISH; MARCEL It's time. I should go lock the auditorium, and take my place behind the screen. This is the last time they will ever see each other, too much to say. He holds her in his arms and lays a one kiss before I die wet one on her. DONOWITZ AND HIRSCHBERG sit in their seats watching the movie, surrounded by DRESS UNIFORM NAZI'S. They've developed a dopey way of communicating with each other in this hostel environment. Basically, speaking English like it were gibberish Italian. They say English words, only adding a "I", or a "A", or a "O", to the end of it. And saying it in a exaggerated Italian accent, complete with pantomimes. Donowitz leans into Hirschberg, and says in a wispier; They speak in ITALIA-ISH SUBTITLED into ENGLISH; SGT.DONOWITZ (ITALIA-ISH) I-a Go-a Toilet-a, Set-ta Boom-a. (I go to the toilet and set the bomb) When-a I-a Go-a, you-a Set-ta Boom-a. (When I go, you set your bomb) Hirschberg indicates/pantomimes, he can't set his bomb surrounded by all these Nazi's. Donowitz, pantomimes crossing his legs, setting bomb on ankle in his seat. Then getting up, and dropping it in the back of the auditorium, in the dark. Hirschberg doesn't get it. HIRSCHBERG What-a? (What?) Donny pantomimes again, more exaggerated, and with less patience. HIRSCHBERG Affirm-ato, affirm-ato. (Affirmative, affirmative) SGT.DONOWITZ They-o Look-o Screen-a, Not-o You-a. (They're looking at the screen, not you.) HIRSCHBERG Fantastic-o. (FANTASTIC) SGT.DONOWITZ After-teri, Set-ta, Five-o Moment-o (Pointing to WATCH) You-a, Pphisst. (After you set the bomb, wait five minutes, and get out of here) HIRSCHBERG What-o? (What?) SGT.DONOWITZ Confuse-i, confuss-i, confuss-i. (Confused, confused, confused.) What-a, and-o what-o, same-o? (I thought "What-a" meat "What", does "What-O" mean "What", as well?) HIRSCHBERG Oh-o, sorr-o, I-o ment-a "What-a". (Oh, sorry, I ment what.) SGT.DONOWITZ After-teri, you-a set-ta boom-a, five-o moment-o, you-a, fuck-o Pphisst. (After you set the bomb, wait five minutes and get the fuck out of here.) HIRSCHBERG Affirm-ato, affirm-ato. (Affirmative, Affirmative) SGT.DONOWITZ Good-a, Luck-a. (Good luck.) Donowitz stands from his seat, and walks out of the dark auditorium, into the lobby. The Nazi Guards/Ushers are gone, the lobby is completely empty. Seeing the STAIRS leading down to the WATER CLOSET/BATHROOM, he descends them to plant the Boom-a, I mean, The Bomb. DESCENDING THE STAIRS leading to the Water closet. Like a lot of old cinema's, not only was the water closet located under the auditorium, you had to pass through a rather large SMOKING LOUNGE to get to it. In the Smoking Lounge are TEN NAZI ENLISTED MEN, the Guards/Ushers for the event, smoking and indulging in soldiers gossip. They're all in dress uniforms, and all are armed. Donowitz, in his tuxedo, acts cool, and walks right through them. They look up, but don't disturb there time off vibe. Donny enters the big Water Closet. Except for ONE LONE NAZI ENLISTED MAN at the urinal, it would appear as if Donny has the whole wash room to himself. He enters the privacy of a toilet stall, locks the door. MARCEL IN LOBBY He descends the stairs leading down from the projection booth, into the empty lobby. He goes to one of the auditorium doors, and peers inside. WE SEE THE SCREEN AND THE AUDIENCE FROM MARCELS POV: in the back of the room. The audience seems riveted to Fredrick's exploits on screen. Marcel closes the door, and with a KEY, DEADBOLTS it SHUT. INSIDE THE AUDITORIUM WE PAN OFF THE SCREEN to Marcel, who locks the two doors on ether side of the screen....due to curtains placed there, no one notices Marcels actions. Marcel then goes BEHIND THE SCREEN, WE SEE the IMAGE (backward) of Fredricks sniper battle HUGE COVERING ENTIRE SIDE ROOM ...A PILE of over300nitrate FILM PRINTS, lay like a junk pile, right behind the screen. Sitting down in a wooden chair facing the screen, and