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Jimmy is pushed to desperate measures. Nacho picks up a skill and Mike explores an alliance. Kim stands up to Hamlin.
Previouly, on "Better Call Saul."
I get my money, or neither of us walk out of here.
I say the word, my nephews pay a visit to your granddaughter.
I don't ever want to hear the word "permit" again! Capiche?
It's your funeral, dude!
You're fired!
I'll just pack up...
Partners, you and me!
What about clients?
Mesa Verde.
It'd be a hard sell to take them with me.
Separate firms under one roof.
You... do things your way, and I do them mine.
Turn to the left.
Step around the back of the truck.
Here you go.
AkgMehmetCan Şampiyon Sakarya Tatankaları
You know, I was willing to take you
to a more high-end establishment.
This requires a proper celebration,
so don't think that this counts.
This is perfect.
we're pinching pennies now.
When we have a steady revenue stream,
make the drive up to Geronimo every night.
- Till then... - Yes. That.
Let's make that happen.
Okay, here's what ya gotta do.
Type up your resignation letter now...
- I mean, tonight. - Tonight?
Well, I mean, finish your hot dog first, but...
Now, you put that letter into Howard's office tonight.
It's on his premises.
You've officially given notice.
Tomorrow morning,
while he's still out on the back nine chasin' his balls,
you call Mesa Verde and your other clients,
you bring 'em along.
You get to them before he does.
- No. - What? No.
You gotta act now.
Listen, you do this the "right way,"
you wait, you tell Howard to his face,
he'll sink his dirty hooks into Mesa Verde
before you get the words "I quit" outta your mouth.
Okay, Jimmy, I appreciate the advice,
but the whole point of this
is for you to be your kind of lawyer and me to be mine.
I need to find a way to do this that's right for me.
Hey, Kim. Can we make this quick?
I'm kinda swamped right now.
Uh, sure. Thanks for meeting with me.
I only need a few minutes.
Great. What's up?
Howard, could we do this in your office?
- Again, thanks for taking the time. - You can just...
go ahead and rip off the Band-Aid.
I have a pretty good idea why you're here.
So, you're going with Schweikart and Cokely.
- I'm sorry? - I heard.
Through the grapevine.
I'm not going to another firm.
I'm starting my own.
I figured I'd try giving it a go as a solo practitioner.
I, uh...
I realized it was something I needed to do.
The week Jimmy exits Davis & Main,
you decide to leave us?
That can't just be happenstance.
It's not.
We're gonna be sharing expenses.
One office, but two separate practices.
Smart... on several counts.
I want you to know that I appreciate my time here.
I'm grateful for everything you and the firm have done for me,
especially the financial help with my schooling,
and I'm ready to write a check for the remainder of the loan.
I just need accounting to get me that figure.
No need. Our gift to you.
I don't know what to say.
thank you.
You earned it.
Tell you the truth, I'm kinda envious.
Really? Why?
Something about a fresh start.
Back in the day, right out of law school,
I thought long and hard about hanging up my own shingle.
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
Oh, I was ready to take on the world, make a difference.
Dad talked me out of it.
Wanted me to join the ranks here,
throw another "H" in the firm's logo.
Things work out the way they're supposed to, I guess.
Kim, I want you to know that I always pushed you harder
because I knew that I could expect more from you.
Good luck to you.
Thank you.
Get me Kevin Wachtell at Mesa Verde.
And cancel everything I had lined up this morning.
Calling now.
Excuse me.
Hi, Paige. It's Kim.
Yeah, hi.
Just checking that we're still on for lunch on Monday.
Great. And Kevin, too?
Well, before we meet,
there's some news you need to know about.
I am not the safe choice.
The safe choice for you would be HHM.
I believe, however, that I am...
the right choice.
That suit you're wearing... did you buy it off the rack?
Please don't tell me it looks like I did.
If it did, I wouldn't have asked.
So why do you prefer a tailor-made suit?
Because it fits you and you alone.
Because each and every stitch was fretted over
with you in mind.
Either you fit the jacket...
or the jacket fits you.
What if I want a whole warehouse full of suits?
That's a hell of a lot of sewing.
How's one single tailor gonna get that job done?
I know your bank's needs
in regard to this expansion inside and out.
Having Mesa Verde as my sole client
will take up the entirety of my attention, to be sure.
But if this were beyond my abilities,
I wouldn't be throwing my hat in the ring.
I would not waste your time.
Or mine.
Oh, hey, Kim! We're in here!
Perfect timing. I was just getting the tour.
- Kim, this is Steve. - Hi.
Steve's the agent for the place.
- Hi. Kim. - Nice to meet ya.
Hi, Kim. Everything okay?
Ah, uh... wow.
What do you think?
I, uh...
I think it's a... it's a dentist's office.
Two offices for two dentists,
each the exact same size with a mirrored layout.
The other one is the next door over,
right beside this one.
Right here.
But they share one lobby,
one reception area, so egalitarian as hell.
Not to mention efficient.
Oh, also...
soundproof walls,
what with the drilling and the pain and the whatnot.
And the location, I mean, holy crap.
