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3 temporada |
Stacey: Pop?
Hey, honey.
Almost didn't recognize
the number.
I'm sorry.
They changed my hours
up at work.
I'm still gettin' used to it.
How are you two?
We're great.
Did it go okay?
Yeah, yeah,
thanks to those movers you got.
All I had to do was watch.
And, pop, this house...
It's good?
It's great.
Kaylee loves
her new school.
The neighborhood's
We feel safe.
That's good.
Mike, I don't know
how to thank you.
Well, you don't hafta.
I'm just glad
you're enjoying it.
Do you want to come over
for dinner?
Sure. I'm making lasagna.
There'll be plenty.
Well, that's very sweet,
but I don't want to put you out.
Pop-pop, come over!
There's someone here
who wants to see you.
Ice cream!
Oh, is she snoozing?
Ice cream?
I shoulda let
well enough alone.
Man on TV:
Well, I can't understand it.
According to the map,
we were supposed to be taking
a shortcut.
I'm good.
You sure?
I'll have his.
Oh, I don't think so.
Maybe we can get a lift.
Man #2 on TV: Hey!
What's the matter?
There's some guys
hanging around the truck.
Air raid wardens?
No, these is
funny-lookin' guys.
What do you mean
I mean funny-lookin',
like fish.
Who are you kidding?
What do you mean "like fish"?
They got scales.
All over 'em!
You okay?
Oh, yeah, I'm -- I'm fine.
They're off a flyin' saucer,
off a sputnik.
Ohh, look!
They've seen us!
Let's get outta here!
They're from outer space.
They're off a flying saucer!
Welcome to los pollos hermanos.
May I take your order?
?Tu jefe esta aqu??
?Donde esta?
Uh, men's room is over there
on the left.
Sir, if --
i need to see your boss.
Okay. Well, I'm --
I'm the assistant manager.
The manager's actually
not here today.
Not the manager --
the boss.
You mean Mr. fring?
Mr. fring.
O-okay, well, he's not here
at the moment.
Uh, I'm sure I could help you
with whatever you need.
I need fring.
Well, like I said,
he's not here,
uh, and I don't really know
when he'll be back.
I can --
i can take a message.
I'll wait.
You -- you don't
have to do that.
I'd be happy
to take a message.
Uh, I'm sure Mr. fring wouldn't
want to keep you waiting.
Uh, okay, sir,
if you -- if you don't mind,
there are oth--
there are other customers.
Uh, s-sorry about that.
Welcome to los pollos hermanos.
Uh, may I take your order?
Man: Yeah,
can I get a 12-piece bucket,
uh, with jumbo fries and, uh...
-You said the 12-piece?
-Yeah, the 12-piece.
Uh, excuse me, sir.
You can't light that
in here.
There's no smoking
on the premises.
Please, sir,
look -- look at the signs.
No fumar.
You can't. That's -- it's a --
it's a health-code violation.
Uh, sir, it's employees only.
We have to go, okay?
Let's go.
Sir, you're not allowed
back here.
Gus fring is a pillar of our
local business community,
and not just for underwriting
our travel raffle,
but for making the best
damn chicken in town!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, uh,
gentlemen, ladies,
uh, i-i hope to never need
your services --
I mean, no offense --
but if I ever did,
it's good to know that --
I'll be right there.
I want you all to go home now.
You will be compensated
for your full shifts.
Normal schedule tomorrow.
Go now.
We are closed for today.
Mr. fring, y-you sure you want
to be left with these guys?
I'm fine, Lyle.
You go home.
Should I call someone?
That will not be necessarily.
Are you sure?
Please do as I ask.
I'll see you tomorrow.
He's waiting
in the office.
I know where he is.
don Hector.
Took you long enough.
don Hector,
mine is a cartel business,
but it is mine.
And it is legitimate.
My employees are civilians.
Your actions here today
have endangered them,
my interests,
and those of the cartel.
I am the cartel.
And from now on,
you are my mule.
You are going to bring
my product north.
I understand that your supply
line has been compromised,
and this
is most unfortunate.
However, my trucks are already
at maximum capacity.
Make room.
don Hector, you must understand
that I answer to Juan bolsa.
You want to cry to bolsa,
cry to bolsa.
