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1 temporada aldo ahumada chu-han |
After a strange encounter with the police, Chuck ends up in the hospital. Jimmy meets up with a series of unruly clients.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Thanks for coming.
- Oh, yeah. Of course.
I'm just parked across the street, so...
- Okay. I was just gonna hit the...
- Yeah, sure.
- I'll meet you out front.
- Okay.
Anybody here?
- Higher.
- Higher? Okay, you asked for it.
Oh, sweetheart.
All right, come on down.
Pop-pop's getting tired.
Don't "aw" me. You take a little break.
A little break.
Go on.
- A good kid.
- Yeah, she is.
So how do you like it...
...out west?
I like it. Wide-open spaces.
- Different, anyway.
- Yeah.
How you doing?
I'm... Yeah, I'm okay. You know?
And Kaylee?
Yeah, she's settling in.
She still asks about him.
"Where's Daddy?"
She just misses him.
How long you in town for, Mike?
I'm here...
...for the duration, indefinitely. I'm...
I'm better.
And I'm sorry it took me so long.
But I'm not like I was.
I'm back. I'm solid.
I wanna be here for you,
for Kaylee, for my family.
That's good.
I'm glad to hear you're better.
What is it, honey?
Mike, I gotta ask. I mean...
...I know I just need
to move on from this...
...but I keep thinking about something.
- About what?
- How before Matty died...
...like for a few weeks there,
he was different.
Different how?
Different, I don't know.
Moody, you know?
He barely ate. He wasn't sleeping.
He snapped at me
about the stupidest things.
I started to think
something's up at work...
...or someone's sick,
something like that.
But he wouldn't talk to me.
He clammed right up.
Cops aren't real touchy-feely,
you know that.
No, they're not.
No, but this wasn't the normal
"tough guys don't cry" crap.
This was more. I mean...
Did you notice? I mean, did you
feel anything like that from him?
No. As far as I remember,
he seemed okay.
He seemed okay to me.
Well, I started to think I...
I don't know.
I didn't know what to think.
But then three days or four,
I don't remember...
...but before he died,
there was this phone call.
Two-thirty in the morning,
I wake up and Matty's not in bed.
And I hear him.
He's talking downstairs.
So I go to listen
on the stairs where he couldn't see.
He gets intense.
Like, he'd be screaming
if he wasn't whispering, you know?
Matty didn't get worked up.
He'd let things go.
But this, I mean, he was angry.
He was really angry.
What was he saying?
I couldn't make it out.
It was something about...
I don't know. I couldn't hear it.
But the next morning I called him out.
"What the hell was that about?
What's going on?"
And he wouldn't talk to me.
But I think...
I think he was talking to you.
- Me?
- I mean, who else?
For one hot second I thought
maybe he was catting around...
No, he wouldn't do that.
No, I know. I know that.
But you? He knew he could call you
anytime he had a problem.
You were thick as thieves,
the two of you.
And there was something in his voice.
It was how he was talking.
It makes me think it was you.
Stace, I don't think it was.
I can't recall any late-night
heart-to-hearts with him.
Not around then.
Maybe it was a CI, or a case.
...I know what you're doing.
Replaying it over and over.
Thinking, "If I'd noticed this,
or changed that...
...maybe I could've done something."
You don't think
I haven't had those thoughts? I do.
Every day.
You gotta quit
beating yourself up like this.
Matty's gone.
And that's really all there is to it.
I guess that's that.
It's getting on,
I gotta get Kaylee her dinner.
Put her to bed.
Oh, yeah.
Well, if you want me to drop by
and keep an eye on her...
I wanna help.
See you around.
Where to?
- You know this town?
- Yeah, sure.
How well?
You sew this up yourself?
Not bad.
Bet there's a story there.
- Isn't there always?
- Yeah.
All right, a little sting here.
Okay. That ought to do it.
Now, you're gonna wanna take it easy.
Keep it clean.
Keep it dry.
Let it heal. There's a Walgreens
couple blocks over on Louisiana.
Maybe go get yourself a sling.
- You don't have one?
- Sorry.
Got a cone
you could put around your neck.
It's about the same, right?
- So it's gonna be 500?
- Five hundred.
I can throw some pills in for the pain.
This stuff's essentially Vicodin.
I can give it to you for 25 a pill.
Maybe drop the price to 15...
...for something
a little less human-centric.
I'm an aspirin man.
Tell you what.
Take a couple on the house.
In case you change your mind.
- You new in town?
- Yeah.
Passing through or sticking around?
No reason.