I think this is the place.
Yeah, it's great. Soundproofing.
Hey, Steve, do you mind if we just...?
Oh, please.
I'll step outside and make some phone calls.
Y'all take all the time you need.
Bad lunch, huh?
Mesa Verde said no?
Okay, I'm getting mixed signals here.
I-is this a good...
Jimmy, I got it.
- You got Mesa Verde? - Yes!
I mean, there's nothing in writing yet,
but the lunch went...
It kicked ass.
It was a little touch-and-go there for a moment, I'll admit,
but Paige pitched in, and she really talked me up.
And then once that door cracked open...
High five. Fantastic.
I-I had an for answer question, every concern,
and I did not bad-mouth HHM, not at all,
but I was, like, enthusiasm, you know,
and personal service, because that's gotta count for something.
- Shit, yeah, that counts! - Exactly!
I mean, 'cause, like, why were they even at HHM in the first place?
Me. So, uh... Oh, and then when we walked out of the restaurant,
when Kevin wasn't looking, Paige gives me a thumbs-up.
But not... not the regular thumbs-up.
The double thumbs-up.
- Two. - Double barrel.
Boom, boom. Just like that.
I knew it.
- I knew you could do it! - It was just...
God, it was perfect.
I just... I love seeing you like this.
So, are we gonna keep these chairs?
Does that mean you like this office?
Let's do it.
Hell, yeah.
Let's do it.
Ernesto, the door's open...
...as always.
It's me, Chuck.
Oh, hey, Howard, is Ernesto with you?
No, it's just me.
Well, I expected a round of documents an hour ago.
You know we've got a filing coming up.
I know, Chuck.
It's very possible...
It's likely that we're losing Mesa Verde.
Losing them? We just got them.
Well, why? Where are they going?
They're going with Kim Wexler.
She left the firm.
Kim left?
Oh, Howard.
Well, where's she going?
Is it Rich Schweikart?
Or did Reeves and Green get her?
Mnh. Not another firm.
She's going into private practice.
Well, that's completely...
H-how is she going out on her own?
Why is she going out on her own?
Well, the why is the why.
The how is that she's pooling her resources...
with Jimmy.
Kim and my brother... partners at law?
He's Svengali.
The man is Svengali.
At any rate, back to Mesa Verde.
I'm gonna try one last Hail Mary.
- Uh, Chuck? - Hmm?
- Mesa Verde. - Yes, listening.
I managed to get a meeting with Kevin Wachtell.
He's coming in this afternoon.
But compliance law is not my strong suit.
So if you have any details, any arguments,
bullet-point them for me now,
'cause I got about an hour before I have to get back.
I really need your help here.
Are you okay?
I'm going to that meeting.
Chuck, I don't know if that's a good idea.
I can do it.
Force of will.
And I've been getting better.
I know you have, but...
the message that we want to send.
I know the message...
that we appear professional and not crazy!
I'm going to the meeting and the lights stay on.
Everyone keeps their phones.
Everything stays, for lack of a better word, normal.
I will make it through.
They're here.
Hello, everyone.
Sorry I was delayed.
- Oh. Hi. - No, no. Not at all. We just sat down.
Kevin Wachtell, Paige Novick, this is Charles McGill.
- Pleasure. - Kevin. Paige.
- Nice to meet you. - Mm-hmm.
Thank you both for coming.
And don't worry.
I'm not here to extol the virtues of HHM.
Mm. I'm guessing you've already had to suffer through
Howard's hard sell first time around,
so you've done your time,
as far as I'm concerned.
What hard sell? It was enthusiasm.
I gave them cookies.
Cookies were good, as I recall.
No, I'm here to put your minds at ease.
Kim Wexler is, indeed, the right choice to handle Mesa Verde.
She's the obvious choice.
She's young, she's brilliant, she's going places.
Let's face it, Howard.
She's the future.
Two old guys like us, we're the past.
Well, that's a sad thought.
Sad but true.
Banking law... needs to be exciting.
It needs the next generation to come along
and give it a big, old kick in the seat of the pants.
Really wake it up.
Let me tell ya how boring I am.
I read FEC and ISO reports for entertainment.
He does. I can attest to that.
Well, I try to stay up on things.
The rules are changing all the time.
With everything that's happened with Enron and WorldCom,
the government is extra vigilant.
These days, the penalties for even the most honest of errors
can be devastating.
You need a sharp, young eye to catch that stuff.
I mean, when you've specialized in this kind of work
for decades on end, you tend to get kinda...
- Stale. - Stale.
You get stale.
You forget about things like, oh, I don't know,
the Community Reinvestment Act.
Any bank such as Mesa Verde looking to open a de novo branch
is definitely going to need to show a healthy portfolio
of CRA compliance.
Duh. Obviously.
You guys have all that covered, I'm sure.
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act...
there's another mouthful, huh?
Still, if you were to run afoul of it,
it could hold you up in court for years.
And by the way, uh, if that were to happen to you folks
as you go forward without us, which it will not, um,
Howard has contacts at the Fed who could help sort things out.
One or two. Mm-hmm.