Or, hell, eladio.
Adding more product
will threaten
the reliability
of the entire operation.
May I ask --
did don eladio approve this?
I approve this.
You're doin' it.
You gonna
let me out of here?
Tell him we're square.
Excuse me, everyone.
Could you all please take
a moment and join me out here?
Please, come.
Come, come, come.
I would, uh,
I would like to apologize
to each and every one of you
who, yesterday, had to endure
the behavior of those men.
It was unacceptable.
Despite the difficult
you all acquitted yourselves
That said, if any of you wish
to seek counseling
due to lingering trauma,
speak with me privately,
and it will be arranged.
Also, you will all be receiving
24 hours of overtime,
as I am sure,
in one way or another,
each of you brought
this incident home with you.
Uh, yes, Lyle?
Mr. fring, uh...
Who were those guys?
Well, some of you know,
that many years ago,
I opened my first
los pollos hermanos
in michoac?n.
Torrent downloaded from RARBG
Shortly thereafter,
those same men showed up.
They wanted money.
And i-i am -- I'm ashamed
to say that I paid them.
You see, in that place,
at that time,
if I wished to conduct
my business...I had no choice.
But yesterday...
Yesterday, they came here.
They intimidated my customers.
They threatened my employees.
And, again, they wanted money.
Now, my friends,
i-i must confess
that I almost gave them
what they wanted.
But then, I thought, "no.
This is America."
Here, the righteous have
no reason to fear.
Here, those men have no power.
And when they saw that I had
no fear of them,
they ran
like the cowards they are.
Back across the border.
They will not return.
We will move on from this.
My friends,
I promise you...
That together, we will prosper.
All right.
Yes, hi.
I'm still here.
Uh, are you sure?
Sure. Gotcha.
Sorry for bothering you.
I'm calling because
we had an appointment with you
guys for, I think, Wednesday?
I'll be honest with you --
I can barely read
my own darn handwriting.
My mistake.
Have a nice day.
Hello. I'm calling to confirm an
appointment for Charles mcgill.
Yes, it's 215
San Cristobal road --
mcgill, with an "m."
A door?
I thought it was you guys.
Guess I was wrong.
Thanks, anyway.
Hi! I'm calling about an
appointment for Charles mcgill.
Well, that's why I'm calling.
I think it's for this week,
but --
good thing my head's attached
to my neck right?
San Cristobal -- that's right.
Yes, that's it!
2:30 tomorrow.
So, uh, we're gonna need
to cancel that.
I will.
Thank you.
Ohh, poor frisky.
Mm. Pomeranians can
be difficult -- all that hair.
I know.
So, Mrs. vallance,
does Thursday 11:30 work?
That's right.
Martin's handyman and repair --
2:30 tomorrow.
Thank you.
How many calls
did that take?
I lost track.
Is that it?
I'm nearly done.
I'm just giving it
a remorse pass.
Well, remorse is important.
"Destroyed property."
I'd try "damaged"
the victim's property
instead of
"destroyed" property.
See if you can't
get away with that.
That's nice.
I mean it, by the way.
Thank you.
You're welcome seriously.
I better get back to it.
Are you...?
You're absolutely sure
you got the right guy for this?
Oh, uh,
the cr?me de la cr?me.
Martin's repair?
Mr. mcgill?
Good afternoon.
If you don't mind
wiping your shoes?
Chuck: It's this way.
Mind -- mind the step here.
Uh, as you'll see,
the frame is boarded over,
but the, uh,
the door itself is intact.
The damage is mainly
to the doorjamb and the casing.
There's another step up here.
That's right.
Went after your copper wire,
from the look of it.
There was a time --
remember? --
when we could leave
our doors unlocked.
I certainly do.
Where do I plug in?
You don't.
Didn't you --
I believe my assistant was very
clear with your dispatcher --
no electricity,
due to a condition that was
explained in some detail.
No problem.
Good thing I charged
my battery.
I'd be going at it like
Fred flintstone, otherwise.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I understood there would be
no power tools of any kind.
A screwdriver and a hammer?
Turns a morning job
into two days
with me, myself,
and bengay.
But...It's your call.
I suppose...
Very well, if --
You seem to be making
fast work of it.