It's just if you're relocating
to the land of enchantment...
...I know people.
I could get you some work.
I am not looking for that kind of work.
But thanks.
Don't know why it has to be this way.
Could've been friendly.
Could've talked in your house.
You really want the formal treatment?
Come on, Mike.
It's just a couple of questions.
Ain't nothing but a thing.
You're not under arrest.
Did anybody here say "arrest"? No.
You wanna walk, walk.
But I gotta say, I expected more
cooperation from you on this.
Cop to cop.
Fine. What lawyer?
who's got him and where?
That way.
Hey, fellas, how you doing?
James McGill.
Here to see my client.
- What?
- You look like Matlock.
No, I look like a young Paul Newman
dressed as Matlock.
Where's my guy?
- Say hello to Barney Fife.
- Wrong show, but thanks for playing.
So, what happened?
Mayor didn't give you enough stickers?
You wanna tell me
what we're doing here?
Oh, here's your coffee.
Hope it's good to the last drop...
...because I'm billing you
the full hour for it.
That's for you.
Oh, that's very thoughtful.
You serious?
Why'd you have me bring it to you?
All right, here's what's gonna happen:
Those two cops out there
are from Philadelphia.
They've come a long way to see me.
When they come in here,
we're all gonna have a little chat.
When it's over, the young one...
...who's been writing
in his little notebook...
...he's gonna take it and put it
in his jacket, and when he does that...
...I want you to take that coffee
and spill it on him.
Little accident, that's all.
And why, pray tell, would I do that?
Because I'm asking you to.
It's the only reason you're here.
So I'm here because
you want me to assault a police officer?
I am asking you to take a few ounces
of lukewarm coffee and spill it on him.
I doubt that satisfies
the definition of "assault."
But, hey, you're the lawyer.
Right, how silly of me.
All you want is for me to aid and abet
you ripping off that guy's notepad...
...because that's what
you're doing here, right?
What, are you nuts?
You can't be serious.
Hey, I hate to remind you of this,
but you owe me one.
The assist I gave you
with the missing persons problem.
One good turn and so forth.
You want a good turn?
Here's you're good turn, okay?
I'm gonna behave like an honest to God,
law-abiding, licensed attorney.
Clearly you need one
with whatever the hell is going on.
Those two jokers out in the hall,
I'm gonna make sure they dot their I's...
...and cross their T's.
Everything square and aboveboard.
That's what I'm gonna do and you're
gonna be happy as hell that I'm here.
But this little Juan Valdez
bump-and-dump? No.
Not gonna happen.
Hey, gentlemen,
we're prepared to indulge you.
Detective Escalara will be sitting in
with us as per A.P.D. policy.
- Okay with you, right?
- Fine with me.
You got your lawyer, Mike.
Can we talk already?
So like we said, we're here looking
into this Hoffman and Fensky thing.
Yeah, whatever you can tell us.
Anything at all.
Hold on, hold on.
Hoffman, Fensky. Fill me in.
Assume I know absolutely nothing
about my client here, all right?
- Start at the beginning.
- Jesus, seriously?
Look, don't let Mr. Ehrmantraut's
dancing eyes...
...and bubbly bon vivant personality
fool you.
He's actually, believe it or not,
somewhat taciturn.
Shall I fan you gently
so you don't go into shock?
Start at the beginning, okay?
We're talking Book of Genesis.
Okay, Mr. McGill.
As you probably gathered,
we, Detective Sanders and I...
...work for the Philadelphia
Police Department...
...as did Mr. Ehrmantraut
for nearly 30 years.
Philadelphia? Go, Eagles.
Mr. Ehrmantraut had a son, Matt,
he too was with Philly P.D.
He was a rookie officer
with about two years on the job.
- He was a good cop.
- Yes, he was.
About nine months ago,
he responded to a shots-fired call...
...in some west-side rattrap.
Matt went in with his partner,
Officer Troy Hoffman.
They had Sergeant Jack Fensky
backing them up.
Unfortunately, things got out of hand.
The three of them were ambushed
and Matt didn't make it out.
Now, Hoffman and Fensky returned fire
but the shooter got away.
We chased a few leads, shook up
the usual suspects, came up short.
I'm very sorry to hear it.
Anyways, we kept beating the bushes,
kept coming up dry...
...until three months ago.
That's when Hoffman and Fensky turned
up dead in a vacant lot out in Nicetown.
Again, an ambush of some kind,
it looks like.
And with whoever killed Matt
out there in the wind, we're thinking...
Well, it's our operating theory...
...that Hoffman and Fensky
were mixed up in something.