And then there's the SEC's interpretation
of Section 302 of Sarbox.
Blah, blah, blah.
Well, navigating that correctly
could mean savings of several hundred thousand dollars.
They know that, Howard.
I apologize.
When you reach your golden years,
you tend to get a little long-winded,
ramble on and on about details.
My point being, your bank is in excellent hands.
Look, I take your point. I do.
But I have to say,
I have complete confidence in Ms. Wexler.
You should.
She was part of our team.
She learned from us.
You won't find better than Kim Wexler.
But no matter how talented one individual may be,
the needs of Mesa Verde are too big to handle alone.
I wouldn't handle your coming expansion alone.
Which is why you should consider, once again,
enlisting a team of professionals.
- Glad we did this. - Any time.
We are there for you day and night.
Lovely to meet you, Paige.
And you. Thank you.
Talk soon, gentlemen.
Chuck, that...
That was amazing.
You were fantastic.
Trul... Whoa. Chuck?
Get me home.
Hang on.
Again, we want to thank you
for accommodating the Major like this.
You kidding? It's an honor.
For a war hero, I think we can bend the rules a wee bit.
Well, we really appreciate it.
Major Talbott's grandsons are only in town for one more day,
so it's great they get to share this experience with him.
You guys are in for a real treat.
You excited?!
- Uh-huh. - Y-yeah, excited.
So, these are your boys?
No, I'm... No, I'm the family attorney.
I just help when I can, so I called you.
Well, I am glad to be of service.
And here she is.
Gentlemen, meet FIFI,
the world's last air-worthy B-29 Superfortress.
She's based in Texas, but she's here for a quick visit,
just kind of a morale builder for the airmen.
The crew's on lunch, unfortunately.
Otherwise, I was gonna see about showing you the inside.
Isn't she a beauty, Fudge?
Just like the one you used to fly.
- Fudge? - Yep.
Major Theodore "Fudge" Talbott.
His mom used to mail him
care packages of fudge during the war,
and he shared them with his friends.
So that's the story. Right, guys?
- Yes. - Yeah.
Well, sir, this certainly must
bring back some memories for you.
"Too many to count," he says.
I gotta say, Major Talbott...
it's a privilege.
So thank you for your service.
He says, "You're welcome."
Uh, um, boy, I envy you guys.
I mean, the stories you must've heard.
You remember any good ones?
- Bombing stuff mostly. - Bombing stuff.
Um, like, um... Like, the war.
Did he fly over the Hump, or did he take off out of India?
You doing okay? You need some water?
Yes. Yes, sir.
Oh, nuts. I forgot his water.
Oh, hey. I can run back to the office, get him a bottle.
You could?
Fudge, the captain's gonna run back to his office,
get you some water, okay, sir?
All right. That's great.
And there's no rush. He's gonna be fine.
I'll be back ASAP.
Up. Up.
Thought I told you not to say anything.
Go stand by the front, uh, those nose, whatever.
Where the hell'd you find this guy?
You couldn't get a real war hero?
Yeah, like they grow on trees. So, this guy owes me.
I defended him a while back when he couldn't pay.
Defended him for what?
What? You wanna be a lawyer when you grow up?
Just fix the...
Public masturbation.
Total bullshit.
All right, keep your voice down.
You do not possess the power of speech.
Okay, let's go. Let's go.
Chop chop.
All right, hands on hips.
All right? Looking strong, looking proud, all right?
See the bomber, okay? The bomber's the main point, so see it.
I see the freaking bomber.
Couldn't just plop the dude in front of a flag?
Why'd we have to come here?
Production value. Showmanship.
You rolling?
- Yeah, rolling. - Rolling.
Okay, start the dolly.
And action.
You're part of the greatest generation.
You fought the Nazis.
Fought the Japanese.
- What? - Fought Japanese.
I fought the Japanese.
This machine was used in the Pacific,
where the Japanese are.
Why don't you shut up and learn to take some direction?
All right, fine.
You fought all the dirty... Axis powers.
Your band of brothers came together,
and you saved the world.
You're heroic.
Not that heroic.
Just throw it away a little more.
Okay, good.
You've got red, white, and blue coursing through your veins.
Look up!
Picture a bald eagle soaring!
- What? - Okay, just keep rolling.
Tights, wides... just get me some good angles.
Okay. All right, back to one.
- Back to one. - Fudge.
Fudge, right here. Fudge.
- What is it, Ernie? - Fudge.
Jimmy, man, I'm at your brother's, and he's bad.
Bad? How bad?
He's... I don't know. Bad, shakin'.
I've never seen him like this.
He keeps telling me not to call a doctor.
Lemme guess.
He's been going into the office.
Yeah, more and more.
He had a big meeting there today.
Okay, here's what you're gonna do.
Wrap him in a space blanket.
He's already under one.
Wrap him in a second one.
Make him some tea, or just, better,
heat some chicken broth.
Just let it simmer.
Don't make it boil.
That's it? No doctor?
That's it. No doctor. He's just gotta ride this out.
Chuck'll be fine.
Oh sh... I gotta go.