That's good.
That's good.
Um, okay, what I'll do,
i think, is, uh...
Very good.
Oh, yeah.
Yep, nice.
At some point,
we should probably discuss
the rule of thirds,
but, otherwise,
these, uh...
Oh, wow.
A gas lantern sitting on a stack
of friggin' financial times.
Now, that tells
the whole story.
These are museum quality.
You, my friend,
are the ansel Adams
of covert photography.
And that other thing?
How'd you get it?
Address book on his desk.
So...What'dya think of him?
I mean, speak freely.
You couldn't possibly offend me.
He's a bit of a prick,
All right.
Can't even dish the dirt
with this guy.
Isn't our business
Yeah, even Steven.
I mean, you did fix
the door, right?
Y-you did a reasonably
good job of it?
Because, otherwise,
he'll be --
he won't be grumbling
to anyone.
That's all I'm asking.
I did it right.
Thank you.
Nice to fix something
for once.
if that's how you feel,
I got a leaky toilet
back at the office.
All right.
If you ever need anything
from my end...
Hasta luego.
May we talk?
You can park it
over there.
You sent back the payment
we agreed upon.
What I did,
i didn't do for you.
The man.
The one killed for helping
the truck driver.
If I may make
an observation...
Perhaps you are trying
to correct something
which cannot be corrected.
It's not the kind of thing
i want to take money for.
But the fact remains
that your actions
benefited me more
than you can know.
That's your business.
I'm just glad to have salamanca
out of my head.
Well, perhaps,
in the future...
You will consider
working for me.
Could be.
That'd depend on the work.
Would you care to know
why I stopped you
from killing Hector?
Like you said --
it wasn't in your interest.
A bullet to the head
would have been far too humane.
Howard: Kim.
Good afternoon.
Mr. mcgill,
does this work for you?
It'll have to do.
Thank you.
I assume everyone left
their cellphones and so on
at reception.
Howard: Yes, indeed.
And you'll let me know if you
need a break or anything else?
Chuck: I will.
Thank you, Ms. hay.
You know...
I was actually speaking to my
husband about your condition.
Oh, yes?
I had an aunt.
She's no longer with us.
She went to church
every Sunday,
but when the boys' choir sang,
she would absolutely
have to leave.
Something about
the frequency of their voices
really did a number
on her.
Well, that is a shame.
All right.
Let's get down to it.
We are here to finalize
the pre-prosecution diversion
for James Morgan mcgill.
Representing the divertee,
Ms. Kimberly wexler.
Mr. James mcgill
has signed a contract
waiving his rights
to a speedy trial
and presentment of his case
within the statute
of limitations.
The terms of the deal are
for you, James,
to report to your
pre-prosecution service officer
at the Albuquerque
district attorney's office
on the second Monday
of every month
for the next 12 months.
Community service hours
will be assigned.
You must maintain
lawful employment.
Must only associate
with law-abiding citizens.
Your client understands that,
if he violates
the terms of the agreement
or is arrested
for any infraction,
the crimes to which
he has confessed here
will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law,
in addition to any new charges?
He understands.
And I must inform you,
Mr. mcgill,
as an officer of the court
and member of the bar,
your confession will be referred
to the new Mexico
bar association.
I have your statement here.
Has everyone had
a chance to read it?
Actually, page 2,
he "damaged the victim's
Would it not
be more accurate to say
a cassette tape"?
I'm sorry. Wasn't the cassette
tape his property?
Of course it was.
Then it seems
entirely accurate to say
he damaged
the victim's property.
Why be vague?
And "damaged" doesn't reflect
its irrevocable condition --
fine. "Damaged property
belonging to the victim."
It was a cassette tape.
That's what it was --
not a teacup, not a chair --
a cassette tape.
How about
"destroyed item
of personal property"?
All right.
Uh, we'd suggest "destroyed
item of personal property."
Ms. wexler?
Works for us.
Shall I change it,
If you would.
"Destroyed item
of personal property."
Can you initial it,
Charles, was there anything else
you found wanting
in your brother's statement?
We're satisfied.
Thank you.
All right.
So, we're all set.
No, not all set,
Mr. mcgill.
Your brother may be satisfied,
but I am not.