Some bad business.
And maybe that got Matt killed.
Yeah, sorry,
I gotta do my lawyer thing here.
What does my client
have to do with any of this?
Mike, this is a Hail Mary.
Beyond that.
I mean, if we had any hard evidence
or leads, we wouldn't be out here.
Is there anything you can tell us about
what Hoffman and Fensky were into?
Yeah, help us out, Mike. Help us
catch the bastard who killed Matty.
I don't know much
about Hoffman and Fensky.
They were Matt's people.
I'd see them around sometimes.
I saw them in a bar the night they died.
It was McClure's, maybe The Red Dog.
Probably McClure's.
Were they drinking with anyone?
It's a cop bar.
They were drinking with everyone.
- You see them with anyone in particular?
- I couldn't tell you. I was...
You know how I was.
How you doing these days?
Feeling like I crawled out
from the bottom of a bottle...
...and working hard to stay there.
Although, I've gotta say...
...doesn't help much
dredging up the past like this.
Let me ask you.
When did you come out here
to Albuquerque?
It couldn't have been too much later.
I think it was the very next day.
Yeah? The day after Hoffman
and Fensky died, huh?
You didn't think to stick around
once you heard the news?
I don't think I heard the news
till I was west of Kansas City.
Still, you didn't come back
for the funerals, correct?
Even though
Hoffman was Matt's partner.
You remember anything
about that night at the bar?
Did you talk to Hoffman
or Fensky at all?
Sorry, I got nothing.
They weren't my people.
I'm sorry you guys took a flyer on me.
I wish it had paid off.
That it? We done here?
We're done here, yeah.
That wasn't so hard, huh?
- Thanks, Mike.
- Yeah.
We're probably gonna kick around
for another couple days...
...in case you think of something.
I've never been out west before.
Oh, hey...
- I'm sorry. Sorry. Got any paper towels?
- Come on.
- Hey, I got it. I got it. Thank you.
- Sorry.
Oh, for the love of...
You gotta do that right here?
Right in front of me?
What's so important in there...
...that we had to pull
that third-rate Marx Brothers routine?
You really wanna know?
And risk getting a piece
of an obstruction rap? No, thank you.
Anything else you wanna ask?
How'd you know?
Know what?
That I would do that. That...
How did you know
that I would spill that coffee?
What the hell is that?
What's "heh-heh-heh"
supposed to mean, huh?
Okay, great, you're the strong
silent type. Hooray for you.
But in case you missed it...
...your friends from Philly back there,
they think you killed two cops.
Yeah, it's me.
We need to talk.
You call the cops?
- What?
- Philadelphia P.D. Did you call them?
- Yeah, I did.
- Why?
I told them I heard about
Hoffman and Fensky...
And what?
You don't think it's strange?
First Matt, then not six months later,
his partner and his sergeant?
Yeah, I called them,
to help catch Matty's killer.
Mike, what if the same person...?
What if the piece of shit
who got Matty got them too?
And what exactly did you tell them?
- I told them...
- You tell them Matt was dirty?
- Is that what you told them?
- I...
How could you possibly think that?
That's your husband, your child's father.
I didn't say that.
I told them I found money.
After Kaylee and I moved here...
...when I was unpacking,
it was in the lining of an old suitcase.
Matt must have tucked it away in there,
because this was cash.
Five, 6000, from God knows where.
I mean, we were basically
paycheque to paycheque.
Where the hell did he get it?
Why didn't you ask me?
Why didn't you come to me?
I couldn't.
I knew what it would do to you.
First he's murdered,
and then for you to think...
I mean, it would burn you to the ground.
There'd be nothing left.
And you wouldn't talk to me.
Every night you were
drinking yourself unconscious...
...like you were the only one
who lost him.
I don't care. He was dirty,
he was clean, I don't care.
All I want is for whoever killed Matty
to rot in a cell for the rest of their life.
Then I want whatever's left of them
dumped in the trash. That's what I want.
I don't care where it leads,
what it uncovers.
I mean, what difference would it make
if he was anything?
I'd still love him. I'd still miss him.
He'd still be gone.
- Matt wasn't dirty.
- Well, so be straight with me.
Right now, this is it, Mike.
What was that phone call
before he died?
- Don't bullshit me.
- That was between me and my son.
So you're admitting it was you?
He wasn't dirty!
Goddamn you, you get that
through your head!
My son wasn't dirty!
Keep your mouth shut.
Let him cry it all out, okay?
- Hey, Mikey.
- Young Hoffman.
- Mikey boy.