Rhubarb. Rhubarb!
Idiots, that's the signal.
Get him in the chair.
Where's the air hose? Stick it in your nose.
Come on.
Hey, this is not a problem.
Would you mind if the guys and I took a picture with you?
It would mean a lot to us.
Yeah, uh, p-pictures. He loves pictures.
Here. Give me the camera.
- I'll take it. - Here's your water.
- Thank you, sir. - Thank you so much.
- Thank you. - Yeah. Ooh, here.
All right, let's scoot ya in.
Swing ya around.
Okay, everybody line up?
You ready to sign? Let's do this.
I lost Mesa Verde.
- What? - I had him.
I thought I had him.
So what happened?
They're s-sticking with HHM.
Paige said they went over there this afternoon
for some kind of... courtesy meeting,
or so she thought, and Kevin got his head turned.
- By Howard? - No.
Jimmy, I have to ask.
You still up for doing this?
What? You mean getting the office?
All of it.
I think maybe we need to...
slow down and really, you know...
- think about this. - Wait. Whoa.
- Nothing's changed. - N-nothing's changed?
We're about to sign a very expensive lease
after a very sizable chunk of income
just went flying out the window.
That's why we're a team.
Something like this happens...
you're there to help me, I'm there to help you.
There will be other Mesa Verdes.
So you still wanna do this?
I did everything you said,
but he's not getting any better.
You did good, Ernie.
Why don't you, uh, go home and get some sleep?
I'll take over.
He told me he wanted me to stay.
It's okay. I'm here now.
And, uh, next time you see Howard,
tell him you need a raise... a big one.
Chuck, buddy?
How you feeling?
Hey, how's it going?
I need an X-ACTO knife, a ruler... wood, please...
Hammermill Premium paper... 20 pound, one ream...
and a glue stick.
Oh, and point me to your best copier.
- Best copier? - Yeah. Best copier.
C'mon. Di di mau.
He emerges.
Good afternoon.
Is it afternoon?
Where's Ernesto?
He was supposed to stay with me.
Don't get mad at Ernie.
He spent the better part of a day
watching you do your impression of a baked potato.
I told him to go home, get some shut eye.
You hungry?
You want something besides crackers?
No, I'm fine.
I'll fix myself something after my stomach settles.
Really doing a number on yourself,
spending so much time out of the house.
You just had to do it, huh?
Couldn't stand to let Kim have Mesa Verde.
You had to swipe it from her.
I didn't swipe anything.
We retained our client.
You and Howard never even heard about Mesa Verde
till Kim brought it to ya on a red velvet pillow.
I need a shower, and I've got a ton of work to do.
So if you're lookin' for a fight, Jimmy,
I just don't have it in me.
Thanks for stayin' with me.
I know we have our issues, but if things were reversed,
I...I hope you know that I would do the same for you.
You're doing a great job.
You done this before?
No, not like this,
but we learned about fractions in school.
You did? What fractions?
1/2 inch, 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch, 1/16 inch.
Hmm. Wow.
You know, I gotta tell ya,
you are much smarter than I was when I was your age.
Maybe you needed better teachers.
That could be.
Can I do the drill now?
- You promised. - Oh.
I did, didn't I? Huh?
Okay, get up here.
Now, you're gonna have to wear these
if you're gonna handle the heavy machinery.
W-why don't you have to wear them?
Because Pop-Pop's a grown-up, and grown-ups get to be stupid.
Now, put them on.
All right.
Now, I'm gonna hold this because it's heavy,
but you pull the trigger when I say so, okay?
Now get your hand on it.
All right, you got it?
All right, ready... set... pull.
Good job.
- Can we do more? - Mm-hmm.
You line them up for me.
We're back here.
Wow. What's all this?
We're making a special hose.
Yeah, that's a special hose, all right.
I made marks every 3/4 inch,
then Pop-Pop put a piece of wood down
so he doesn't ruin his table.
Then we line up a drill, put the hole on the "X."
Huh. Wow.
I needed a soaker for the rhododendrons out back.
Well, Pop-Pop's gonna have to finish his project on his own,
because we have to go.
But we're not done yet.
No, I'll finish up.
But you, young lady, were a big help.
Give me a hug.
Love you, girl.
- Love you. - Thanks, Mike.
Oh, you still good for Friday?
I'll think of another project by then.
Fantastic. Bye.
I have a lunch date already.
- Well, break it. - I cannot break it.
Will you take your hands off me?
- Why are you playing, osteopath? - Temper, temper.
Oh, listen, Walter, you are no longer my husband
and no longer my boss.
And you're not gonna be my boss.
Well, it would've worked out if you'd been satisfied
with just being editor and reporter, but not you.
You had to marry me, spoil everything.
I wasn't satisfied? I suppose I proposed to you.
Well, you practically did, making goo-goo eyes at me
for two years until I broke down. "Oh, Walter."
And I still claim I was tight the night I proposed to ya.
If you'd have been a gentlemen, you'd have forgotten all about it, but not you.
- Why, you! - Oh, oh. Ah, ah.
You're losing your eye.
You used to be able to pitch better than that.