Pile-o-film, he lights up a cigarette, a absolute no-no in a cinema of this era, but tonight, what does it matter?4. He smokes, and waits for his cue to... .BURN IT DOWN! FREDRICK IN OPERA BOX along side Hitler, Goebbels, Francesca, and BOORMAN. On screen the battle rages. He leans over and whispers something in Goebbels ear, we can't hear. Goebbels makes a very sympathetic face (at least sympathetic for Goebbels), and says in German; GOEBBELS Perfectly understandable, dear boy. You go now, and we'll see you after the show. He exits the opera box. And walks to the projection booth door. He raps on the door in a trying to be amusing way. The door opens, just a little bit, Shosanna not friendly, stares at him. Be, as per usual, is all smiles and charm. They speak in FRENCH, SUBTITLED into ENGLISH; FREDRICK Are you the manager, of this cinema? I want my money back. That actor in the movie stinks. He laughs. IV She doesn't even smile. She says, in all serious business; SHOSANNA What are you doing here? FREDRICK I came to visit you. SHOSANNA Can't you see how busy I am? FREDRICK Then allow me to lend a assist. SHOSANNA Fredrick it's not funny, you can't be here. This is your premiere, you need to be out there with them. As Fredrick prepares to tell his little tale, with all the charm at his command, Shosanna listens, knowing the third reel is just about over, and her big reel change is coming up. FREDRICK Normally, you would be.right. And for all the other films I do, I intend to endure evenings like tonight, in the proper sprit. However the fact remains, this film, is based on my military exploits. And in this case, my exploits consisted of me killing many men. Consequently, the part of the film that's playing now,... .I don't like watching this part. SHOSANNA Fredrick, I am sorry, but - FREDRICK - So, I thought, I'd come up here and do what I do best, annoy you. And from the look on your face, it would appear I haven't lost my touch. DONNY IN TOILET Sgt.Donowitz, with BOMB in his lap, sets the timer, six minutes from now. He then places the bomb in the back of the toilet tank. CAMERA ON FLOOR OF WATER CLOSET we see the tile of the floor stretch out before us. We see Donny's feet in the closed toilet stall. We HEAR, the OFF SCREEN Nazi Enlisted Man, finish his piss. Then HIS SHOES WALK THROUGH FRAME... .WE FOLLOW THEM TO... .The SINK...WE STAY ON The Shoes ...as WE HEAR The Soldier WASH HIS HANDS... THEN... THE CAMERA RISES UP HIS PANT LEG...Till...WE"RE EYE LEVEL with the German Soldier, with a ARMY CAP on his head, who's done washing his hands....THEN....The Soldier removes his cap, brushes some bangs out of his face, and WE CAN SEE THE SWASTIKA HAND CARVED INTO HIS FOREHEAD, UNDENIABLE MARK OF THE BASTARDS. He SPLASHES some WATER ON HIS FACE, puts his cap back on his head, and joins his comrades in the smoking lounge. As he exits FRAME, he says to somebody OFF SCREEN; SWASTIKA FOREHEAD (GERMAN) Hey Fritz, you owe me three cigarettes, now pay up. SHOSANNA AND FREDRICK Fredrick still outside the doorway, and Shosanna, still baring the way. SHOSANNA I have to get prepared for the reel change. FREDRICK Let me do it? SHOSANNA No. FREDRICK Oh please, it's been two years since i've done a reel change. SHOSANNA I said, no. FREDRICK (Cute whine) Come on, it's my premiere. SHOSANNA Are you so use to the Nazi's kissing your ass, you've forgotten what the word,°°No" means? No Fredrick, you can't come in here, now go away! No subtitles for Fredrick needed this time, he gets it. He does a one-armed PILE DRIVE PUSH on the door, knocking both it OPEN, and Shosanna back into the room. Fredrick, a different cat then we've seen up till now, enters the booth, closing the door behind him, and LOCKING it. The quite startled Shosanna, says to Fredrick; SHOSANNA Fredrick, you hurt me. FREDRICK Well, it's nice to know you can feel something. Even if it's just physical pain. Fredrick