- My brothers.
- How you doing?
- Brothers.
Good to see you too.
It's been a minute.
I know. I know it was you.
Closing time, Mikey.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
How about I give you a lift home?
I'm fine.
I can't let you drive. Get you a cab?
No, I'm good, I'm good.
Don't worry.
Anyway, I sold my car, so I'm walking.
Thank you.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- You ever been?
- Nope.
...that's where I'm headed.
Tarantulas, they got.
That's a big minus in my book.
Well, I will be on the lookout.
You take care, my friend.
Take care.
Hey, Mike.
You want a ride?
I'm walking.
Pull over here.
- What you doing out here?
- Come on, let us drive you.
It's colder than
my ex-wife's tit out here.
- Come on, come on.
- I'm walking.
Come on, don't be an ass.
- Let us take you home.
- Get in the car.
It's cold out here.
- Come on. Come on.
- Come on, Mike.
Come on.
Okay, easy.
We're gonna have you home
in no time.
Oh, God.
What are you doing?
Hey, that's mine.
Hey, now, we don't want you
to shoot your foot off now, do we?
Hey, Mikey.
Mikey, you with us?
Really tied one on good
back there, buddy.
Shit, yeah, he did.
Put it away like they were fixing
to bring back Prohibition.
Hey. Hey, back at McClure's
you were talking out your ass.
"I know it was you."
What's that supposed to mean, huh?
You think you know what?
Got something you wanna get off your
chest? Something you wanna say to us?
You killed him.
You killed Matty.
And you killed him for nothing.
You killed him because you were scared
of what you thought he might do.
You got him in that crack house...
...and you staged it.
Made it look like a junkie with a gun.
But it was you.
And I know it was you.
And I'm gonna prove it.
Help me get him out of the car.
- What?
- Come on.
There you go. Watch your head.
All right, come on, Mike, huh?
One, two, one, two, buddy.
Now, you wait there one second.
We're gonna work this
whole thing out, okay, Mikey?
- What do we do now?
- Hey, grief, it's a bitch.
He couldn't live with it,
Matt dying the way he did.
It's too much for the old man,
so Mike here decided to eat his gun.
It's tragic, but anyone
could see this coming.
He's drinking himself to death.
We're doing him a favour.
It's what I would've done if I were you.
You let some things slide,
you look the other way.
You bust a drug dealer who has more
cash than you'll ever earn in a lifetime.
Some of it doesn't make it
back into evidence, so what?
You took a taste.
So did everyone else.
That's how you knew you were safe.
It's like killing Caesar.
Everyone's guilty.
Matt wasn't dirty.
I was.
Everyone was in that precinct.
That's how it worked.
You turn in your buddy...
...you're screwing yourself.
You go along to get along.
And you went along.
I did.
I did.
Okay, but you said Matt didn't.
Not Matt.
Fensky got to Hoffman early.
Kickbacks from some gang or another.
Protection, basically.
And Hoffman went to Matty
and offered to cut him in.
Only fair, right? They were partners.
And Matt did what you would think.
He agonised.
And then he came to me.
Wanted to go to the IA,
do the right thing, shut them down.
Oh, my God, and you let him?
That's why he got killed?
- He was gonna turn on those guys?
- No, no.
I told him...
You know what a cop fears most?
More than getting shot,
more than anything.
Getting locked up
with everybody you put away.
You threaten a cop with that,
you make him dangerous.
That's what I told him.
I talked sense.
No one was getting hurt.
But if you go to the IA,
if you even look like you're going...
He had a wife.
A kid.
Take the money,
do something good with it.
I tried.
I tried.
But he wouldn't listen.
My boy was stubborn.
My boy was strong.
And he was gonna get himself killed.
So I told him...
I told him I did it too.
That I was like Hoffman, getting by.
And that's what you heard that night.
Me talking him down,
him kicking and screaming...
...until the fight went out of him.
He put me up on a pedestal.
And I had to show him...
...that I was down in the gutter
with the rest of them.
Broke my boy.
I broke my boy.
He went to Hoffman, he took the money,
but he hesitated.
Even looking like you're doing
the right thing...
...to those two,
meant that he wasn't solid...
...that he couldn't be trusted.
I got Matty to take the money.
And they killed him two days later.
He was the strongest person
that I ever knew.
He'd have never done it,
not even to save himself.
I was the only one.
I was the only one that could get him
to debase himself like that.
And it was for nothing.
I made him lesser.
I made him like me.
And the bastards killed him anyway.
Hoffman and Fensky...
...if they killed Matty...