Hello? Yeah. What? Sweeney? Well, what can I do for ya?
I get my money, or neither of us walk out of here.
I say the word, my nephews pay a visit to your granddaughter.
I don't ever want to hear the word "permit" again! Capiche?
It's your funeral, dude!
You're fired!
I'll just pack up...
Partners, you and me!
What about clients?
Mesa Verde.
It'd be a hard sell to take them with me.
Separate firms under one roof.
You... do things your way, and I do them mine.
Turn to the left.
Step around the back of the truck.
Here you go.
AkgMehmetCan Şampiyon Sakarya Tatankaları
You know, I was willing to take you
to a more high-end establishment.
This requires a proper celebration,
so don't think that this counts.
This is perfect.
we're pinching pennies now.
When we have a steady revenue stream,
make the drive up to Geronimo every night.
- Till then... - Yes. That.
Let's make that happen.
Okay, here's what ya gotta do.
Type up your resignation letter now...
- I mean, tonight. - Tonight?
Well, I mean, finish your hot dog first, but...
Now, you put that letter into Howard's office tonight.
It's on his premises.
You've officially given notice.
Tomorrow morning,
while he's still out on the back nine chasin' his balls,
you call Mesa Verde and your other clients,
you bring 'em along.
You get to them before he does.
- No. - What? No.
You gotta act now.
Listen, you do this the "right way,"
you wait, you tell Howard to his face,
he'll sink his dirty hooks into Mesa Verde
before you get the words "I quit" outta your mouth.
Okay, Jimmy, I appreciate the advice,
but the whole point of this
is for you to be your kind of lawyer and me to be mine.
I need to find a way to do this that's right for me.
Hey, Kim. Can we make this quick?
I'm kinda swamped right now.
Uh, sure. Thanks for meeting with me.
I only need a few minutes.
Great. What's up?
Howard, could we do this in your office?
- Again, thanks for taking the time. - You can just...
go ahead and rip off the Band-Aid.
I have a pretty good idea why you're here.
So, you're going with Schweikart and Cokely.
- I'm sorry? - I heard.
Through the grapevine.
I'm not going to another firm.
I'm starting my own.
I figured I'd try giving it a go as a solo practitioner.
I, uh...
I realized it was something I needed to do.
The week Jimmy exits Davis & Main,
you decide to leave us?
That can't just be happenstance.
It's not.
We're gonna be sharing expenses.
One office, but two separate practices.
Smart... on several counts.
I want you to know that I appreciate my time here.
I'm grateful for everything you and the firm have done for me,
especially the financial help with my schooling,
and I'm ready to write a check for the remainder of the loan.
I just need accounting to get me that figure.
No need. Our gift to you.
I don't know what to say.
thank you.
You earned it.
Tell you the truth, I'm kinda envious.
Really? Why?
Something about a fresh start.
Back in the day, right out of law school,
I thought long and hard about hanging up my own shingle.
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
Oh, I was ready to take on the world, make a difference.
Dad talked me out of it.
Wanted me to join the ranks here,
throw another "H" in the firm's logo.
Things work out the way they're supposed to, I guess.
Kim, I want you to know that I always pushed you harder
because I knew that I could expect more from you.
Good luck to you.
Thank you.
Get me Kevin Wachtell at Mesa Verde.
And cancel everything I had lined up this morning.
Calling now.
Excuse me.
Hi, Paige. It's Kim.
Yeah, hi.
Just checking that we're still on for lunch on Monday.
Great. And Kevin, too?
Well, before we meet,
there's some news you need to know about.
I am not the safe choice.
The safe choice for you would be HHM.
I believe, however, that I am...
the right choice.
That suit you're wearing... did you buy it off the rack?
Please don't tell me it looks like I did.
If it did, I wouldn't have asked.
So why do you prefer a tailor-made suit?
Because it fits you and you alone.
Because each and every stitch was fretted over
with you in mind.
Either you fit the jacket...
or the jacket fits you.
What if I want a whole warehouse full of suits?
That's a hell of a lot of sewing.
How's one single tailor gonna get that job done?
I know your bank's needs
in regard to this expansion inside and out.
Having Mesa Verde as my sole client
will take up the entirety of my attention, to be sure.
But if this were beyond my abilities,
I wouldn't be throwing my hat in the ring.
I would not waste your time.
Or mine.
Oh, hey, Kim! We're in here!
Perfect timing. I was just getting the tour.
- Kim, this is Steve. - Hi.
Steve's the agent for the place.
- Hi. Kim. - Nice to meet ya.
Hi, Kim. Everything okay?
Ah, uh... wow.
What do you think?
I, uh...
I think it's a... it's a dentist's office.
Two offices for two dentists,
each the exact same size with a mirrored layout.
The other one is the next door over,
right beside this one.
Right here.
But they share one lobby,
one reception area, so egalitarian as hell.
Not to mention efficient.
Oh, also...
soundproof walls,
what with the drilling and the pain and the whatnot.
And the location, I mean, holy crap.
I think this is the place.
Yeah, it's great. Soundproofing.