The confession you've written
is adequate,
but, frankly, i-i sense
a lack of remorse.
And I, for one, would like
to hear an apology.
Charles deserves
at least that much.
Yes, Mr. mcgill, now.
I was wrong.
Mr. mcgill, could you at least
look your brother in the eye?
I'm very sorry.
I lost my temper,
and I did some things --
so many things
that I regret.
I shouldn't have
broken down your door.
Doesn't matter
how I was provoked.
I-i shouldn't
have done that.
There's no excuse for that.
Or for the things that I said.
I regret it all,
all of it more
than you can imagine,
'Cause you're my brother,
and no one should treat
his own brother like that.
Not ever.
Ada: All right, then.
On to the matter of restitution.
Mr. mcgill,
according to your agreement,
you have two weeks
to pay your brother back.
I would like to pay up now,
if I may.
You may.
The amount is $321.
Uh, Ms. hay.
I'm sorry.
That figure doesn't represent
a full accounting.
Oh, no?
I believe the correct amount
is $323.98.
That includes
the cassette tape...
Which was destroyed.
Good. Thank you.
including the cassette tape.
What do you say
we get you home?
I'm putting you both on notice
regarding the bar hearing.
The first thing, I'm filing
a motion to suppress that tape.
The tape that Jimmy destroyed,
you mean?
How about we stop
with the games?
There's no way
there isn't a duplicate.
Of course there is.
You knew
Jimmy was gonna break in.
You wanted him to.
There's no way
you were gonna let him destroy
the only copy of that tape,
so you made a duplicate --
it's the first thing
you did.
Kim...This is not
how we do discovery.
Actually, Jimmy destroyed
the duplicate.
Ah, it's fine, Howard.
The original is under
lock and key,
and in due time,
it will be put into evidence
for your review.
So, of course, file whatever
motions you'd like.
It's your privilege.
I will.
Count on it.
But, Kim,
you should be aware --
because I believe this will be
your first
disciplinary hearing --
uh, the bar association's
standard of proof
is far more lenient
than what you're used to.
Motions aside,
that tape will be played.
See you, Kim.
Stacey: Pop?
Hey, honey.
Almost didn't recognize
the number.
I'm sorry.
They changed my hours
up at work.
I'm still gettin' used to it.
How are you two?
We're great.
Did it go okay?
Yeah, yeah,
thanks to those movers you got.
All I had to do was watch.
And, pop, this house...
It's good?
It's great.
Kaylee loves
her new school.
The neighborhood's
We feel safe.
That's good.
Mike, I don't know
how to thank you.
Well, you don't hafta.
I'm just glad
you're enjoying it.
Do you want to come over
for dinner?
Sure. I'm making lasagna.
There'll be plenty.
Well, that's very sweet,
but I don't want to put you out.
Pop-pop, come over!
There's someone here
who wants to see you.
Ice cream!
Oh, is she snoozing?
Ice cream?
I shoulda let
well enough alone.
Man on TV:
Well, I can't understand it.
According to the map,
we were supposed to be taking
a shortcut.
I'm good.
You sure?
I'll have his.
Oh, I don't think so.
Maybe we can get a lift.
Man #2 on TV: Hey!
What's the matter?
There's some guys
hanging around the truck.
Air raid wardens?
No, these is
funny-lookin' guys.
What do you mean
I mean funny-lookin',
like fish.
Who are you kidding?
What do you mean "like fish"?
They got scales.
All over 'em!
You okay?
Oh, yeah, I'm -- I'm fine.
They're off a flyin' saucer,
off a sputnik.
Ohh, look!
They've seen us!
Let's get outta here!
They're from outer space.
They're off a flying saucer!
Welcome to los pollos hermanos.
May I take your order?
?Tu jefe esta aqu??
?Donde esta?
Uh, men's room is over there
on the left.
Sir, if --
i need to see your boss.
Okay. Well, I'm --
I'm the assistant manager.
The manager's actually
not here today.
Not the manager --
the boss.
You mean Mr. fring?
Mr. fring.
O-okay, well, he's not here
at the moment.
Uh, I'm sure I could help you
with whatever you need.
I need fring.
Well, like I said,
he's not here,
uh, and I don't really know
when he'll be back.