steps forward... Shosanna steps backwards... FREDRICK I'm not a man you say, "Go away" to. There's over three hundred dead bodies in Russia, that if they could, would testify to that. After what I've done for you, you disrespect me at your peril. BACK TO WASHROOM The Swastika Forehead Soldier, get a light for his cigarette. He takes a big drag. SOLDIER'S POV: He faces the washroom, and down that long throw, he sees Donny emerge from the toilet stall. His tuxedo jacket is off, and draped over his right hand. Sporting the white dress shirt, and black tuxedo vest. He's quite far away, so now he just looks like some guy in a tux, who just finished taking a shit. Donny walks toward us ... CU SWASTIKA FOREHEAD seeing him get closer... SOLDIER POV: Donny gets closer... CU SWASTIKA FOREHEAD seeing him closer still... SOLDIER POV: Donny gets closer... CU SWASTIKA FOREHEAD begins to notice... SOLDIER POV: Donny getting closer, begins to notice, German soldier notice him... CU SWASTIKA FOREHEAD now Donny is close enough for the Soldier to recognize. His face SCREAMS; SWASTIKA FOREHEAD The Bear Jew!1! The Soldier's GUN is out of it's holster, and rising toward Donny's chest... WHEN... Donny raises his right arm, with the tuxedo jacket on it, and FIRES a GUN concealed under it. HITTING Swastika Forehead in the chest...Who finishes raising his GUN, FIRING HITTING Donny in the chest... The Two Soldier's FIRE INTO each other.... Till there weapons are empty, and the two men lie dead on the floor. The Nine other NAZI'S in the room, stand shocked at what just happened in front of them. Is". SHOSANNA AND FREDRICK IN PROJECTION BOOTH Fredrick hears the gunshots below them, and turns towards the door. FREDRICK What the hell was that? While Fredrick's back is turned, Shosanna takes a GUN out of her pocket, and SHOOTS Fredrick THREE TIMES in the back... ..Be CRASHES HARD into the door, then FALLING FACE FIRST to the floor... Shosanna, gun in hand, looks out projection booth window into the audience... The ON SCREEN BATTLE rages so LOUDLY with GUNFIRE, that her weapon didn't stand a chance of being heard. Her eyes go from the audience... .up to the big screen... .Which holds FREDRICK ZOLLER in a tight handsome CLOSE UP. The Face on the silver screen, breaks the young girl's heart... .She looks to his body, lying face down on the floor, blood flowing from the holes she put in his back... .His body moves a little, and he lets out a painful MOAN... .DIEING though he is, at this moment, Fredrick is still ALIVE... Shosanna moves to him... ..She touches him, and he lets out another MOAN... .She turns his body over on it's back... ..he's holding a LUGER in his hand... .he FIRES TWICE... BANG BANG Two bullets HIT HER POINT BLANK IN THE CHEST... THROWING HER against the wall, then FALLING FORWARD on her knees to the floor... ..Fredrick, Luger still in hand, takes aim from the floor... I, .FIRES... HITTING the bloody girl on the floor, in the thigh... .SPINNING her BODY around in agony... Like he did to the Russian on screen, he picks her apart, one bullet at a time... .FIRES... BULLET BLOWS OFF HEEL OF HER FOOT... Luger drops to floor, Fredrick DIES. Our young French Jewish heroine, lies on the projection booth floor, in a pool of her own blood, her body RIDDLED with bullets, her nerve endings wracked with pain, CRIPPLED and DIEING... WHEN... ..the little bell on the 1st projector, starts to ring, informing the projectionist, it's time for The REEL CHANGE. Dieing or not, if Shosanna intends to get her revenge, she's going to have to lift her ass off the floor, and execute this fucking reel change. CINEMA AUDITORIUM The battle on screen continues waging. The audience is riveted. The FUHRER watches, completely caught up in the dramatic spectacle. He says to Goebbels in German; HITLER Extraordinary Joseph, simply extraordinary. This is your finest film yet. Goebbels is beyond proud, he