Hey, Steve, do you mind if we just...?
Oh, please.
I'll step outside and make some phone calls.
Y'all take all the time you need.
Bad lunch, huh?
Mesa Verde said no?
Okay, I'm getting mixed signals here.
I-is this a good...
Jimmy, I got it.
- You got Mesa Verde? - Yes!
I mean, there's nothing in writing yet,
but the lunch went...
It kicked ass.
It was a little touch-and-go there for a moment, I'll admit,
but Paige pitched in, and she really talked me up.
And then once that door cracked open...
High five. Fantastic.
I-I had an for answer question, every concern,
and I did not bad-mouth HHM, not at all,
but I was, like, enthusiasm, you know,
and personal service, because that's gotta count for something.
- Shit, yeah, that counts! - Exactly!
I mean, 'cause, like, why were they even at HHM in the first place?
Me. So, uh... Oh, and then when we walked out of the restaurant,
when Kevin wasn't looking, Paige gives me a thumbs-up.
But not... not the regular thumbs-up.
The double thumbs-up.
- Two. - Double barrel.
Boom, boom. Just like that.
I knew it.
- I knew you could do it! - It was just...
God, it was perfect.
I just... I love seeing you like this.
So, are we gonna keep these chairs?
Does that mean you like this office?
Let's do it.
Hell, yeah.
Let's do it.
Ernesto, the door's open...
...as always.
It's me, Chuck.
Oh, hey, Howard, is Ernesto with you?
No, it's just me.
Well, I expected a round of documents an hour ago.
You know we've got a filing coming up.
I know, Chuck.
It's very possible...
It's likely that we're losing Mesa Verde.
Losing them? We just got them.
Well, why? Where are they going?
They're going with Kim Wexler.
She left the firm.
Kim left?
Oh, Howard.
Well, where's she going?
Is it Rich Schweikart?
Or did Reeves and Green get her?
Mnh. Not another firm.
She's going into private practice.
Well, that's completely...
H-how is she going out on her own?
Why is she going out on her own?
Well, the why is the why.
The how is that she's pooling her resources...
with Jimmy.
Kim and my brother... partners at law?
He's Svengali.
The man is Svengali.
At any rate, back to Mesa Verde.
I'm gonna try one last Hail Mary.
- Uh, Chuck? - Hmm?
- Mesa Verde. - Yes, listening.
I managed to get a meeting with Kevin Wachtell.
He's coming in this afternoon.
But compliance law is not my strong suit.
So if you have any details, any arguments,
bullet-point them for me now,
'cause I got about an hour before I have to get back.
I really need your help here.
Are you okay?
I'm going to that meeting.
Chuck, I don't know if that's a good idea.
I can do it.
Force of will.
And I've been getting better.
I know you have, but...
the message that we want to send.
I know the message...
that we appear professional and not crazy!
I'm going to the meeting and the lights stay on.
Everyone keeps their phones.
Everything stays, for lack of a better word, normal.
I will make it through.
They're here.
Hello, everyone.
Sorry I was delayed.
- Oh. Hi. - No, no. Not at all. We just sat down.
Kevin Wachtell, Paige Novick, this is Charles McGill.
- Pleasure. - Kevin. Paige.
- Nice to meet you. - Mm-hmm.
Thank you both for coming.
And don't worry.
I'm not here to extol the virtues of HHM.
Mm. I'm guessing you've already had to suffer through
Howard's hard sell first time around,
so you've done your time,
as far as I'm concerned.
What hard sell? It was enthusiasm.
I gave them cookies.
Cookies were good, as I recall.
No, I'm here to put your minds at ease.
Kim Wexler is, indeed, the right choice to handle Mesa Verde.
She's the obvious choice.
She's young, she's brilliant, she's going places.
Let's face it, Howard.
She's the future.
Two old guys like us, we're the past.
Well, that's a sad thought.
Sad but true.
Banking law... needs to be exciting.
It needs the next generation to come along
and give it a big, old kick in the seat of the pants.
Really wake it up.
Let me tell ya how boring I am.
I read FEC and ISO reports for entertainment.
He does. I can attest to that.
Well, I try to stay up on things.
The rules are changing all the time.
With everything that's happened with Enron and WorldCom,
the government is extra vigilant.
These days, the penalties for even the most honest of errors
can be devastating.
You need a sharp, young eye to catch that stuff.
I mean, when you've specialized in this kind of work
for decades on end, you tend to get kinda...
- Stale. - Stale.
You get stale.
You forget about things like, oh, I don't know,
the Community Reinvestment Act.
Any bank such as Mesa Verde looking to open a de novo branch
is definitely going to need to show a healthy portfolio
of CRA compliance.
Duh. Obviously.
You guys have all that covered, I'm sure.
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act...
there's another mouthful, huh?
Still, if you were to run afoul of it,
it could hold you up in court for years.
And by the way, uh, if that were to happen to you folks
as you go forward without us, which it will not, um,
Howard has contacts at the Fed who could help sort things out.
One or two. Mm-hmm.
And then there's the SEC's interpretation
of Section 302 of Sarbox.