I can --
i can take a message.
I'll wait.
You -- you don't
have to do that.
I'd be happy
to take a message.
Uh, I'm sure Mr. fring wouldn't
want to keep you waiting.
Uh, okay, sir,
if you -- if you don't mind,
there are oth--
there are other customers.
Uh, s-sorry about that.
Welcome to los pollos hermanos.
Uh, may I take your order?
Man: Yeah,
can I get a 12-piece bucket,
uh, with jumbo fries and, uh...
-You said the 12-piece?
-Yeah, the 12-piece.
Uh, excuse me, sir.
You can't light that
in here.
There's no smoking
on the premises.
Please, sir,
look -- look at the signs.
No fumar.
You can't. That's -- it's a --
it's a health-code violation.
Uh, sir, it's employees only.
We have to go, okay?
Let's go.
Sir, you're not allowed
back here.
Gus fring is a pillar of our
local business community,
and not just for underwriting
our travel raffle,
but for making the best
damn chicken in town!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, uh,
gentlemen, ladies,
uh, i-i hope to never need
your services --
I mean, no offense --
but if I ever did,
it's good to know that --
I'll be right there.
I want you all to go home now.
You will be compensated
for your full shifts.
Normal schedule tomorrow.
Go now.
We are closed for today.
Mr. fring, y-you sure you want
to be left with these guys?
I'm fine, Lyle.
You go home.
Should I call someone?
That will not be necessarily.
Are you sure?
Please do as I ask.
I'll see you tomorrow.
He's waiting
in the office.
I know where he is.
don Hector.
Took you long enough.
don Hector,
mine is a cartel business,
but it is mine.
And it is legitimate.
My employees are civilians.
Your actions here today
have endangered them,
my interests,
and those of the cartel.
I am the cartel.
And from now on,
you are my mule.
You are going to bring
my product north.
I understand that your supply
line has been compromised,
and this
is most unfortunate.
However, my trucks are already
at maximum capacity.
Make room.
don Hector, you must understand
that I answer to Juan bolsa.
You want to cry to bolsa,
cry to bolsa.
Or, hell, eladio.
Adding more product
will threaten
the reliability
of the entire operation.
May I ask --
did don eladio approve this?
I approve this.
You're doin' it.
You gonna
let me out of here?
Tell him we're square.
Excuse me, everyone.
Could you all please take
a moment and join me out here?
Please, come.
Come, come, come.
I would, uh,
I would like to apologize
to each and every one of you
who, yesterday, had to endure
the behavior of those men.
It was unacceptable.
Despite the difficult
you all acquitted yourselves
That said, if any of you wish
to seek counseling
due to lingering trauma,
speak with me privately,
and it will be arranged.
Also, you will all be receiving
24 hours of overtime,
as I am sure,
in one way or another,
each of you brought
this incident home with you.
Uh, yes, Lyle?
Mr. fring, uh...
Who were those guys?
Well, some of you know,
that many years ago,
I opened my first
los pollos hermanos
in michoac?n.
Torrent downloaded from RARBG
Shortly thereafter,
those same men showed up.
They wanted money.
And i-i am -- I'm ashamed
to say that I paid them.
You see, in that place,
at that time,
if I wished to conduct
my business...I had no choice.
But yesterday...
Yesterday, they came here.
They intimidated my customers.
They threatened my employees.
And, again, they wanted money.
Now, my friends,
i-i must confess
that I almost gave them
what they wanted.
But then, I thought, "no.
This is America."
Here, the righteous have
no reason to fear.
Here, those men have no power.
And when they saw that I had
no fear of them,
they ran
like the cowards they are.
Back across the border.
They will not return.
We will move on from this.
My friends,
I promise you...
That together, we will prosper.
All right.
Yes, hi.
I'm still here.
Uh, are you sure?
Sure. Gotcha.
Sorry for bothering you.
I'm calling because
we had an appointment with you
guys for, I think, Wednesday?
I'll be honest with you --
I can barely read
my own darn handwriting.
My mistake.
Have a nice day.
Hello. I'm calling to confirm an
appointment for Charles mcgill.
Yes, it's 215
San Cristobal road --
mcgill, with an "m."