smiles to Francesca, who proudly pats his hand. PROJECTION BOOTH Shosanna, bloody, crippled, and fucked, with great painful effort, PULLS HERSELF OFF THE FLOOR... AUDITORIUM Hirschberg, sitting in his seat, SETS the BOMB on his ankle. Then stands up, and begins scooting past everybody in his rows knees. PROJECTION BOOTH like the German heroine in one of Riefenstahl's mountain films, Shosanna CLIMBS UP the 35mm film projector, like it was Piz Palu... FILM ON SCREEN Private Zoller FIRING away from his perch. In the top far right corner of The FRAME. WE SEE the 1st REEL CHANGE MARK... PROJECTION BOOTH Shosanna hanging on to projector, waiting for 2nd reel change mark, it's a agonizing effort... BEHIND SCREEN Marcel, smoking, waiting for his cue... HIRSCHBERG get out of his xow, and begins walking up the aisle in the middle of the cinema towards the exit. ON SCREEN SERGIO LEONE CU FREDRICK, he SCREAMS to Russians below; MOVIE ZOLLER Who wants to send a message to Germany? In the top right of FRAME The 2nd REEL CHANGE MARK POPS ON... PROJECTION BOOTH Shosanna TOSSES herself to the floor, as she THROWS THE CHANGE OVER SWITCH on the 2nd Projector... EX CU PROJECTOR BULB BLASTING WHITE in our face. SLOW NOTION SHOSANNA FALLING... EX CU 35MM FILM MOVING... SHOSANNA HITS the DUSTY ground HARD, NOT in slow motion... PROJECTOR BEAM SHOOTS OUT OF LITTLE PROJECTION BOOTH WINDOW hits screen. CU SHOSANNA on floor, eyes close, last breath blown into dusty projection booth floor. Like her family befor her, dead from Nazi bullets. AUDITORIUM ON THE SILVER SCREEN FREDRICKS EX CU CUT TO ON SILVER SCREEN MATCHING SHOSANNA EX CU CAMERA in the exact same placement, same background (b/w sky), SLIGHT LOW ANGLE LOOKING UP, so on screen Shosanna is looking down on the Nazi's, the way Fredrick was looking down on the Russians. The way this HUGE IMAGE OF SHOSANNA'S GIANT FACE stares down the auditorium of Nazi's, brings to mind Orwells "1984" Big Brother. HITLER and GOEBBELS React. HIRSCHBERG standing in the middle of the aisle, turns towards the screen. When he see's Shosanna's GIANT FACE, he's gobsmacked. BEHIND SCREEN Marcel sitting in the chair, with his cigarette, before the EVEN MORE GIANT FACE OF SHOSANNA. SHOSANNAS GIANT FACE ON SCREEN She stares down the packed house of Nazi's, and says in FRENCH; SHOSANNAS GIANT FACE I have a message for Germany. I'm interrupting your Nazi propaganda horse shit, to inform you despicable German swine, that your all going to die. HITLER and GOEBBELS react. HIRSCHBERG react. MARCEL smiles. SHOSANNAS GIANT FACE And I want you to look deep in the face of The Jew who's going to do it. AUDITORIUM AUDIENCE While the shocked German audience is transfixed to thescreen, behind the heads of most of them... The BOMB Landa set in Hitlers and Goebbels opera box... EXPLODES. BLOWING TO SMITHEREENS, HITLER, FRANCESCA, BOORMAN, and propelling GOEBBELS, still in his theatre seat, across the auditorium, into the opposite wall, and taking out a portion of the ceiling as well. The crowd reacts... The explosion causes the huge chandelier from Versailles, to topple from it's jerry-rigged placement, and CRASH on to the audience below... ON SCREEN THE GIANT FACE OF SHOSANNA finishes her WAR CRY. SHOSANNAS GIANT FACE My name is Shosanna Dreyfus, and this is the face of Jewish Vengeance! Marcel, BURN IT DOWN! BEHIND THE SCREEN Marcel takes his cigarette, and FLICKS IT into the pile of nitrate film. ON SCREEN SHOSANNAS GIANT FACE LAUGHS MANIACALLY at the scrambling little Nazi's, running in a panic, as FLAMES LIKE OUT OF A GIANT BLAST FURNACE, BURST THROUGH SHOSANNAS FACE, and CLIMB UP THE WALLS of the cinema. The AUDIENCE STAMPEDES towards the exits... HIRSCHBERG with bomb set on ankle, is caught in a massive Day of the Locust SWARM OF BODIES... People frantically pound on locked doors, trapping them to there grizzly fate. The FLAMES and FIRE spread through thr