...who killed them?
What happened?
You know what happened.
The question is...
...can you live with it?
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Thanks for coming.
- Oh, yeah. Of course.
I'm just parked across the street, so...
- Okay. I was just gonna hit the...
- Yeah, sure.
- I'll meet you out front.
- Okay.
Anybody here?
- Higher.
- Higher? Okay, you asked for it.
Oh, sweetheart.
All right, come on down.
Pop-pop's getting tired.
Don't "aw" me. You take a little break.
A little break.
Go on.
- A good kid.
- Yeah, she is.
So how do you like it...
...out west?
I like it. Wide-open spaces.
- Different, anyway.
- Yeah.
How you doing?
I'm... Yeah, I'm okay. You know?
And Kaylee?
Yeah, she's settling in.
She still asks about him.
"Where's Daddy?"
She just misses him.
How long you in town for, Mike?
I'm here...
...for the duration, indefinitely. I'm...
I'm better.
And I'm sorry it took me so long.
But I'm not like I was.
I'm back. I'm solid.
I wanna be here for you,
for Kaylee, for my family.
That's good.
I'm glad to hear you're better.
What is it, honey?
Mike, I gotta ask. I mean...
...I know I just need
to move on from this...
...but I keep thinking about something.
- About what?
- How before Matty died...
...like for a few weeks there,
he was different.
Different how?
Different, I don't know.
Moody, you know?
He barely ate. He wasn't sleeping.
He snapped at me
about the stupidest things.
I started to think
something's up at work...
...or someone's sick,
something like that.
But he wouldn't talk to me.
He clammed right up.
Cops aren't real touchy-feely,
you know that.
No, they're not.
No, but this wasn't the normal
"tough guys don't cry" crap.
This was more. I mean...
Did you notice? I mean, did you
feel anything like that from him?
No. As far as I remember,
he seemed okay.
He seemed okay to me.
Well, I started to think I...
I don't know.
I didn't know what to think.
But then three days or four,
I don't remember...
...but before he died,
there was this phone call.
Two-thirty in the morning,
I wake up and Matty's not in bed.
And I hear him.
He's talking downstairs.
So I go to listen
on the stairs where he couldn't see.
He gets intense.
Like, he'd be screaming
if he wasn't whispering, you know?
Matty didn't get worked up.
He'd let things go.
But this, I mean, he was angry.
He was really angry.
What was he saying?
I couldn't make it out.
It was something about...
I don't know. I couldn't hear it.
But the next morning I called him out.
"What the hell was that about?
What's going on?"
And he wouldn't talk to me.
But I think...
I think he was talking to you.
- Me?
- I mean, who else?
For one hot second I thought
maybe he was catting around...
No, he wouldn't do that.
No, I know. I know that.
But you? He knew he could call you
anytime he had a problem.
You were thick as thieves,
the two of you.
And there was something in his voice.
It was how he was talking.
It makes me think it was you.
Stace, I don't think it was.
I can't recall any late-night
heart-to-hearts with him.
Not around then.
Maybe it was a CI, or a case.
...I know what you're doing.
Replaying it over and over.
Thinking, "If I'd noticed this,
or changed that...
...maybe I could've done something."
You don't think
I haven't had those thoughts? I do.
Every day.
You gotta quit
beating yourself up like this.
Matty's gone.
And that's really all there is to it.
I guess that's that.
It's getting on,
I gotta get Kaylee her dinner.
Put her to bed.
Oh, yeah.
Well, if you want me to drop by
and keep an eye on her...
I wanna help.
See you around.
Where to?
- You know this town?
- Yeah, sure.
How well?
You sew this up yourself?
Not bad.
Bet there's a story there.
- Isn't there always?
- Yeah.
All right, a little sting here.
Okay. That ought to do it.
Now, you're gonna wanna take it easy.
Keep it clean.
Keep it dry.
Let it heal. There's a Walgreens
couple blocks over on Louisiana.
Maybe go get yourself a sling.
- You don't have one?
- Sorry.
Got a cone
you could put around your neck.
It's about the same, right?
- So it's gonna be 500?
- Five hundred.
I can throw some pills in for the pain.
This stuff's essentially Vicodin.
I can give it to you for 25 a pill.
Maybe drop the price to 15...
...for something
a little less human-centric.
I'm an aspirin man.
Tell you what.
Take a couple on the house.
In case you change your mind.
- You new in town?
- Yeah.
Passing through or sticking around?
No reason.
It's just if you're relocating
to the land of enchantment...
...I know people.
I could get you some work.