A door?
I thought it was you guys.
Guess I was wrong.
Thanks, anyway.
Hi! I'm calling about an
appointment for Charles mcgill.
Well, that's why I'm calling.
I think it's for this week,
but --
good thing my head's attached
to my neck right?
San Cristobal -- that's right.
Yes, that's it!
2:30 tomorrow.
So, uh, we're gonna need
to cancel that.
I will.
Thank you.
Ohh, poor frisky.
Mm. Pomeranians can
be difficult -- all that hair.
I know.
So, Mrs. vallance,
does Thursday 11:30 work?
That's right.
Martin's handyman and repair --
2:30 tomorrow.
Thank you.
How many calls
did that take?
I lost track.
Is that it?
I'm nearly done.
I'm just giving it
a remorse pass.
Well, remorse is important.
"Destroyed property."
I'd try "damaged"
the victim's property
instead of
"destroyed" property.
See if you can't
get away with that.
That's nice.
I mean it, by the way.
Thank you.
You're welcome seriously.
I better get back to it.
Are you...?
You're absolutely sure
you got the right guy for this?
Oh, uh,
the cr?me de la cr?me.
Martin's repair?
Mr. mcgill?
Good afternoon.
If you don't mind
wiping your shoes?
Chuck: It's this way.
Mind -- mind the step here.
Uh, as you'll see,
the frame is boarded over,
but the, uh,
the door itself is intact.
The damage is mainly
to the doorjamb and the casing.
There's another step up here.
That's right.
Went after your copper wire,
from the look of it.
There was a time --
remember? --
when we could leave
our doors unlocked.
I certainly do.
Where do I plug in?
You don't.
Didn't you --
I believe my assistant was very
clear with your dispatcher --
no electricity,
due to a condition that was
explained in some detail.
No problem.
Good thing I charged
my battery.
I'd be going at it like
Fred flintstone, otherwise.
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
I understood there would be
no power tools of any kind.
A screwdriver and a hammer?
Turns a morning job
into two days
with me, myself,
and bengay.
But...It's your call.
I suppose...
Very well, if --
You seem to be making
fast work of it.
That's good.
That's good.
Um, okay, what I'll do,
i think, is, uh...
Very good.
Oh, yeah.
Yep, nice.
At some point,
we should probably discuss
the rule of thirds,
but, otherwise,
these, uh...
Oh, wow.
A gas lantern sitting on a stack
of friggin' financial times.
Now, that tells
the whole story.
These are museum quality.
You, my friend,
are the ansel Adams
of covert photography.
And that other thing?
How'd you get it?
Address book on his desk.
So...What'dya think of him?
I mean, speak freely.
You couldn't possibly offend me.
He's a bit of a prick,
All right.
Can't even dish the dirt
with this guy.
Isn't our business
Yeah, even Steven.
I mean, you did fix
the door, right?
Y-you did a reasonably
good job of it?
Because, otherwise,
he'll be --
he won't be grumbling
to anyone.
That's all I'm asking.
I did it right.
Thank you.
Nice to fix something
for once.
if that's how you feel,
I got a leaky toilet
back at the office.
All right.
If you ever need anything
from my end...
Hasta luego.
May we talk?
You can park it
over there.
You sent back the payment
we agreed upon.
What I did,
i didn't do for you.
The man.
The one killed for helping
the truck driver.
If I may make
an observation...
Perhaps you are trying
to correct something
which cannot be corrected.
It's not the kind of thing
i want to take money for.
But the fact remains
that your actions
benefited me more
than you can know.
That's your business.
I'm just glad to have salamanca
out of my head.
Well, perhaps,
in the future...
You will consider
working for me.
Could be.
That'd depend on the work.
Would you care to know
why I stopped you
from killing Hector?
Like you said --
it wasn't in your interest.
A bullet to the head
would have been far too humane.
Howard: Kim.
Good afternoon.
Mr. mcgill,
does this work for you?
It'll have to do.
Thank you.
I assume everyone left
their cellphones and so on
at reception.
Howard: Yes, indeed.
And you'll let me know if you
need a break or anything else?
Chuck: I will.
Thank you, Ms. hay.
You know...
I was actually speaking to my
husband about your condition.