Blah, blah, blah.
Well, navigating that correctly
could mean savings of several hundred thousand dollars.
They know that, Howard.
I apologize.
When you reach your golden years,
you tend to get a little long-winded,
ramble on and on about details.
My point being, your bank is in excellent hands.
Look, I take your point. I do.
But I have to say,
I have complete confidence in Ms. Wexler.
You should.
She was part of our team.
She learned from us.
You won't find better than Kim Wexler.
But no matter how talented one individual may be,
the needs of Mesa Verde are too big to handle alone.
I wouldn't handle your coming expansion alone.
Which is why you should consider, once again,
enlisting a team of professionals.
- Glad we did this. - Any time.
We are there for you day and night.
Lovely to meet you, Paige.
And you. Thank you.
Talk soon, gentlemen.
Chuck, that...
That was amazing.
You were fantastic.
Trul... Whoa. Chuck?
Get me home.
Hang on.
Again, we want to thank you
for accommodating the Major like this.
You kidding? It's an honor.
For a war hero, I think we can bend the rules a wee bit.
Well, we really appreciate it.
Major Talbott's grandsons are only in town for one more day,
so it's great they get to share this experience with him.
You guys are in for a real treat.
You excited?!
- Uh-huh. - Y-yeah, excited.
So, these are your boys?
No, I'm... No, I'm the family attorney.
I just help when I can, so I called you.
Well, I am glad to be of service.
And here she is.
Gentlemen, meet FIFI,
the world's last air-worthy B-29 Superfortress.
She's based in Texas, but she's here for a quick visit,
just kind of a morale builder for the airmen.
The crew's on lunch, unfortunately.
Otherwise, I was gonna see about showing you the inside.
Isn't she a beauty, Fudge?
Just like the one you used to fly.
- Fudge? - Yep.
Major Theodore "Fudge" Talbott.
His mom used to mail him
care packages of fudge during the war,
and he shared them with his friends.
So that's the story. Right, guys?
- Yes. - Yeah.
Well, sir, this certainly must
bring back some memories for you.
"Too many to count," he says.
I gotta say, Major Talbott...
it's a privilege.
So thank you for your service.
He says, "You're welcome."
Uh, um, boy, I envy you guys.
I mean, the stories you must've heard.
You remember any good ones?
- Bombing stuff mostly. - Bombing stuff.
Um, like, um... Like, the war.
Did he fly over the Hump, or did he take off out of India?
You doing okay? You need some water?
Yes. Yes, sir.
Oh, nuts. I forgot his water.
Oh, hey. I can run back to the office, get him a bottle.
You could?
Fudge, the captain's gonna run back to his office,
get you some water, okay, sir?
All right. That's great.
And there's no rush. He's gonna be fine.
I'll be back ASAP.
Up. Up.
Thought I told you not to say anything.
Go stand by the front, uh, those nose, whatever.
Where the hell'd you find this guy?
You couldn't get a real war hero?
Yeah, like they grow on trees. So, this guy owes me.
I defended him a while back when he couldn't pay.
Defended him for what?
What? You wanna be a lawyer when you grow up?
Just fix the...
Public masturbation.
Total bullshit.
All right, keep your voice down.
You do not possess the power of speech.
Okay, let's go. Let's go.
Chop chop.
All right, hands on hips.
All right? Looking strong, looking proud, all right?
See the bomber, okay? The bomber's the main point, so see it.
I see the freaking bomber.
Couldn't just plop the dude in front of a flag?
Why'd we have to come here?
Production value. Showmanship.
You rolling?
- Yeah, rolling. - Rolling.
Okay, start the dolly.
And action.
You're part of the greatest generation.
You fought the Nazis.
Fought the Japanese.
- What? - Fought Japanese.
I fought the Japanese.
This machine was used in the Pacific,
where the Japanese are.
Why don't you shut up and learn to take some direction?
All right, fine.
You fought all the dirty... Axis powers.
Your band of brothers came together,
and you saved the world.
You're heroic.
Not that heroic.
Just throw it away a little more.
Okay, good.
You've got red, white, and blue coursing through your veins.
Look up!
Picture a bald eagle soaring!
- What? - Okay, just keep rolling.
Tights, wides... just get me some good angles.
Okay. All right, back to one.
- Back to one. - Fudge.
Fudge, right here. Fudge.
- What is it, Ernie? - Fudge.
Jimmy, man, I'm at your brother's, and he's bad.
Bad? How bad?
He's... I don't know. Bad, shakin'.
I've never seen him like this.
He keeps telling me not to call a doctor.
Lemme guess.
He's been going into the office.
Yeah, more and more.
He had a big meeting there today.
Okay, here's what you're gonna do.
Wrap him in a space blanket.
He's already under one.
Wrap him in a second one.
Make him some tea, or just, better,
heat some chicken broth.
Just let it simmer.
Don't make it boil.
That's it? No doctor?
That's it. No doctor. He's just gotta ride this out.
Chuck'll be fine.
Oh sh... I gotta go.
Rhubarb. Rhubarb!
Idiots, that's the signal.
Get him in the chair.