auditorium... Hirschberg caught in people crunch, knows this is it. HIS ANKLE BOMB GOES OFF right underneath everybody in the room. The effect this has on the people in the room, is very similar to that of the effect a M-80blowing up in a ant hill, would have on the ants. The auditorium is a literal red rain of legs, arms, heads, torsos, and asses. THEN... DONOWITZ TOILET BOMB BLOWS UP UNDERNEATH the auditorium. COLLAPSING THE CINEMA, AND BLOWING OUT THE FRONT OF THE THEATRE. As MADAM MIMEUX'S CINEMA BURNS... Theses SUBTITLES APPEAR ON SCREEN as if on a military TELETYPE: "OPERATION KINO A COMPLETE SUCCESS". FADE OUT FADE UP "HITLER DEAD. GOEBBELS DEAD. BOORMAN DEAD. GERING DEAD. ZOLLER DEAD. MOST OF HIGH COMMAND DEAD" FADE OUT FADE IN "FOUR DAYS LATER, GERMANY SURRENDERS" FADE OUT FADE IN "ONCE UPON A TIME IN NAZI... OCCUPIED FRANCE". CUT TO EXT -- WOODS - MORNING It's a misty early morning, in the woodsy area. The German truck, with Aldo and Uitvich in the back, and Landa and Herrman in the front comes to stop. LANDA and HERRMAN IN TRUCK CAB Herrman, behind the wheel, tells Landa in German; HERRMAN These are the American lines, sir. In the back of the truck, sit the two last remaining members of The Basterds, Lt.Aldo Raine, and Prvt.Smithson Uitivich, both with their hands cuffed behind there back. Landa and Herrman appear at truck rear, says in ENGLISH; COL.LANDA Okay Gentlemen, you can climb down. 143 Aldo and Uitivich climb down from the truck. Col.Landa indicates for Herrman to remove the handcuffs from the two prisoners. He does. COL.LANDA Herrman, hand them your weapon. He does. Col.Landa hands over his LUGER, and his very cool looking SS DAGGER. COL.LANDA I am officially surrendering myself over to you, Lt.Raine. We are your prisoners. LT.ALDO Thank you very much Colonel. Uitivich, cuff the Colonel's hands behind his back. COL.LANDA Is that really necessary? As Uitivich cuffs the. Colonels hands behind his back, Aldo SAYS; LT.ALDO I'm a slave to appearances. Then Aldo takes the Luger, and SHOOTS HERRMAN DEAD. The bound Col.Landa is appalled. COL.LANDA Are you mad? What have you done? I made a deal with your General for that mans life! LT. ALDO Yeah, they made that deal, but they don't give a fuck about him, they need you. COL.LANDA You'll be shot for this. LT.ALDO Raw I don't think so, more like I'll be chewed out. I've been chewed out before. You know, Uitvich and myself, heard that deal you made with the Brass. End the war tonight? I'd make that deal. How bout you Uitivich, you make that deal? UITIVICH I'd make that deal. LT.ALDO I don't blame ya. Damn good deal. And that pretty little nest ya feathered for yourself. Well, if your willing to barbecue the whole high command, I suppose that's worth certain considerations. Now I don't care about you gettin pensions, merit badges, ticker tape parades, who gives a damn, let's all go home. But .1do have one question? When you go to your little place on Nantuckett Island, I image you gonna take off that handsome looking SS uniform of yours, ain't ya? For the first time in the movie, Col.Landa doesn't-respond. LT.ALDO That's what I thought. Now that... .I can't abide. How bout you Uitivich, can you abide it? UITIVICH Not one damn bit, sir. LT.ALDO I mean if I had my way, you'd wear that goddamn uniform for the rest of your pecker suckin life. But I'm aware that's ain't practical. I mean at some point ya gotta hafta take it off. He opens LandaSS DAGGER, and holds the BLADE in front of Hans face. LT.ALDO So I'm gonna give you a little somethin you can't take off. CUT TO 16c. CU COL.LANDA The Dagger has just completed carving a swastika deep into his forehead. COL.LANDA'S POV: On the ground, looking up at Aldo, bloody knife in hand, who straddles him.. And Uitivich, who's next to him. The two Basterds admire Aldo's handiwork. LT.ALDO You know somethin Uitivich, I think this just might be my masterpiece. END