Oh, yes?
I had an aunt.
She's no longer with us.
She went to church
every Sunday,
but when the boys' choir sang,
she would absolutely
have to leave.
Something about
the frequency of their voices
really did a number
on her.
Well, that is a shame.
All right.
Let's get down to it.
We are here to finalize
the pre-prosecution diversion
for James Morgan mcgill.
Representing the divertee,
Ms. Kimberly wexler.
Mr. James mcgill
has signed a contract
waiving his rights
to a speedy trial
and presentment of his case
within the statute
of limitations.
The terms of the deal are
for you, James,
to report to your
pre-prosecution service officer
at the Albuquerque
district attorney's office
on the second Monday
of every month
for the next 12 months.
Community service hours
will be assigned.
You must maintain
lawful employment.
Must only associate
with law-abiding citizens.
Your client understands that,
if he violates
the terms of the agreement
or is arrested
for any infraction,
the crimes to which
he has confessed here
will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law,
in addition to any new charges?
He understands.
And I must inform you,
Mr. mcgill,
as an officer of the court
and member of the bar,
your confession will be referred
to the new Mexico
bar association.
I have your statement here.
Has everyone had
a chance to read it?
Actually, page 2,
he "damaged the victim's
Would it not
be more accurate to say
a cassette tape"?
I'm sorry. Wasn't the cassette
tape his property?
Of course it was.
Then it seems
entirely accurate to say
he damaged
the victim's property.
Why be vague?
And "damaged" doesn't reflect
its irrevocable condition --
fine. "Damaged property
belonging to the victim."
It was a cassette tape.
That's what it was --
not a teacup, not a chair --
a cassette tape.
How about
"destroyed item
of personal property"?
All right.
Uh, we'd suggest "destroyed
item of personal property."
Ms. wexler?
Works for us.
Shall I change it,
If you would.
"Destroyed item
of personal property."
Can you initial it,
Charles, was there anything else
you found wanting
in your brother's statement?
We're satisfied.
Thank you.
All right.
So, we're all set.
No, not all set,
Mr. mcgill.
Your brother may be satisfied,
but I am not.
The confession you've written
is adequate,
but, frankly, i-i sense
a lack of remorse.
And I, for one, would like
to hear an apology.
Charles deserves
at least that much.
Yes, Mr. mcgill, now.
I was wrong.
Mr. mcgill, could you at least
look your brother in the eye?
I'm very sorry.
I lost my temper,
and I did some things --
so many things
that I regret.
I shouldn't have
broken down your door.
Doesn't matter
how I was provoked.
I-i shouldn't
have done that.
There's no excuse for that.
Or for the things that I said.
I regret it all,
all of it more
than you can imagine,
'Cause you're my brother,
and no one should treat
his own brother like that.
Not ever.
Ada: All right, then.
On to the matter of restitution.
Mr. mcgill,
according to your agreement,
you have two weeks
to pay your brother back.
I would like to pay up now,
if I may.
You may.
The amount is $321.
Uh, Ms. hay.
I'm sorry.
That figure doesn't represent
a full accounting.
Oh, no?
I believe the correct amount
is $323.98.
That includes
the cassette tape...
Which was destroyed.
Good. Thank you.
including the cassette tape.
What do you say
we get you home?
I'm putting you both on notice
regarding the bar hearing.
The first thing, I'm filing
a motion to suppress that tape.
The tape that Jimmy destroyed,
you mean?
How about we stop
with the games?
There's no way
there isn't a duplicate.
Of course there is.
You knew
Jimmy was gonna break in.
You wanted him to.
There's no way
you were gonna let him destroy
the only copy of that tape,
so you made a duplicate --
it's the first thing
you did.
Kim...This is not
how we do discovery.
Actually, Jimmy destroyed
the duplicate.
Ah, it's fine, Howard.
The original is under
lock and key,
and in due time,
it will be put into evidence
for your review.
So, of course, file whatever
motions you'd like.
It's your privilege.
I will.
Count on it.
But, Kim,
you should be aware --
because I believe this will be
your first
disciplinary hearing --
uh, the bar association's
standard of proof
is far more lenient
than what you're used to.
Motions aside,
that tape will be played.
See you, Kim.
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