I am not looking for that kind of work.
But thanks.
Don't know why it has to be this way.
Could've been friendly.
Could've talked in your house.
You really want the formal treatment?
Come on, Mike.
It's just a couple of questions.
Ain't nothing but a thing.
You're not under arrest.
Did anybody here say "arrest"? No.
You wanna walk, walk.
But I gotta say, I expected more
cooperation from you on this.
Cop to cop.
Fine. What lawyer?
who's got him and where?
That way.
Hey, fellas, how you doing?
James McGill.
Here to see my client.
- What?
- You look like Matlock.
No, I look like a young Paul Newman
dressed as Matlock.
Where's my guy?
- Say hello to Barney Fife.
- Wrong show, but thanks for playing.
So, what happened?
Mayor didn't give you enough stickers?
You wanna tell me
what we're doing here?
Oh, here's your coffee.
Hope it's good to the last drop...
...because I'm billing you
the full hour for it.
That's for you.
Oh, that's very thoughtful.
You serious?
Why'd you have me bring it to you?
All right, here's what's gonna happen:
Those two cops out there
are from Philadelphia.
They've come a long way to see me.
When they come in here,
we're all gonna have a little chat.
When it's over, the young one...
...who's been writing
in his little notebook...
...he's gonna take it and put it
in his jacket, and when he does that...
...I want you to take that coffee
and spill it on him.
Little accident, that's all.
And why, pray tell, would I do that?
Because I'm asking you to.
It's the only reason you're here.
So I'm here because
you want me to assault a police officer?
I am asking you to take a few ounces
of lukewarm coffee and spill it on him.
I doubt that satisfies
the definition of "assault."
But, hey, you're the lawyer.
Right, how silly of me.
All you want is for me to aid and abet
you ripping off that guy's notepad...
...because that's what
you're doing here, right?
What, are you nuts?
You can't be serious.
Hey, I hate to remind you of this,
but you owe me one.
The assist I gave you
with the missing persons problem.
One good turn and so forth.
You want a good turn?
Here's you're good turn, okay?
I'm gonna behave like an honest to God,
law-abiding, licensed attorney.
Clearly you need one
with whatever the hell is going on.
Those two jokers out in the hall,
I'm gonna make sure they dot their I's...
...and cross their T's.
Everything square and aboveboard.
That's what I'm gonna do and you're
gonna be happy as hell that I'm here.
But this little Juan Valdez
bump-and-dump? No.
Not gonna happen.
Hey, gentlemen,
we're prepared to indulge you.
Detective Escalara will be sitting in
with us as per A.P.D. policy.
- Okay with you, right?
- Fine with me.
You got your lawyer, Mike.
Can we talk already?
So like we said, we're here looking
into this Hoffman and Fensky thing.
Yeah, whatever you can tell us.
Anything at all.
Hold on, hold on.
Hoffman, Fensky. Fill me in.
Assume I know absolutely nothing
about my client here, all right?
- Start at the beginning.
- Jesus, seriously?
Look, don't let Mr. Ehrmantraut's
dancing eyes...
...and bubbly bon vivant personality
fool you.
He's actually, believe it or not,
somewhat taciturn.
Shall I fan you gently
so you don't go into shock?
Start at the beginning, okay?
We're talking Book of Genesis.
Okay, Mr. McGill.
As you probably gathered,
we, Detective Sanders and I...
...work for the Philadelphia
Police Department...
...as did Mr. Ehrmantraut
for nearly 30 years.
Philadelphia? Go, Eagles.
Mr. Ehrmantraut had a son, Matt,
he too was with Philly P.D.
He was a rookie officer
with about two years on the job.
- He was a good cop.
- Yes, he was.
About nine months ago,
he responded to a shots-fired call...
...in some west-side rattrap.
Matt went in with his partner,
Officer Troy Hoffman.
They had Sergeant Jack Fensky
backing them up.
Unfortunately, things got out of hand.
The three of them were ambushed
and Matt didn't make it out.
Now, Hoffman and Fensky returned fire
but the shooter got away.
We chased a few leads, shook up
the usual suspects, came up short.
I'm very sorry to hear it.
Anyways, we kept beating the bushes,
kept coming up dry...
...until three months ago.
That's when Hoffman and Fensky turned
up dead in a vacant lot out in Nicetown.
Again, an ambush of some kind,
it looks like.
And with whoever killed Matt
out there in the wind, we're thinking...
Well, it's our operating theory...
...that Hoffman and Fensky
were mixed up in something.
Some bad business.
And maybe that got Matt killed.