Where's the air hose? Stick it in your nose.
Come on.
Hey, this is not a problem.
Would you mind if the guys and I took a picture with you?
It would mean a lot to us.
Yeah, uh, p-pictures. He loves pictures.
Here. Give me the camera.
- I'll take it. - Here's your water.
- Thank you, sir. - Thank you so much.
- Thank you. - Yeah. Ooh, here.
All right, let's scoot ya in.
Swing ya around.
Okay, everybody line up?
You ready to sign? Let's do this.
I lost Mesa Verde.
- What? - I had him.
I thought I had him.
So what happened?
They're s-sticking with HHM.
Paige said they went over there this afternoon
for some kind of... courtesy meeting,
or so she thought, and Kevin got his head turned.
- By Howard? - No.
Jimmy, I have to ask.
You still up for doing this?
What? You mean getting the office?
All of it.
I think maybe we need to...
slow down and really, you know...
- think about this. - Wait. Whoa.
- Nothing's changed. - N-nothing's changed?
We're about to sign a very expensive lease
after a very sizable chunk of income
just went flying out the window.
That's why we're a team.
Something like this happens...
you're there to help me, I'm there to help you.
There will be other Mesa Verdes.
So you still wanna do this?
I did everything you said,
but he's not getting any better.
You did good, Ernie.
Why don't you, uh, go home and get some sleep?
I'll take over.
He told me he wanted me to stay.
It's okay. I'm here now.
And, uh, next time you see Howard,
tell him you need a raise... a big one.
Chuck, buddy?
How you feeling?
Hey, how's it going?
I need an X-ACTO knife, a ruler... wood, please...
Hammermill Premium paper... 20 pound, one ream...
and a glue stick.
Oh, and point me to your best copier.
- Best copier? - Yeah. Best copier.
C'mon. Di di mau.
He emerges.
Good afternoon.
Is it afternoon?
Where's Ernesto?
He was supposed to stay with me.
Don't get mad at Ernie.
He spent the better part of a day
watching you do your impression of a baked potato.
I told him to go home, get some shut eye.
You hungry?
You want something besides crackers?
No, I'm fine.
I'll fix myself something after my stomach settles.
Really doing a number on yourself,
spending so much time out of the house.
You just had to do it, huh?
Couldn't stand to let Kim have Mesa Verde.
You had to swipe it from her.
I didn't swipe anything.
We retained our client.
You and Howard never even heard about Mesa Verde
till Kim brought it to ya on a red velvet pillow.
I need a shower, and I've got a ton of work to do.
So if you're lookin' for a fight, Jimmy,
I just don't have it in me.
Thanks for stayin' with me.
I know we have our issues, but if things were reversed,
I...I hope you know that I would do the same for you.
You're doing a great job.
You done this before?
No, not like this,
but we learned about fractions in school.
You did? What fractions?
1/2 inch, 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch, 1/16 inch.
Hmm. Wow.
You know, I gotta tell ya,
you are much smarter than I was when I was your age.
Maybe you needed better teachers.
That could be.
Can I do the drill now?
- You promised. - Oh.
I did, didn't I? Huh?
Okay, get up here.
Now, you're gonna have to wear these
if you're gonna handle the heavy machinery.
W-why don't you have to wear them?
Because Pop-Pop's a grown-up, and grown-ups get to be stupid.
Now, put them on.
All right.
Now, I'm gonna hold this because it's heavy,
but you pull the trigger when I say so, okay?
Now get your hand on it.
All right, you got it?
All right, ready... set... pull.
Good job.
- Can we do more? - Mm-hmm.
You line them up for me.
We're back here.
Wow. What's all this?
We're making a special hose.
Yeah, that's a special hose, all right.
I made marks every 3/4 inch,
then Pop-Pop put a piece of wood down
so he doesn't ruin his table.
Then we line up a drill, put the hole on the "X."
Huh. Wow.
I needed a soaker for the rhododendrons out back.
Well, Pop-Pop's gonna have to finish his project on his own,
because we have to go.
But we're not done yet.
No, I'll finish up.
But you, young lady, were a big help.
Give me a hug.
Love you, girl.
- Love you. - Thanks, Mike.
Oh, you still good for Friday?
I'll think of another project by then.
Fantastic. Bye.
I have a lunch date already.
- Well, break it. - I cannot break it.
Will you take your hands off me?
- Why are you playing, osteopath? - Temper, temper.
Oh, listen, Walter, you are no longer my husband
and no longer my boss.
And you're not gonna be my boss.
Well, it would've worked out if you'd been satisfied
with just being editor and reporter, but not you.
You had to marry me, spoil everything.
I wasn't satisfied? I suppose I proposed to you.
Well, you practically did, making goo-goo eyes at me
for two years until I broke down. "Oh, Walter."
And I still claim I was tight the night I proposed to ya.
If you'd have been a gentlemen, you'd have forgotten all about it, but not you.
- Why, you! - Oh, oh. Ah, ah.
You're losing your eye.
You used to be able to pitch better than that.
Hello? Yeah. What? Sweeney? Well, what can I do for ya?
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