Yeah, sorry,
I gotta do my lawyer thing here.
What does my client
have to do with any of this?
Mike, this is a Hail Mary.
Beyond that.
I mean, if we had any hard evidence
or leads, we wouldn't be out here.
Is there anything you can tell us about
what Hoffman and Fensky were into?
Yeah, help us out, Mike. Help us
catch the bastard who killed Matty.
I don't know much
about Hoffman and Fensky.
They were Matt's people.
I'd see them around sometimes.
I saw them in a bar the night they died.
It was McClure's, maybe The Red Dog.
Probably McClure's.
Were they drinking with anyone?
It's a cop bar.
They were drinking with everyone.
- You see them with anyone in particular?
- I couldn't tell you. I was...
You know how I was.
How you doing these days?
Feeling like I crawled out
from the bottom of a bottle...
...and working hard to stay there.
Although, I've gotta say...
...doesn't help much
dredging up the past like this.
Let me ask you.
When did you come out here
to Albuquerque?
It couldn't have been too much later.
I think it was the very next day.
Yeah? The day after Hoffman
and Fensky died, huh?
You didn't think to stick around
once you heard the news?
I don't think I heard the news
till I was west of Kansas City.
Still, you didn't come back
for the funerals, correct?
Even though
Hoffman was Matt's partner.
You remember anything
about that night at the bar?
Did you talk to Hoffman
or Fensky at all?
Sorry, I got nothing.
They weren't my people.
I'm sorry you guys took a flyer on me.
I wish it had paid off.
That it? We done here?
We're done here, yeah.
That wasn't so hard, huh?
- Thanks, Mike.
- Yeah.
We're probably gonna kick around
for another couple days...
...in case you think of something.
I've never been out west before.
Oh, hey...
- I'm sorry. Sorry. Got any paper towels?
- Come on.
- Hey, I got it. I got it. Thank you.
- Sorry.
Oh, for the love of...
You gotta do that right here?
Right in front of me?
What's so important in there...
...that we had to pull
that third-rate Marx Brothers routine?
You really wanna know?
And risk getting a piece
of an obstruction rap? No, thank you.
Anything else you wanna ask?
How'd you know?
Know what?
That I would do that. That...
How did you know
that I would spill that coffee?
What the hell is that?
What's "heh-heh-heh"
supposed to mean, huh?
Okay, great, you're the strong
silent type. Hooray for you.
But in case you missed it...
...your friends from Philly back there,
they think you killed two cops.
Yeah, it's me.
We need to talk.
You call the cops?
- What?
- Philadelphia P.D. Did you call them?
- Yeah, I did.
- Why?
I told them I heard about
Hoffman and Fensky...
And what?
You don't think it's strange?
First Matt, then not six months later,
his partner and his sergeant?
Yeah, I called them,
to help catch Matty's killer.
Mike, what if the same person...?
What if the piece of shit
who got Matty got them too?
And what exactly did you tell them?
- I told them...
- You tell them Matt was dirty?
- Is that what you told them?
- I...
How could you possibly think that?
That's your husband, your child's father.
I didn't say that.
I told them I found money.
After Kaylee and I moved here...
...when I was unpacking,
it was in the lining of an old suitcase.
Matt must have tucked it away in there,
because this was cash.
Five, 6000, from God knows where.
I mean, we were basically
paycheque to paycheque.
Where the hell did he get it?
Why didn't you ask me?
Why didn't you come to me?
I couldn't.
I knew what it would do to you.
First he's murdered,
and then for you to think...
I mean, it would burn you to the ground.
There'd be nothing left.
And you wouldn't talk to me.
Every night you were
drinking yourself unconscious...
...like you were the only one
who lost him.
I don't care. He was dirty,
he was clean, I don't care.
All I want is for whoever killed Matty
to rot in a cell for the rest of their life.
Then I want whatever's left of them
dumped in the trash. That's what I want.
I don't care where it leads,
what it uncovers.
I mean, what difference would it make
if he was anything?
I'd still love him. I'd still miss him.
He'd still be gone.
- Matt wasn't dirty.
- Well, so be straight with me.
Right now, this is it, Mike.
What was that phone call
before he died?
- Don't bullshit me.
- That was between me and my son.
So you're admitting it was you?
He wasn't dirty!
Goddamn you, you get that
through your head!
My son wasn't dirty!
Keep your mouth shut.
Let him cry it all out, okay?
- Hey, Mikey.
- Young Hoffman.
- Mikey boy.
- My brothers.
- How you doing?
- Brothers.
Good to see you too.
It's been a minute.
I know. I know it was you.
Closing time, Mikey.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
How about I give you a lift home?
I'm fine.
I can't let you drive. Get you a cab?
No, I'm good, I'm good.
Don't worry.
Anyway, I sold my car, so I'm walking.
Thank you.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- You ever been?
- Nope.
...that's where I'm headed.
Tarantulas, they got.
That's a big minus in my book.
Well, I will be on the lookout.
You take care, my friend.
Take care.
Hey, Mike.
You want a ride?
I'm walking.
Pull over here.
- What you doing out here?
- Come on, let us drive you.
It's colder than
my ex-wife's tit out here.
- Come on, come on.
- I'm walking.
Come on, don't be an ass.
- Let us take you home.
- Get in the car.
It's cold out here.
- Come on. Come on.
- Come on, Mike.
Come on.
Okay, easy.
We're gonna have you home
in no time.
Oh, God.
What are you doing?
Hey, that's mine.
Hey, now, we don't want you
to shoot your foot off now, do we?
Hey, Mikey.
Mikey, you with us?
Really tied one on good
back there, buddy.
Shit, yeah, he did.
Put it away like they were fixing
to bring back Prohibition.
Hey. Hey, back at McClure's
you were talking out your ass.
"I know it was you."
What's that supposed to mean, huh?
You think you know what?
Got something you wanna get off your
chest? Something you wanna say to us?
You killed him.
You killed Matty.
And you killed him for nothing.
You killed him because you were scared
of what you thought he might do.
You got him in that crack house...
...and you staged it.
Made it look like a junkie with a gun.
But it was you.
And I know it was you.
And I'm gonna prove it.
Help me get him out of the car.
- What?
- Come on.
There you go. Watch your head.
All right, come on, Mike, huh?
One, two, one, two, buddy.
Now, you wait there one second.
We're gonna work this
whole thing out, okay, Mikey?
- What do we do now?
- Hey, grief, it's a bitch.
He couldn't live with it,
Matt dying the way he did.
It's too much for the old man,
so Mike here decided to eat his gun.
It's tragic, but anyone
could see this coming.
He's drinking himself to death.
We're doing him a favour.
It's what I would've done if I were you.
You let some things slide,
you look the other way.
You bust a drug dealer who has more
cash than you'll ever earn in a lifetime.
Some of it doesn't make it
back into evidence, so what?
You took a taste.
So did everyone else.
That's how you knew you were safe.
It's like killing Caesar.
Everyone's guilty.
Matt wasn't dirty.
I was.
Everyone was in that precinct.
That's how it worked.
You turn in your buddy...
...you're screwing yourself.
You go along to get along.
And you went along.
I did.
I did.
Okay, but you said Matt didn't.
Not Matt.
Fensky got to Hoffman early.
Kickbacks from some gang or another.
Protection, basically.
And Hoffman went to Matty
and offered to cut him in.
Only fair, right? They were partners.
And Matt did what you would think.
He agonised.
And then he came to me.
Wanted to go to the IA,
do the right thing, shut them down.
Oh, my God, and you let him?
That's why he got killed?
- He was gonna turn on those guys?
- No, no.
I told him...
You know what a cop fears most?
More than getting shot,
more than anything.
Getting locked up
with everybody you put away.
You threaten a cop with that,
you make him dangerous.
That's what I told him.
I talked sense.
No one was getting hurt.
But if you go to the IA,
if you even look like you're going...
He had a wife.
A kid.
Take the money,
do something good with it.
I tried.
I tried.
But he wouldn't listen.
My boy was stubborn.
My boy was strong.
And he was gonna get himself killed.
So I told him...
I told him I did it too.
That I was like Hoffman, getting by.
And that's what you heard that night.
Me talking him down,
him kicking and screaming...
...until the fight went out of him.
He put me up on a pedestal.
And I had to show him...
...that I was down in the gutter
with the rest of them.
Broke my boy.
I broke my boy.
He went to Hoffman, he took the money,
but he hesitated.
Even looking like you're doing
the right thing...
...to those two,
meant that he wasn't solid...
...that he couldn't be trusted.
I got Matty to take the money.
And they killed him two days later.
He was the strongest person
that I ever knew.
He'd have never done it,
not even to save himself.
I was the only one.
I was the only one that could get him
to debase himself like that.
And it was for nothing.
I made him lesser.
I made him like me.
And the bastards killed him anyway.
Hoffman and Fensky...
...if they killed Matty...
...who killed them?
What happened?
You know what happened.
The question is...
...can you live with it?
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